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1、 Module 2 My favourite things Unit 2M toys课标要求与教材分析根据英语课程标准一级要求,本单元课标要求为:能根据教师的简单指令做游戏;能根据课文内容做简单的角色扮演;能根据听到的词语指认图片和实物;能根据表演猜测意思说词语;能在课文插图的帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小故事。本单元围绕“玩具”这个话题展开教学,主要的句型是:How manyare there?How much are? Where are you? What are you doing?在4A 教材Module3 Unit 3中,学生已经学习了Where are you?句型, 本册第一模块学生

2、又接触了What you doing?句型。本单元再次复现。本单元分为四个课时。第一课时学习数词21-50和用How manyare there?进行问答;第二课时重点学习用How much are?询问价格,学习字母组合-sk在单词中的读音;第三课时是对话教学,体现Where are you? What are you doing? 语用功能;第四课时通过故事复习指示代词this, that, these, those的用法。学情分析四年级学生,对英语有着浓厚的学习兴趣,渴望通过本单元学习丰富自己的交际内容。本单元与学生的生活息息相关,教学内容对于学生很好理解,关键是单词和词组的读音的学习和

3、句型在交际生活中的准确应用。特别是现在时的结构, 对学生来说是个难点。在教学时,通过创设情景,游戏等形式,提高反复率,帮助学生记忆。教学目标1. 能听说读写数词twenty-onefifty, boat, mask, soldier, puzzle 。能准确运用How manyare there?提问,用How much ?询问价格。用Where are you?询问具体方位和用What are you doing?询问正在做的事情。2. 在学生参与读故事和表演对话的活动中,感知现在进行时的结构,体验be动词随人称的变化规律,复习指示代词this,that,these,those的用法。能从音

4、、形、意角度学习词汇,体验字母组合sk 在单词中的发音,逐步形成有效识记单词的方法。3. 学生在讨论自己喜好的过程中,积极参与活动,体验积极向上的生活品质。 第三课时 Who is cooking dinner?教学目标1. 能听、说、读 写单词dinner, help, wash, bedroom, sitting-room, dining-room, bathroom.能听懂并说出in my bedroom, make an aeroplane, in the sitting-room, do a puzzle, in the dinning-room, make a doll, in t

5、he bathroom, wash toys, in the kitchen, cook dinner等词组。能在具体情景中准确地应用Where are you?询问具体方位和用Where are you doing?询问正在做的事情。2. 在描述自己照片的活动中,积极参与讨论。感知现在进行时的结构 ,体验be动词随着人称变化的规律,提高学生用英语做事的能力。3. 学生在表演故事的过程中,体验互助互爱,同他人合作的感受。重难点重点:能听懂会说“in the dinning-room”等表示房间方位的词组,进一步理解和运用现在进行时的意义概念,掌握be 动词随着人称的变化的规律。难点:单词bed

6、room , aeroplane, kitchen,bathroom的发音。方法与手段本课是对话教学,要启发学生在情景中运用语言,激发他们说的欲望。我将通过创设情景,把学生带进我们每天生活的家居环境中,鼓励学生多与老师和同学交流,用英语表达自己的思想和感受;单词的教与学虽是基础,却很枯燥,我把单词编成儿歌的形式,朗朗上口,很适合中年级学生;在调动学生积极性和主动性方面,我采用了游戏法、竞赛法、实物展示法让学生动手、参与教学活动的全过程。这就要求运用CAI课件、录音机和大量的图片拓展教学资源。使用教材的构想教材中的情景是Mr Li下班后询问他的家人在不同的方位正在做的事情 ,这种情景不能很好地激

7、发学生的学习兴趣。为了激发学生表达的欲望,我将替换主要情景,引入学生喜欢的电视连续剧家有儿女全家福,和其家中五个房间的平面图,启发学生积极参与、观察、探索、协商,从中形成对语言知识的意义建构。在学生理清语言的来龙去脉后,我又联系实际增加了情景的创设,让学生描述自己的照片和课外活动的情景,进行逼真的思想感情和信息的交流,在实践中运用语言。教学流程IWarmup 1Play a game: Listen and guess (2分钟)教师出示多媒体课件,先播放声音,让学生根据声音猜测Kitty,Ben这些学生熟悉的课本人物正在做的事情,然后再播放画面,核对猜测的结果。T: Whats Kitty

8、doing?教师在多媒体上播放吃东西的声音S1:Shes eating.T: Whats Peter doing?教师在多媒体上播放睡觉打呼噜的声音S3:Hes sleeping.教师让一个学生Jack上讲台前面做跳跃的动作,让全班学生问他Ss:What are you doing?Jack:Im jumping. T:Where are you?Jack:Im in the classroom.设计意图:复习现在进行时,为本课What are you doing ?句型做复习准备,同时过渡到Where is/are ?句型的复习。用classroom引出新课中房间的学习。2Ask and a

9、nswer (3分钟)教师出示具有夸张、富有童趣的卡通课件,包括在不同位置的玩具、人和动物T:Where are the dolls? S1:They are on the table.T:Where are the puzzles? S2:They are in the box.T:Where are the aeroplanes? S3:They are on the desk.T: Where are the toys? S4:They are in the room.T: Where is the elephant? Ss:Its in the car.T: Where is the

10、farmer? Ss:Hes on the van.T: Where is the nurse? Ss:Shes in the car.设计意图:此步骤复习了玩具类单词doll、 aeroplane、 puzzle、 toy ,句型 Where is/are ?和其不同人称的答句,Hes /Shes /Its in/on. They are in/on.为学习做知识准备。II. Presentation1. Learn the words: bedroom,sitting-room,dining-room,bathroom (6分钟)Listen and guess 教师出示一张家有儿女的全家

11、福,和其家中五个房间的平面图,其中一个房间里有刘星的照片,接着上面Where is/are ?句型的复习,教师追问Where is Liu Xing?,引入新课房间的教学。)(1)T:Look ,this is Liu Xings family. This is Liu Xing. Guess, where is Liu Xing now? In which room? Ss: Guess using the sentence “Is he in the ?”T:Yes, here is Liu Xing. Hes in the bedroom.随着房间门的打开,进入到bedroom(CAI)

12、T:Whats in it? Ss:Beds.T:Yes, there are some beds in it. We sleep in the bedroom(做动作帮助学生理解). This is a bedroom.Teach the word “bedroom ”教师将单词bedroom呈现在多煤体画面上,并带读,同时注意学生的发音,勿将bedroom读成bed room)(2)随着画面的切换,进入到sitting-roomT:This is a sitting-room. We watch TV in the sitting-room.(用动作帮助学生理解)Write the wor

13、ds on the blackboard, teach the students to read, check their pronunciation one by one.(3)Using the same way to teach the word “bathroom”. Note the pronunciation of “th”.(4)T:Oh, Im hungry now.(做出饥饿状) Lets have a snack. We have a snack in the kitchen.Teach the word “kitchen” in the same way (提醒学生勿将k

14、itchen读成chicken)(5)T:We have breakfast /lunch/dinner in the diningroom. Teach the word “dining-room” .2Play a game “Whats missing”to review the words.(2分钟)(教师把房间的卡片让学生快速看一下,然后拿掉一张图片,让学生猜一猜少了哪张图片,猜对后拼读单词。)设计意图:用游戏和竞赛的方式,巩固房间单词的记忆,避免重复枯燥的跟读。3.Learn the phrases: make an aeroplane ,do a puzzle,make a do

15、ll (6分钟)(1)Listen and guess教师出示Kitty一家的家庭平面图,告诉学生有一些玩具doll,aeroplane ,puzzle ,toy,分别放在Kitty家中的各个房间里,让他们猜一猜到底在哪个房间里。她的家人谁在制作和清洗它们。T:(手拿实物玩具飞机)Where is it?Ss look and guess.T: Yes, Ben is making an aeroplane in the bedroom.(把多媒体画面切换到Ben 在卧室里做模型飞机的画面)Write “make an aeroplane” on the board. Teach the ph

16、rase(运用TPR教学方法)Ss:Ben is making an aeroplane in the bedroom.(强调making 的写法)(2)Using the same way to teach the phrases: do a puzzle,make a doll,wash the toys.(3)T:Whats the father doing? Is he washing or making the toys? Please listen to the tape.(Play the tape, let Ss listen and repeat. Answer the qu

17、estions.)Ss:He is cooking dinner.Teach the phrase “ cook dinner”(4)T: Whats the matter? Can you help me? Come and help me, please. (教师故作放映不出多媒体的样子) Help the Ss to understand the meaning of the sentence : “Come and help me .”教师告诉学生无论在家中,在学校还是在社会,都要学会互相关心、互敬互爱,建立和谐的人际关系。4 Learn the text: Play the tape

18、 again, let Ss listen and repeat. Read the sentences after the tape, practice in groups .Act out the dialogues, then read and judge.(3分钟) (1) Ben is making an aeroplane in his bedroom.() (2) Kitty is doing a puzzle in the sittingroom. ()(3) Grandma is singing in the diningroom.()(4) Mrs Li is washin

19、g her hands in the bathroom. .()(5) Mr Li is cooking dinner in the kitchen. .()5 Act the dialogues in groups, let some groups act out before class.(5分钟)设计意图:通过运用图片和录音整体呈现课文内容,感知课文内容。再通过各种形式的朗读,引导他们由口语的练习过渡到句型的认读和朗读,有助于学生从语言的情景、音、形、意等各方面进行理解、练习和掌握。最后组织学生表演课文,完成了输入到内化,内化到输出的语言学习过程。III. Consolidation a

20、nd extension1.T:This is my house. Its big. I like it. Where am I? Yes,Im in the bedroom. Im reading a book.(2分钟)教师出示自己和本班学生在家里不同房间的照片Ss:Describe their photos like the teacher.设计意图:通过创设生活中的又一语用情景,能准确地应用Where are you?询问具体方位和用Where are you doing?询问正在做的事情,体验be动词随着人称变化的规律。2 .Read the dialogue and answer

21、the questions. (2分钟)Here are Chens. They are busy(忙的). Grandma is watching TV. Mr Chen is washing the toys. Eddie is helping his father. Mrs Chen is reading a book. Wendy is playing with dolls .Grandpa is writing. The cat is washing her face. This is a happy family.(1) Whats Mr Chen doing ? (2) What

22、s Eddie doing ?(3) Whats Mrs Chen doing ? (4) Whats grandpa doing ?(5) Whats grandma doing ?设计意图:这是学生阅读语篇能力的练习,力求做到词不离句、句不离篇,同时为第三单元的学习奠定了基础。3.教师出示一张学生课外活动的图片。 (2分钟)T:Please talk about this picture like this:This is my school. And this is the playground. Look! Xiao Ming is playing football . Linglin

23、g is jumping Ss describe the picture.设计意图:为了挖掘学生的潜能,引导学生在新的情景中对所学语言进行合理的创造性的运用,把新、旧知识结合起来,连成知识的线,织成知识的网,滚成知识的球。4.呈现世界各国不同国家的图片,让学生了解世界不同的建筑风格,爱斯基摩人的冰窟房、威尼斯的水上房、云南的吊脚楼、日本的平房、欧洲的城堡。 (2分钟)设计意图:让学生了解中西方的文化,开阔视野,提高跨文化意识。IV. Evaluation (5分钟)1. 选词填空bedroom sitting-room dining-room bathroom kitchen出示一个房间的平面

24、图,选择上述的恰当的词,填在相应的房间位置。2. 单项选择(1) Im my bedroom.A in B on C of(2) are you doing? Im making an aeroplane. A Where B What C How much(3) Im washing toys.A Kitty B Kittys C Kittys(4) are you? Im in the kitchen.A What B Where C When(5)Come help me.A but B or C and3 完成书后面练习部分第14页Label, read, look and write

25、.V. Homework1. Copy the words and sentences three times.2. Listen the tape again,act out the dialogue.3.充分发挥想象,设计一套房间并布置房间,在房间里画出学过的玩具。VIBlackboard Design Module 2 Unit 2 My toysBen make an aeroplane in the bedroomKitty do a puzzle in the sitting-roomGrandma make a doll in the dining-roomMrs Li wash

26、 Kittys toys in the bathroomMr Li cook dinner in the kitchen教学反思单词和词组的教学是本课的重点,预计学生初学时会出现较明显的语音错误如单词bedroom, bathroom, kitchen 的读音。因此,我非常注意指导学生仔细听音、观察老师的口形、认真模仿、并及时结合学生发音进行评价纠误。还请发音正确、响亮的学生担任小老师教读,用开火车读、小组朗读等多种形式操练。学生基本能准确跟读,却不能很快地说出来或读出来。为此我又增加了听做的环节,让学生边听单词边做出在该房间发生的动作。多次练习后就能自然而然读出来了。而且我还把活动加入比赛的性质,看谁听和做的速度最快,参加游戏的人都抱着渴望获胜的心理,掀起课堂学习的高潮。不足之处是当学生在完成最后的综合介绍自己照片的时候,部分学生缺乏自信,不能流利地介绍,原因是没有对性格内向和学习有困难的学生,尽可能为他们创造语言实践的机会,所以在今后的教学中要关注学生的情感,建立宽松和谐的民主教学氛围,并及时做好补差工作。教师简介张丽,小教高级,杏花岭区虹桥小学教师。山西省教学能手,太原市导师团导师。

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