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1、2019-2020年高中英语 Unit21 Lesson 3 Epidemics Explained教案 北师大版选修7一 教学设计,目的和思路、1. 教材内容说明Epidemics explained 是北师大版教材选修模块7 的最后一个单元中的阅读课,介绍瘟疫在历史上的流行和发展, 文章生词量大, 有一定的教学难度. 2. 教学目的学生通过阅读课文, 了解文中一些科普知识, 学会描述瘟疫的特点, 掌握阅读科普文章的一些方法3. 课堂形式提倡学生自学, 以检查预习, 合作讨论, 你说我猜的形式学习, 体现学生学习的主动性, 还课堂以学生4. 教材内容的加工处理用相关插图, 图表等直观的教学形

2、式, 让学生能更快理解课文; 必要的阅读指导,有利于学生技巧的形成; 相关文章的阅读, 能扩大学生知识面; 一些直观的教具如红丝带和抽象的音乐, 希望培养学生的人文素质和高尚情感二 教学过程简述1. 布置学生预习包括读单词, 找出文中数字的含义, 简单口头描述各次瘟疫的特点,做好文中的一道涉及段落补全的练习2. 课文导入包括简介和听英文歌曲 “Tears in heaven”, 讨论死亡的原因, 以及有哪些常见的瘟疫3. 课文的阅读和学习Step 1: 阅读标题, 预测文章主题,同时找出文中主要瘟疫Step 2: 讨论数字在文中不同的含义, 进一步了解和熟悉课文Step 3: 进一步阅读文章,

3、 了解造成瘟疫的元凶-病毒;描述瘟疫的传播途径, 找出各次瘟疫造成的巨大影响; 描述和猜测不同的瘟疫Step 4: 完成段落补全练习, 介绍相关方法4. 点出阅读技巧5. 读一段有关爱滋病对儿童危害的文字, 提示我们应该做点什么 课堂的延伸和升华Step 3 : Reading Strategies: how to read a science article1. Read the title carefully(1) To present question 1Whats the main idea of the text?A. New health threats is on the ris

4、e.B. A lot of epidemics happened in history.C. SARS used to be out of control, now people are trying to stop it on the track.D. We should pay more attention to our health.(2) We can predict what will happen in the text from the titleIn this text, some epidemics in the history will be talked.(3) Give

5、 more titles and ask the Ss what will be talked A. EpidemicsB. Epidemics and economy C. SARSD. The history of the Black Death2. Read the text fast and get the general idea and basic information(1) To present question 2Read the following graphic and try to tell which epidemics are described?(To see t

6、he PPT.)(2) We will try to know some basic information about epidemics in history.Name of the epidemicsTimePlaceJustininians Plague (bubonic plague )500-550ADNorth Africa, the Middle East, EuropeThe Black Death1330Europe, Asia, Africa, the middle EastThe Great Flu Epidemic (The Spanish Flu)1918Simil

7、ar as the Black DeathSARSxx/xxChina , Canada, Hong Kong,-3. Read the text carefully and understand related science termsIn this text, a lot of medicine words are involved.(1)To present question 3What does the word “affect” mean in the 5th paragraph?A 影响 B效果C感染D死亡(2)Now read the text carefully and pl

8、ete the sentences using medicine words in the text: 1. Bacteria and _(病毒)have been around since the beginning of life on Earth.2. Its important to look at the _(传播)of diseases throughout history to discover the _(原因)and _(影响) of epidemics.3. Another epidemic _(开始) and _(传播)in similar conditions was

9、the Great Flu. It _(侵袭)near the end of the first World War and _(持续)after the war. 4. Doctors werent sure how to _(治疗)or _(预防)it and since most people had no natural _(防御)against the disease, it was harmful to doctors.5. One half to one third of the population was _(死于)to the Black Death. Less popul

10、ated areas were less severely_(感染).6. SARS epidemic quickly _(扩大)across the globe. Health experts worked together to _(阻止)the virus in its _(路径).7. It _(席卷)North Africa, the middle East and Europe.(3)While doing these kind of exercise, explain some words such as “track”.4. Try to know more science k

11、nowledge through reading the text carefully(1)To present question 4The Black Death spread rapidly in Asia and Europe because_A It was the terrible bubonic plague that returned.B There were so many people in these areas.C At that time, people didnt know how to treat it. D People suffered from the bad

12、 climate , the war and hunger. There were so many people and they didnt have daily health care.(2)To show a picture to demonstrate (3) To answer more questions about science knowledgel Why do we say epidemics have been with us for thousands of years? (ppt)l Why was bubonic plague one of the key caus

13、e in the fall of the Roman Empire?l How did SARS spread from Hong Kong to Canada, Vietnam and Singapore?l Why did many doctors and nurses bee ill with SARS ?5. To figure out the development of the text(1)To introduce sequencing exercise (ppt )(2)To present question 5Read the whole text and match the

14、 five paragraph(A-E) with gaps 2,4,7,9 and 11 in the text (3) Read the text with gaps to get the general idea and see how it developsEpidemics throughout historythe Black Deaththe Great FluSARSJustinians Plague(4)To analyze the beginning and ending words of each paragraph beginning words ending word

15、s Paragraph 1history, causes and effects ofParagraph 2 (E)-historical accounts, Justinians plague-swept through-Paragraph 3-now think Justinians Plague, bubonic plague-causes of the fall of the RomanParagraph 4 (C)-bubonic plague returned-the disease(Black Death) spread worldwideParagraph 5-was lost

16、 to the Black DeathParagraph 6It( the Spanish flu ) struckParagraph 7 (A)It (-)be the most acute epidemic in history the flu-has been forgotten by historyParagraph 8Havent forgotten, SARS-spread the disease to-Paragraph 9 (D)Over 9 months-global cases-the outbreak alarming for-Paragraph 10No one rea

17、lly knew much- harmful,-hospital staff-made up -Paragraph 11 (B)Although -SARS quickly expand-experts stop the viruses in its track6. Conclusionl Read (Find ) the title carefullyl Read the text fast and get the general ideal Read the text carefully and understand related science termsl Try to know m

18、ore science knowledge through reading the text carefully l To figure out the development of the textStep 4:Read the text again and give your own questions using the strategies we have learnt1. Show an example about giving questionsQuestions about general ideaWhat can be inferred from the text?A. Epi

19、demics develops with the development of human beingsB. An old epidemic will cause another oneC. Epidemics may disappear one day due to the development of medical scienceD. Epidemics can cause a lot of deaths.2. Show the Ss ways to ask questionsl The purpose of the writer is to-l The story tells us t

20、hat-l According to the text,- -l It can be learned from the text that-l The best title for the text would be-l Which of the following statement is true (false)?l Arrange the event in the text according to the correct order.l After reading the text, we know that- l The word “-” in the text means-l Wh

21、ats the Chinese meaning of these words?l The word “-”can be replaced by-l Why- ?l What is the reason for-?l What is-?l We learn from the text that -3. The Ss are asked to give out their own questions in groupsGroup 1-2: questions about basic details in the textGroup 3-4: questions about wordsGroup 5

22、-6: questions about science knowledgeGroup 7-8: questions about sequencing 4. Ask the Ss to change their questions and answer it.Good question: 1o score Good answer: 6 scoreOrdinary question: 7 score Ordinary answer : 4 scoreBad question: 4 score Wrong answer: 2 scoreStep 5: HomeworkRead another sci

23、ence article and give 5 questions of your own 2019-2020年高中英语 Unit21 欲度假拜访友人函书信通October 6, xxDear Vanessa,How have you been lately? Is everything going okay at work? I have been pretty busy over the last few weeks. Fortunately, things are finally slowing down, so I can take a short vacation. Since I

24、havent been to Los Angeles before, Ive decided to fly out there at the end of this month. Of course, I would like to see you while Im there.Ill arrive in LA on the 21st of this month and Ill stay until the 25th. When would it be convenient for us to meet for lunch or dinner? Also, if you have any pa

25、rticular remendations regarding places to see, please let me know. Im looking forward to seeing you soon.Sincerely,Richard亲爱的薇妮莎:近来好吗?工作还顺利吧?我最近几个礼拜以来都非常忙碌。幸亏事情将要告一段落了,因此,我将去度几天假。因为我以前从没到过洛杉矶,所以我决定在这个月底搭机到那里去。当然,我在洛杉矶时很想和你见个面。我将在这个月的二十一号到达洛杉矶,在那里待到二十五号。我们什么时候方便见个面一起吃顿午餐或晚餐呢?此外,如果你对我们见面的地方有任何特别的建议,请告

26、诉我。我期待在不久后就能与你见面。理查敬上xx年10月6日字词解说:over/in/for/during the last/past+数字+时间名词过去时间以来注意:上述短语常与现在完成式或现在完成进行式并用。例;Jane has been sick for the past three days.(珍过去三天以来一直在生病。)2. fortunately faafanatly ad.幸运地,幸亏3. slow down 减少,趋缓,慢下来例:Business has slowed down a lot sincethe country wentInto a recession.(该国自从经济

27、不景气后商业活动就趋缓了很多。)4, take a vacation休假例:I havent taken a vacation in several months.(有好几个月我都没有去度过假。)5. convenient karivi刘anti a,方便的例;Whats the most convenient place for us to meet?(我们碰面最方便的地点是哪里呢?)6.remendation 建议,推荐例:The consultantgave the boss several remendations.(该顾问给老板几个建议。)7. regarding .关于= concerning=about例:I have some questions regarding the issue you just brought up.(有关你刚才提出的议题我有一些问题。)

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