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1、深圳英语七年级下册英语Unit 2 Travelling Around The World一、重点单词讲解。1、French adj.法国的;France n.法国;Frenchman(pl. Frenchmen)n.法国人2、tick v. 标记号,打上钩n. 对钩,对号Eg:Read the passage and tick the right answer.阅读文章并给出正确的答案。3、possible adj.可能的,反义词:impossible adj.不可能的possibly adv.可能,也许。Eg:Ill phone you as soon as possible.我尽快给你打

2、电话。4、south n.南部,南方Eg:Have you ever been to the South of France? 你去过法国南部吗?5、lie(Lay, lain)v.位于,坐落于Eg:Shanghai lies at the mouth of the Yangtze River.上海位于长江的入海口。lie(lay,lain)躺Alice is lying under an umbrella.爱丽丝正躺在太阳伞下。lie(lied, lied)说谎You lied again. Why cant you tell me the truth? 你又说谎了,为什么你不说实话呢?6、

3、prefer v.更喜欢(1)prefer+名词。Eg:-Would you like meat or fish? -Id prefer meat, please.(2) prefer+动词-ing形式。Eg: Do you prefer cooking for yourself or eating in a restaurant?(3) prefer+ to do sth. eg: I prefer to spend the weekend at home.(4) prefer A or B. 本句型中,A与B 是平行结构,可以是名词,也可以是动词-ing形式。Eg:I prefer dog

4、s to cats. 比起猫,我更喜欢狗。I prefer staying at home to going out.比起出门,我更喜欢待在家里。7、ski v.滑雪n. 滑雪板skier n. 滑雪者,滑雪运动员。二、重点句子讲解。1、France is calling 法国在召唤(1)France 名词“法国”French adj. “法国的”Frenchman“法国人”,其复数形式为Frenchmen(2)call表示“召唤,号召”eg:Can you call everybody in for lunch? 你能把每个人叫进来吃午饭吗?2、Paris is the capital of

5、 France.巴黎是法国的首都。the capital of 意为“的首都”eg:Beijing is the capital of China.北京是中国的首都。3、Here, you will find many famous places of interest such as Eiffel Tower.在这里,你会发现很多著名的旅游胜地,如埃菲尔铁塔。(1)Place of interest意为“名胜”与interesting place 相近。此句型的复数为:places of interestEg:I visited many places of interest when I

6、was in Beijing.我在北京的时候去了很多名胜古迹(2)such as 意为“例如,诸如”,后接示例,用于列举。区分:such as 与for examplesuch as 后没有“逗号隔开”后一般接短语。for example 后有“逗号隔开”后一般接句子。4、The most famous street in Paris is the Champs-Elysees.巴黎最著名的街道是香榭丽舍大道。(1)the most famous 是形容词famous的最高级形式,意为“最著名的”(2) in Paris 在巴黎(Paris为专有名词,专有名词第一个字母大写,前面不加任何冠词)

7、5、This is the place to go if you want to visit some shops and department stores如果你想逛商店和百货公司,这就(香榭丽舍大道)是你要去的地方了。(1)这是一句条件句,但主句部分没有使用一般将来时。当条件句中,条件和结果存在必然关系时,主句与从句都使用一般现在时。Eg:If water freezes, it turns into ice.如果水凝固,就变成了水。(2)want sth 想要某物I want an apple.want to do sth 想要做某事He wants to have a good res

8、t.want sb to do sth想要某人做某事My parents want me to be a teacher.4、France is very famous for its wine.法国以葡萄酒而闻名。be famous for 意为“以而闻名”=be well-known for 后面接出名的原因。be famous as “作为而闻名”as 后接职业,身份或地位eg:Shanghai is famous for its night views.上海以它的夜景而闻名。5、There are many vineyards in the centre of France and f

9、armers grow grapes to make excellent French wine 在法国中部有许多葡萄园,农民们种植葡萄来制造法国佳酿。(1)in the centre of 意为“在中部,在中心”Peoples Square is in the centre of Shanghai.人民广场位于上海市中心。(2)grow 种植,生长,长大,留(头发,指甲),变成,开始Eg:Plants grow from seeds.种子长出植物。Claire is growing her long hair.克莱尔在留长发。It began to grow dark.天色开始渐暗。6、Th

10、e south of France lies on the coast, and it is famous for its wonderful beaches.法国南部靠近海岸,以漂亮的海滩闻名。(1)on意为“at or near a place”“在,接近”的意思north(北)northwest (西北) (东北)northeast(2)south“南部,南方”west(西)(东)east(3)lie “位于,坐落在”;“躺,撒谎”lie的现在分词是lying lied (撒谎)He lied to his mother. 他对他妈妈撒谎Lie lay(躺,位于)shelayontheg

11、rass.她躺在草地上7、A French town by the sea is the perfect place for a summer holiday, but if you prefer to visit France in winter, you can try skiing on the mountains in the FrenchAlps.法国的海滨小镇是过暑假的完美地点。但是如果你更愿意在冬天去法国,你就可以在法属阿尔卑斯山尝试滑雪。(1)try doing sth. 意为“尝试做某事”eg:Lets try knocking at the back door.我们敲后门试

12、试。(2)try to do sth 尽力做某事= try ones best to do sthEg:Lets try skating this time.这次我们试试溜冰吧。Lets try to make a poster for our club together.让我们一起努力为社团做张海报吧。在旁边,靠近”My house is by the river. 我家在河边乘(车、船等)well go by boat. 我们将乘船去。(3)by(指时间)在之前,不迟于you must be back by ten oclock at night. 你必须在晚上10前回来 (表示方法、手段

13、等)用、靠He makes a living by selling vegetables. 他靠卖菜为生。(4)prefer “更喜欢”其过去式为preferredprefer sth 更喜欢某物I prefer apples and meat. 我更喜欢苹果和肉prefer sth to sth 比起某物来更喜欢某物He prefers coffee to tea. 与茶相比,他更喜欢咖啡prefer doing sth to doing sth宁愿做某事也不愿做某事=like doing sth better than doing sthMy brother prefers playing

14、 the piano to playing football. 我弟弟宁愿弹钢琴也不愿意踢足球prefer to do sth 更喜欢做某事I prefer to read English in the morning. 我更喜欢早读英语10、, so why not visit France this year?所以今年,为什么不去法国旅游呢?Why not +动词原形意为“为什么不”“怎么样”Lets和Shall we也可以用于提出建议。Why not 和why dont you进行转换Eg:Why not start the meeting at once? Why dont you s

15、tart the meeting at once?为何不现在开会?11.very boring 非常无聊Boring adj. “无聊的,令人厌倦的”This is a boring book. 这是一本乏味的书。辨析:boring与boredboring “无聊的,无趣的,乏味的”一般修饰物bored “无聊的,无趣的,厌倦的”一般修饰人12. far away from the sea 远离大海Far away from“离远,远离” away可以省略。表示离某处有多远用be away fromEg.The factory is 500 meters away from our schoo

16、l. 那家工厂离我们学校500米远。13. close to the sea 靠近大海Close to “靠近”相当于next to,Close adj “近的,接近的”;“亲密的,密切的”I have some close friends 我有一些亲密的朋友Close 作动词“关,关闭”反义词openClose the window, please 请关上窗户14. Kelly enjoys skiing in winter. 凯利喜欢在冬天滑雪。enjoy “喜欢,享受的乐趣”Do you enjoy working in China? 你喜欢在中国工作吗?注意:enjoy doing s

17、th “喜欢做某事”I enjoy playing computer games.Enjoy oneself =have fun=have a good/great/wonderful time 过得快乐,玩得愉快。Eg. We enjoy ourselves on Sundays. 在星期天我们玩得很开心。15. in the north of “在的北部”,介词in在此表示方位。辨析:方位介词in, on 与toin 表示“在某个范围之内”Suzhou is in Jiangsu Province. 苏州位于江苏省on 表示“在某个范围之外,两地接壤”Jiangsu is on the s

18、outh of Shandong 江苏位于山东南部to 表示“在某个范围之外,两地不接壤”Japan is to the east of China 日本在中国的东边。16.It is very different from the buildings inbe different from “与不同”反义词词组是be the same as “和一样”She is different from other girls. 她与其他女孩不同。My watch is the same as yours. 我的手表和你的一样。different 的名词形式为difference “区别,不同”17.

19、 go shopping “去购物”“go+v.ing”构成固定短语,意为“去做某事”,多用于体育活动或业余休闲活动。常见的短语有:go swimming 去游泳 go sightseeing 去观光 go fishing 去钓鱼 go boating 去划船go skating 去滑冰 go cycling 去骑自行车18.think of “想起,记起,想出”They think of a wonderful idea. 他们想出一个很妙的主意Think about “思考,考虑”We are thinking about going to Paris. 我们正在考虑去巴黎。Think o

20、ver “仔细思考” think it over, and you can find the answer very soon.19. another “另外的,又一”指三个或三个以上以及不确定数量中的“另一个,又一个”练习:一、重要单词法国_ 法语_ 旗帜_ 欧洲_ 欧洲的_ 葡萄酒_ 大型百货商店_ 南部;南方_塔_ 海岸;海滨_ 电梯;升降机_日期_台阶_楼梯_ 接受者_ _ 地址_问候_(复数)_(动词)_ 可能的_ 优秀的_ 完美的_ 标记号;打上勾_ 位于;坐落在_(过去式)_ 更喜欢_ 滑雪_ 完成_二、重要短语1._以而著名 2._ 百货商店3._更喜欢做某事 4._去度假5.

21、_ 去观光 6._ 西欧7._ 的省都 8._ 名胜古迹9._ 比如 10._ 因为而(well-known)11._ 在中心 12._ 在海岸线上,在海岸13._ 百货商场 14._ 更喜欢做某事15._ 尝试做某事(try to do)16._ 接近于 17._不同于18._ 远离 19._酿造葡萄酒三完成句子。1. Do you like _(France) dishes?2. You are silly _( spend) so much money on clothes= Its silly _ (of/for) you to spend so much money on cloth

22、es3. France is in_ (west) Europe.4. Here you will find many famous_( place) of interest such as the Eiffel Tower.5. Id like_( keep) a pet, for example, a dog.6. France is very famous _(for/as) its wine.MoYan was famous _(for/as) a writer.7. These wines are all _(make) from grapes.8. The south of Fra

23、nce _(lie) on the coast, and it is famous for its wonderful beaches.9. If you prefer _(visit) France in winter, you can try _(ski) on the mountains in the French Apls.10.-Do you like _(swim)?-Yes, but I prefer_(ski).11.翻译: I prefer staying at home to going out._12. Why not_( try) going by boat for a

24、 change?13. Youd better_(go) to hospital at once.14. Youd better_(not go) to hospital at once.三、选词填空(必要时,须改变单词的形式。)2. Sorry, I cant _his name. Please tell me again.3. We are _ a trip to Beijing this summer.4. Do you know the saying that practice makes _?5. Dont lose heart” mother _me.6. Thank you .Y

25、ou _will be great help for us.7. How did you _May Day this year?8. It is a birthday _for my brother.9. He told us his idea in _English. We could understand him.10. Is there anything _in the papers today?2._visit the Summer Palace this weekend?Thats really a good idea.3. Beijing _its ancient places of interest such as the Great Wall and The Palace Museum.4. -Shall we _in Switzerland this winter holiday?- Wow, thatll be really nice .5. Tokyo is an Asian city with many huge _,so a lot of tourists go there to shop every year.6. Id _stay at home because it is too hot outside.6

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