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1、(完整版)新视野大学英语第三版第二册课文语法讲解_Unit5新视野三版 读写 B2 U5 Text ASpend or save - The students dilemma1 Do you feel as confused and manipulated as I do with this question, ShouldI spend or should I save? I think that the messages we get from ourenvironment seem to defy common sense and contradict each other。 Thego

2、vernment tel s us to spend or wel never get out of the recession。 At thesame time, they tel us that unless we save more, our country isin grave danger.Banks offer higher interest rates so we increasesavings。 Then the same banks send us credit card offers so we can spendmore。2 Heres another familiar

3、example: If we dont pay our credit card bil on time,we get demanding, nasty emails from the credit card company sayingsomething like: ”Your failure to pay is unacceptable。 Pay immediately or youlbe in trouble!” Then, as soon as we pay, we get a fol ow-up email in acharming tone tel ing us how valuab

4、le a customer we are and encouraging usto resume spending. Which depiction is correct: a failing consumer in troubleor a valued customer? The gap between these two messages is enormous。3 The paradox is that every day we get two sets of messages at odds witheach other。 One is the permissive” perspect

5、ive, Buy, spend, get it now。 Youneed this! The other we could cal an upright” message, which urges us,Work hard and save。 Suspend your desires。 Avoid luxuries。 Controlyour appetite for more than you truly need.” This message comes to us frommany sources: from school, from parents, even from politica

6、l figures referringto traditional values. Hard work, family loyalty, and the capacity to postponedesires are core American values that have made our country great.4But the opposite message, advertisings permissive message, isinescapable. Though sometimes disguised, the messages are everywhere welook

7、: on TV, in movies on printed media and road signs, in stores, and onbuses, trains and subways.Advertisements invade our daily lives. We areconstantly surrounded by the message to spend, spend, spend. Someonerecently said, ”The only time you can escape advertising is when youre in yourbed asleep!”5

8、Its been calculated that by the age of 18, the average American wil haveseen 600,000 ads; by the age of 40, the total is almost one mil ion。 Eachadvertisement is doing its utmost to influence our diverse buying decisions,from the breakfast cereal we eat to which cruise line we wil use for ourvacatio

9、n。 There is no shortage of ideas and things to buy! Now, of course, wedont remember exactly what the products were, but the essential messageis cemented into our consciousness, ”Its good to satisfy your desires. Youshould have what you want. You deserve the best。 So, you should buy it now! A famous

10、advertisement said it perfectly, I love me. Im a good friend tomyself。 I do what makes me feel good。 I derive pleasure from nice things andfeel nourished by them. I used to put things off. Not anymore. Today Il buynew ski equipment, look at new compact cars, and buy that camera Ivealways wanted。 I l

11、ive my dreams today, not tomorrow.6Whathappensaswetakeinthesecontradictorybut explicit messages? What are the psychological and social consequencesof this campaign to control our spending habits? On one hand, we want morethings because we want to satisfy our material appetite. Most of us derivepleas

12、ure from treating ourselves. On the other hand, a little voice insideus echoes those upright messages: Watch out, take stock of your life, dont letyour attention get scattered。 Postpone your desires. Dont fal into debt。Wait! Retain control over your own life。 It wil make you stronger。”7 Anyway, many

13、 of the skil s you need as a successful student can be appliedto your finances. Consider your financial wel -beings a key ingredient of youruniversity education as money worries are extremely stressful anddistracting. They can make you feel terrible and hinder your ability to focus onyour prime obje

14、ctive: successful y completing your education.*8How can you be a smart and educated consumer? Many schools,community organizations, and even some banks offer financial literacyclasses. Consider consulting with your schools financial aid office orseek input from your parents or other respected adults

15、 in setting up abudget. An additional option is finding a partner to help you stay on track andfind pleasure in the administration of your own financial affairs。 Mostimportantly, if you find yourself getting into financial trouble, dont letyour ego get in your way; urgently get help with tackling yo

16、ur problem before itspins out of control and lands you in legal troubles。9 Al this wil help you become an educated consumer and saver。 As you learnto balance spending and saving, you wil become the captain of your own ship,steering your life in a successful and productive direction throughthe choppy

17、 waters.Language Points:1 Do you feel as confused and manipulated as I do with this question, “Should Ispend or should I save?” (Para。 1)Meaning: When asking yourself whether you should spend or save, do you feel puzzledand control ed as I do?Meaning beyond words: According to the conventional conce

18、pt, we are the master orthe boss of the money we have earned。 It is up to us to decide how to use our money。 However, the sentence gives us the hintthat we are actual y no longer in control of our money。2 I think that the messages we get from our environment seem to defy commonsense and contradict e

19、ach other. (Para。 1)Meaning: In my opinion, the messages we get in our daily life about the question “ShouldI spend or should I save? are against common sense and they often dont agree witheach other。Usage note: defy, denydefy 和 deny 都是及物动词,词形相近,但实际上两者词义有别,用法也不同。1 defy 主要表示“违抗;反抗;蔑视,后接名词;而 deny 主要表示

20、“否认;拒绝承认”,后接名词或 that 引导的从句。*Nearly 11 thousand people have been arrested for defying the ban on street trading.近一万一千人因违抗在街上交易的禁令而被捕。The government has denied that the authorities have uncovered a plot to assassinate thepresident.政府已否认当局发现了一个暗杀总统的阴谋。2 defy 后接动词不定式表示“挑战;刺激某人做某事时,不能用动名词形式;deny 表示“否认;拒绝

21、承认”时,后面不能接动词不定式,只能接动名词形式.*I defy you to come up with one major accomplishment of the current prime minister。我倒要看看你能否讲出一项现任首相作出的重大成就。He denied doing anything il egal。 他否认做过任何违法的事。3 The government tells us to spend or well never get out of the recession. (Para. 1)Meaning beyond words: To help the coun

22、try recover from the economic recession, thegovernment is encouraging people to spend, which will help stimulate production, jobmarkets and bank liquidity.4 At the same time, they tell us that unless we save more, our country is in gravedanger。 (Para.1)Meaning: Meanwhile, they warn us that if we don

23、t save more money the economicrecession wil grow and severely harm our country。Usage note: unless1 unless 作连词,表示“除非 ;如果不,引导条件状语从句,意为“如果某个条件不出现,某件事就不会进行”.使用 unless 时必须留意从句中动词的时态。虽然 unless 所说的条件都是未出现或未发生的,但必须用一般现在时或过去时,不能用表示将来的时态.例如:I will not go to Beijing unless the company pays for the trip.如果公司不支付

24、旅费,我不会去北京。(不能用 wil pay)She wouldnt do that unless I allowed her. 如果我不允许,她不会去做那件事。(不能用would allow)She wil keep on singing unless she is told to stop.她会一直唱下去,除非有人叫她停止。(不能用 wil be told)She would not come to work as before unless her mothers health condition turned for the*better.她不会像以前那样来上班了,除非她母亲的病情好转

25、。(不能用 would turn)2 unless 和 if not 都可以引导条件状语从句,但适用情况不同,很容易混淆,要注意区别。指将来可能发生或可能真实的情况用 unless;如果知道事情没有发生或不真实则用 if not。可以说 If you werent always in such a hurry, your work would be much better。不说 Yourwork would be much better unless you were always in such a hurry。见更多例句:Unless they get protection, they w

26、ill not testify。 (= If they do not get protection, they will not*testify。)如果得不到保证,他们不会作证的。I would go out if it wasnt raining. (= But it is raining, so I am not going out。)要是不下雨,我就出去了。5 Banks offer higher interest rates so we increase savings。 Then the same bankssend us credit card offers so we can s

27、pend more. (Para。 1)Meaning beyond words: Here is the “spend or save” paradox。 On one hand, thegovernment tells us to spend, and, on the other hand, they want us to save more。 Whilethe banks offer high interest rates to attract us to deposit money, they send us credit cardsto encourage us to spend。6

28、 Heres another familiar example: If we dont pay our credit card bill on time, weget demanding, nasty emails from the credit card company saying something like:“Your failure to pay is unacceptable. Pay immediately or youll be in trouble!” (Para。2)Meaning: If we fail to pay our credit card bil on time

29、, the credit card company will send usharsh and unfriendly email messages to warn us that either we pay at once or wel getpenalties。Sentence structure note: 祈使句+ or/and +陈述句1 “祈使句+ or +陈述句”结构表示“否则”,其中,or 还可以换成 and,表达的意思发生相应的变化,表示“如果,就”。对连词 or 或者 and 的选择,主要根据相应连词前后句表达的意义,如果前后句有转折关系,就用 or,一般表达一种负面的结果;

30、如果前后句表示意义顺承,无转折关系,就用 and。例如:*Listen to the teacher careful y in class, or you cant catch what he is saying.上课时要仔细听老师讲课,否则你就无法了解他在说什么.Walk down our street, and youl see kids playing.你要是走上街头,就会看到孩子们在玩耍。2 在“祈使句+ or/and +陈述句”结构中;陈述句通常用将来时态, 即“wil +动词原形”,也可用情态动词 can,may 等。但通常不能用一般现在时或现在进行时。例如:Work hard,

31、and you can make rapid progress in your study.努力吧,你会在学业上突飞猛进的。*Fol ow the advice of the doctor, or you wont be well very soon.遵从医生的叮嘱,否则你的身体就不会很快好起来。3 “祈使句+ or/and +陈述句”结构可与 if 引导的条件状语从句互换。例如:Get up quickly, or you will be late。 (= If you dont get up quickly, you will be late。)快点起床,不然你会迟到的。Work hard

32、, and you will pass the exam. (= If you work hard, you wil pass the exam.) 如果你努力学习,你就会通过考试。4“祈使句+ or/and +陈述句”结构中,祈使句有时可以省略动词.例如:Make more effort, or you wont be successful. (= More effort, or you wont be successful。)如果不多些努力,你就不会成功。Give me one more hour, and Il get the work finished。 (= One more hou

33、r, and Il get the*work finished。)再给我一个小时,我就能把工作做完。7 Then, as soon as we pay, we get a follow-up email in a charming tone telling ushow valuable a customer we are and encouraging us to resume spending. (Para。 2)Meaning: To lure us into more spending, once our credit card bil is paid, a fol owupemail

34、in an entirely different tone wil be sent to us, claiming that we are valuablecustomers。Note: The word resume can be used either as a transitive or intransitive verb。 As atransitive verb, it may be fol owed by a noun or a v。ing form。8 Which depiction is correct: a failing consumer in trouble or a va

35、lued customer?The gap between these two messages is enormous. (Para. 2)Meaning beyond words: As there is such a huge difference between the two emailmessages, we feel confused about who we are: a failing consumer in trouble or a valuedcustomer?9 The paradox is that every day we get two sets of messa

36、ges at odds with eachother. (Para。 3)Meaning: The contradiction is that every day we get two sets of messages disagreeingwith each other。10 One is the “permissive” perspective, “Buy, spend, get it now. You need this!(Para。 3)Meaning: One reflects a viewpoint of tolerance, “Buy, spend, get it now. Yo

37、u need this!Note: The word permissive is an adjective, a derivative from permit. Being “permissiveimplies a very easy and too relaxed position on something and usual y lacks goodjudgment. For example:They were permissive parents and their children grew up to be spoiled and il -behavingadults。他们是太过放任

38、的父母,他们的孩子长大后会变成被宠坏、行为举止欠妥的成年人。Usage note: permissive, tolerantThe synonym of permissive is tolerant, but tolerant is positive inmeaning. Permissive carries a negative connotation. Tolerant implies good judgment witha right balance of perspective or actions。 For example:The employees tolerant positio

39、n on the differences in working style meant that the team*performed well。员工对工作作风的差异持宽容的立场意味着这个团队表现出色。11 The other we could call an “upright” message, which urges us, “Work hard andsave。 Suspend your desires. Avoid luxuries. Control your appetite for more thanyou truly need。” (Para. 3)Meaning: We cou

40、ld cal the other one an “honest” message, which advises us to workhard and save money, stop having too many desires, avoid spending too much, and limitour purchases to what we real y need。Usage note: urge, persuade1 从词义上说,urge 的基本意思是“力劝;敦促”,引申可表示“强烈要求”等,比较正式;persuade 主要表示“说服;劝说”,指通过劝说、感情交流等使对方做劝说者所希

41、望的事。urge 语气强,但不一定“力劝;敦促”成功;persuade 语气不如 urge 强,但强调不仅“劝”,而且使之“服。例如:*We will urge them to adhere to the Paris Agreement.我们将敦促他们遵守巴黎协议。My husband persuaded me to come.我丈夫劝我来的。*2 从用法上说,urge 和 persuade 都可用作及物动词。urge 可用于 urge sb. to do sth。结构,意为“催促某人做某事;persuade 表示“说服”时, 可用于 persuade sb。 to do sth.结构,也*可

42、用于 persuade sb. into doing sth.结构,都表示“说服某人做某事。它们也都可以引出 that从句。urge 引出的 that 从句中用(should)+verb,而 persuade 用于 persuade sb。 that结构,不用(should)+verb。例如:His father urged him to speak his mind。他父亲敦促他说出心里话。*Were trying to persuade manufacturers to sel their products here.我们正在努力说服制造商在这里销售他们的产品。Sir Fred urged

43、 that Britain (should) join the European Monetary System.弗雷德爵士敦促英国加入欧洲货币体系。*We had managed to persuade them that it was worth working with us。我们已设法说服他们,与我们合作是值得的。12 This message comes to us from many sources: from school, from parents, evenfrom political figures referring to “traditional values。 (Pa

44、ra。 3)Meaning: We get this kind of message from many sources such as school, parents, andeven politicians who like to talk about traditional values.13 But the opposite message, advertisings permissive message, is inescapable.(Para。 4)Meaning: But you cannot escape from the opposite message, advertis

45、ements that pushyou to spend more.14 Though sometimes disguised, the messages are everywhere we look (Para。 4)Meaning: Though these messages are sometimes subtle and change in form, they canbe found everywhere we live.15 Advertisements invade our daily lives。 We are constantly surrounded by themessa

46、ge to spend, spend, spend. (Para. 4)Meaning: Our daily lives are flooded with advertisements。 Very often we find ourselvesenclosed by advertisements that lure us into spending.16 Its been calculated that by the age of 18, the average American will have seen600,000 ads; by the age of 40, the total is

47、 almost one million。 (Para。 5)Meaning beyond words: Americans grow up seeing countless advertisements, and thiscontinues throughout their life time。17 Each advertisement is doing its utmost to influence our diverse buyingdecisions, from the breakfast cereal we eat to which cruise line we will use for ourvacation. (Para. 5)Meaning beyond words: Advertisements are everywhere and have invaded peopleseveryday lives.

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