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1、数据、模型与决策(运筹学)课后习题和案例答案018 作者: 日期:2 个人收集整理 勿做商业用途CD CHAPTER 18INVENTORY MANAGEMENT WITH KNOWN DEMANDReview Questions18.1-1Administrative costs, such as labor charges to place an order, can cause the cost to exceed the purchase price。18.1-2Capital tied up in inventory will not be regained until the go

2、ods are sold。 If the capital were free to be invested it would be able to earn a return from other opportunities. This cost is called an opportunity cost because it reflects the lost return because alternate opportunities must be foregone to carry inventory。18.1-3Other costs associated with holding

3、inventory include the cost of leasing warehouse space, the cost of insurance for inventory, labor costs for warehouse personnel, and taxes based on the value of the inventory。18。14Customer dissatisfaction and the loss of future sales, price decreases to compensate for delays, delayed revenue, and in

4、creased record keeping are all cost consequences for inventory shortages.18.21The four cost components that may be included in an inventory model are acquisition cost, setup cost, holding cost, and shortage cost。18.2-2Retailers and wholesalers replenish their inventory and incur a direct cost by pur

5、chasing products。 Manufacturers replenish their inventory and incur a direct cost by manufacturing more of the product involved。18。23When the replenishment is done by purchasing the product, the setup cost consists of the various administrative costs. When a manufacturer is replenishing its inventor

6、y, the setup cost consists of the cost of setting up the manufacturing process for another production run。18。2-4An inventory policy prescribes both when inventory should be replenished and by how much。18.25The total inventory cost per unit time needs to be minimized to determine an optimal inventory

7、 policy.18。2-6A fixed cost is a cost that remains the same regardless of the decisions made while a variable cost is a cost that is affected by the decisions made。 The variable costs are the only relevant costs since they are the only costs that can be decreased by improving the decisions.18。31The b

8、asic EOQ model is so popular due to a combination of simplicity and wide applicability.18。32The model assumes a constant demand rate, that the order quantity to replenish inventory arrives all at once just when desired, and that planned shortages are not allowed. The model is sometimes used when the

9、se assumptions are not completely satisfied as in the case where constant demand is only a reasonable approximation.18.3-3Lead-time is the amount of time between the placement of an order and the delivery of the order quantity. The reorder point is the inventory level at which an order is placed。18。

10、3-4In a continuousreview inventory system the current inventory level is monitored on a continuous basis while in a periodic-review system the inventory level is checked only periodically.18。35A continuousreview inventory system will not fit the basic EOQ model if shortages often occur and it is nec

11、essary to carry safety stock.18。3-6The single decision variable for the model is the order quantity, Q。18。37The shape of the pattern of inventory levels over time is a sawtoothed pattern。18.41The two types of costs included in the total variable cost are the annual setup cost and the annual holding

12、cost。 These costs are equal at the point where the order quantity is optimal。18。42The optimal order quantity increases if the demand rate increases in order to avoid overly large increases in the number of setup costs incurred per year。 The optimal order quantity increases if the setup cost increase

13、s in order to decrease the number of times this setup cost will be incurred per year. The optimal order quantity decreases if the unit holding cost increases in order to drive down the average inventory level。18。4-3The optimal order quantity can change fairly significantly if fairly small changes ar

14、e made to either the setup cost of the unit holding cost. This change is even larger if the changes are made to both costs in opposite directions.18.4-4The optimal order quantity does not change if both the setup cost and the unit holding cost are changed by the same percentage amount in the same di

15、rection.18.45A fairly small error in estimating either the setup cost or the unit holding cost will not increase the total variable cost very much. The same is true if the error occurs in both costs。18。5-1If the cost of holding inventory is high relative to the shortage costs then it may make sense

16、to permit planned inventory shortages。18。52The assumptions for the EOQ model with planned shortages are the same as for the basic EOQ model except that planned shortages are allowed.18。5-3The decision variables for the EOQ model with planned shortages are the order quantity Q and the maximum shortag

17、e S.18。54The total variable cost for this model includes annual setup costs, annual holding costs and annual shortage costs。18.55The optimal order quantity for this model is larger than for the basic EOQ model。 The maximum inventory level for this model always will be less than for the basic EOQ mod

18、el.18。5-6Management objects to planned shortages because they will hurt the reputation the company has for providing good customer service.18。6-1Quantity discounts are reductions in the unit acquisition costs of a product that are offered for ordering a relatively large quantity.18。62When quantity d

19、iscounts are offered, annual acquisition costs need to be included in the total variable inventory cost.18。6-3The unit holding cost is equal to the price paid for the items in inventory multiplied by the inventory holding cost rate (h = Ic)。18.6-4The best order quantity for a discount category whose

20、 minimum order quantity exceeds Q from the basic EOQ model is the minimum allowed。 When the maximum order quantity is less than the Q from the basic EOQ model then the best order quantity is the maximum allowed。18。71The replenishment of inventory over time is common with manufacturers who replenish

21、their inventory by conducting intermittent production runs。18。72The assumptions for this model are the same as those for the basic EOQ model except that a production run is scheduled to begin each time the inventory level drops to 0, and this production run replenishes inventory at a constant rate t

22、hroughout the duration of the run。18.73The maximum inventory level is less than the production lot size because products are being withdrawn from inventory as the production run is under way。18.74The square root formula for this model contains the annual production rate if producing continuously R.1

23、8。75Independentdemand products have demand that does not depend on the demands for all products。 Dependentdemand products have demand that is dependent upon the demand for another product, generally because the former product is a component of the latter product。18。76Material requirements planning (

24、MRP) is a popular technique for managing inventories of components of a final product.18。7-7A just-intime inventory system places great emphasis on reducing inventory levels to a bare minimum。18。78In more general terms, the focus of the justin-time philosophy is on avoiding waste wherever it might o

25、ccur in the production process.Problems18。1a)b)c)d)The results are the same as those obtained in part c。e) = 13 conputers purchased with each order.f)Number of orders per year = D / Q = 676 / 13 = 52.Inventory level at which order is placed = ROP = D(LT) = (13)(1/2) = 6。5g)The optimal policy reduces

26、 the total variable inventory cost by $3,840 per year, which is a 33% reduction。18。2a)b)c)d)The results are the same as those obtained in part c.e) = 41,231 gallons purchased with each order. 18.3a)The order quantity should be Q = 1,442; the reorder point should be ROP = 100. The corresponding varia

27、ble inventory cost is TVC = 288。b)The new order quantity should be Q = 1,665 with TVC = $250. The order quantity is increased by 223 LCDs。 If the order quantity obtained in part a is still used the TVC increases to 252。c)The new order quantity should be Q = 1,290 with TVC = 322。 The order quantity i

28、s decreased by 152 LCDs.If the order quantity obtained in part a is still used the TVC increases to $324。d)e)f)18.4Optimal Order Quantity:Total Variable Cost (with Q = Q*):Total Variable Cost (with Q = 573):The conclusions remain basically the same when the estimates could be off by as much as 25%.

29、In the cases where K and h change in the same direction, there is little or no extra cost incurred. When K and h change in the opposite direction extra cost is incurred, and this extra cost is more than it was for the 10 increase。18。5a)Q will decrease by half.b)Q will double。c)Q* remains the same.d)

30、Q* will double。e)Q remains the same.18.6a)This is 15% of the acquisition cost per month or 180% per year。b)The optimal order quantity when h = (20%)($20) = $4 is 150。 The annual TVC = 600.With the current inventory policy (Q = 50), the annual TVC = 1,000.c)Reorder point is 10 as shown in the above s

31、preadsheet.d)The new reorder point is 5 + 10 = 15, which adds 20 to his TVC (5 hammers x $4 holding cost)。18.718.8TVC = K(D/Q) + h(Q/2)18.9a)The optimal order quantity is Q = 245 with annual TVC = $4,899。b)The new optimal order quantity is Q = 316, with a maximum shortage of S = 126.c)QuantityBasic

32、EOQ ModelEOQ Model with Planned ShortagesOrder quantity245316Maximum shortage0126Maximum inventory level245190Reorder point0-126Annual setup cost2,4491,897Annual holding cost2,4491,138Annual shortage cost0759Total variable cost4,899$3,79518。10a)p = $15p = $30p = $60p = $120b)pTVC% reduction from bas

33、ic model152,12812%$30$2,2556$60$2,3273120$2,3661。5%c)pMax。 wait time (days)Acceptable case$155。9$303。1601.6*1200。818。11a)The TVC is reduced from $7,800 to 3,904, a reduction of 3,896 (about 50%)。b)c)18。12Ratio ofp to hMaximumInventory LevelMaximumShortage1/32,0005001,50011,41470770721,22581640831,15

34、586628951,095913183101,0499539518.13a)b)Orders placed per year = D/Q = 5,200 / 500 = 10。4。Time interval between orders = Q / D = 500 / 5,200 = (0.096 years)(52) = 5 weeks.18.14a)b)Orders placed per year = D/Q = 365/100 = 3.65. Time interval between orders = Q/D = 100/365 = (0。274 years)(52) = 14。25

35、weeks.18.15a)Discount CategoryTVC = cD + K(D/Q) = h(Q/2)1TVC = (8。50)(400) + ($80)(400/Q) + (0。2)(8。50)(Q/2)2TVC = ($8)(400) + ($80)(400/Q) + (0。2)(8)(Q/2) 3TVC = ($7.50)(400) + ($80)(400/Q) + (0。2)(7。50)(Q/2)b)Discount Category123c)Discount CategoryFeasibleQTVC = cD + K(D/Q) = h(Q/2)199$3,80722003,

36、52031,0003,782d)e)Q* = 200 with a TVC of 3,520。f)g)Since the value of Q that minimizes TVC for discount category 2 is feasible that means that this order quantity minimizes the annual setup and holding costs. Category 1 could therefore not possibly have lower annual setup and holding costs。 Furtherm

37、ore, since the purchase price per case is higher for category 1, it could not possibly have lower purchasing costs。 Thus, we can eliminate category 1 as a candidate for providing the optimal order quantity。h)Orders placed per year = D/Q = 400/200 = 2。 Time interval between orders = Q/D = 200/400 = 0

38、.5 years or 6 months。18.16a)Discount CategoryTVC = cD + K(D/Q) = h(Q/2)1TVC = (1)(2,400) + (4)(2,400/Q) + (0。17)($1)(Q/2)2TVC = (0。95)(2,400) + (4)(2,400/Q) + (0。17)(0.95)(Q/2)3TVC = (0。90)(2,400) + (4)(2,400/Q) + (0。17)($0.90)(Q/2)b)Discount Category123c)Discount CategoryFeasibleQTVC = cD + K(D/Q)

39、= h(Q/2)11992,4652345$2,3363500$2,217d)e)Q = 500 with a TVC of 2,217.f)g)Since the value of Q that minimizes TVC for discount category 2 is feasible that means that this order quantity minimizes the annual setup and holding costs. Category 1 could therefore not possibly have lower annual setup and h

40、olding costs. Furthermore, since the purchase price per bag is higher for category 1, it could not possibly have lower purchasing costs。 Thus, we can eliminate category 1 as a candidate for providing the optimal order quantity。h)Orders placed per year = D/Q = 2,400 / 500 = 4.8.Time interval between

41、orders = Q/D = 500 / 2,400 = (0。21 years)(12) = 2。5 months. 18。17a)The production lot size should be Q = 1,000. The annual setup cost is $45,000; the annual holding cost is $45,000; the total variable cost is therefore 90,000.b)Production run duration = Q/PR = 1,000 / 24,000 = 0.042 years = 0。5 mont

42、hsTime interval between production runs = Q/D = 1,000 / 6,000 = 0.167 years = 2 months.c)Maximum inventory level = Q (D/PR)Q = 1,000 (6,000 / 24,000)(1,000) = 750。 This is less than the production lot size since monitors are being withdrawn from inventory while a production run is going on。18。18a)Th

43、e order quantity should be Q = 4,000。The annual total variable cost is TVC = 26,000。b)Time interval between orders = Q/D = 4,000 / 52,000 = 4/52 years = 4 weeks。Delivery duration = Q / PR = 4,000 / 104,000 = 2/52 years = 2 weeks.c)ROP = D(LT) = 52,000 (1/52) = 1,000。 18。19a)Setup Cost K = $9,000。 Th

44、e optimal Q decreases from 50,000 to 43,301.Setup Cost K = 15,000. The optimal Q increases from 50,000 to 55,902。Holding cose h = 2。70。 The optimal Q increases from 50,000 to 57,735.Holding cost h = $4。50。 The optimal Q decreases from 50,000 to 44,721。b)K = $9,000; h = $2.70。 The optimal Q remains 5

45、0,000。K = 9,000; h = $4。50。 The optimal Q decreases from 50,000 to 38,730.K = $15,000; h = $2。70。 The optimal Q increases from 50,000 to 64,550。K = $15,000; h = $4。50。 The optimal Q remains at 50,000。c)The value of Q* is fairly sensitive to the estimates of K and h in all cases except when both K and h are increased or decreased by the same proportional amount.d)Optimal Order Quantity:Total Variables Cost (with Q = Q*):Total Variable Cost (with Q = 50,000):e)Amount that TVC with Q = 50,000 exceeds TVC with Q = Q*:Unit Holding Cost (h)

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