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1、The Attributive Clause1.Sheistheonethatyouneverforget.Sheistheheaven-sentangelyoumet.ShemustbethereasonwhyGodmadeagirl.Shewinsineverythingthatshemightdo.2.The attributeItisareferencebook.Itisabookofgreatuse.Itisabookthatyoucanturntowhenencounteringnewwords.Theattributiveclauseisusedtomodifyanounorpr

2、onoun.3.It is a book that you can turn to.先行先行词 关系关系词定定语从句从句4.如何分析定如何分析定语从句?从句?1.断句断句,分清主句和定,分清主句和定语从句从句2.圈出定圈出定语从句的从句的先行先行词3.从句是否完整从句是否完整?4.若先行若先行词在从句中做主在从句中做主语、宾语或定或定语则选择关系代关系代词(从句缺成分)(从句缺成分)若在从句中做状若在从句中做状语,则选择关系副关系副词。5.考点考点1.who,whom,whose,that 用法用法 who 作定作定语从句的主从句的主语或或宾语.The man _is speaking at

3、the meeting is a worker.6.whom 作定作定语从句的从句的宾语 The woman _they wanted to visit is a teacher.7.that 可以作定可以作定语从句的主从句的主语和和宾语.The woman _they wanted to visit is a teacher.可省略可省略 The man _ is speaking at the meeting is a worker.who/that(whom/that)8.whose 作定作定语从句的从句的定定语.I know the girl _mother is a teacher.

4、9.1.I walked in our garden,Tom and Jim were trying a big sign onto one of the trees.2.All of a sudden her handicap was gone and all I saw was this beautiful girl,smile just melted me and almost instantly gave me a completely new sense of what life is all about.考点考点2:非限制性定非限制性定语从句从句wherewhose 10.考点考点

5、3.只能用只能用that的情况的情况 序数序数词或形容或形容词最高最高级修修饰先行先行词时 Tom is the cleverest boy _I have ever known.This is the first play _ I have seen since I came here.11.everything,something,nothing,all,anything,little,much等不定代等不定代词作先行作先行词时 Everything _ we saw in this film was true.12.先行先行词被被the only,the very,the same,th

6、e last修修饰时。This is the very book _ belongs to him.主句已有主句已有who或或which时Who is the girl _ is standing under the tree?Which is the machine that we used last Sunday.13.当先行当先行词同同时指人和物指人和物时Ive never heard of the people and things _you talked about just now.Have a try.1.The only thing _ we can do is to give

7、 you some advice.2.Which is the machine _ we used before?that(that/which)14.考点考点4.关系代关系代词前有介前有介词时(介介词提前提前).指人只用指人只用whom,指物只用指物只用whichThis is the boy with _ he talked.This is the ring on _ she spent 1000 dollars.15.考点考点5.The way做先行做先行词的用法的用法The way _he explained the sentence to us was not difficult t

8、o understand.that/in which/不填不填16.考点考点6.关系代关系代词as的用法的用法1._we know,the earth goes around the sun.2.He was late again,_was expected.3._the saying goes,“God help those who help themselves.”17.1.Ive come to the point _ I cant stand him.2.The country is in the situation _a war will break out at any time.

9、考点考点7 where 指代模糊地点指代模糊地点如果定如果定语从句分从句分别修修饰point,situation,part,condition和和case等表示抽象意等表示抽象意义的的词,常用,常用where 引引导,意思是,意思是“到了某种地步,在某种境况中到了某种地步,在某种境况中”。18.考点考点8.which/where/介介词+which转换1.The factory_Mr Li works in is a shoe one.2.The factory in _Mr Li works is a shoe one.3.The factory_Mr Li works is a shoe

10、one.wherethat/whichwhich19.考点考点9.辨析定辨析定语从句、同位从句、同位语从句从句1.The suggestion _the job be finished is unreasonable.2.The suggestion _you put forward is reasonable.thatthat定做定做20.1.After the fire in his house,the old car is the only thing _ he owns.2.The teacher for _ you are waiting has come.3.The boy _ c

11、omposition won the first prize is the youngest in the group.21.定定语从句的运用从句的运用1.gap-filling2.writing22.定定语从句在基从句在基础写作中的运用写作中的运用以下是一以下是一则关于中国政府关于中国政府决定决定禁烟的禁烟的报道的主道的主要内容要内容内内 容容:公共公共场所禁烟所禁烟实施施时间:2015年年1月月1日起日起实施范施范围:全国全国目目 标:所有室内公共所有室内公共场所无烟所无烟措措 施施:张贴禁烟禁烟标志志相关数据相关数据:(1)吸烟人数)吸烟人数:约3.5亿 (2)分)分 布布:男性男性75

12、;女性女性:25 (3)受二手烟影响人数)受二手烟影响人数:约5.4亿 (4)因二手烟死亡人数)因二手烟死亡人数:超超过10万万/年年 23.以下是一以下是一则关于中国政府决定禁烟的关于中国政府决定禁烟的报道的道的主要内容。主要内容。This decision,_aims to make all indoor public places smoke-free,will come into effect from January 1st,2015.which(1)(决定的决定的)实施施时间:2015年年1月月1日起日起(2)(决定的决定的)目目 标:所有室内公共所有室内公共场所无烟所无烟(1)T

13、he decision will come into effect from January 1st,2015.(2)The decision aims to make all indoor public places smoke-free.24.以下是一以下是一则关于中国政府决定禁烟的关于中国政府决定禁烟的报道的道的主要内容。主要内容。(3)吸烟人数:)吸烟人数:约3.5亿(4)分)分 布:男性布:男性75;女性:女性:25Currently China has about 350 million smokers,among _75%are men and 25%are women.whom

14、(3)There are about 350 million smokers.(4)Among these smokers 75%are men and 25%are women.25.(5)受二手烟影响人数:)受二手烟影响人数:约5.4亿(6)因二手烟死亡人数:超)因二手烟死亡人数:超过10万万/年年Around 540 million people are affected by second-hand smoke,_causes 100,000 deaths per year.which(5)Around 540 million people are affected by second

15、-hand smoke.(6)The second-hand smoke causes 100,000 deaths per year.26.The Chinese government has decided to ban smoking in public places across the country.This decision,which aims to make all indoor public places smoke-free,will come into effect from the first day of 2011.To this end,no-smoking si

16、gns will be put up in all indoor public places.Currently China has about 350 million smokers,among whom 75%are men and 25%women.Around 540 million people are affected by second-hand smoke,which causes 100,000 deaths per year.定定语从句在写作中的作用从句在写作中的作用:1.整合信息整合信息,使意思更使意思更为明确明确2.使句子使句子结构更构更为紧凑凑27.Practice

17、makes Perfect.根据下列内容根据下列内容,运用定运用定语从句写一篇从句写一篇五句五句话的的文章介文章介绍中国中国.1.众所周知众所周知,中国有中国有960万平方公里的土地万平方公里的土地,是是世界第三大国世界第三大国.2.中国有中国有56个民族个民族,其中其中汉族人族人(the Han Ethnic)占占94%3.中国有中国有许多大河流多大河流,其中其中长江江,黄河是最重要黄河是最重要的河流的河流.4.曾有一段曾有一段时间,中国的中国的经济落后于世界落后于世界许多多国家国家.5.随着随着经济的增的增长,中国人被歧中国人被歧视的日子一去的日子一去不复返不复返,所有中国人都所有中国人都

18、为此感到自豪此感到自豪.28.话题运用运用 _is known to all,China,covers an area of 9.6 million square kilometers,is the third largest country in the world.The Chinese nation consists of 56 nationalities,among _the Han Ethnic Group is the largest,making up 94%of the whole.Besides,there are many big rivers in China,the m

19、ost important of _are the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.There was a time _Chinese economy was far behind many other countries in the world.However,with the development of the economy,the days are gone forever _the Chinese people were looked down upon,_all Chinese are proud of.Aswhichwhichwhenwhenwhichwhich29.

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