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1、_Lesson 31Dear Mum and Dad,Im emailing you through the Redstone Ranch website. You can email me back on paul.bruce. Ill call you next week, when I can use a Broadband phone.My assessment at Redstone was a bit strange. They asked me to do a lot of tick-box tests. Then we did some outdoor activities.

2、They told me to lead someone up an easy climb. Then they asked me to lead a small group, in kayaks, on white water.After that, the main question was, Where did you learn all these “backcountry skills”. I said, I grew up in “back country”. In Scotland, I sometimes skied to school. They liked that. Al

3、so, my time in the London Marathon was big news. Three hours or less is magic!I met the top guy, Ed, and he asked me to start next week. Of course I said yes. I wont be able to travel much in the US this time, but its great to have this chance. Ill live free, too! Redstone will pay all my expenses.T

4、alk to you next week!Love,PaulLesson33 1.Have you heard from Paul? Yes,he phoned us last night. How are they getting on? Theyre both working.2. Claires got a job in Washington in a photo library. And Pauls just started at Redstone Ranch. The most expensive resort in the world!Whats it like?3.Its ver

5、y glamorous. There are nine swimming pools, and six of them are outdoors!There are ten gymnasiums, each for a different activity.4. There are horses to ride, and rocks to climb, and kayaks on the river, lakes and forest . It sounds wonderful!5. And the guests there are very glamorous, too.Paul says

6、that he has never seen so many beautiful women in his life!6. Ah! And what does Claire say about that? I dont think hes told her! Anyway, I hope he hasnt!Lesson 351.R: Dad! Have you asked mum yet ? W: What about ?R: Have you asked mum if I can start karate lessons ? W: No,I havent . Ill Shh! Shes co

7、ming . 2K: What are you two whispering about ? R: Oh,er, nothing ! Im just going upstairs. See you later ,dad . W:Yes , of course . 3.K:Whats the mystery? Is Robert all right ? W: Hes fine . He just wants me to ask you something .K: Why doesnt he ask me himself ? W: Hes afraid that youll say no . 4.

8、K:Oh,dear ! What is it ,WilliAM ?W: Robert wants to learn karate . He doesnt know whether youll let him . 5.K: Oh, is that all ! You worried me .W: Do you mean that you dont mind ?K: Of course I dont mind ! Why would I mind ? Karates a sport , isnt it ? 6.W: Its a martial art ! Its about fighting !

9、K: All competitions are a kind of fighting . The martial arts are also about rules.Lesson 37 1. It was my lifes idea to come here . She said ,You need a vacation.Leave it to me . So I did . She made all the reservations . It was a big surprise . 2. Most people think that a vacation is about resting

10、. You feel tired , so you sleep ,you eat ,you sit . You rest . I used to think that ,too . 3. I used to sit by the pool all day ,and eat too much dinner every night . The funny thing is ,on a vacation like that ,I didnt get less tired . 4. At home ,I sit at a desk all day . At night ,I sit in front

11、of the TV.Maybe I eat too much dinner .So whats the difference ? The only difference is the place . 5. This vacation is different . Every day is different , and every day is active .When I was a kid , I used to go out to play . I didnt think about time . 6. Its like that now . Now is enough ! Lesson

12、 391. I had just got home the other night ,when my cousin ,Alice ,rang the doorbell. Oh ,no ! I thought . What does she want ? 2. Alice always wants something. And its always somethingbig . A few months ago,she asked me to move a piano . 3. For a moment ,I didnt answer the door . But I had just park

13、ed the car outside . Perhaps she had seen me . 4. So I invited her in and made some tea . Im getting married in April , she said . Congratulations ! I replied . And I waited . 5. We had already had two cups of tea , when she said, “Id like to have a film of my wedding . Alan , have you ever made a h

14、ome movie?”No ,I havent . I said . And I dont want to !6 Ah,well . she said . Theres always a first time .Im sure youll do it very well . The sad thing is , Im afraid I will . Lesson 411. Our friends ,Judy and Mark ,have a country house outside Bodmin in south west England . They love the wild open

15、country around it, and they go there a lot . 2. About a year ago,Judy told me she had seen a puma in the garden .A puma ,in England ! I listened to her politely , but I really believed that she had seen a very big cat . 3. Last weekend ,they had invited us to go with them to Bodmin. It was a six-hou

16、r jouney , and when we arrived , I wanted to stretch my legs . I went out in to the quiet garden . Then I saw it ,straight in front of me . It started at me for a moment ,with big yellow eyes .Then it turned ,jumped onto the wall , and disappeared .4. I went into the house and said to the others . “

17、Ive just seen a puma in the garden .” My wife replied , “There are some very big cats around these days. ”5. Judy smiled. “There are indeed !” she said .Lesson 43 Does anyone still knit?Polly: Do you know where I can buy knitting needles, Annie?Annie: No, Im afraid shops like that have disappesared

18、these days. Maybe people dont knit any more.Polly: I knit! Im knitting something for my nieces new baby! Or I will knit something for her, if I can find the right needles!Annie: Have you tried Janners?Polly: Yes, I have! I had a mad conversation with the Sales Assistant yesterday.Annie: What happene

19、d?Polly: I asked her where I could find knitting needles. She said they didnt have any. I said that I always used to buy knitting needles in the first floor, next to Ladies Fashions.Polly: She said that Janners had closed that department years ago. She said, We dont sell knitting needles now. Nobody

20、 asks for them any more.Polly: I said, Youre mistaken. Im here, and Im still asking for them!Lesson 45 Whose mistake? 1.It had been a long day. The judges had chosen fourteen sculptures for the exhibition. They wanted a fifteenth, and they wanted to go home. They looked at two more pieces. One was a

21、 mans head. They didnt like it. The other was a square, modern piece. The judges chose the modern piece. Then they went home. 2.The next day, the artist received a letter. It said that the judges had chosen his sculpture. But when he went to see the exhibition, he couldnt see his sculpture anywhere.

22、 Where can it be? he said. It must be here! 3. At last, he saw something with his name on it. It was the square base of his sculpture. But the top part, the head, wasnt there. It must have been a mistake! he said. 4.The judges insisted it hadnt been a mistake. They liked the base on its own, but the

23、y thought the head was awful. Lesson 47 No laughing allowedClaire: Craig and I were in trouble at work today, Paul.Paul: Why was that?Claire: We laughed in the library. Its against the rules.Paul: What happened?Claire: While we were entering data in the system, Craig started to laugh. When I looked

24、at his screen, I started to laugh, too. We couldnt stop.Claire: We were both still laughing when the Librarian came in. he asked us what was so funny. That set us off again.Claire: It was a story about an artist in California. He was camping in the desert when he decided to chain his legs together.P

25、aul: Why?Claire: He wanted to draw them like that.Claire: Then, while he was working on the drawing, he lost the key. There he was in the desert, with a chain around his legs. He hopped for twelve hours to the nearest town. And he took the drawing with him.Claire: It was a pretty good drawing of two

26、 legs with a chain around them. Unfortunately, the Librarian didnt see the joke!Lesson 49 How important is appearance ? If your hair isnt right ,do you feel unhappy all day ? Of course ,we all feel good when we look good, and sometimes we dont like the way we look . It starts early in life . When li

27、ttle girls dress up in their mothers clothes , and look at themselves in the mirror , they are learning about themselves , they will become happier adults. This is nothing new . Some women really hate their appearance , and many boys and men worry about their body image ,too .A quarter of all boys a

28、ge from five to twelve said in a survey , that they would like to be more handsome . In California ,46% of plastic surgery operations are now on men .50% of these are to make the men thinner . 33% are to give them a better nose . 15% are to make them look younger . How do you feel about yourself ? A

29、nd how much does it matter ?Lesson 51 Daisy gives some advice1. D: Nina tells me you want to make a home movie ,Alan . A; I have a cousin who wants me to . I dont know where to begin . 2. A: Can you give me any advice ? D: Ill be happy to . A: Do you mind if I take notes ,Daisy D: Of course not . 3.

30、A: So whats the first thing ? D: The first thing is always the story . The best movies are the ones which tell a story . 4. D: Talk to the aunt who made the dress ,and the friend who introduced the bride and groomA: Thanks , Ive got that . 5. D; Lend the camera to a child . Children see things diffe

31、rently. Next , keep both eyes open . You want one eye on the screen ,and the other eye on the action . 6. J: Nina ! Let me take that for you . N; thanks ,Jack . Dinners ready ,everybody ! Lights! Dinner ! Action. Lesson 53 Jonno!Robert: Look at that man over there. Isnt he a singer or something? I k

32、now! Hes in that picture that you put on your ceiling!Lucy: Its Jonno! My favourite singer!Robert: Quick, Lucy! Go and ask him for his autograph!Lucy: Oh, no! I cant! Im too shy! Can you ask him for me, Robert?Robert: Oh, all right.Robert: Excuse me, sir. Arent you Jonno, the famous singer?Jonno: Th

33、ats right!Robert: I really liked the last album that you made!Jonno: Thank you.Robert: Can I have you autograph, please?Jonno: Certainly. Where do you want me to sign?Robert: Here, on the magazine, please! Thank you!Robert: Here you are, Lucy. Youll keep this magazine now for ever, I suppose!Lucy: O

34、f course! Its got Jonnos autograph on it!Robert: To tell you the truth, Lucy, I dont even know the name of his latest song!lesson55 M businessSome US scientists have shown that ms can be quite clever with money. In one study, the ms are given silver coins, and are taught to use them as money. They g

35、et the idea very fast. The ms can buy pieces of apple or pieces of banana. When a piece of apple costs the same as a piece of banana, the ms buy each fruit the same number of times. But when the apple pieces go on sale, the ms lose interest in banana. They choose apple, because they get more fruit f

36、or the same money. When pieces of cucumber were offered as well, one group of ms did something interesting. They didnt eat the cucumber pieces. They saw that the cucumber pieces were the same size as their silver coins. They hid the silver coins and tried to use the cucumber pieces as money. The sci

37、entists are very interested, but they are also getting a bit worried. They have discovered that the ms can become enthusiastic gamblers, too! Lesson 571. D: Whats the highest price that youve ever been charged for a bottle of water ?K:Oh, I dont know . Some bottled waters are as expensive as petrol

38、. 2. D:Some of them are as expensive as fine wine . K:When I think of all the oil that has been used to make all those plastic bottles . D:And all the oil that has been used to carry them around the world ! 3. K: And all the billions of empty bottlesD: .that will be put into the garbage.K: .it doesn

39、t make sense ! The sad thing is , the tap water in this country is pretty good .4. D: Its the same in the States . Sometimes the water doesnt taste good , but its always safe . K: So what are we going to do about it ? 5. D: You tell me ! What do you say in a fine restaurant , when they ask you , “Do

40、 you want sparking water , or still , madam ? “ K: You say , Tap water will be fine , thank you . 6. D: Do you ? Im proud of you , Karen ! Here comes the waiter . Im leaving it to you. Lesson 59 We all need to play moreKelly: Hi, Carol! Did you go to the yoga class yesterday?Carol: No, I missed it.K

41、elly: So did I. The weather was so nice. I decided to go on the morning hike.Carol: How was that?Kelly: It was good. We went over the other side of the lake.Carol: Did they walk fast?Kelly: Not too fast, but it was fast enough for me. Im not very fit.Carol: Neither am I. Maybe Ill try the hike tomor

42、row.Kelly: Do you get much exercise at home?Carol: I go to a dance class once a week. But its not enough. How about you?Kelly: I walk to the bus every day. Thats not enough, either.Carol: I ask myself how I can get more exercise in my ordinary life. But I dont have any good ideas. Do you?Kelly: No,I dont, but my husband, Jed, does. He says adults dont find time to play. He says we all need to play more. The trouble is, most of us dont know how!赞同Welcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!精品资料

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