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1、 初二英语词组短语 Unit6 Topic I Going on a spring field trip1. go on a spring field trip 去春游2. a two-day visit to 去两天游3. make the decision together 一起作决定4. be far away 距远5. Its hard to say 很难说6. work in groups 分组工作7. find out the information 查找信息8. decide on/sth (to do sth) 决定做9. tooto 太而不能10. book train ti

2、ckets 订火车票11. buy the tickets at 以10元买票12. pay for 付款 陪钱13. total price 总价目14. guest room price 客房价15. rooms with two single beds 双人间16. rooms with a single bed 单人间17. rooms with all facilities 有各种设施房18. a standard room with two single beds 双人标准间19. make hotel reservation 订旅馆20. work out 算出21. the c

3、ost of the field trip 郊游费用22. more than/over 多于23. do fund raising activities 举办资金筹集活动24. raise money/funds (go fund raising) 筹钱25. come up with 找出 找到26. organize a show 组织一个展览27. fall asleep 入睡28. at the foot of 在脚下29. on the top of 在顶上30. count the names 点名31. look at (appreciate) the night scene

4、看夜景32. see the sunrise 看日出33. land safely 安全着陆34. take photos 拍照35. plan very well 计划周密36. the sea of clouds 云海37. in a local restaurant 在当地餐馆38. some places of interest 名胜古迹Unit6 Topic 2 I Lets exploring1. You bet 那当然2. go to the cinema 去电影院3. look forward to (doing) sth 期待4. go camping 去野营5. tell

5、sb something alout 告诉关6. in the old days 在古代7. in ones life 在一生中8. survey the area 勘察地形9. make sure 确保10. spread over 蔓延分布11. on both sides of the way 在路的两边12. in pairs 成对13. kneel down 跪下14. the most eastrn 在最东边15. be crowded with 被拥满16. look for space 寻找17. the parking lot 停车场18. the crowd of the

6、people 人群19. take close-up pictures 拍近照20. elbow the way through the crowd 从人群中挤出来21. out of sight 在视线外22. pour down 倾泻 充满23. ask for help 向求救24. flash through the mind 在脑海中闪过25. slap sb on swh 拍某人某部位26. jump up 跳起来27. give (sb) a hug 拥抱某人28. as soon as 一就29. pack the backpacks 打包30. do safety check

7、 作安检31. try to do sth 尽力做某事32. try doing sth 试着去做某事33. get off the horse 下马34. get on the bus 上车35. have fun doing sth 做有趣36. Thank goodness 谢天谢地37. quite a good book/a very good book 非常好书38. treat sb to sth 用款待 Unit6 Topic 3 Cycling is exciting1. get used to (doing) sth 习惯做2. be afraid of (doing) s

8、th 害怕做3. obey the laws 遵守法规4. break the rules 违反法规5. fewer traffic jams 更少交通阻塞6. avoid (doing) sth 避免做7. warn sb about sth 警告某人做某事8. a sharp turn to the left 急左转弯9. slow down 减速10. knock into 撞上11. condition of victims 受害者状况12. the man on the bike 骑单车男孩13. wear a helmet 戴安全帽14. get a fine 受罚15. pay attention to (doing) sth 注意16. learn sth by heart 牢记17. agree with sb=agree to sth 同意18. millions of 成万上亿19. whats more 而且20. go through Alps 穿越21. the top one-day racers 顶尖级运动员22. according to 根据23. fight off 击败24. break the world record 破世界记录25. bring the attention 引起关注

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