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1、AUCTIONAUCTIONElegant Elegant PorcelainsPorcelainsHistoryHistoryIn the late neolithic periodIn the late neolithic period(新石器时代)Warriors found in the tomb Warriors found in the tomb of emperor Qin of emperor Qin Qin DynastyQin DynastyHan DynastyHan DynastyCeladonCeladon(青瓷)Tang DynastyTang DynastyThe

2、 The t three colored hree colored wareware(唐三彩)Yuan DynastyYuan DynastyBlue and Blue and white white procelainprocelain青花瓷Five-colored Five-colored wareswares(五彩瓷)Qing DynastyQing DynastyManufactureManufactureStep 1:Shape the clayStep 1:Shape the clayHand pinchHand pinch(手捏)CastingCasting(拉坯)Sculput

3、ureSculputure(雕)ScrapingScraping(刮)CuttingCutting(切)PressPress(压)InlaidInlaid(镶嵌)Step 2:Step 2:DryingDrying(阴干)(阴干)About About one one weekweek room room temperaturetemperatureDry Dry by the by the firefire 35200 35200 Step Step 3:Biscuiting3:Biscuiting(素烧)(素烧)Put Put the the porcelain into porcelai

4、n into the the kilnkiln(窑)The temperature The temperature is about is about 10012501001250Step 4:EnamelingStep 4:Enameling(上釉)(上釉)pourpour(淋)spurtspurt(喷)ColouredColoured drawing or drawing or patternpattern(彩绘)ImmerseImmerse(浸)Step5Step5:Burn and finishBurn and finishVideoVideoAppreciationAppreciat

5、ionTypes of Types of porcelainporcelainplain plain porcelain porcelain classify by classify by its its color:color:CeladonCeladon(青瓷)Black Black porcelainporcelain(黑瓷)Ceramic Ceramic whitewarewhiteware(白瓷)Types of Types of porcelainporcelainsome well-known types of faiencesome well-known types of fa

6、ienceFamilleFamille rose decoration porcelain rose decoration porcelain(粉彩瓷)Blue and white porcelainBlue and white porcelain(青花瓷)Five-colored porcelainFive-colored porcelain(五彩瓷)清乾隆珐琅彩吉庆有余转心瓶元青花鬼谷子下山图罐AuctionAuctionRULESRULESAll of you have divided into 5 groupsAll of you have divided into 5 groupsU

7、se nouns and adjectives as Use nouns and adjectives as bargaining chipsbargaining chipsEvery group should bid in turnsEvery group should bid in turnsEach Each quoted quoted price should use a word price should use a word at leastat leastEach group has 10 seconds at a timeEach group has 10 seconds at a timeThe group with the The group with the maximum price acquire maximum price acquire the Porcelain For the Porcelain For AuctionAuction CongratulationsCongratulations!THANKSTHANKS!Elegant Elegant PorcelainsPorcelains

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