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1、Unit 6 The TelephoneAnwar F.AccawiR einforcementT ext AnalysisThe TelephoneB ackgroundW arming upUnit 6Questions/ActivitiesCheck-on PreviewObjectivesWBTRWarming upThe TelephoneUnit 6Warming upQuestions/ActivitiesDid the title tell you much?What did you expect to read?WBTRPlease Please define define

2、the the underlined underlined words words in in each each context:context:(p.22)In the evening,the laughter and noise of the men trailed off and finally stopped(p.22)“Ill give him a trail to follow,”muttered Rainsford.(L.8)(p.21)to bring news that would change their lives and deliver them from their

3、 aimless existence.(p.22)or to deliver a message to his wife,such asn.The track of a person or animal by which it can be followedv.(voice off),it becomes gradually quieter and then stopsCheck-on PreviewWarming up free sb from a situationtake sth to a place 有时候,在这漫长的等待中,加上酷热,苍蝇以及羊粪的气味,人们的脾气变得暴躁起来。年轻一


5、late the following paragraph into English Translate the following paragraph into English by yourself and then compare with the by yourself and then compare with the original.original.Check-on PreviewWarming upUnderstand the theme of the storyUnderstand the theme of the story(understand globalization

6、 from another perspective,cf.“Globalizations Dual Power”)Appreciate the style Appreciate the style v perspectivev tone v strongly flavored expressionsv metaphor,simile,exaggerationObjectivesWarming upBackgroundSocial BackgroundAuthorBWTRThe TelephoneUnit 6Anwar F.AccawiHis LifeuBorn in Lebanon in a

7、family whose ancestors are believed to have gone to Jerusalem in the Crusades.uTaught English at the University of BeirutuLeft for the U.S.when the civil war brokeout in LebanonuHas been teaching English at the English Language Institute of the Uni.of TennesseeBackgroundAuthor Non-Fiction The Boy fr

8、om the Tower of the Moon(1999)Short fiction The Camera in Homeworks(1996)BackgroundHis WorksAuthorBackgroundSocial BackgroundA Short Story Plot:a little boys first time to go to school on the way to school Setting:at school on the way home Protagonist/Narrator:“I”the boy in the story Theme of the st

9、ory:what do you think?BWTRLocation:Location:Middle East,bordering the Mediterranean Sea,between Israel and Syria Ethnic divisions:Ethnic divisions:Arab 95%,Armenian 4%,other 1%BackgroundSocial BackgroundLanguages:Languages:Arabic(official),French(official),Armenian,EnglishoReligions:Religions:Islam

10、70%Christian 30%JudaismIndependence:Independence:22 November 1943(from League of Nations mandate under French administration)BackgroundSocial BackgroundThe Capital CityBeirut“Paris of the Middle East”BackgroundSocial BackgroundDetailedAnalysisStructureThemeText AnalysisTWBRThe TelephoneUnit 6What wo

11、uld be the key words if you What would be the key words if you want to discuss its theme?want to discuss its theme?-technology,progress,globalization?-a better life?Text AnalysisTheme The advent of the telephone and automobile(magic carpet of the twentieth century)link Magdaluna to the outside world

12、 and gradually destroy its centuries-old tradition of self-sufficiency;the Lebanese Civil War(1975-90)completes the villages slow and agonizing death.Yet Magdaluna remains alive in Accawis loving portrait,a gentle recollection of childhood that doubles as a poignant reminder of modernitys sometimes

13、devastating impact.-Wendy SmithIs this all?Is this all?Text AnalysisThemePart I(1-10)village life before the installation.P(1-8):what time meant to people in Magadaluna P(9-10):the authors memory of a draught in his childhood.Part II(11-25)changes brought to the village by telephone.P11:TransitionP(

14、12-18):InstallationP(19-25):Changes happening to the villageText AnalysisStructureText AnalysisDetailed AnalysisMain IdeaSentence ParaphraseWords&ExpressionsExercisePart I Part IITWBRPart I(1-10):main ideaPart I(1-10):main ideavillage life before the installationvillage life before the installationA

15、.What did time mean to the people?A.What did time mean to the people?(paras.1-8)(paras.1-8)Questions for comprehensionQuestions for comprehension 1.What was the overall picture of Magdaluna?How did the narrator present the picture?2.What did time mean to the villagers?How did they keep track of time

16、?What did it suggest?3.What was the general life pattern for the villagers?And what were considered important events?Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPara.1:Para.1:Topic sentence?Time didnt mean much to anybody in the secluded village.Any other noted feature(s)?the unchanging cycle of life?a traditiona

17、l,agricultural society?Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisParas.2-8:Paras.2-8:Main idea?The villagers used a divine calendar to keep track of time.Any other noted feature(s)?the natural disasters?The tone of the narrator“I”(as a boy)?Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart I:ExercisePart I:ExerciseComplete th

18、e following questions with keep track Complete the following questions with keep track of/lose track of(p.1);crack(p.6);shortly of/lose track of(p.1);crack(p.6);shortly after(p.4.);incorporate(p.8).after(p.4.);incorporate(p.8).1.He felt sick he came back from tropical countries.2.She bought Vogue an

19、d Elle every month to keep track of fashion.3.He picked up a piece of rock and cracked it in half.4.The government this principle into the 1997 law.shortly afterincorporatedText AnalysisDetailed AnalysisWrap-up of this partWrap-up of this partFind evidence in this part suggesting the villagers had a

20、 monotonous life.Find evidence in this part suggesting the villagers had a hard life.Find out the expressions bearing a strong local flavor.Find the figures of speech in this part.Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisB.The Year of the Drought (paras.9-B.The Year of the Drought (paras.9-10)10)Why did the na

21、rrator say that the year of drought was one of his best years?Do the boys memories of that year reveal anything important?Whats that?Could you figure out the one of the advantages of adopting a boys perspective?Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisWrap-up of this partWrap-up of this partWhat was the image

22、of the village women?Does it fit into the woman images of our society?What does this part tell us about the local life?Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisA.Transition(para.11)A.Transition(para.11)Main idea?The year of drought also one of the worst yearsAny other noted feature(s)?the boys attitude towards

23、 the installation of the telephone?The division of ideas among the villagers?The general attitude towards the installation?Part II:main idea(Para.11-25)Part II:main idea(Para.11-25)changes brought by the telephonechanges brought by the telephoneText AnalysisDetailed AnalysisTheThe retired cook,Abu R

24、ajaTheThe retired Turkish-army drill sergeant,TheThe vineyard keeperTheThe village whoreWhy definite articles?Why definite articles?Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisB.Installation(paras.12-18)B.Installation(paras.12-18)What was the villagers response to the installation of telephone?What did the villag

25、ers think of the telephone men?How did the villagers have such an impression?How different were their positions when they came to observe the process?What does this suggest?(para.13)Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisChanges in the village(Paras.19-25)Changes in the village(Paras.19-25)Before After Impli

26、cationvillage centerIm Kaleems houseAbu Rajas dikkanactivitiesArgue about politics,drink coffee,play cards or backgammonExchange rumor,glanceat the phone,drink Kacula,generalAtmosphereBustling at any time of day,island of comfort,an oasisLaughter,noise trailed off,stopped a skeletonfor meLucrative b

27、usiness,Run errands to make moneyFewer and fewer men came to Im kaleems?Mother-fatherHome-abroadLife-deathText AnalysisDetailed AnalysisParas.19-20:Paras.19-20:Main idea?Before the telephones arrival,the house of the village whore Im Kaleem was the villages center.Any other noted feature(s)?Im Kalee

28、ms features?Her place as one of comfort and entertainment?Any question(s)in mind?Why she was attractive to those men?Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisThe village whoreThe village whore Im Kaleen Im KaleenAppearance:short,middle-aged,jet-blackhairVoice:raspy,loud(exaggeration)Identity:widow,devout Catho

29、lic,village whore(whats special about her being a whore?)Function:burden-reliever for women,confessor and troubleshooter for menQ:How do you understand this?Do you agree with the authors opinion in retrospect?Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPara.21:Para.21:Main idea?Abu Rajas dikkan became the village

30、s new center.Any other noted feature(s)?young villagers wish to leave?Foreign things,esp.American beverageText AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPara.22:Para.22:Main idea?The telephone was bad news for“me”personally,because“I”could no longer make money out of running errands.Any other noted feature(s)?the ea

31、rlier closeness among villagers?Boys are boys(everywhere)?Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisParas.23 Paras.23 24:24:Main idea?The telephone calls did come and villagers started to leave the village,leaving only the old,the sick and the maimed behind.Any other noted feature(s)?the exodus?Many of them wer

32、e doing hard,often menial,work?There was no more life/vitality in the village?Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPara.25:Para.25:Main idea?“My”family also moved away,and“I”am now in the U.S.,stilling looking for“that better life.”Any other noted feature(s)?Has the author found the“better”life he wants?(e

33、ndless search/pursuit)Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisRWBTReinforcementStylistic FeaturesStylistic FeaturesDiscussionDiscussionThe TelephoneUnit 6a strong local flavora strong local flavorfigures of speech:figures of speech:-metaphor,simile,exaggerationhumorhumorvery descriptive:very descriptive:choic

34、e of sentence structureschoice of sentence structures -eg.and and and choice of choice of“thethe”before names before names -Everyone knew everyone else.polished simplicityReinforcementStylistic FeaturesReinforcementDiscussionWork in groups of four:Now its time to reflect on what we discussed in the

35、first class.Has your understanding of the text changed?Why or why not?There are several possible ways of reading the story.Which way do you like best?Give your reasons.RWBT Are the changes all negative?How do you understand these changes?Negative changes(in the eyes of the boy):change of the village

36、s center change of peoples relationships among each other(no longer so close)change of peoples life style(the death of a traditional society,influence of the outside world globalization:cf.Lesson 8)the authors nostalgic toneReinforcementDiscussionPositive change(from whose perspective?):-having a ne

37、w hope;no longer contented with their present way of life-breaking away from the stagnancy of the agricultural life(the dull,repetitive,monotonous life cycle,with no development,no progress,in a sleepy town)-getting connected to the outside world?ReinforcementDiscussionIs the telephone a blessing or

38、 a curse?A blessing in disguise?A necessary evil?Should we always embrace the new because what is new means progress?How do you understand“Progress”?How does the narrator feel about the old village life?Do you think it is good for people to look back on the past with fondness?ReinforcementDiscussion谢谢 谢!谢!放映结束 感谢各位观看!让我们共同进步.

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