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1、(完整版)Unit 4Wildlife protection同步练习(新人教版必修2)Revision of B2 Unit 4一、 单项选择:1. Jack is smart a boy he can work out difficult maths problems quickly。A。 so; thatB. such; that C. such; asD。 so; as2。 Hua Lian Department Store will some people as its workers。A。 employ B。 demand C。 reserve D. inspect3. -Jerry

2、, How did Tom the news?He said nothing。 A。 replay to B。 contact to C。 answer to D. respond to4. This species of bird is _ by 15 this year。 A。 decreasedB. decreasingC. increasedD. increasing5. Once out of the earths gravity, the astronaut is _ by the problem of weightlessness。 A. affectedB. effectedC

3、. relatedD. offered6. Im glad to hear that you have _ the exam. A。 success in passingB。 succeed in passingC。 successful in passingD。 succeeded in passing7. Much attention should be paid to _ people destroying the rain forest。 A。 stopB。 stoppingC。 preventD。 keeping8. The teacher _ her voice so that w

4、e could hear her clearly. A. raisedB。 roseC。 aroseD. rise9. It is said that the general will come to _ the army. A。 inspectB. respectC. suspectD. expect10。 -Is it _ that London will host the 2012 Olympic Games? -Yes, thats for _。 A. sure, certainB。 certain, sureC。 made sure, certainD. made certain,

5、sure11。 He has been out of work for three weeks, now he is _ jobs in the newspaper。 A. hunted forB. hunting forC. searched forD. searching for12。 Tom made the same mistake again, so his teacher scolded him _。 A. showed mercy toB。 without mercyC. at the mercy ofD。 have mercy on13。 While playing with

6、the dog, she was _ by it by accident. A。 bittenB。 biting C. harmD. harmful14。 Once a real fire happens, many people will be _ and dont know what to do。 A。 at a lossB。 lost heartC。 lost their heartD. lost15. Thewholebook_12units,_twomainlyrevisions。A.contains;includingB.includes;containingC.contains;

7、containingD.includes;including16. Another bridge _ over the Changjiang River at present。 A。 is builtB. is buildingC. is being builtD. has been built17. The novelist is not _ peoples attitude _ him。 A。 concerned about, toB. concerned in, toC. concerned, towardD。 concerning, toward18. As soon as my mo

8、ther arrived home, she _ tidying up the room. A。 set upB。 set outC. set aboutD。 set off二、 单词拼写1. This hat will give p against the hot sun。2。 I would a it if you would turn the music down。3。 We, human beings should protect w for our own existence。4. In class you should pay a to what your teacher is s

9、aying. 5. My father was warned by the neighbors that we were in d . 6. The dog looks very f , but it is very gentle really。7。 There are many kinds of i in the world, a bee is one kind of them。 8。 You will e your health if you work so hard。 9。 I was at a complete l as to how to find the money in time

10、。 10。 The city of Yuyao has in holding the 11th Exhibition of Plastics。 三、 单词辨析:raise/rise/arise1。 A completely new situation will _ when the examination system comes into existence.2. If you _ any pets, please _ your hands and _ to speak something about your pets。3. I have to _ early tomorrow morni

11、ng for I have something important to do。4。 They are _ money for the girl who has dropped out of school.(辍学,失学,退学)四、 词组英汉互译以及用词组的适当形式填空1。 结果2。 灭亡,逐渐消失3. 和平地,和睦地4. 在危险中,垂危5。 如释重负6。 保护不受(危害)7. pay attention to8。 do harm to9。 放声大笑10。 share with11. come into being12. according to13。 for sure14. be concer

12、ned about15. 处理,应付,相处16. be based on17。 nature reserve18. used to do sth.1. Hearing the interesting story, the boy _.2。 Having finished so much work, they were all _。3。 It is our hope that the two countries will live _ for ever.4。 The doctors are trying their best to save the old man _。5。 Youd bette

13、r use an umbrella to _ you _ the sun。6。 We dont know when and how the world _。7。 _ the teacher, our text will be on June 17.8. She is used to _ all kinds of people in her job。9。 Id like to _ my experiences _ my friends.10. We should _ the state of our environment and we must do all we can to reduce

14、pollution.五、 根据句意完成下列句子:1。 Milu deer has _ from China. That is, Milu deer has disappeared from China。2. It _(人们希望) that Taiwan will return our mother land as soon as possible。3。 I got up late。 _,(结果) I was late for school。4。 You should finish the work on time, because it is _(很重要n.).5. The baby _。 (

15、这婴儿没在得到很好的照顾)6。 我,Tom和Peter都喜欢看电视。_ I _ Tom and Peter _ fond of watching TV.I_ Tom and Peter _ fond of watching TV.7。 在你的帮助下,我学会中用电脑,这对我的学习很有帮助.(help名词用法)_,I learned to use the computer, which is _ to me.8。 恐龙在千百万年前就生活在地球上,远在人类产生之前。Dinosaurs lived on the earth _ years ago, long before humans _.9。 我建

16、议你们每天记忆一定量的单词词组。 I suggest _ a number of words and phrases。10。 我想要一本以新教学理论为基础的书。Id like a book _ the new teaching method。参考答案:一、单项选择: AADBA DBAAB BBAAACAC二、单词拼写:1. protection 2 appreciate 3 wildlife 4 attention 5 danger6. fierce 7 insects 8 endanger 9 loss 10 succeeded三、辨析:1。 arise 2. raise, raise,

17、rise 3. rose 4。 raising四、词组填空:1。burst into laughter/burst out laughing 2. in relief 3. in peace 4. in danger 5. protectfrom 6。 came into being7。 According to 9。 dealing with, share with 10。 be concerned about五、1. died out 2。 is hoped 3。 As a result 4。 of great importance 5。 isnt being taken good care of6。 Not only, but also, are/ as well as, am 7。 With your help, of great help 9。 tens of millions of, came into being 9. your remembering/that you remember 10。 based on/which is based on 点亮心灯 /(v) 照亮人生

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