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1、七年级英语下册 Module 1 Lost and found综合测试题外研版七年级英语下册 Module 1 Lost and found综合测试题外研版年级:姓名:8Module 1 Lost and found一、根据句意从方框中选择恰当的词填空,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次。(10分)mobile phone, hundreds of, in a hurry, look for, at the airport1. Mr. Greens son is ill, he takes him to the hospital _.2. The farmer keeps _ pigs on hi

2、s farm.3. The mans wallet is lost, he _ it.4. Mike has a nice _, he often uses it to call his pen friend.5. Mr. Smith is waiting for his friends _.whose, lose, mine, my, your, yours, her, hers, careful, purple6. Tony, is this _ bag? No, its not _. Let me ask Lingling, maybe its _. 7. _ pen is this?

3、Its _ pen. I am looking for it.8. What color are Marys shoes? _ shoes are _.9. Where is Mr Smith? He is talking to a boy at the _ and found office. 10. Is this sweater _, Tom? Please be _ with your things. Thanks a lot. I will. 二、选择填空。(20分)( )1. There is _ eraser on the desk. Its Marys.A. a B. an C.

4、 the D. /( )2. Is this _ camera? No, it isnt _. A. theirs; their B. hers; his C. your; mine D. your; my ( )3. The pet pig in your hand is very nice . Is it _? Yes, but Ill give it to my friend Lucy as _ birthday present. A. you; her B. your; her C. yours; her D. you; hers( )4. Hi, Jim. Is this your

5、bike or Marys? Its mine, not _. A. her B. him C. his D. hers ( )5. Mr. Zhang teaches _ English. We like _ class very much.A. us; his B. me; her C. us; ours D. us; her( )6. Are these books _? No, They arent mine. They are _. A. her; yours B. yours; hers C. your; his D. you; hers ( )7. How many people

6、 come to your town every week? Its hard to say. _ people, I think. A. Five thousand of B. Hundred of C. Five hundreds D. Thousands of( )8. He can _ you _ your lost things.A. help; find B. helps; to find C. help; finding D. helps; look for( )9._ is a good student. All the teachers like _ very much.A.

7、 She; her B. She; him C. He; his D. She; hers( )10.Youd better use _ computer. _ is broken.A. his, My B. his, MineC. he, My D. him, Mine( )11. Is this guitar_?A. yours B. yourC. sheD. her( )12. This is my wallet, I think that one is_.A. youB. yourC. yoursD. you( )13. I cant find my eraser. May I use

8、_?A. youB. yourC. yours D. yourself( )14. Please _that knife, or youll cut yourself.Abe careful with B. be careful C. be careless of D. be careless ( )15. Dont let me worry about you, study hard _.A. from then on B. just now. C. until now D. from now on( )16. Who can _French in our class?A. say B. t

9、ell C. speak D. talk( )17. There _two books and a pen on the desk.A. is B. are C. have D. has( )18. He is _his watch everywhere, but he cant _ it anywhere.A. looking for ; find B. finding; looking for C. look for; finding D. find; looking for ( )19. The pet costs her two _yuan. A. hundreds B. hundre

10、d C. hundreds of D. hundred of( )20. Mary doesnt like apples. Tom doesnt like them _. A. too B. also C. either D. as well as三、 根据各题后括号内的要求完成下列句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。(15分)1. People often lose things when they are in a hurry. (对划线部分提问)_ _ people often _ things?2. There are also a lot of animals at the lost an

11、d found office. (改为同义句)There are _ _ strange things at the lost and found office, _.3. My mother buys five kilos of sausages in that shop every month. (对划线部分提问)_ _ your mother _ in that shop every month?4. There are some strange things at the lost and found office. (改为否定句)There _ _ strange animals a

12、t the lost and found office.5. These gloves are my fathers. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) _ _ gloves your fathers? _, _ _.四、完成句子 (20分)7. 首先,让我告诉你这个消息。_ _ _, let me tell you the news.8. 买一套房子要花一大笔钱。It takes _ _ _ money to buy a house9. 这小男孩正面带微笑地看着我。The little boy_ _ _ me with a big smile.10. 从现在开始我们要尽量做得更好。_ _ _,

13、 we will _ to do better.11. 让我想想,哦,是我的。_ _ _. Oh, theyre _.12. 这台电脑是Betty的吗?不,不是她的。是Kate的。 Is the computer _? No, it isnt _. Its _.五、 补全对话(每空一词) (10分)A: Good morning, Tony. Welcome 1 my office. Can I help you?B: Yes,sir. I lost my wallet. I cant find it.A: Dont worry. Here_2_some wallets in the lost

14、 and found box. Is this brown wallet _3_?B: No, it isnt _4_. My wallet is purple.A: It must be this one!B: Oh,yes. Its mine. Look, _5_ my name “Tony”! Thank you,Thank you!A: Youre _6_.Please be _7_ _8_ your things _9_ now _10_.六、完型填空 (10分) These days men and women , young and old are _1_ the same ki

15、nd of _2_, and a lot of _3_ have long hair(头发). We often cant _4_whether they are boys or girls, men or women. _5_ old man often goes to walk in the park. He is sitting on a chair now. A young person is _6_ _7_ him. Oh, goodness! the old man says to the other one. Do you _8_ that person with long ha

16、ir? Is it a boy or a girl? A boy, says the other one. He is my son. Oh, says the old man, Please _9_ me. I dont know you are his _10_. Im not his mother, Im his father, says the other one.1. A. having B. wearing C. putting D. buying2. A. clothes B. trees C. pictures D. Bags3. A. we B. your C. them D

17、. Theirs4. A. talk B. teach C. say D tell5. A. An B. A C. The D. /6. A. running B. flying C. standing D. driving7. A. on B. beside C. in D. At8. A. see B. watch C. look D. Read9. A. help B. excuse C. teach D. Ask10. A. baby B. sister C. father D. mother七、阅读理解 (5分)Hello!My names Jenny. Im 14 years ol

18、d. I have a good friend. Her name is Mary. Her Chinese name is Chen Mengjia. She is 13. Now she is in Beijing. She is also my classmate. We are in Class2, Grade7. She has a dog .Its white and black. But she cant find it now. It is lost. Please help her find it. If you find it, Please call her at 457

19、-8621.Thanks very much!1. Who is Mary Miller? She is Jennys _.A. sister B. friend C. cousin D. mother2. Whose dog is it? Its _.A. Marys B. Jennys C. Jenny and Marys D. Marys friends3.What color is her dog? Its _.A. white B. black C. yellow D. white and black.4.Whats Marys telephone number? It is _.A

20、. 13 B. 14 C. Class 2,Grade 7 D. 457-8621 5. How old is Jenny?A. 13 B. 14 C. Class 2,Grade 7 D. 457-8621 八、 综合填空 (10分) Summer is coming. The w_1_ becomes hotter and hotter. A lot of people like s_2_ in the swimming pools or in the sea. They think water makes them f_3_ cool. But some people are not c

21、areful enough. They often think they can swim b _4_ than others and they dont have to worry about anything. So these years, many accidents happened and some people l_5_ their lives(生命). Most of them were students. As we all know, safety is the most important. Do you know h _6_ to protect(保护)yourself

22、? To protect yourself, you must be careful. Remember not to swim in a d_7_ place. Dont swim alone, and when you sec a “No Swimming” sign, dont swim, e_8_. Of course, you can swim w_9_ someone who can keep you safe. If you remember these, swimming will b_10_ safer.1. w_ 2. s_ 3. f_ 4. b_ 5. l_ 6. h_

23、7. d_ 8. e_ 9. w_ 10. b_七年级下册Module 1 Lost and found综合测试题答案一、根据句意从方框中选择恰当的词填空,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次。(10分) 1. in a hurry 2. hundreds of 3. is looking for 4. mobile phone 5. at the airport 6. your mine hers 7. whose my 8 Her purple 9. lost 10. yours careful 二、选择填空。(20分)1-5 BCCDA 6-10 BDAAB 1115 ACCAA 1620 C

24、BABC三、 根据各题后括号内的要求完成下列句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。(15分)1. When do lose 2. lots of too 3. What does buy 4. arent any 5. Are these No, they arent 四、完成句子 (20分)7. First of all 8 a lot of 9. is looking at 10. From now on ; try 11 Let me see mine 12. Bettys hers Kates五、 补全对话(每空一词) (10分)1. to 2. are 3. yours 4. mine 5. Its 6. welcome 7. careful 8. with 9. from 10. on六、完型填空1、1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.D七、阅读理解 (5分)15 BADDB八、 综合填空1. weather 2. swimming 3. feel 4. better 5. lost 6. how 7. dangerous 8. either 9. with 10. be/become

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