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1、Lost Civilizations 教学设计 模块3 Unit 3 浏阳市第一中学 何淑华 一、教学课题Lost civilizations (牛津高中英语 模块三Unit 3 Reading I)二、教学内容分析1. 教学课型:阅读课(40分钟)2. 教材分析:本文是一个加拿大学生Ann的旅行日记的节选。主要通过Ann在参观古文明遗址时的所见、所闻、所感写成的五则日记,讲述了去意大利的古Pompeii城和中国的Loulan古城的文化之旅。希望通过本文的学习了解这两个失落的文明的现状以及形成的原因,让学生在古代和现实的比较中体会这些伟大文明缺失、破坏造成的遗憾,从而能够知道更多的古文明,并且

2、从它们的形成原因中总结出教训来保护现代的文明,避免这样的悲剧再度发生。三、教学目标1. Enable the students to read the diaries about a cultural expedition to sites of lost civilizations.2. Help the students learn how to analyze the elements of diaries and learn the reading strategy of diary entries. Improve the studentsreading ability.3. Mak

3、e sure the students can learn to respect the past. The students should try to learn the history. And the students should apply it to their future study.四、教学重难点1. Help the students to read several excerpts form the travel diary kept by Ann.2. How to help the students develop their creative, comprehen

4、sive and consolidating abilities.五、教学方法Visual-scene teaching method, tasked-based method as well as the approaches of listening,skimming,scanning and discussion and so on will be adopted in the teaching process of this lesson. Pay attention to the reading strategy of how to read diary entries.六、教学过程

5、Step 1 Lead-in 1. Enjoy two pictures (ancient books and ancient painting.)2. Three questions: What other things do you think could represent ancient civilizations ? (ancient sculptures, ancient characters, ancient buildings) Do you know some buildings that could represent ancient civilizations in Ch

6、ina or throughout the world ? (The Great Wall, The Terracotta Warriors, The Potala Palace, The Old Town of Lijiang, The Taj Mahal , The Hanging Gardens, Roman Coliseum, Pyramids) What are the similarities and differences among these places? Can you use some words to describe them?Similarities: magni

7、ficent, mysterious, ancient, distant, famous, well-designed, attractiveDifference: Some of them are still existing now, but the others are nowhere to be seen. So we call the ancient buildings, cultures and countries that no longer existed “Lost civilizations”.【设计意图】这一步骤是为了活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的兴趣。首先通过图片和问题引入a

8、ncient civilizations这一概念然后让学生对比异同,水到渠成导入本节课题- Lost civilizations。Step 2: Reading comprehension1. Have a quick look at the text and answer the following questions What is the text made up of? Where did Ann travel to?2. Skimming: Choose the correct main idea for each part.3. Reading strategy and Task1

9、(Application of reading strategy in Day1)【设计意图】通过快速阅读及微课提供的阅读策略指导,帮助学生了解文章的体裁及结构,为接下来的精读做准备。4. Task2(Day2)Read the 2nd diary entry and finish the following exercises: 1.What happened to Pompeii in August AD 79? 2.Ann felt _ about the disaster, because she used the word “unfortunate”【设计意图】在阅读开始之前先播放视

10、频短片,让学生更直观地了解庞贝覆灭的始末。所设计的问题依然是阅读策略的应用。5. Task3(Day3):Read the 3rd diary entry and finish the following exercises:Ann feels _ when seeing the City of Pompeii.How was the buried city discovered? What happened in 1860? What were the stepping stones along the road in Pompeii used for? How were the true-

11、to-life figures made?【设计意图】本部分的内容比较多,因此我指导学生分段阅读,训练他们捕捉信息的能力。6. Task4 (Day10-11): Read the 4th and 5th diary entries and finish the following exercises: Why was Loulan an important city about 2,000 years ago? How do many people think Loulan disappeared? Find the historical information about Loulan a

12、nd fill in the blanks:placetimeeventLou lan2000 years agofrom AD 200 to AD 400 Around the year 1900【设计意图】两则日记都是在楼兰遗址的所见所闻及所感,因此我指导学生集中阅读,并在此之前通过呈现小地图介绍楼兰古国的地理位置及在历史上的作用,为接下来的阅读做铺垫。7. Further readingRead a text on P66 in 课课练 and find the answer to this question Why were many big trees cut down in Lou

13、lan?【设计意图】本部分是课外阅读拓展,旨在进一步培养学生阅读捕捉信息并回答问题的能力。Step 3 SummaryThe civilizations are mans treasures. We are supposed to cherish and protect them; We are supposed to learn from and develop them; We are supposed to create a better future for our off-springs. As a result, our children, our grandchildren wi

14、ll enjoy the beauty of more civilizations.【设计意图】本部分旨在深化主题,让学生意识到保护人类文明的重要性及紧迫性,体现了德育渗透。Step 4 Discussion and show time If a travel agency organized a cultural tour of ancient Pompeii or Loulan with the help of a time machine(时光穿梭机),1.Which one would you choose , Pompeii or Loulan?2.What would you ta

15、ke with you?3.Whom would you like to accompany you?4.What would you like to experience there? Two pairs representing two different travel angncies will show their posters to attract more “tourists” to ancient Pompeii or Loulan,whoever gets more “tourrists” will be the winner. 【设计意图】本部分是活动设计,旨在培养学生的听说读写的能力,充分发挥他们的想象力,培养创造性思维和提高合作探究的能力。Step5 HomeworkWrite a diary recording your cultural tour of the Confucius Temple in Liu Yang. It should include:1. date and weather 2.what you see and hear 3.your emotions 【设计意图】本部分是写作练习,是课文内容的巩固和落实。所选的题材非常贴近学生的生活实际,也是乡情教育。七、教案中涉及的资源:教案中所涉及的图片和视频信息,均来自百度搜索引擎。4

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