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1、动词-ed 形式与-ing 形式的区别-ing 形式表示主动的意义,-ed形式表示被动的意义-ing 形式表示一般性的或正在进行的动作,-ed 形式表示已经完成和被动的动作在表现形式上,-ing形式有“一般式”和“完成式”之分,而-ed形式只有一种形式1. 动词-ing形式在句中可用作主语或宾语,而-ed形式则不能2. 作表语的区别动词-ing形式具有主动和进行的含义,经常用于表示事物的性质,“使人”或“令人”,而动词-ed形式含有被动意思,经常用来说明 “某人感觉” What he said was encouraging . We were encouraged at what he sa

2、id .3. 作定语的区别. 语态不同:-ing 表示主动意思,动词-ed 表示被动意思Surprising news = news which surprises peopleSurprised people =people who are surprised. 时间不同:-ing表示动作正在进行,-ed 表示动作已经完成Boiling water 正在沸腾的水Boiled water 已经烧开的水4. 作宾语补足语的区别. 语态不同:及物动词的-ed形式作宾语补足语时,表示被动,说明宾语是-ed形式动作的承受者,而-ing形式作宾语补足语时,表示主动,说明宾语是补足语的动作的执行者.I o

3、ften hear the song sung in EnglishI often hear people singing the song. 时间不同;有些动词-ed形式作宾语补足语时,常表示动作已经完成或动作发生在谓语动词之前,-ing形式作宾语补足语时,则表示动作正在进行When I got home , I found my wallet lost When I came here ,I found Wanglei reading an English book.prevent, from是防止受到.的侵害stop, from 是阻止某事keep, from 是保持defend, fr

4、om 是防卫prevent from;keep from;stop from keep from有两层意思keep sb. from doing sth. 保护某人免受之害。此时protect from/keep offkeep sb. from doing sth. 组织某人做某事,此时prevent from/stop from这三个短语都可表示“阻止”,结构相似,并可换用,但是在阻止未成功时不可用 preventfrom,此外,preventfrom和 stopfrom中的介词from有时可省略(但被动结构中不可省),而keep from中的from是不可省略的。如: There is

5、nothing to preventkeep stop us from going没有什么可以阻止我们去。 Bad weather prevented us(from)sailing坏天气使我们未能启航。 She kept herself from laughing她未让自己笑出声来。 You must stop her telling them the bad news你必须阻止她告诉他们那个坏消息。Be supposed to do 应该干、被要求做什么、被期望在. Are we supposed to discuss the questions , too? 我们也要讨论所给的问题吗?V

6、itamin C is supposed to prevent colds. 维生素C可以预防感冒。Cats are supposed to have nine lives. 猫被认为有九条命。He is supposed to arrive anytime now. 他应该随时会到。When is the concert supposed to start ? 音乐会大约什么时候开始?Summer is supposed to come in during May. 夏天按说是5月份开始。I was supposed to take care of him. 我应该照顾他.Meetings are not supposed to decide anything 开会不会做出任何决定。Every pupil is supposed to know the school regulations. 每个学生都应该知道校规。Youre not supposed to walk on the grass. 不准践踏草坪。

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