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1、精品文档就在这里-各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-RESERVATION DEPARTMENT GLOSSARYReservationist The front office employee responsible for processing and 订房员 maintaining all reservation recordsAdvanced deposit The receipt of money to be placed into a guests account 预付定金 prior to the guests arrival at the

2、hotel.Advanced The request for available space at some time in the near 预先预订reservation future.Confirmation The communication of an acceptance of a reservation 确认预订信Slip request from the hotel to the guestConfirmation A reservation requests that is confirmed by phone or mail 确认预订Reservation prior to

3、 a guests arrival at the hotel.Day rate A room rate for less than an overnight accommodation. 日租Full house The achievement of a handmade percent occupancy in 爆满 hotel guest room utilization.Guaranteed A reservation arrangement in which the hotel is guaranteed 保证预订Reservation the room ate whether or

4、not the guest arriver.No show A guest who makes a reservation and then neither cancel 预订未来 or registers with the hotel (Represents lost revenues to the hotel ).Overbooking The practice of committing more guests rooms than are 超额预订 available as a budge against no-shows.Over stay A guest that stays be

5、yond the original date of departure. 延期入住Room availability Describer the availability of recent rooms at some time in the future.Turn always The number of persons denied accommodations at the 未来房间供 Hotel. 应情况Undercooking An erroneous belief that all the hotels rooms are sold 背过脸 when in reality they

6、 are not.Under - stay A guest who checks out of the hotels at a time prior to 未能爆满 Their original departure date .Guest history file A record of guests that have stayed at the hotel. Maybe at 提早离店 simple a collection of checked all registration cards or as sophisticated at an electronic computer mem

7、ory file.Voucher A support document used to transmit date from one point 客史 to another .Walking the guest The refusal of a guest with a reservation due to an error in 凭单 planing by the hotel.Blocked A room or group of rooms is taken out of available for an 占房 anliupated commitment .GCR (Guaranteed A

8、 reduced rate guaranteed ( offered ) to a company. company rate ) Complimentary A room provided at a zero rate , ( or a means of promoting 免费rate busses )Group rate A special discounted hotel room rate offered to groups a an 团队价 incentive to attract larger assume blager of people or to sell larger b

9、locks of rooms .Family plan A special discounted room rate offered to families, normally 家庭套价 applied when children and parents stay in a separate room.Package plan A room rate that includes or is included iwa apace 包价 combination of activities and events .FIT (Free A guest that want to the hotel as

10、 a non - alphabet group 零星客Independent member .Traveler ) Statistics A collection of quantitative data assembled for analytical and 统计 interpretive purposes . Amendment Changes in guests details prior to get arrival . 更改Cancellation Guests decision of not coming after reservations has been 取消 Made .

11、 RECEPTION / CASHIER DEPARTMENT GLOSSARY Average room rate The average number of dollars collected for each room bed 平均房价 at a given hotel .Back of the house Those areas and departments with which the guest is unlikely to come into direct contact during a normal period of occupancy .Front of the hou

12、se Those areas and departments with which the guest is most likely to come into direct during a normal period of occupancy . Occupancy That period of time during which a guest rents a room and 住房率 is in residency .Transient guest A person away from home .Floor limit The amount of outstanding charger

13、 the hotel will allow a credit card guest to near prior to receiving an authorization number from the credit card company .Home limit The amount of money the guest is allowed to charge to an account by the hotel approach the guest seeking partial or full settlement of the outstanding account balance

14、 .Credit limit The amount of money the guest is allowed to charge to an 信用限额 Account by the hotel approach the guest seeking partial or Full settlement of the outstanding account balance .in house guest An individual client who had registered with the hotel and 住店宾客 has not checked out .Late Charge

15、A charge purchase that reaches the front desk for posting after the has checked out . regale a late charge billing .night audit A specialized reification of accuracy and completeness on 夜审 a limited set of accounts .registration The completion of the check-in procedure , which captures 登记 guest data

16、 and room requirements .room rate The prior charged for the use of a hotels guestrooms. 房价Room revenuer The amount of dollars derived from the sale of rooms fot Some given accounting period .Room type Hotel guestrooms are grouped by the number and kings of 房类 beds they contain .skipper A hotel guest

17、 who leaves the hotel without paying and 逃单 without checking out .sleeper A room that appears to be occupied , although it is vacant , due to an error in room status reporting at the desk .Walk - in A guest who comes to the hotel without a reservation 散客Check - in The procedure involving registratio

18、n of guest, on arrival, at the front desk of the hotel . A prosaic guest cycle of activity .Check - out The procedure preceding the guests departure from the hotel. The guests account is brought to a zero balance, room keys are returned , A post sale guest cycle activity .Guest list An alphabetical

19、listing of all in - house guests showing each 宾客名单 guests room numbers.Pre-register Refers to registration activities that are performed in advance 提前登记 of the actual registration of a guest by the hotels reservation and front desk staffs.Registration Card The document dengue to capture revenant gue

20、st data at the time 登记表 of check-in.CRT (Control The nucleus of a computer system responsible forProcessing unit A、 Controlling all process B、 Completing All arithmetic and logical operations C、 Interfacing with all other system components.HIS (Hotel An arrangement of hotel data procedures dengue to

21、 improveInformation improve the handing and flow of information and System) documentation .Adjacent rooms Refers to two hotel rooms that have a common wall, they 相邻房 are simply side by side .(Adjoining rooms) Adjacent rooms that have an inside connecting doorway . 相连房connecting rooms on - chang A ro

22、om that is in the process of being prepared for sale to a new incoming guest out-of - order A room that is not saleable because it is under repairer, 坏房 decoration or renovation Available A room that is ready to be assigned to the next guest 可用房Occupied A room that is currently rented to a hotel gue

23、st 住人房 Guest account The record of a guests financial transactions with the hotel. 客帐Check - out time A specified time when the previous days room rate 结帐时间 express a new days rate goes into effect.Home count The number of registered guests in the hotel.Check - in time The earnest time of day the ho

24、tel will allow its guests to begin registration.On - line The operating mode of a computer peripheral device which Is directly interacting or connected to the central Processing unit of the system ( i. e. direct communication with the computer. )City ledger A collection of city or nonguest , receiva

25、ble account balance 街帐 ( i. e. lots all account receivables coed to the hotelNOENGLISHCHIESE1(A)ability to pay支付能力2aboard上般(车),登机3absenteeism旷工4accent口音5accident insurance事故保险6accommodation住宿7account balance帐户结余8account receivable应收账(款)9acquaintance相识,认识的人10addition附加11address book通讯录12adjoining roo

26、m邻室13adjustment of prices价格调整14advance deposit预订金15afternoon tea午后茶点16after-season淡季17air conditioner空调器,冷气机18air pollution空气污染19airline hotel航空公司所属饭店20airport机场21apartment hotel公寓旅馆22apologize抱歉23applicant申请人24assignment转让25average room rate平均房价 1(B)babysitting照看婴儿2back bar饮料柜3back brush擦背刷4backgro

27、und music(旅馆,餐厅,酒吧)背景音乐5baggage行李6baggage check行李单7balance结存8banquet room宴会厅9barber理发师,美发师10bath foam浴液11bath robe浴衣,睡衣12bath rug浴垫13bath salt浴用盐14bath soap浴皂15bath slipper洗澡用拖鞋16bath stopper浴缸塞子17bath towel浴巾18bath tub浴缸19bathing box更衣室20bathroom scales浴室磅秤21beds frame床架22bedside lamp床头灯23bedside r

28、ug床头踏脚地毯24bedside table床头灯25bedspread床罩26beeper微型对讲机27billiard弹子房,台球28boiled water白开水29bowl game玩保龄球30buying habits购买惯习31buying power购买力 1( C)camera照相机 2cancellation取消(预订,旅行)3candy糖果4cash现金5cashier出纳员6certification证件7change零钱,兑换零钱,兑换8check in住房登记,乘机登记9check out办理退房手续10cheers干杯11Christmas day圣诞节12cit

29、izen公民,国民13city guide城市导游手册14city ledger非住宿客人应收款分类帐 15climate气候16closed dates预订截止日期17club俱乐部18coffee machine咖啡机19commission佣金,手续费20conference room会议室21contract合同,契约22convenience方便,便利23conversion rate汇价,兑换率24copying machine复印机25courtesy礼貌26credit card信用卡27cultural background(旅游者)文化背景28currency货币29cus

30、toms海关 1(D)daily report日报2data数据,资料3date of arrival抵达日期4debit借方5deluxe(旅馆)豪化级6department store百货商店7deposit储蓄,预订金,抻金8depreciation折旧,贬值9Diners Club大来卡10diplomatic passport外交护照11discount减价,折扣12display cards展示卡13domestic flight国内航班14door evacuation notice门后疏散图示1(E)EAP(each additional person)每增加一人2eat ou

31、t 在外用餐3earning收入4Easter(耶稣)复洛节5ECEurocard欧洲银行信用卡6E/D card入/出境登记卡7EE(extra earnings)额外收入8EFF(effective on)继续有效9EFTS(Electronic Fund Transfer System)信贷卡转帐系统10EHC(European Hotel Corporations Service Ltd.)欧洲旅馆服务有限公司11EHMA(Euro Travelers Cheque International欧洲旅馆经理协会12EITC(Euro Travelers Cheque Internatio

32、nal)欧洲旅馆者支票国际(西德一家商业银行)13electric clippers电推子14electric coffeemaker电煮咖啡器15electric cooker电炉16electric grinder电磨机17electric heater电热器18electric juicer电榨汁机19electric ranger电灶20electric stove电炉21electric typewriter电动打字机22electric razor电刮胡刀23electrician电工24electronic data processing system电子帐目记录25electr

33、onic funds transfer system信贷卡电子转帐系统26electronic mail电话传递信息27elevator microphone升降式话筒28elevator shaft电梯井29embarkation card登机牌30embarkation point上船地点31emergency call紧急电话32emergency exit紧急出口33Emergency Refund(美运通公司提供的用旅行支票)紧急兑换现金34emptying wastebasket倒废纸篓35en pension美国式房价(包括住宿费与一日三餐)36encasement of tra

34、velers cheques旅游支票兑换现金37end table桌几38endorsement在客票(或票据)上签字39engaged(电话)占线40English breakfast英国式早餐41English mustard英国芥末42English service英国式餐食服务43enrollment登记注册44enter without knocking不敲门进房间45entertainment center娱乐中心46entertainment tax娱乐税47entrance foyer(旅馆)门厅,大堂48entry permit入境许可证49envelope信封50envelope airmail航空信封51envelope local普通信封152EP (European Plan)欧洲式房价(只限住宿费)53epiphany主显节(1月6日纪念耶稣显灵的日子)54EPMT (equipment)设备55Eq (equipment)(航空缩写)飞机型号56equivalent exchange等价交换57eradicator ink修正液58escalator自动电梯,自动步道59escape period回程日期60escort陪同61escorte

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