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1、初二英语语法填空特训(无答案)初二英语语法填空特训阅读下面短文按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 (A)There are all kinds of different (11) _ (museum) in. the world. But have you ever visited a museum of tap water? Beijings Museum of Tap Water may be the only one in (12) _ world. The museum has a lot of photos, models

2、, maps. Few of (13) _ (they) are in English,(14) _ its a bit difficult for foreign visitors to understand(理解). Beijings tap water history (15) _ (begin) in 1908. At t that time, Empress Dowager Cixi (慈禧太后) wanted to build the city pipe lines(管网) to help fight fires in Beijing. At first, people did n

3、ot believe in tap water. They kept (16)_ (use) well water (井水) because they thought the tap water (17) _ (be) not safe. Later on, the government did everything (18) _ (tell) people about tap water. (19) _ (final), more and more people started using tap water. The museum is one of the most wonderful

4、places in Beijing. If you want to try something different it is (20) _ very unusual one.(B) Electricity is very important in our daily lives. We can use it to do a lot of things. We need it to turn on lights 71. _ we use it to make bread. We need it for our computers. We also use it to watch TV. Whe

5、n we 72. _ (turn) on something, we use electricity. Do you know where people make electricity? In power stations! Electricity flows through wires to our homes. 73. _ fact, many things can let electricity pass through 74. _ (they), for example, the metal(金属). Thats why electric wires are metal. Other

6、 things can 75. _ (stop) electricity. The glass does this. The rubber (橡胶) 76. _ (do) this too. So electricity cant pass through them. Electric wires have covers (表面) of rubber to keep the electricity from 77. _ (leave) the wires. Lighting (闪电) is 78. _ (nature) electricity. It starts in a cloud. It

7、 can go to another cloud or to the ground. You must be careful 79. _ electricity is so dangerous. Never touch wires on 80. _ ground. And when there is a storm, you should come inside. (C)Tuesday was a sad day for Gloria. She was going to leave (66) _ (she) house and friends to move to a new home in

8、the city. Do we (67) _ (real) have to go, Mom? asked Gloria sadly. Oh, Gloria! Im sorry that youre so sad, replied Mom. But I think that youll like living in the city. Life there will be (68) _ (excite). Gloria didnt find Moms words very beautiful. Gloria never moved before. She lived in a small tow

9、n, and she couldnt imagine (69) _ (live) in the city. She was nervous about it. As they got to the city, Gloria looked out of the window and (70) _ (see) many tall buildings. She felt excited about them. Mom, Dad! Look at those buildings! Will we live (71) _ one of them? asked Gloria. Mom and Dad no

10、dded(点头)their heads and (72) _ smile came onto their faces. They arrived in front of their new home. They stopped (73) _ car and rose to the twenty-fifth floor. Gloria looked out of the window. She saw some other tall buildings and parks. They (74) _ (be) beautiful. Saying good bye to her friends wa

11、s difficult for Gloria, (75) _ she was looking forward to entering (进入)a new school and meeting new friends.(D) Many years ago, there lived a king in a small country. He liked swimming. When summer came, he always went to another palace in a forest with his guards (守卫) and returned (11) _ the capita

12、l in autumn. One afternoon, the king went (12) _ (swim) in a lake in the forest, but he (13) _ (not tell) others about it. He was very (14) _ (exciting) when he was ready to jump into the water. Suddenly, he heard a great noise and saw a big bear (15) _ (come) towards him. He tried his best (16) _ (

13、run) away. He ran and ran, and at last he lost his way. He was hungry and tired when he found (17) _ old house. There was a farmer in it. “Im the king, Im hungry.”He said to (18) _ farmer. “Bring me something to eat (19) _ (quick)!”The farmer only had four eggs. The king ate them and then felt bette

14、r. “How much must I pay you for that?”asked the king. “Eighteen pounds,” answered the farmer. “(20) _ expensive they are! Are eggs rare (稀有的 ) here?” asked the king.“No,” answered the farmer. “We have only one king in our country ! ” (E)Welcome to Class 5, everyone! My name is Carter and I (6)_ (be)

15、 your new headteacher. I want to talk to you about the class rules. Please try (7) _ (follow) these rules all the time. Rule No. 1: No eating. If you bring food or (8) _ (drink) into the classroom, Ill throw them into the bin(垃圾箱). Rule No. 2: (9) _ (not be) late. If you are late, I will give you ex

16、tra(额外的) homework. Rule No. 3: Please (10) _ (not shout) in class. If you want to ask (11) _ question, please put up your hand. . Rule No. 4: Remember to do your homework. (12) _ you dont hand in your homework on time, you II have to (13) _ (stay) here after school. Always follow the rules! If you f

17、ollow the rules, you wont have any problems. Now (14) _ (do) anyone have any questions? If you dont understand (理解) any of the rules, please ask(15) _(I). (F) Jack liked to help others. One day, he saw 66._ old man holding a fishing rod (鱼竿)near the park. “How poor he is!” said Jack to 67. _ (him).

18、“There must be something wrong 68. _ that old man. I can know 69. _reason (原因)if I go to ask him.” So Jack walked up to the old man and asked, “What are you 70._ (do), my friend?” “Fishing, Sir.” The old man said 71._he didnt stop. Fishing? Well, would you like 72. _ (come) and have a drink with me?

19、” Then the old man stood up and 73. _ (walk) after Jack to a bar. There he ordered a large glass of beer and a cigar (雪茄) Jack felt good about 74. _ (help) the old man. He asked, “How many fish did you 75. _ (catch) today?” The man blew a smoke ring (烟圈)and replied, “You are the sixth one today!” (G

20、)There was a king. He always (11) _ (feel) unhappy. So he asked a wise old man (12) _ to find happiness. “Thats easy,” the old man said. “ You just put on a happy mans shirt,(13) _ then you can be happy.” The king said goodbye to the old man and started to look for a happy man. He visited many (14)

21、_ (country) and met many people. But they all said they (15) _ (be) not happy. One day, the king saw (16) _ poor farmer working in the field and (17) _ (sing) songs all the time. The sun was shining in the sky. It was very hot, but the farmer looked very happy. The king went up to (18) _ (he) and as

22、ked, “Are you happy,my good friend?” “Yes, very happy,” answered the farmer. “Can you (19) _ (sell) me your shirt?” asked the king. “My shirt? But I dont (20) _ (have) a shirt. I never have one,” the farmer answered in surprise (惊讶地). (H) Its in the evening. Bill is driving his car to his sisters sc

23、hool. In fact, he is quite (6)_ (closely) to the school, (7) _ he doesnt know. At this time, he sees (8) _ old man. Bill comes out of his car and (9) _. (go) over to the old man. “Excuse me. Do you know where the school is? he asks. The old man says, “Yes, its not far from here. I can (10) _ (take)

24、you there.” Then Bill asks the old man (11) _ (sit) in his car. Soon they come to a small house, and (12) _ old man says, “Stop here,please!” Bill stops his car and says, “But this isnt a school.” “Well,” says the old man, “this is (13) _ (I) house. I want to get home before supper time. Thank you f

25、or (14) _ (drive) me home. The school is behind the park. So go back to the park and then (15) _ (turn) right.” (I)Mr Brown is my friend. He is 34 years old this year. He lives in America and 66. _ (work) there. I am 32 years old. I live in China and work here. We often keep in touch with each other

26、 67. _email. Sometimes we talk about our hobbies. Mr Brown likes playing golf (高尔夫).He often plays it on Saturday morning. He asks me 68. _ (go) to America to take a trip and play golf with 69. _(he) together. I really want to do that, but I cant 70. _ I am busy working in China I work in 71. _ inte

27、rnational company. There 72. _ (be) too much work for me to do. I also like playing golf. Sometimes I play it with my customers (客户),73. _ it s just for work. In fact, my favorite hobby is swimming. In summer, I often go 74. _ (swim) in a swimming pool close to my house. I think it is a great sport.

28、 It can 75. _ (help) my body become stronger. I hope Mr Brown can come to China to surf the water in the sea. And I can also show him around China. (G) Toby, the dog, stood in the sunshine on the front porch(走廊). Andy would be home soon. Then they would run around the yard and play (66)_ a yellow ba

29、ll. When the family car (67) _ (come) back, Toby took the ball in his mouth and felt glad (68) _ (meet) Andy. Andy came out of the car (69) _ (slow), holding something in his arms. Toby danced on his back legs, and then dropped the ball at Andys (70) _ (foot). “I cant (71) _ (play) now, Toby,” Andy

30、said. “Look at the puppy. Toby smelt and touched (72) _ puppy with his nose. Hey, (73) _ (be) careful, Toby,” Andy said. “You may hurt him.” Andy carried the puppy into the house and closed the door behind him. “( 74) _ does Andy need a new dog?” wondered Toby He already has (75) _ (I). Toby stood b

31、eside the door. “Maybe Andy doesnt love me anymore,” he thought. He was very sad.(K) Ever year many young people m Britain take a year off before they go to university (大学 ). Some young people work as volunteers (志愿者) Volunteers give their time (66) _ (help) people. Pauline Jones, 18, lives m Cardif

32、f, Wales Next year she (67) _ (go) to university to Study Spanish, but now she is living in Belize. Pauline says, “Im (68) _ (work) here to protect the sea near Belize. The coral(珊瑚)here is beautiful, but (69) _ people pollute the seawater, the coral will die. All over (70) _ world, coral reefs are

33、dying. We need to do something about the problem before it (71) _ (be) too late. Im staying (72) _ a family here and I help with the cleaning. I dont get any money, (73) _ thats OK. I love my work here, and Im learning a lot about the people of Belize - and (74) _ (me)! When I finish my work, I want to stay here for another three (75) _ (month). I want to travel around Belize and Central America”.4 / 4

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