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神经工程学神经工程学 (26)-植入式神经接口的应用与前沿.pdf

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1、Applicai经接口的蝇与前沿合如w 皿J Ironders of implantable neural interface植大粉神经接la的应用沙植入式神经接口的应用,植入式神经接口的前沿与展营植遍神经接la的应用3 Neu r a l Diso r d er Co mt r o l 神经障碍疾病的调控1 Ar t if ic ia l Sen so r y Ch a n n el 感觉通路重建2 Ar t if ic ia l Mo t o r Ch a n n el 运动控制通路重建植隔神经接口的应用感觉通路 重建人工听觉人工耳蜗Cochlear implant1体外语音处理器Soun

2、d p2植入体Internal implant5听神经Hearing nerve人工耳蜗3耳蜗x CochleaElectrode4植入电极 人工耳蜗通过直接刺激听觉神经纤维来恢复部分听力。植入电极直接刺激听神经,替代毛细胞功能,产生听觉。自1978年以来,全世界大约有7万名耳蜗接受者。Cochlear Implant人工视觉(Artificial vision)1.Carrwra captures image and transmits data to an external,body worn processing unit 2.Data processed and sentto impl

3、anted syslem via external wire5.Electrical signals sent from retina via4.Implanted electrode array stimulates retinavisual pathway lo visionprocessing centresin thebrain3.Implanted receiver passes signals onto rebnal implant植大覆神经接向的应用应用2向!股施硼I如研究进展沙国初渡II与神经接口领域的主要学者John DonoghueBr o w n 布朗大学Andrew S

4、chwartzPit t sbu r g h 匹兹堡大学Miguel NicolelisDu ke杜克大学Jose M.CarmenaUC Ber kel ey 伯克利大学二维运动控制fl BrainGatel沙匿主损伤瘫痪病人用植入式犹他芯片控制电Ainature Vol 442|口 July 2006 doi:1O.1O38/MtiireO497OARTICLESNeuronal ensemble control of prosthetic devices by a human with tetraplegiaLeigh R.Hochberg1-2-4,Mijail D.Serruya23

5、,Gerhard M.Friehs5,6,Jon A.Muka nd73,Maryam Saleh%Abraham H.Caplan9,Almut Branner10,David Chen*Richard D.Penn&John P.Donoghue2,9Neuromotor prostheses(NMPs)aim to replace or restore lost motor functtons in paralysed humans by routeing movement*related signals from the brain,around damaged parts of th

6、e nervous system,to external effectors.To translate preclinical results from intact animals to a clinically useful NMP,movement signals must persist in cortex after spinal cord injury and be engaged by movement intent when sensory inputs and limb movement are long absent.Furthermore,NMPs would requi

7、re that intention-driven neuronal activity be converted into a control signal that enables useful tasks.Here we show initial results for a tetraplegic human(MN)using a pilot NMP.Neuronal ensemble activity recorded through a 96*mcroelectrode array implanted in primary motor cortex demonstrated that i

8、ntended hand motion modulates cortical spiking patterns three years after spinal cord injury.Decoders were created,providing a neural cursor with which MN opened simulated email and operated devices such as a television,even while conversing.Furthermore,MN used neural control to open and close a pro

9、sthetic hand,and perform rudimentary actions with a multijointed robotk arm.These early results suggest that NMPs based upon intracortkal neuronal ensemble spiking activity could provide a valuable new neurotechnology to restore independence for humans with paralysis.and in pilot trials in people wi

10、th tetraparesis from spinal cord injury,brainstem stroke,muscular dystrophy,or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.Currently,this system consists of a chronkally implanted sensor and external signal processors developed from(xedinical animal studies(see Methods)*.The participant deKribed in this report,th

11、e ftrsl in the BrainGate trLd.is 2S-yr-old male(MN)who susuined a knife wound in 2001 that truuected the spinal cord between cervical vertebne CS-C4.resulting in complete tetraplegia(C4 ASIA A)*.The array was impbnted in lune 2004 into the MI arm area knob)as identified on pre-operAtive magnetic res

12、onance imaging(MR1)(Fig.1c).Post-operative recovery was uneventhil.The dta presented here are derived from 57 consecutive recording sessions from 14 July 2004(u 12 Aptil 2005(9muiillu).Signal qua Sty and varietyAction potentiab were readily observaNe on multiple electrodes,indicating that Ml neural

13、spiking peruhes three after SCI.m suggested indirectly by fuiKtional MR1 data-.Recorded signals ranged from qiuliutively wll-isokted single neurons to mixtures of a feu1 different waveforms(Fg Different uiwform Uupet were identified vtwiaUy.using uandard time-amplitude windows,but there was no furth

14、er attempt to distinguish between well isolated and intermixed waveforms,both of which we refer to in this repon as(units.An average of 26.9 14.2 units were observed each diy(range 5-57),with mean peik-to-peak spike amplitudes of 76.4 25.0iV(mean s.d.”56 tessioiu)(see SuppiementiryHundreds of thousa

15、nds of people suffer from forms of motor impairment in which intMt movement-related arm of the brain cinnot generate mowments becau&c of damage to the spinal cord,nerves,or muscles1.Riralyng disorders profoundly limit independence.mobility and communication.Cunent assistive technologies rdy on devic

16、es for whkh an extant function provides a Ugiul that substitutes for missing actiom.For example,cameras cui monitor eye movements that on be used to point a computer cursor2.Although these surropte devices have been available for some time,they are typkdly limited in utility,cumbersome to maintain,a

17、nd disruptive of natural actions.For imtance.gaze towards objects of interest disrupts eye-tmed control.By contrast,an NMP is a type uf brain-tumpuler iniertMe(BQ)itui urn guide movenieiii by harneuing the existii neural subiinite for that actionthat k neuronal activity patterns in motor areas.An id

18、eal NMP would provide a safe,unobtrusive and reliable signal from tbe disconnected motor area that could restore lost function.Neurons in the primary motor cortex(Ml)arm area of monktiyi,for example,provide information about intended arm reaching trajectories、,but this command signal would work for

19、an NMP only if neural signals penist and could be engaged by intention in paralysed humam.In concept.NMPs require a sensor to detect the activity of multiple neurom.a decoder to txandate ensemble firing patterns into motor comnuntK and.typically,;computer gateway to eng旱e effectors.BrainGte(Cyberkin

20、etics.Inc)is an NMP system under devdopmentJohn DonoghueBr o w n 布朗大学Ho c h ber g&Do n o g h u e et a l,Nature.2006BrainGatel 口二维运动控制世界上首例针对人类的植入式神经接口:-Technician-Neuralno三sod X-0.4 0 0.4x positionb uossod x uo_lcood X0.8y coordinate path10 20 30 40 50 60Time(s)Ho c h ber g&Do n o g h u e et a l,Nat

21、ure.2006神经编码后解码什么是神经编码?人体DNA sequenceBioCode:Central dogmaDisease DiseaseDiseaseNormalNormal大脑Neural sequenceMind AMind BNeuroCode:?协同编码思想Population Coding启发了随后的大脑运动皮层神经编码研究Nobel Prizes1932Charles Sherrington 1857-1952肌肉的控制是由脊髓中的运动神经细胞协同完成,并非简单的一对一单一控制。Ill协同编码思想Population CodingNeuronal Population C

22、oding of Movement DirectionApostolos P.Georgopoulos,Andrew B.Schwartz,Ronald E.KettnerAlthough individual neurons in the arm area of the primate motor cortex are only broadly tuned to a particular direction in three-dimensional space,the animal can very precisely control the movement of its arm.The

23、direction of movement was found to be uniquely predicted by the action of a population of motor cortical neurons.When individual cells were represented as vectors that make weighted contributions along the axis of their preferred direction(according to changes in their activity during the movement u

24、nder consideration)the resulting vector sum of all cell vectors(population vector)was in a direction congruent with the direction of movement.This population vector can be monitored during various tasks,and similar measures in other neuronal populations could be of heuristic value variables with vec

25、torial attributes.For many functions controlled by the brain or variables represented in the brain,the relevant unit is the neuronal population rather than the individual neuron.Elucidating the nature of this representation of information by a neuronal ensemble is a central problem of neuroscience(1

26、).We have approached this problem by investigating the brain mechanisms subserving the direction of arm movement in three-dimensional(3-D)space in order to predict directed arm movements from the neural responses of populations of motor cortical neurons.Rhesus monkeys were trained to reachscience,vo

27、l.233where there is a neural representation ofout and push red bunons that had been lit.A center button was located directly in front of the animal at shoulder level.Eight target buttons were placed at equal distances(12.5 cm)from the center button so that the direction of movements made from the ce

28、nter to targets sampled the 3-D space at approximately equal angular intervals(Fig.1),In a trial,the center light came on first,and the animal pushed it and held its hand on that button for at least 1 second.ThenPhibp Bard Laboratories of Neurophysiology,Department of Neuroscience,Johns Hopkins Univ

29、ersity Soxxl of Medicine,725 North Wolfe Street,Baltimore,MD 21205.GeorgopoulosUMN明尼苏达大学Andrew SchwartzPit t sbu r g h 匹兹堡大学Geo r g o po u l o s,Sc h w a r t z et a l,Science.1986Ill协同编码思想Population Coding多个神经元共同投票决定了运动方向角度神经元群体向量编码Neuronal Population Coding第i个神经细胞的发放率x=k W q X1第i个神经细胞的调谐角度 估计出的运动方向

30、角度Geo r g o po u l o s,Sc h w a r t z et a l,Science,1986BrainGate2|三维运动控制瘫痪病人用植入式犹他芯片控制机械手臂喂她喝水,/John DonoghueBr o w n 布朗大学Ho c h ber g&Do n o g h u e et a l,Nature,2012BrainGate20脑控肌肉电刺激植入式神经接口恢复截瘫病人前臂运动脊柱损伤瘫痪病人用植入 式犹他芯片控制表面电刺 激,从而控制自己残疾的 手臂,抓取杯子。(Bo u t o n et a l.,2016)oI髭星索性经题的应用神经障碍疾病 的调搀台中Ill

31、脑深部电刺激DBSDBS(deep brain stimulation)脑深部刺激器导联DEEP BRAIN STIMULATOR LEADELECTRODES 电极SUBTHALAMIC NUCLEUS卜丘脑核SUBSTANTIA NIGRA 黑质CONNECTIVE WIRES 连接线PACEMAKER心脏起搏器脑潦部电刺激(d eep br a in st imu l a t io n,DBS),又称脑起搏器,该技 术是利用脑立体定向手术在脑内 特定神经核团的位置植入电极,对核团进行慢性刺激,调节引起 症状的异常电活动,从而达到治 疗的作用。植入式神经接口的前沿与展望植入式微创(Mini

32、mally invasive)脑机接口Zh a n g&Ho n g et a l.Neuroimage.2013清华大学 MiBCI(Minimally invasive BCI)To w a r d a Min ima l l y in v a siv e BCI u sin g sin g l e su bd u r a l el ec t r o d e植入式电极控制机械臂浙江大学国内首例人体植入式电极控制机械臂2014年,浙江大学求是高等研究院郑筱祥教授团队与浙江大学医学院附属二院神经外科张建民主任团队合作言语意识解码Si&Ho n g et a l.PNAS.2017ESSAS X

33、UAIOmoNNeural signals络协作编码机制语意识解码植入式脑机接口Speech Synthesis重构记忆重构记忆 Restore your cognition with siliconRestoring MemoryIn a healthy hippocampus,signals travel from DG to CA3 to CAI.If one of tlK)se regions Is damaged,signals could be rerouted through a chip tliat inlniics the jxo-cessing duties of ihou

34、sands of neurons,thereby completing the circuit,which Is critical to memory.HIPPOCAMPUSHEALTHY HIPPOCAMPUSCA3 INACTIVATEDCHIP WITH NEURON MODELSMIT Technology Review,May 2003Ted Berger,University of Southern California矣隆马斯克(Elon Musk)进军神经接口 马斯克的团陡多学科深度交叉图片来源:微信公众号Br a in Qu a ke大脑激荡Va n essa To l o

35、sa柔性电极Timo t h y J.Ga r d n er 记录系统Ph il ip Sa bes 神经信号解码新接口技术同神经尘埃neural dustsku l ld u r ac o r t exmerencapsulantlong range transmitter trans-cranial comm ASIC/memory-data processing-battery-transcranial transceiver for external commultrasound transceiver to neural dustpiezo drive dectrodcs/Neura

36、l dustpolymer encapsulationrecording sites CMOS front endxDownload full-size imageJose M.CarmenaUC Ber kel ey 伯克利大学Fig.1.Neural dust system diagram showing the placement of ultrasonic interrogator under the skull and the independent neural dust sensing motes dispersed throughout the brain.应用1:感觉通路重建02 附应用21运动控制通路重建少应用33神经障碍疾病的调控治疗04陶前沿与展望

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