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1、译林版四年级英语下册阶段测验二(Unit3-Unit4)班级 姓名 得分 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,给下类图片标号。(本大题共10小题,满分10分) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( )4. ( ) 5. ( )二、听录音,选择合适的应答句。(本大题共5小题,满分10分) ( )1. A. Its Monday. B. Its seven oclock. C. Im eleven.( )2. A. At home. B. At school. C. At seven. ( )3. A. A bird. B. I can draw it. C. No, I cant.( )4. A.

2、Yes, I can. B. I can draw pictures. C. No, it isnt. ( )5. A. Well done. B. Good idea. C. Yes, I can.三、听录音,填入所缺单词。(本大题共3小题,满分10分) 1. A: What _ is it now? B: Its _ oclock. Its time for _.2. A: _ do you _ _? B: At four forty.3. A: What _ you _? B: A _.4. I can see some _.笔试部分(70分)一、英汉互译。(本大题共10小题,满分10分

3、)1. 看电视_ 2. 在晚上_3. 做家庭作业_ _ 4. 在公园里_5. 在河上_ 6. a big family_7. have breakfast_ 8. eight fifty_9. every day_ 10. at twelve_二、选出不同类的词,将序号填在题前括号内。(本大题共5小题,满分10分)( )1. A. Music B. English C. usually D. science( )2. A. Monday B. morning C. night D. afternoon( )3. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner D. homewo

4、rk( )4. A. picture B. flower C. boat D. try( )5. A. draw B. tree C. see D. watch三、选择填空。(本大题共10小题,满分10分)( ) 1. Id like_ cakes.A. any B. some C. this ( ) 2. Look at the boat over there. Can you draw _? A. they B. it C. them( ) 3. _ do you get up? A. What B. What time C. How( ) 4. _ you play football?

5、Yes, I _. A. Can, do B. Do, can C. Can, can ( ) 5. I get up _ six _ Monday.A. in, on B. at, in C. at, on( ) 6. -Lets go and play football. -_.A. Thank you. B. All right C. Yes, I do.( ) 7. -_ -Its four thirty.A. What time is it? B. When do you go home? B. How old are you?( ) 8. -What can you do?-_A.

6、 I like dogs. B. Yes, I can. C. I can draw.( ) 9. 别人问你会不会游泳,你会回答:A. Can you swim? B. Yes, I cant swim. C. Sure. Its easy.( ) 10. 你告诉别人你能看见一棵大树,会说: A. Can you see a big tree? B. I can see a big tree. C. Its a big tree.四、从栏中找出与栏相对应的答句,将其序号填在题前括号内。(本大题共5小题,满分10分) ( ) 1.How are you? A. Its Monday.( ) 2.

7、 What can you see? B. Yes, I do.( ) 3. When do you have dinner? C. At six.( ) 4. Do you like Music? D. Lets go to the playground.( ) 5. What lesson do you have? E. I have Chinese and Music. ( ) 6. What day is it? F. Its a boat.( ) 7. Can you see the boat? G. Im fine.( ) 8. What subject do you like?

8、H. Yes, I can.( ) 9. Its time for PE. I. I can see a hill.( ) 10. Whats that over there?. J. I like English.五、用所给单词适当形式填空。(本大题共5小题,满分10分)1. This is _ (we) school.2. I have three _(lesson) in the morning.3. Can you see these _(tree)?4. I like _(cake).5. He can _(play) football.六、连词成句。(本大题共5小题,满分10分)1

9、. usually, go, school, at, forty, to, I, eight(.)_2. every, when, have, do, dinner, you, day(?)_3. there, what, see, can, you, over(?)_4. on, bird, can, the, you, see, the, tree(?)_5. difficult, is, it, , but, try, can, I(.)_六、阅读理解,判断正误。正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。(本大题共5小题,满分10分)Hello , Im Jim . Im an Ameri

10、can (美国)boy . Im twelve . This is a picture of my family . This is my father , Mr Green . The woman is my mother , Mrs Green . This is my sister , Kate . Can you see the boy ? Its me . Kate and I are students in No.2 Primary school (学校). My father and my mother are English teachers of our school . W

11、e are all fine in China . ( ) 1. Mr and Mrs Green are American . ( ) 2. Kate is Janes sister. ( ) 3. You can see a picture of Janes family . ( ) 4. Kate and Jim are in the same school . ( ) 5. Kates father and mother are English teachers .听力文稿一、听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的选项。(听两遍)1. a boat 2. have dinner 3. pl

12、ay football 4. a lake 5. at night二、听录音,选择合适的应答句。(听两遍)1. What day is it today?2. When do you get up in the school?3. What can you see?4. Can you draw them?5. Lets play football三、听录音,填入所缺单词。(听两遍) 1. A: What time is it now? B: Its seven oclock. Its time for school.2. A: When do you go home? B: At four forty.3. A: What can you see? B: A boat.4. I can see some flowers.4

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