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1、Day 6(上)IELTS写作的34个通用基础短语和短句式前进类(用来论证advantage好的方面)1 benefit from 从当中获益例句:Their command of the language in later life will benefit from this early exposure, while learning other language subsequently will be easier from them.(剑9例句)详解:【注意】上面这个短语与is beneficial to(对有益)的主语和宾语位置正好相反,而且地道英文中有时还可以把它们放在文章的不

2、同位置交替使用,以实现句式多样化。【反义】suffer from 遭受【反义】be damaged by 被破坏2. invest in 对投资例句:In many countries, employees are encouraged to invest in private pension (养老金)plans.详解:【近义】fund sth.例句:This affordability is further enhanced by the use of credit cards and loans in order to fund travel, especially for holida

3、y purposes.(剑8例句)【对比】be seriously underfunded资金严重不足的【相关】impose a high tax on sth. 对某事物征收重税,例句:为了促进公民的健康有一些欧洲国家have imposed a high tax on junk food, 俗称“肥胖税”(fat tax)例句:As well as physical activity, high tax penalties (n.处罚)could be imposed on high-fat food products, tobacco and alcohol.(剑9例句)3. promo

4、te creativity / environmental awareness / healthy lifestyles /gender equality / cultural diversity / economic growth / sustainable development / healthy competition 促进创造力/环境意识/健康的生活方式/性别平等/文化的多样性/经济增长/可持续发展/良性的竞争例句:(i) Although the city has invested millions of pounds in museums and art galleries (美

5、术馆,画廊),it has done little to promote the development of healthcare services. (ii) Healthy life balance and exercise are strongly promoted by the NHS(英国的国家医疗服务体系).(剑9例句)详解:【相关】stimulate creativity / imagination / economic growth 激发创造力 / 激发想象力 / 刺激经济发展【反义】hinder the development of 阻碍某事物的发展【反义】is / are

6、 counterproductive 对达成目标具有阻碍作用4 enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of 提高某事物的效率和效用(如果只是需要讨论效率或者只是需要讨论效用,则可以从efficiency 和effectiveness 里选择对应的一个)例句:The main question about distance education is whether it enhances the efficiency and the effectiveness of learning.详解:【相关】boost productivity 提高生产率 【反

7、义】reduce efficiency (or productivity) 降低效率(或生产率)5. have access to能够获取或者使用某种资源(或工具)例句:The learning process can be significantly richer if students have access to a wide variety of (各种各样的)information and support.详解:【相关】give someone access to something 让某人能够去获取或使用某种资源例句:Others think that the true funct

8、ion of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer.(剑桥例句)【反义】deny ab. access to something 让某人无法获取或使用某种资源6.enrich someones learning(or work / cultural / artistic / life)experience 丰富某人的学习(或者工作的 / 文化的/ 艺术的/ 生活的)体验例句:Wor

9、king for a period before going to university can enrich their life experience and make them more independent.详解:【相关】improve their social skills 提高他们的社会交往能力【相关】gain practical experience 获得实践的经验 7. is / are responsible for something (or doing something )有去从事某事的责任或者应对某事负责例句: (i) Parents are responsible

10、 for teaching their children right from wrong (教他们的孩子分辨是非)(ii) Poor student behaviour seems to be an increasingly widespread problem and I think that modern lifestyles are responsible for this. (剑桥例句)详解:【反义】be exempt from doing sth. 被免除某种责任,比如You are exempt from taking IELTS. 不过当然这是不可能的。8. help sb.

11、to release stress and tension 帮助某人(例如)students / workers / employees /us )释放压力和紧张情绪例句:The programme is designed to help people to release stress and tension caused by work or lifestyle-related activities.详解:【相关】leisure time 休闲时间例句:Todays sedentary lifestyle(缺乏运动的生活方式)and stressful working conditions

12、 mean that physical activity is no longer part of either our work or our leisure time.(剑9例句)【相关】leisure activities休闲活动【反义】increase(或者raise)their stress levels 导致他们/她们的压力变得更大9.is / are both educational and entertaining 既具有教育性又具有娱乐性,寓教于乐的例句:Many museums offer a wide range of (广泛的)activities that are b

13、oth educational and entertaining.详解:【相关】be informative and entertaining 既含有大量信息又具有娱乐性的【对比】is repetitive and boring (学习任务或者工作任务等)既重复又乏味的例句:Some jobs are repetitive (重复性的)and boring, and labour relations may be poor.(剑桥例句)10. create employment opportunities创造就业机会例句:International tourism can create emp

14、loyment opportunities. On the other hand ,it may damage the cultural heritage of a nation.详解:【近义】create jobs 创造就业【反义】reduce employment opportunities / lead to job losses 减少就业机会11. increase someones employability 提高某人的就业适应性例句:Skills gained through compulsory work will not only be an asset (我们在Day3学过:

15、履历或者技能等方面的“闪光点”)on their CV(个人简历)but also increase their employability.(剑9例句)详解:【近义】make someone more employable 让某人更好地适应就业【近义】improve someones employability skills / improve someones employment skills增加他们的就业技能【反义】lack employability skills 缺乏就业技能12.relieve the burden on sb. (or poverty / traffic con

16、gestion / anxiety / pressure )减轻某人的负担(或者减轻贫困/ 交通拥挤/ 焦虑/压力)例句:Part-time jobs help students to relieve the financial burden on their parents.详解:【近义】ease the burden on sb. (or poverty / traffic congestion / anxiety pressure )减轻某人的负担(或者减轻贫困/ 交通拥挤/ 焦虑/压力等),形容词easy 您一定认识,而ease 作为及物动词则是一个标准的写作词汇【对比】impose

17、a heavy burden on someone 给某人带来沉重的负担【对比】put pressure or 给某一体系、某种资源或者某人带来压力13.fulfil someones potential 充分发挥某人的潜力例句:Employees may feel they cannot fulfil their professional(职业的)potential when their work is not valued by their employers(剑桥例句).详解:【近义】achieve someones full potential充分实现某人的潜力【相关】ensure e

18、qual opportunities for all students(or all employees / all applicants)确保全体学生(或者全体员工/ 所有申请者)都获得相同的机会14. reduce peoples dependence on sth. 减少人们对某事物的依赖程度例句:Improving public transport services can help to reduce peoples dependence on private cars.详解:【相关】reduce the use of减少对于某事物的使用【反义】be over-reliant on

19、sth. 过度地依赖某事物15. provide a solid foundation for 为某种积极的发展打下良好的基础例句:The practical knowledge gained through these experiences provides a solid foundation for their future careers.详解:【近义】lay the groundwork for为某种积极发展打好基础【相关】pave the way for某事物的发展铺平道路【反义】is / are ill-prepared for 对某事物准备得并不充分,请注意这个短语并不是说像

20、很多“烤鸭”一样急火攻心累病了。例如:are ill-prepared for the challenges of adult life16.provide someone with a wide variety of choices / information / opportunities 为某人提供很广泛的选择/ 很多样的信息/ 多种机会例句:Modern food production technology provides customers with a wide variety of food choices.详解:【相关】offer people a wide variety

21、of choices 为人们提供广泛的选择(特别提示:provide sb. with sth. 这个固定短语里面的介词with 不要省略,而offer sb. sth. 这个短语里面却正好没有with, 加了with 反而是错的)【对比】limit peoples choices 限制人们的选择17.raise (or increase ) peoples awareness of 提高人们在某方面的意识例句: Their aim is to raise peoples awareness of environmental issues(环境问题)and to encourage them

22、to adopt more environmentally-friendly lifestyles.详解:【近义】educate the public to 教育公众去例句:Long-term traffic and pollution reductions would depend on educating the public to use public transport more, and on governments using public money to construct and run efficient systems. (剑8例句)【近义】encourage publi

23、c participation in 鼓励公众对的参与【反义】be indifferent to something 对于某事物漠不关心的例句:Many consumers are indifferent to environmental issues.18.strengthen family bonds增进亲情例句:Preparing and enjoying meals together is a good way for family members to strengthen the bonds between them.详解:【相关】build community connectio

24、ns 增进社区成员间的联系 【对比】weaken family bonds 弱化亲情联系19. lower(or reduce)the crime rate 降低犯罪率(注意这个短语里的lower并不是作形容词,而是作及物动词,指降低某事物的发生率)例句:It could also possibly reduce the crime level in the high school age group.(剑9例句)详解:【相关】prevent crime 预防犯罪(动宾短语)【相关】crime prevention 对犯罪的预防(名词短语)【相关】reform criminals 改造罪犯倒退

25、类(用来论证disadvantage消极的方面)1. damage the environment (or someones health / someones self-confidence)破坏环境(或破坏某人的健康/ 打击某人的自信)例句:A regular diet of fast food can damage childrens health.详解:【相关】is damaging to对某事物有害例句:Some people think having school experience at a young age may be damaging to a childs devel

26、opment.(剑桥例句)【区分】国内同学们在IELTS作文里经常混淆damage 和destroy 这两个词,其实它们的区别很明确:damage sth. 是常规意义上的破坏,如果及时采取措施就仍然有可能去改变或者减轻这种破坏所带来的影响。而destroy sth. 则强烈地暗示该破坏已经到了beyond repair 的程度,无法再减轻或者修复了。比如说某种情况damage air quality ,它也许会导致PM2.5数值较高。但如果说某种情况destroy air quality,基本就要戴贩毒面具才能出门儿了。又比如你看到报纸上报导一座历史建筑被damaged,那么你可能会在这栋建

27、筑里找到“到此一游”之类的不雅留言或者在墙上找到一些cracks(裂缝),但是如果你看到新闻里说一栋历史建筑被destroyed,那么你就只能通过照片区永久地怀念它了(拆毁建筑还有个特定写法叫demolish a building,咱们在Day3里已经学过了)。2. cause anxiety (or stress / misunderstanding / resentment / climate change / traffic accidents / safety concerns) 导致焦虑(或者压力/ 误解/ 怨恨/ 气候变化/ 交通事故/ 关于安全的担忧)例句:Many scient

28、ists believe that global warming is mainly caused by greenhouse gas emissions (名词短语,对于温室效应气体的排放)from energy production,transport,industry and agriculture.详解:【相关】result in 导致某种结果(动词短语) 【对比】prevent sth. 防止某事物的发生 【对比】prevent sb. from doing sth. 防止某人做某事例句:Any kind of spare time charity work will prevent

29、 them from sitting and doing nothing.(剑9例句)3. face fierce competition面对激烈的竞争(这个短语里的face 是及物动词,如果非要写得更难则是be confronted with fierce competition)例句:Fierce competition between companies means that consumers are better informed about the environmental impact of the products that they buy.详解:【相关】is increa

30、singly competitive. (某一领域)竞争越来越激烈 【对比】depend on co-operation and communication要依靠合作与交流4. lack practical experience (or social skills / motivation / team spirit / a sense of community /funding /equal opportunities)缺乏实践经验(或者社会交往技能/ 动力/ 团队精神/ 社区感/ 资助/ 平等的机会),请注意在这些短语里lack 都是作及物动词例句:Some employees lack

31、the social skills needed to co-operate with their co-workers.(请注意这句话里lack the social skills 后面使用了过去分词短语作为后置定语,修饰social skills)详解:【注意】lack 作动词时它的后面直接跟宾语,它和宾语之间不要使用任何介词;而当lack 作名词时它和宾语之间则通常都要使用介词of。 例句:Those who believe teenagers are the happiest people cite their lack of responsibilities as a signifi

32、cant factor.(剑9例句) 【反义】possess the skills needed to do sth. 拥有从事某种任务的技能 例句:Many school are eager to hire employees who possess the organizational skills needed to complete the duties associated with teaching.5. restrict someones creativity / someones imagination / someones freedom / the development

33、of something 限制创造力(或者想象力/ 某人的自由/ 某事物的发展)例句:They argue that school uniforms (校服)restrict students creativity and freedom of choice.详解:【反义】encourage creativity鼓励创造力的发展 【反义】offer sb. greater freedom 给某人更大的自由 【反义】promote the development of促进某种事物的发展 【比较】satisfy sbs curiosity 满足的好奇心6. find something frust

34、rating 对某事物产生挫折感,感到很泄气例句:Students will not commit themselves to learning if they find their school experience frustrating.详解:【反义】find sth. stimulating 感到某事物很能激发自己的兴趣 【反义】find sth. motivating 感到某事物能够给人动力 【反义】find sth rewarding 感到某事物很有回报 【语法】这四个短语里sth. 后面的形容词都是作宾补,参见p.80,请记住find sth. +形容词这个有用的结构。Youll

35、 find it very helpful. 例句:(i) Many people find their rewards unfair, especially when comparing these super salaries with those of top surgeons or research scientists.(剑桥金句) (ii)Young adults may end up never returning to their studies or finding it difficult to readapt to readapt to (重新去适应) an academ

36、ic environment.(剑桥例句)7. is / are treated unfairly 受到不公正的对待例句:Employment discrimination occurs when job applicants and employees are treated unfairly based on their race, gender or age.详解:【反义】is / are treated fairly and with respect 被平等对待并且得到尊重(请注意不要漏掉介词with) 【反义】have equal opportunities 拥有平等的机会8. wi

37、den the gap between the rich and the poor 加大贫富差距(地道英文里也经常简单地写成widen the gap between rich and poor )例句:The range of technology available to individuals is widening the gap between the rich and the poor rather than narrowing it (请注意narrow 在这里是作及物动词)详解:【同类】widen the gap between rich countries and poor

38、countries加大富国与穷国之间的差距 【反义】narrow the gap between rich and poor 缩小贫富差距9. lead (or follow ) an unhealthy (或者sedentary / extravagant ) lifestyle 过不健康(或缺乏运动的/ 奢华的)的生活方式例句:(i) People who lead an unhealthy lifestyle are at increased risk of (有更大的风险)developing heart disease, hypertension(高血压)and diabetes(糖

39、尿病). (ii)Todays sedentary lifestyle and stressful working conditions mean that physical activity is no longer part of either our work or our leisure time(休闲时间).(剑9例句) 详解:【相关】damage someones health 破坏人们的健康 例句:A regular diet of fast food can seriously damage childrens health. 【相关】have an unhealthy die

40、t 保持不健康的饮食结构 【对比】have a healthy and balanced diet保持健康均衡的饮食结构 【对比】exercise regularly经常进行锻炼(动词短语) 【对比】 limit TV viewing 控制看电视的时间(动宾短语)10. reduce face-to-face communication(the Internet 互联网,social networking websites 社交网站,mobile phones 手机等)减少面对面的交流例句:Internet use reduces face-to-face communication with

41、 friends and family, as well as time spent outside the home.详解:【相关】discourage real interaction 抑制真正意义上的沟通(动宾短语) 【相关】cause social isolation 导致脱离社会的生活方式(动宾短语) 【对比】allow users to share interests, ideas and activities 让用户可以分享兴趣爱好、想法与活动11. glorify violence 美化暴力(及物动词glorify的后面通常跟暴力、犯罪、反社会行为等,常用于网络、电子游戏或媒体

42、类话题)例句:Frequent exposure to films and video games that glorify violence encourages children to behave aggressively(有攻击性地).详解:【近义】glorify crime and anti-social behaviour (主语是电影、电视节目、电子游戏等)美化犯罪和反社会行为 【相关】is / are addicted to violent games 对暴力的游戏上瘾(名词短语Internet addiction 和video game addiction 则是分别指网瘾和电

43、玩瘾) 【相关】be exposed to violence or sexual images (主语是人物)接触到暴力或者色情画面 【反义】control violent content in entertainment media(主语是政府)控制娱乐媒体中的暴力内容12. violate the law / sb.s rights / sb.s privacy 违反法律/ 侵犯某人的权利/ 侵犯某人的隐私例句:They argue that community service (社区服务)is not a sufficient (充分的)punishment for people who

44、 violate the law.详解:【近义】break the law 违反法律 【相关】commit a crime犯罪(务必注意当commit表示“犯”的含义时它是一个及物动词,而不是名词或者不及物动词,无数同学都在作文里用错了这个看似没有任何挑战性的“小词”) 【相关】be sent to prison 被送入监狱 【相关】be released from prison 被从监狱释放 【相关】are likely to re-offend 很可能会重犯 【相关】reform criminals改造罪犯(动宾短语)13. diminish cultural diversity (or biodiversity / national pride / job security / flexibility / students enthusiasm for learning)削弱文化的多样性(或者生物多样性/ 民族自豪感/ 工作的稳定性/ 灵活性/ 学生们对学习的热情)(要注意在IELTS写作里diminish“削弱”的后面只跟抽象名词)例句:(i) Globalisation and the increasing interconnectedness of societies diminishes cultural diversity.

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