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1、 专业硕士学位论文THESIS OF PROFESSIONAL MASTER DEGREE论文题目: 天津石化公司TPM推进过程及研究 (英文):Research and Implementary Crouse of TPM in Tianjin Branch of SINOPEC 作 者: 庄 永 福指导教师: 焦 叔 斌 2006 年 4 月 10日论文题目:(中文) 天津石化公司TPM推进过程及研究 (外文) Research and Implementary Crouse of TPM in Tianjin Branch of SINOPEC所在院、系、所 : 商学院专 业 名 称:

2、工商管理硕士指 导 教 师姓 名、职 称 : 焦叔斌 副教授论 文 主 题 词 : 石化;TPM;推进;研究学 习 期 限 : 2004年 9月至2006 年 7月论文提交时间: 2006年4月10日8独 创 性 声 明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,也不包含为获得中国人民大学或其他教育机构的学位或证书所使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。签名: 庄永福日期:2006年5月15日 关于论文使用授权的说明

3、本人完全了解中国人民大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。签名:庄永福 导师签名:焦叔斌 日期:2006年5月15日摘 要TPM是全员生产保全(Total Productive Maintenance)的英文缩写,TPM是一种渐进式的的管理体制,它继承了美国的生产性维修(Productive Maintenance),又吸取英国“设备综合工程学”的思想,又借鉴中国“鞍钢宪法”中工人参加管理的方法等基础上形成的。在20世纪60年代后期,日本汽车电子元件制造商日本电装(N

4、ippon Denso)最早将TPM技术引入生产领域。经历了二战惨败后的日本,在短短几十年间跃为经济强国;同样是隔海之邦的韩国,60年代经济完全不如朝鲜,如今不但远远超过了朝鲜,还成为各国学习的典范。其原因不仅仅是科学技术的应用,实践证明有效的管理方法和制度对公司的发展更为重要。近年来,福特、柯达、飞利浦等西方大公司纷纷推行TPM,推行TPM正逐渐成为生产型企业的潮流。在TPM“东风西渐”的过程中,随着技术和管理领域的不断发展,TPM与TQM、ISO900014000、JIT、ERP等现代管理模式不断地融合发展。TPM从开始生产部门单纯的自主保全活动,逐步扩展到规划、采购、生产、设备、安全、销

5、售等各个方面,已经逐步形成了由 “自主保全”、“计划保全”、“品质保全”、“个别改善”、“MP体系确立”、“事务改善”、“教育训练”、“安全环境”等八大支柱。各支柱都有一套完整的推行方法,对企业进行全方位的改善。在实际推进中,依企业具体情况,一般选取其中一个或几个支柱推进。TPM是以设备的维护管理为切入点,通过所有员工积极参与的自主保全活动与不断改善的过程,为企业构筑防患于未然的机制,它对降低生产成本,提高生产效率,改善企业经营管理,增强企业竞争力起着重要作用。TPM改变了维修无法盈利的传统观念,追求生产系统效率最大化,以实现设备缺陷为零、故障为零、事故为零为管理目标。中国石油化工股份有限公司



8、和改善的目标。同时公司专门成立了以公司经理为组长的推进领导小组及TPM推进办公室, 在深入分析现有TPM活动体系的基础上,制定了天津石化公司TPM活动的推进计划、推进方针和目标。在TPM的导入阶段,我们采用了“试点先行,先进带后进”的指导思想,在公司设立了9个试点小组,率先对TPM活动体系的基础活动进行了导入,在推进TPM活动的过程中,首先要使企业内形成良好的改善氛围,创建利于革新创造的企业文化,设法促进员工广泛积极的参与是顺利推进TPM的前提条件。促进员工积极参与的最有效办法就是开展小组活动和5S活动,通过5S和提案改善活动逐步引导员工寻找设备和生产现场缺陷,使员工经常思考如何去解决这些问题


10、的管理体系有机融合,建立起自己的体系。天津石化从80年代以来一直推行由政府部门倡导的TQM,2000年通过ISO9000认证,2002年通过ISO14000认证,2002年推行HSE管理体系, 2003年导入TPM。2005年3月在全公司内启动了ERP(企业资源计划)。天津石化在推行TPM的同时,从全系统的观点构建企业管理模式,整合了HSE管理制度,对ISO9000内控文件进行了修正,将TPM方面的规范化文件整合为ISO贯标的C级、D级文件。在推行过程中,我们发现TPM的三大指标对于化工企业不太适合,由于化工生产过程均在密闭容器进行,属于连续化生产,一般的设备都有备用设备,OEE缺乏系统性,对

11、于有备台的设备片面追求MTTR和MTBF缺乏经济性,造成保全活动中,为了追求维修速度产生了“以换代修”、“集装配件”等现象,导致维修费用大幅提高。针对这些问题我们提出了基于 TOC理论的 IEE 应用模型,将定性与定量相结合,有效地弥补了OEE的不足。企业文化对TPM的影响也不容忽视。由于任何一种企业管理理论和管理模式都是特定的社会、经济、文化、历史传统等诸多因素共同作用的结果。中国和日本、韩国等国的国情不同,这是不争的事实 ,TPM的本土化已成为TPM成功与否的关键,对于TPM的本土化方面我们作了一些尝试,取得了一些宝贵的经验。例如对于困扰大多数推行TPM企业的“全员”问题,我们通过实际分析


13、能对今后天津石化公司的TPM推进工作有所启示和帮助,能对情况相类似的中国企业推进TPM有一定的借鉴意义。关键词:石化;TPM; 推进;研究AbstractTPM is the abbreviation of Total Productive Maintenance,it is a continuous improvement strategy of an organization. TPM is based on the American Productive Maintenance system, at same time absorbed the idea of the British I

14、ntegrative Engineering of Equipment. Incorporate Total Quality Control (TQC), Just in Time (JIT), and Total Employee Involvement (TEI). The origin of the term Total Productive Maintenance is a maintenance program used in the late of 1960s by Nippon Denso, a Japanese manufacturer of automotive electr

15、ical parts.after the failure of world War second ,Japan has been a economic great power country within several decennaries, Korea is similar to Japan,the economic situation was not better than north Korea in the 1960s,it evidently exceed north Korea today,and has become the apotheosis of success,it

16、has been proved the reason of the success is not only the application of the modern science and technology,but also the new effective management system .TPM has been carried by many companies even many international corporations, such as Fort Kodak and Philip etc.it has been a tide of manufacture en

17、terprise recent years. On the spread course of TPM from east to west, along with the development of science and management, TPM has syncretized with TQM, ISO , JIT and ERP etc. at beginning, TPM was evolved as a process of Autonomous Maintenance ,but today TPM has expanded to every area ,such as pla

18、nning, produce, stock, facilities, safety and sale.it consist of eight parts,for details, Autonomous Maintenance, Equipment Improvement, Planned Maintenance, Quality Maintenance, Office TPM, Product & Equipment Initial Control, Education & Training, Safety, Hygiene & Environment.each area has a set

19、of process to improve the different aspects of the enterprises.in the practice of the TPM,it often choose one or several parts to execute.TPM is the procedure that is based on management and maintenance of equipment which improves the enterprise gradually. It will take an important part in reducing

20、the costing, increasing the profits. Improve the management and enhancing the competition of enterprise. TPM is based on the experience that equipment and process problems are the root cause of many of the unplanned events that reinforce a reactive Management style. TPM brings maintenance into focus

21、 as a necessary and vitally important part of the business. It is no longer regarded as a non-profit activity. Down time for maintenance is scheduled as a part of the manufacturing day and, in some cases, as an integral part of the manufacturing process. The goal is to hold emergency and unscheduled

22、 maintenance to a minimum.China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (SINOPEC) Tianjin Branch is an extra-large scale integrated petrochemical company in China. It is one of the a few petrochemical companies whose annual crude throughputs are more than 10,000,000 tons. The company has more than 10 produ

23、ction lines including refining, chemical fertilizer, thermal power and etc, and 4 directly affiliated sub-branches of scientific research, information, sales distribution and fire fighting. It is very competitive and takes the lead in China petrochemical industry in production scale, quality, market

24、 share and technology.With China joining WTO, the countrys promise to cut tariff and open petrochemical market undoubtedly has been accelerating internationalization of its refining industry and oil products market. This has also led to deteriorate market competition. Government protection is vanish

25、ing and Tianjin Branch is faced with tougher and tougher market competition. The dramatic change in the global economy environment, the important breakthroughs in science and technology and the constant innovations and reform in management and policies.Compared with multinational petrochemical compa

26、nies, Tianjin Branch is inferior in not only cost control and quality control, but corporate management and resource utilization as well. In order to survive in the deteriorating market competition and achieve development, Tianjin Branch will have no other choices but adopting advanced scientific ma

27、nagement model to improve core competency and adapt to fast changing business environment. As a result of the companys effort, Tianjin Branch became the first Branch of SINOPEC who promote and implement TPM.Through some information on the historical background of TPM, gave some information of the de

28、velopment and applications about TPM. Refer to some enterprises whether domestic or overseas, analysis the status and the problems of our company, In addition, retained the TMI as a consultation, who is a specially company for TPM. During the preparative stage, TMI diagnosed the different parts of o

29、ur company, for instance, the management level of workshop, the management of spare parts, and then bring forward improving measures. We made an Announcement by Management to all about TPM introduction in the organization, Setting up TPM and departmental committees, establishing the TPM working syst

30、em and target.During the introduction stage, experimental units were carried out at first, there were nine experimental units in Tianjin Branch, Develop an atmosphere of authentic leadership by making them aware that their ideas and voices will be heard; where people cooperate by their own will of b

31、eing part of the success. TPM starts with group activities and 5S. Problems cannot be clearly seen when the work place is unorganized. Cleaning and organizing the workplace is the first step of improvement. At mean time, training for TPM coordinators is available from several sources, making problem

32、s visible, making the good situation for the next stage- Autonomous maintenance.During the implementation stage, according to eight Pillars of TPM, Autonomous Maintenance, Equipment Improvement, Planned Maintenance, Quality Maintenance, Office TPM, Product & Equipment Initial Control, Education & Tr

33、aining, Safety, Hygiene & Environment, each steps advanced gradually. 5S is a process of work place organization and house keeping which is carried out gradually and systematically. The 5S method is a structured program to implement workplace organisation and standardisation. By implementing 5-S, ev

34、entually productivity, efficiency and working spirit will be promoted. It is not only useful to manage work place physically but also useful to develop employees attitudes and discipline.some problems which will be faced in the implementation practice were settled. TPM is an additive mission if you

35、isolated it from the situation of the enterprise. The integrative management system had been striken up, TPM and TQM as well as ISO9000, even ERP have been synthesized. The new HSE system has been established, ISO9000 documents has been modified, for detail, the TPM standard documents have been fini

36、shed as the C and D grade files. In the process of implement of TPM, we found the parameters OEE and MTTR MTBF were unsuitable for the chemical plant, as the result, change instead repair and some expensive assembled spares were used. In order to solve the problem, the parameters IEE which based on

37、the TOC theoretics was advanced. a good effect was achieved.In addition, some discussions about the relationship between TPM and the culture of Chinese enterprises have been done .each management theory has its special social or history situations, so all of them have their special apply range. Appa

38、rently the situation between China and Japan are different. The key of the TPM is we must build up our Chinese TPM .for example, the problem of the “total”,we consider it is impossible implement TPM depend on the all the employees autonomous attend in a Chinese national company. We close each event

39、making sure that each person learned something, and felt great satisfaction for the achievements.Today, with competition in industry at an all time high, TPM may be the only thing that stands between success and total failure for some companies. It has been proven to be a program that works.in this

40、paper, some knowledge about MBA were used,on the base of the analysis of Tianjin Branch,the course of the implement were analysed,some problems were discussed and the measures were given. The accomplishments of researching in this article have been implemented in Tianjin Branch, yielded good result.

41、 I hope the research can make greater contribution to the TPM implementation of Tianjin Branch ,at mean time, provide some references to all the similar Chinese enterprise on the future practices.Keywords: petrochemical; TPM; implementation; research目 录第1章 绪论11.1 引言.11.2 本文选题意义.11.3 本文研究方法.31.4 本文框架

42、结构.3第2章 TPM简介42.1 TPM理论产生与发展.42.2 TPM理论精要.62.2.1 TPM基本理念.62.2.2 TPM的三“全”.62.2.3 TPM的 5S 活动.72.2.4 TPM活动体系.82.2.5 TPM的主要指标.82.3 TPM的应用.92.3.1 TPM在国外的应用.92.3.2 TPM在中国的应用.10第3章 天津石化公司设备管理现状分析.123.1 天津石化公司设备管理体系.123.2 天津石化公司设备管理现状分析.133.3 推进TPM活动的必要性143.4 天津石化推进TPM的困难和优势15第4章 天津石化公司TPM活动导入 .174.1 开展TPM小

43、组活动.184.2 开展5S活动 .204.2.1 5S活动具体内容.204.2.2 天津石化5S活动214.3 开展改善提案活动 .234.3.1 天津石化开展提案改善活动原则.234.3.2 天津石化提案改善活动标准化.244.3.3 天津石化提案改善活动分析和改进.27第5章 天津石化TPM实施过程295.1 自主保全.295.1.1 初期清扫.325.1.2 发生源、困难部位对策.335.1.3 自主保全基准书的制定.335.1.4 总点检.345.1.5 自主点检.355.1.6 标准化.355.1.7 自主管理的彻底化.355.2 计划保全365.2.1 保全情报的整理.365.2

44、.2 计划保全的导入.375.2.3 故障的解析和改良保全.375.2.4 计划保全的扩大.375.2.5 计划保全质的提升.375.3 个别改善375.3.1 天津石化公司个别改善活动通过以下方面谋求数量上的提高.385.3.2 天津石化公司个别改善活动通过以下方面谋求质量上的提高.385.4 教育训练395.5 间接部门事务效率405.6 安全环保41第6章 天津石化TPM实施分析436.1 公司管理模式改善.446.1.1 TPM指标的修正.446.1.2 备件A管理模式456.2 TPM本土化的分析.476.2.1 TPM的小组活动的改进.476.2.2 TPM与企业文化.496.3 TPM与公司其它管理制度.496.3.1 TPM与TQM 506.3.2 TPM与ISO900014000.506.

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