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1、SALES CONTRACT(销售合同)Contract No.(合同编号):BN-JPB-043J04Date(签订日期):Nov 19, 2016Signed at(签订地点):BeijingThe Seller: China National Cereal, Oils & Foodstuffs Imp. & Exp. Corp. 卖方:中国中粮集团有限公司Address: Fulinmen Building , Chaoyang Gate South Street Number 8, Chaoyang District , Beijing , China 地址:中国北京朝阳区朝阳门南大街

2、8号中粮福临门大厦Tel: 010 - 85006688Fax: 010 - 65268550The Buyer(买方): Okura Agri Co. Ltd.Address: 3-3, GINZA 1-CHOME CHUO-KU, TOKYO 1040061Tel: 0081 3 5159 0100 The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below:买卖双方根据下文所述的条款订立本合同:1.Name, Quantity and S

3、pecification of Commodity(货物名称、数量和规格) 1)Name(名称): Chinese Broken Rice, Liaoning Origin, 2016 crop ex Anshan Bainong Grain and oil Co, Ltd. 2016年中国碎米,辽宁鞍山百农粮油有限公司 2).Quantity(数量): 54 Metric Tons of 1,000 kilos net each. 毛重54公吨,净重1000公斤. 3).Specification(规格):Whole kernels including over 2/3 of whole k

4、ernels 5.0% maxMoisture 16% maxTotal foreign matters 0.5% maxConvolvuiceous seeds 0.009% maxPaddy & husk 25 kernels per 1 kilos maxColored kernels 1.0% max*Big brokens 90% max*Small brokens 10% max 4).Unit Price(单价): US$400 per Metric Ton of 1,000 kilos FOB at Dalian CY basis, China. Price to the Bu

5、yer shall include charges for rice, packaging, picking up empty containers, delivery to place of loading and stuffing of containers, and transportation. 400美元每公吨 FOB中国大连 买方应负责大米、包装、提取空集装运箱、运送到集装箱装载和装箱的运费以及运输等费用。2.Packing , Shipping Mark(包装,唛头) 1)Packing(包装): In new single polypropylene bags of about

6、 30 kilos each net weight with double machine sewn at the mouth. 新包装袋约30公斤每包,应在封口处缝两次。 2)Shipping Mark(唛头): OKURA AGRI EA00001111 TOKYO 1/303.Time of Shipment(装运期) By January 31, 2017. 2017年1月31日装运完毕4.Loading Port and Destination(装运港及目的地) From Dalian, China to Tokyo, Japan 从中国大连至日本东京港口。5.Loading Ter

7、ms (装运条款):A)Partial shipments are allowed. 允许分批装运B)The Buyer shall book marine containers for the transportation of the rice under this contract. 买方应为本合同下的大米的运输用海运集装箱。C)The Buyer shall give the Seller 15days notice of vessels name and her calling and departure date at the loading port. 买方应在装运港装运后15天

8、之内给卖方的船名和出发日期的通知。D)Penavico handling fee to be paid by ship(s) owner(s). 中国外轮代理手续费由船的所有者支付。E)Dunnage and mats, if any, are all for the Buyers account. 如果有垫料,都是由买方承担费用。F)If the Buyer fails to book container(s) within the specified shipment period, the Buyer should pay the carrying charges of U.S. Dol

9、lar 1.00 Per Metric Ton per week or part thereof on mean contract quantity. 如果买方在规定的装运期内未能预订集装箱,买方应支付美国每星期每公吨1元的运输费或其平均合同量的一部分。6.Shipment Advice(装船通知):TheSellersshallfaxtotheBuyertheReadinessNotificationoneweekbeforethegoodstobeshipped.卖方在发货前一周物向买方传真货物备妥通知。TheSellersshall,immediatelyuponthecompletio

10、noftheloadingofthegoodsin24hours, sendtheBuyersAirWaybill,InvoiceandPackinglistbyfax.装运通知:卖方应在货物装运完毕后24小时内用传真将空运单、发票和装箱单发给买方。如卖方未按时向买方通知上述装运情况所导致损失由卖方承担。LossesshallbebornebytheSellersincasetheSellersdontinformtheBuyersoftheabove shippingstatusontime.7.Insurance(保险):To be covered by the Buyer.卖方负责办理保

11、险。All Risks + War Risks.一切险+战争险。8.Fumigation (熏蒸):磷化铝熏蒸的费用须由卖方在装货港完全支付。Fumigation is unnecessary in case phytosanitary certificate is issued without fumigation. Fumigation with aluminum phosphide shall be made by the Seller at their expenses entirely at loading port.9.Payment(付款方式) & Terms OF Paymen

12、t(付款条件):The Buyer shall open irrevocable, transferable at sight L/C with T.T. reimbursement clause to Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, in favor of Cofco International(Beijing) Ltd. 15days on or before the commencement of loading for the total value of the goods in U.S. Dollars. The L/C is to

13、 remain valid in China until the 15th day after the last date of shipment. Document to be provided under this contact: 买方开立不可撤销、可转让的即期信用证和电汇偿付条款,中国工商银行,在中粮国际(北京)有限公司15天或之前的货物在美国美元总价值负荷。信用证是在中国继续有效至装运日期后第十五天为最后期限。根据本合同提供以下文件:(a) Sellers Signed Commercial Invoice.卖方签署商业发票(b) Original Clean On Board oc

14、ean Bill(s) of lading.原已装船清洁提单(c) Phytosanitary Certificate.植物检疫证书(d) Certificate of Quality, Weight and Conditions of Packing.质量证明书、重量和包装条件(e) Certificate of Fumigation in case fumigation is required.熏蒸证书(f) Certificate stating to the effect that the shipping sample collected and forwarded to the B

15、uyers nominee in China represents the entire cargo of shipment.证明书,以便整个货物装运中装运样品、收集和提交给买方在中国的代表。(g) Certificate certifying that the rice shipped is freshly milled and free from infestation at the time of shipment. 在装运的时候,有证书证明大米运是现磨的,不受侵扰的。(h) Certificate Of Agricultural Chemical Residue Analysis is

16、sued by OMIC certifying that the cargo satisfies the standard of agricultural chemical residue regulated by the Food Sanitation Law of Japan and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries, Japan. Total items should be 129 items.农药残留分析证书签发证明,使货物满足日本食品卫生监管的法律和农业部、林业和渔业的农药残留标准,总数应该为129件。(i) Certific

17、ate of Origin.原产地证书(j) Certificate of Crop years.作物年证书。10.Loading Attendance (参加装货人):The Buyer and/or its agent may attend stuffing of the rice into the container(s) at rice mill(s) or warehouse(s) or port(s) of shipment.买方和/或其代理人可以参加装箱到集装箱在米厂或仓库或港口的装运。11.Inspection(检验)(a)It is mutually agreed that

18、the goods are subject to the Inspection Certificate of Quality and Inspection Certificate of Quantity issued by China Import and Export at the port of shipment. The Certificate shall be binding on both parties. 双方同意以装运港中国进出口商品检验局签发的品质及数量检验证书为最后依据对双方具有约束力。(b)Before delivery the manufacturer should ma

19、ke a precise and overall inspection of the goods regarding quality, quantity, specification and performance and issue the certificate indicating the goods in conformity with the stipulation of the contract. The certificates are one part of the documents presented to the bank for negotiation of the p

20、ayment and should not be considered as final regarding quality, quantity, specification and performance. The manufacturer should include the inspection written report in the Inspection Certificate of Quality, stating the inspection particulars. 在交货前制造商应就订货的质量、规格、数量、性能做出准确全面的检验,并出具货物与本合同相符的检验证书。该证书为议

21、付货款时向银行提交单据的一部分,但不得作为货物质量、规格、数量、性能的最后依据,制造商应将记载检验细节的书面报告附在品质检验书内。12.Discrepancy and Claim(异议与索赔)(a)Any discrepancy on the shipped goods should be put forward within 30 days after the arrival of the vessel carrying the goods at the port of destination and the Buyer should present the Survey Report is

22、sued by the Surveyor agreed by the Seller. If the goods have been processed the Buyer will loss the right to claim. The Seller shall not settle the claim within the responsibility of the Insurance Company or Ship Company. 买方对于装运货物的任何异议必须与装运货物的船只到达目的港后30天内提出,并须提供经卖方同意的公正机关出具的检验报告,如果货物已经加工,买方即丧失索赔权利。属

23、于保险公司或轮船公司责任范围的索赔,卖方不予受理。(b)Any discrepancy about quality should be presented within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination; any discrepancy about quantity should be presented within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, both of which cases sho

24、uld be on the strength of the certificates issued by the related surveyor. If the Seller is liable he should send the reply together with the proposal for settlement within 20 days after receiving the said discrepancy. 品质异议须于货物到达目的港30天内提出,数量异议须于货物到达目的港15天提出,但均须提供相关检验机构的证明,如属卖方责任,卖方应予以收到异议20天内答复,并提出处

25、理意见。13. Late Delivery and Liquidated Damages 迟交货与罚款(a)If the seller fails to make delivery on time as stipulated in the Contract (with the exception of Force Majeure Cases specified in Clause 15 of the Contract), the Buyer shall postpone the delivery on condition that the Seller agrees to pay a liqu

26、idated damage which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the payment under negotiation or from the Performance Bond. However, the liquidated damages shall not exceed five (5%) percent of the total value of the Goods involved in the late delivery. The rate of penalty is charges at half (0.5%) pe

27、rcent for every seven(7) calendar days less than seven days are counted as seven days. In case the Seller fails to make the delivery ten(10) weeks later than the time of shipment stipulated in the Contract, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the contract. 如果卖方没有按合同规定时间交货,(除合同15款规定的不可抗力因素外),买方可

28、同意卖方延迟但卖方必须同意在议付时将罚金从付款行的支付中扣除或从履约保函中扣除。延迟交货罚金的金额不得超过所延迟交货金额的5%。罚金按每7天0.5%计算,不足7天按7天计算。如卖方在合同规定的交货期10周后仍不能交货,买方将有权取消合同。(b)In case of delayed payment of the contracted goods, the Buyer shall pay the Seller for every week of delay a penalty amounting to 0.5% of the total contract value. The total amou

29、nt of penalty shall not , however, exceed 10% of the total contract value and is to be added to the amount due to the Seller directly at the time of payment. Furthermore, the Seller shall retain title to the Goods, even if they have been delivered to the Buyer, until the order has been fully paid fo

30、r. In case the period of delay exceeds ten(10) weeks after the stipulated payment date, the Seller may claim back the Goods supplied without prejudice to any other right or damage. 如果买方不能按合同规定支付货款,买方应付给卖方每一星期按迟付货物总值0.5%的迟交押金,但此比例最高不得超过合同总价的10%。该罚金由买方在支付货物价款时予以支付。 此外,即使货物已被交付买方占有,在所有货款被支付之前,卖方保留货物的所有

31、权。如果延迟付款超过原定期限10周,卖方有权收回货物,且不影响任何其他权利的行使。14. Force Majeure 不可抗力(a)If either of the parties of the Contract be prevented from executing the Contract bu such cases for Force Majeure as war, serious fire, flood, typhoon, strike, earthquake, or any other mutually agreed cause, the time for execution of

32、the Contract shall be extended by a period equal to the effect of those causes. 如果合同的任何一方因不可抗力受阻而不能履行合同,合同的执行时间将相应顺延。不可抗力包括战争、眼中的水灾、台风、地震、罢工以及双方同意并认可的其他不可抗力事件。不可抗力事件为无法控制、无法避免和科夫的事件。(b)The prevented party shall notify the other party by fax within the shortest possible time of the occurrence of the

33、Force Majeure and within fourteen(14) days thereafter send by registered airmail to the other party, a certificate for evidence issued by the relevant authorities for confirmation. Should the effects of the Force Majeure continue for more than one hundred and twenty(120) consecutive days, both parti

34、es shall settle the further execution of the Contract through friendly negotiation and reach an agreement within a reasonable time. 受阻的一方应在尽可能短的时间内通过传真或电传通知另一方,并在不可抗力发生后的14天内,用挂号信邮件向另一方寄交有关当局不可抗力的证明,以供另一方检查和确认。如不可抗力的影响超过连续的120天,双方应本着友好协商的精神在一个合理的时间内就进一步执行合同达成协议。(c)The prevented party shall inform th

35、e other party as soon as possible by cable or fox of the termination or elimination of the case of Force Majeure and confirmed by registered airmail letter. 受阻的一方应尽快通过传真或电传通知另一方不可抗力因素的结束或消除,并用航空挂号信通知对方确认。15. Arbitration 仲裁(a)All disputes arising from the execution of, or in connection with the Contr

36、act shall be settled through friendly consultation by both parties. In case no settlement can be reached within thirty (30) days of commencement of such consultation, the dispute shall be submitted for arbitration in accordance with the provision Rules of Procedure of China International Economic an

37、d Trade Arbitration Commission in Beijing, China. 所有争议双方应通过友好协商解决。如果通过协商30天内未能达成一致,争议将提交到北京的中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会进行仲裁,该委员会将根据现行的仲裁规定和程序进行仲裁。(b)The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties. 仲裁委员会的决定是最终的,对双方都具有约束力。(c)The arbitration shall be borne by the losing party except as otherwise aw

38、arded by the Arbitration Commission. 除非仲裁委员会另有规定,仲裁费用由败诉方承担。(d)During the course of arbitration, the performance of the Contract shall continue except the parts which are under arbitration. 仲裁过程中,接受仲裁的部分除外的合同应继续执行。16.Miscellaneous 其它(a)The Contract is made in both English and Chinese language in two

39、 originals, one original for each party. In case of any deviation between English and Chinese language, the English version rules. 本合同以英中文书就,正本两份,双方各持一份。如果英文版与中文版有冲突,应以英文版本为准。(b)This Contract shall be interpreted according to INCOTERMS 2010 expect those terms and conditions otherwise stipulated. 除非另

40、有规定,本合同的条款解释应遵循2010年版的国际贸易术语解释通则。17.Effectiveness of the Contact 合同生效 This Contract will become effective after its signing by the authorized representatives of both parties. This Contract is now signed in Beijing, China on 19 November, 2016.本合同于双方授权代表签字后生效。本合同现于2016年11月19日在中国北京签订。The Seller: The Buyer: 买方: 卖方:

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