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1、初三新题型-语法填空专题练习1. A _( Span) company is building the first ever space hotel. It plans _(open)to the public in 2015. During their stay, guests _( be ) able to see _sun rise15 times a day. _ can travel around the world every 80 minutes. They will have to wear special suits _they can crawl (匍匐爬行)。The su

2、its will allow them to stick to _(wall)like Spiderman.The hotel will travel _30,000km per hour, 450km above the Earth. It has space to hold 4 guests and two astronaut-pilots. _to the hotel, guests will have to take _rocket and travel for a day and a half.2. One day, a young man asked Albert Einstein

3、, a great_(science), what the secret of success was. _scientist told him that the secret of success is hard work. A few days_(late), the young man asked him the same question again. Einstein was not very _(happiness). He did not say anything, _wrote a few words _a piece of paper and handed _to the y

4、oung man. The young man looked at the paper. On it was_(write): A=X+Y+Z. “What does this mean?” asked the young man. “A means success,” said the scientist. “and X means hard work, Y means good_ ”(method), and Z means _(little)_talking and more work.3. Robot looks like a bucket on wheels. It moves _(

5、quick )around the store, _ (choose) items and putting them into a shopping basket. Robot always chooses the _ (big)things first. _ you buy a new toaster,(烤面包机)Robot, will not put it on top of your fresh_( vegetable). Then Robot _(come)back with your order. This is our special shopkeeper, Robot. Many

6、 people like to shop_ Robot shop. “Its fun and interesting _(shop )here.” Says Michele, a regular customer. The prices are _(low)because_ stores dont have to pay for salaries.” 4. First of all, we should pay attention to the word_(pronounce). The more we read it, the_(good) we can remember it. So I

7、suggest_(read) the new words aloud! Second, _we read, we had better _how to use it, such as to make_ phrase or a sentence. In this way we can remember it for a long time. _(three)we should turn the short-term memory _the long-term memory when we remember_. Besides, we should do it in a good way, _we

8、ll waste much time. Last, we should understand them and use them in the sentences or articles correctly. 5. Are you worried about finding a good job or even any job? Nervous about _(pay)for college? Are afraid_ a parent may be out of work? If so, you are not alone. A Teens Health Survey found that m

9、ost teens worry _ the economy. The good news is, teens also seem _(confidence)about the future and arent overly stressed out(过度紧张) about the current financial situation. And most are willing to face_(brave) to the tough economic times by finding a positive side to use less and save_(many.) Some are

10、even able to find a positive side to_ is going on, like Sasha, 18, who said , “I think that it will help prepare us _(be)more responsible with money in the future.”6. How are you feeling about_ sudden call when you are having a sound _(asleep)? Maybe someone _(feel)too bad or someone not. What will

11、you do with it_ it happens to you at midnight? Dont lose your temper _dont worry!Here is a piece of good news _lazy people: this talking pillow connects to _mobile phone by Bluetooth(蓝牙). _ someone calls you, _pillow will ring. Press a button on one side of the pillow, then it starts_(talk).7. My _(

12、good) friends are John and Ann. We do many things together. John lives _my house and we are_ the same class. Hes fifteen years old_ hes tall and thin. Hes got blond _(hair) and blue eyes. Hes polite and very clever. Hes very good at Maths and he _(help)me with my homework sometimes. He usually likes

13、 _(wear)jeans and a T-shirt _in the photo hes wearing black trousers and a yellow T-shirt. We also play basketball at _nearby park together and sometimes we play video games at _house. 8. Last Saturday evening, I attended_(Simon) birthday party. We had a taste of the birthday cake and _(sing)the bir

14、thday song for Simon. Besides, we danced, so we really enjoyed_. But I happened _(knock)a vase down and it broke _pieces. I was very sorry for it _a little nervous .I apologized to _parents and offered to pay for it. _his parents said “No” and told me not _(worry)about it. Today I learned a good les

15、son. That is: I must be very careful _and wherever I am from now on. Whats more, remember not to make the same mistake again.9. She is a cute (乖巧), quiet girl. _a daughter, she has no _(secret)from her mother, who is very_(please) with her. _these days she has become not so _(open)as before. She has

16、 _diary that she keeps under lock and key. Her mother cannot help _(worry)about her: what if she _(fall)in love, _is too early for her age. After all she is reaching the “dangerous time”. These thoughts _(cause)trouble in the mothers mind.10. Nowadays more and more people like to watch TV _TV plays

17、a very important part in our life. First I think _(watch)TV is good for us, _ we can get more knowledge by watching TV. For example, we can know something _ happened in the world every day. We can learn English, history, listen _pop music, and so on from TV. In a word, we can learn lots of_(thing) t

18、hat we cant learn at school. And all of us know that learning things by TV is much _(fast)than by listening to the radio _just by reading books.11. Last Sunday morning, it was fine. I went shopping with my mother _(happy)When we got to the gate, we saw many people _(buy)the new bags which are really

19、 _( environment)friendly. And even a young pioneer is active _showing it to the consumers. I was deeply moved._ we know, China is facing _problem of resource shortage, such as water shortage, wood shortage_ so on. Thus it is our duty _(protect)the existing resource and develop new ones. I suggest _(

20、use)paper bags instead of plastic _.12. Im writing_(apply) for the post _(advertisement)in Shenzhen Daily. I am a student from Shenzhen University and _favorite subject is English. I know Shenzhen a lot , such as the culture of Shenzhen and_(place) of interest in Shenzhen. I am good at _(speak)Engli

21、sh and I _(do) some part-time jobs _some foreign companies in my spare time. Whats more , I have ever showed some foreigners _the Happy Valley , Window of _ World and some other places of interest in Shenzhen. I think I can be a good tour guide _ I can get the job. I am free for an interview at any

22、time on weekday after 5 pm.13. Dear Mum,I know youre going to miss me, _dont think that I will never forget you or stop _(love)you because of being not around to say “ I LOVE YOU.” Ill think _you every day Mum, and Ill love you even _(many)each day.But I want you to adopt a little boy_ you wont be s

23、o lonely; he can have my room and my toys_(play) with. _you want to get a girl instead, she probably wouldnt like _same things as us boys do, so you will have to buy her things_ girls like.Dont be sad when you think about me. I_(be) happy only if youre happy.KEYS 1.Spanish 2.to open 3. will be 4. th

24、e 5. They 6. so 7. walls 8. at 9. To get 10. a2. 1. scientist 2. The 3. later 4.happy 5. but 6. on 7. it 8. written 9. methods 10. less3. 1. quickly 2. choosing 3.biggest 4. If 5. vegetables 6. comes 7. at 8. to shop 9. lower 10. the4. 1. pronunciation 2. better 3.reading 4.while 5. master 6.a 7. Th

25、ird, 8. into 9. them 10. or5. 1. paying 2. that 3. about 4. confident 5. bravely 6 . more 7. what 8. to be6.1. a 2. sleep 3. feels 4. if 5. or 6. for 7. your 8. When 9. the 10. talking7.1. best 2. near 3. in 4. and 5. hair 6. helps 7. wearing 8. but 9. a 10 .his8. 1. Simons 2. sang 3. ourselves 4. t

26、o knock 5. into 6. and 7. his 8. But 9. to worry 10. whenever9. 1. As 2. secrets 3. pleased 4. But 5. open 6. a 7. worrying 8. falls 9. which 10. have caused10.1. and 2. watching 3. because 4. that 5. to 6. things 7. faster 8. or 11. 1. happily. 2. buying 3. environmentally 4. in 5. As 6. the 7. and 8. to protect 9. using 10. ones.12. 1. to apply 2. advertised 3. my 4. places 5. spoken 6. have done 7.for 8. around 9. the 10. if 13.1. but 2. loving 3. of 4. more 5. so 6. to play 7 If 8. the 9. that/ which 10. will be

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