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1、(完整版)第九届人大第四次会议PREMIER ZHUS PRESS CONFERENCE AT 4TH PLENARY SESSION OF 9TH NPC CHINESE AND ENGLISH(03/15/2001 BEIJING)【第一段】九届人大四次会议,今天下午举行最后一场记者招待会,也是最重要的一场记者招待会。我们是十分高兴地邀请到了朱镕基总理同采访大会的中外记者见面,并且回答大家关心的问题。This is the final press conference hosted by the Fourth Plenary Session of the Ninth National Pe

2、oples Congress, and we have certainly saved the best until the last。 Today were very delighted to have with us Premier Zhu, to meet with Chinese and foreign correspondents who have been covering this session , and he will also answer your questions.现在请朱镕基总理讲话Now I give the floor to Premier Zhu。我不想占用

3、大家提问的宝贵时间,请大家直接提问题.谢谢!I hate to take up the precious time that you can use to pose questions。 The floor is open。【第二段】总理您好,我是新华社记者任卫东。我们注意到您在这次会议的报告中提出,近期要继续实施积极的财政政策,请问您如何看待中国现在的财政赤字问题?如果再连续几年增发国债的话,财政风险会不会逐渐加大?会不会出现通货膨胀? 谢谢Im a correspondent with Xinhua News Agency。We have noticed that you have sta

4、ted in the report that China will continue to pursue a proactive fiscal policy。 What is your view about the current fiscal deficit? If additional treasury bonds are issued for a few more years will this entail more fiscal risk year after year, and will this lead to inflation?【第三段】年亚洲发生金融危机,中国经济也面临很大

5、的困难,一个是外贸出口大幅度下降。年中国的出口增长了,到年出口变成了零增长,以至于负增长。中国的中小金融机构发生了一些危机或者说挤兑,The Asian Financial Crisis broke out in 1997, and that presented China with lots of difficulties. For instance, our exports suffered a drastic decline. In 1997, our exports grew by 20 per cent from the previous year. However, after t

6、he crisis had broken out, in 1998, our foreign exports suffered a zero growth rate, or even a negative growth rate. And our small and mediumsized financial institutions also suffered all kinds of crises, like runs on the banks。中国的国有企业,一千万职工下岗,因为需求不足,开工不足,工业和农业的主要产品的生产力都供过于求,但是面临着这幺大的困难,究竟是采取什么对策呢?Be

7、cause of the lack of demand and the undercapacity operation of State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 10 million workers in SOEs had to be laid off. Much of our industrial and agricultural production was laid idle。 How to cope with these difficulties? What kind of measures should we adopt?【第四段】当时有各种各样的建议.比

8、方说,中国的人民币应该贬值,以促进出口;也有另外一种主意,应该把国有资产给卖了,就可以渡过这个危机。但是党中央、国务院果断的作出了采取积极财政政策和稳健的货币政策的决定,这个决策执行三年以来,事实证明是正确的。At that time, we had before us all kinds of proposals。 For instance, some people suggested that we should devalue our currency in order to give a boost to our exports。 Some other people said why

9、not simply sell State assets, which would have helped us get over the difficulties。 But the CPC (Communist Party of China) Central Committee and the State Council made a resolute decision to pursue a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy. These policies have been implemented for thre

10、e years, and facts have proved how successful these policies are。【第五段】为什么说它是正确的呢?因为当时的历史条件是中国的人、财、物都不缺乏。财,我指的是银行里的人民群众的储蓄存款很多。但是由于工业加工生产能力过剩,已经没有任何有效益的项目可以把银行的存款贷出去,但是银行还得照付利息.如果这些国有银行的这些资金不能动用起来,那么国家财政就有很沉重的负担。Why I say that these policies are correct ones? This is because of historical circumstanc

11、es at that time。 At that time, China did not lack financial resources .Why? because people have saved a lot of money in the bank accounts. But because of the surplus production capacity in our industries, the banks could not find ideal and efficient projects to make loans to. So at that time they ha

12、d to suffer the payment of interests to those saving deposits, which were laying idle. So if the banks could not make the efficient use of those savings, it would be a tremendous financial burden on the State。【第六段】因此,我们采取由国家财政向银行发行国债的形式,把银行的资金动用起来。而另一方面,我们国有企业的生产能力严重过剩,只有进行建设发展,才能够把这些过剩的生产能力利用起来,但仍是

13、有大量的职工下岗。在这种情况下,我们采取三年发了国债亿元情况下,搞了一万五千亿的基础设施建设,那么把整个国民经济都带动了,都带活了。现在看成绩是非常明显的。Therefore, through the issue of treasury bonds, we sold the bonds to the banks and in this way, we made the best use of the savings in the deposits. On the other hand, there were excessive surpluses of production capacity

14、on the part of enterprises, so we had to undertake many projects in order to utilize those surplus production capacities。 But even with those measures, there were still lots of workers who had to be laid off. So for three years, we issued a total of 360 billion yuan (US$43。5 billion) of treasury bon

15、ds, and that led to 1。5 trillion yuan (US181.3 billion) of total investment in infrastructure projects。 As a result, the overall national economy has been revitalized. The outcome of these policies has been very effective and successful。【第七段】首先,这些资金都是投入基础设施建设的。那么这三年,我们修建的万公里的公路,其中,万公里是高速公路;一万公里的新建、改

16、建和电气化的铁路万公里;长江几千里的大堤也都达到了防洪的处理,所以现在,年那样大的洪水我们已经不害怕了。各个城市的基础设施建设,包括污水的处理,环境的改善,全国的生态和环境保护都得到了改善,这个效益大家看的是很明显的.First, the money actually went to the infrastructure projects。 Over the past three years, with capital raised through these channels, we managed to build 170,000 kilometres of highway, includ

17、ing 10,000 kilometres of expressway. We have also built or upgraded 10,000 kilometres of railway. We have also consolidated the embankments along such rivers as the Yangtze River , which has made them better prepared for floods. If China is hit once again by a flood as serious as the one that hit us

18、 in 1998, it would not cause as much concern because the banks have been consolidated. We have also used the money to improve the ecosystem and the environment. We have built some sewage disposal works. The effects are very evident。【第八段】其次呢,这个基础设施建设带动了工业生产,使国有企业实现了三年拜托了困境,增加了税收和它们自己的利润.这反过头来国家的财政收入也

19、大大增加了。Secondly, with these infrastructure projects, the enterprises are able to start operation, and this has led to the turning around of State-owned enterprises in three years. It has also led to the increase of tax revenue。 The State revenues have increased by a wide margin.所以我们从去年,也就是说实行积极的财政政策的

20、第三年,我么已经看到了效果.就是拉动国民经济生产的结果使得财政收入大大增加。去年的财政收入全国是亿元,比年增收亿元,跨了很大的一个台阶,因此我们能够还债。Last year, we already saw the favourable results of this policy. We saw very clearly that if we boost the production in the national economy, it could lead to the increase of revenue. Last year, the total national revenue a

21、mounted to 1.388 trillion yuan (US167.6 billion), an increase of 196 billion yuan (US$23。7 billion) over that of 1999, and that was a big increase。 So we are in a sound financial position to service all those treasury bonds.【第九段】是的,中国的财政赤字虽然是增加了,还增加得比较多,但是所有扩大的赤字都是用于基础设施建设,我们有能力使国债能够得到双倍的偿还。我认为增发国债没

22、有任何风险。It is true that we are seeing a significant increase of fiscal deficits。 But we have to keep in mind the fact that all the deficits have been used to support infrastructure projects。 We are able to pay back twice as much as the debts that we owe. I dont see any real risk.【第十段】去年,我跟美国的前财政部长鲁宾宾先

23、生在新疆见面,我就问他,我说:“现在中国实行稳健、积极的财政政策,你有什幺意见?“。他说:“你现在国债的余额是多少?,我说万亿元,这就包括了过去历年借的国债。12000亿,还没有还本的,占我么国民生产总值的%“。他很干脆,”没有任何危险。你离20%,大家公认的警戒线还差得很远呢。“Last year, I had a meeting with former US Treasury Secretary Mr Rubin in Xinjiang. During the meeting, I asked his opinion about China s proactive fiscal polic

24、y。 He asked me about the overall size of the treasury bonds。 I said the cumulative amount of the national debt stood at 1。2 trillion yuan (US144.9 billion), accounting for 14 per cent of the GNP (gross national product)。 He gave me a very clear-cut answer: There is no risk at all, because that is st

25、ill far away from the 20 per cent international safety level.”当然,我并不是因为他说了这个话就放心了.我是从去年的实践,就是财政收入一年增加亿元,我手里有钱,真金白银都回来了,因此,我放心了。So I was reassured。 But certainly I was more reassured by the fact that these policies resulted in the increase of fiscal revenue by 196 billion yuan (US$23。7 billion) last

26、year。 So I got real money in my pocket, which gives me real confidence that it wont lead to any risk。【第十一段】这次人民代表大会通过我们国务院今年再发亿元的国债,用于现有国债项目的建设和西部地区大开发的新建项目。我估计明年可能还需要再发亿元的国债。我估计经过这两年以后,现有的国债项目都完成了,西部地区的大开已经发初具规模,今后,由于国有企业的良性循环,财政收入增加,社会资金渠道的开通,我相信今后不需要再发这么多国债。咱们等着瞧吧!This year, the State Councils pr

27、oposal was adopted by the current session of the National Peoples Congress. We will issue an additional amount of 150 billion yuan (US$18.1 billion) of treasury bonds to support the ongoing projects and also to undertake new projects in the development of China s western region. I expect that in the

28、 next year, maybe another 150 billion yuan of treasury bonds will be issued. With this new issuance of treasury bonds, we will be able to finish all those ongoing projects in two years, and the programme of developing China s western region will assume an initial scale. At that time, since we have a

29、lready arrived at the favourable situation of a sound cycle on the part of Stateowned enterprises, and have more fiscal revenue and various channels to raise social capital, I dont think there is need for us to issue as many treasury bonds as we do now. Or perhaps there is no need at all to issue an

30、y treasury bonds to undertake those construction projects. Lets wait and see。【第十二段】但是我也有另外一种担心,如果你少发国债的话,现在老百姓一听说要发国债,半夜就起来到银行排队,一个上午就卖光了。我担心将来不发国债的话,老百姓会对我们有意见了。But I have another concern.Now, When we announce that a new treasury bond will be issued, the general public is very excited。 They get up

31、early in the morning and queue before the banks. All the treasury bonds are sold out in a mere morning。 If we decide not to issue any more treasury bonds, I am afraid the general public will be quite unhappy with us。【第十三段】这个道理也很简单,现在银行储蓄的利率一年期只有%,而国债三年期年利率是%,五年期年利率是.但是,发行国债后,银行的存款并没有减少,在征收利息所得 ?nbsp

32、|以后,存款依然还在增加。这表明人民对我国的经济是有信心的。The reason is simple, it lies in the discrepancy of interest rates. For a oneyear deposit, the interest rate is only 2。25 per cent, whereas the interest rate for the threeyear maturity treasury bond is 2.87 per cent, and for the five-year maturity treasury bond the inte

33、rest rate stands at 3。07 per cent. So there is a real difference.顺便我讲一句,虽然发行国债,银行的储蓄并没有减少。在增收了利息所得税以后,依然还在增加。可见中国人民对我们还是有信心的。谢谢! Let me mention in passing that although we issued treasury bonds, the savings deposits continue to increase in the banks。 I think this is a proof enough to show that the C

34、hinese public have confidence in the government。 Thank you!【第十四段】我是日本NHK记者北川,我想就日本历史教科书问题提一个问题。日本已经对历史教科书进行了一些修改,您如何看待教科书的修改?另外,教科书问题会不会给日中关系以及日中高层领导互访带来些影响?您怎么评价现在的日中关系?谢谢!Im a correspondent with NHK。 Id like to pose a question relating to the textbook issue. Japan has already made amendments to th

35、e history textbook。 Whats your view on these amendments? And what kind of impact will this issue have on JapanChina relations as well as the exchanges of visits between the leaders of two countries? How would you characterize the current state of affairs in the Japanese-Chinese relationgs?【第十五段】我想,中

36、日之间的关系已经在年江泽民主席访问日本的时候,共同确定了一种致力于和平和发展的友好合作伙伴关系。中日两国的关系大在改善了。去年我访问日本的时候,也根据江泽民主席所提出来的 ”以史为鉴、面向未来的精神,和日本政府的领导人进行了友好的谈判,并且我也向各界人士做了一些增信释疑的工作。我认为目前中日两国关系的主流是很好的。President Jiang Zemin paid a state visit to Japan in 1998. During that visit, both sides agreed to work towards a friendly and cooperative rel

37、ationship that is oriented towards peace and development。 Ever since then the relationship between the two countries has grown significantly。 I myself visited Japan last year. In accordance with the spirit of using history as a guide and mirror and looking forward to the future put forward by Presid

38、ent Jiang, I held friendly discussions with leaders of the Japanese government。 I also worked to enhance trust and reduce misgivings through meetings and talks with people from all social sectors in Japan 。 In my opinion, the overall relationship between Japan and China is good。【第十六段】关于教科书问题,并不仅是中日两

39、国之间的问题,它是日本同整个亚洲有关国家和亚洲人民的问题。如果否认日本的军国主义者发动侵略战争这个历史事实、歪曲事实,那不但伤害了中国人民的感情,而且伤害了全亚洲人民的感情.The question of the history textbook is not just an issue between China and Japan 。 Rather it is an issue between Japan and all the Asian countries and people throughout Asia 。 If the past history of aggression st

40、arted by Japanese militarists is denied and if the historical facts are distorted, it will not only hurt the feelings of the Chinese people, but also those of people throughout Asia .【第十七段】这些教科书是要由日本政府的文部省来审定的,所以日本政府对修改教科书负有不可推卸的责任。要对这些东西加以修改.不能够以观点言论的自由作为借口来推卸这个责任。Since the textbook would have to b

41、e reviewed by the Japanese Government, or to be more specific, the Ministry of Education, the Government of Japan bears unshirkable responsibility to have those amendments made. They should not avoid taking responsibility on the grounds that people have freedom of view and freedom of speech。我也知道,也听说

42、已经做了一些修改.但是,根据亚洲各国人民的反映,这种修改是不够的。I know that certain changes to the amendments have already been made。 But according to the views of people throughout Asia , these changes are not enough。我认为这并不是谁要去干涉日本的内政,而是关系到日本人民同包括中国人民在内的亚洲人民能不能世世代代友好下去的问题,也是关系日本人民的利益的问题。I dont think this is an issue that should

43、be regarded as interference in Japan s internal affairs。 Rather, this is a serious issue that will have a bearing on whether or not the people of Japan and of other Asian countries, including China , can develop a friendly relationship from generation to generation。 So it is also in the interests of

44、 Japan to have this problem solved。【第十八段】当然,我并不认为这个问题会影响中日两国之间的来往,包括高层的来往。实际上,我是受小原会三前首相邀请我访问日本,可惜他已经逝去了,我们表示悼念。I dont think this should affect interactions between China and Japan or exchange of visits between senior leaders。 On this occasion Id like to once again extend my invitation to the Japane

45、se Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori to visit China this year。 Last year I paid a visit to Japan, originally, actually the invitation came from late Prime Minister Abuchi. Unfortunately, he was no longer around and I want to express my condolences。后来是森喜朗首相邀请我访问日本,我觉得我跟日本人有很好的沟通,我至今还难以忘记,因此我重申欢迎和邀请森喜朗首相访问中

46、国。Later the visit occurred at the result of the invitation from Japanese Prime Minister Mori, and I felt I could have very good communications with a memorable impression。 So once again I would like to reiterate that I would like to invite, Prime Minister of Japan to visit China this year.【第十九段】俄罗斯劳

47、动报记者:今年下半上海五国要进行第一次总理级的会谈.请问中国对五国经贸合作的前途有何评论?它对中国的西部开发会起什幺作用?谢谢!I m a correspondent from Russia。 In the second half of this year, there will be the first ever summit of the ”Shanghai Five (The group consists of China , Kazakhstan , Tajikistan , Russia and Kyrgyzstan ) at the prime ministerial level。

48、 What is your view of the prospects for economic co-operation and trade among the Shanghai Five. What kind of role could it play to facilitate China s development of western regions?【第二十段】我想 上海五国”元首第六次会晤将继续过去的成果,进一步来发展它的成果。通过首脑之间的交流,我想这个成果会有进一步的发展。当然,西部大开发是中国第十个五年计划的一个重要政策,那么五国首脑会议一定会讨论这个问题,并且将采取措施,促进我们之间的合作。谢谢!Certainly the summit of the prime ministers in the ShanghaiFive” meeting will build on what we have already achieved in the past. The heads of governments of the Shanghai Five” states will try to work for even greater results from their co-o

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