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1、。剑桥少儿英语三级上册期末测试Class: Name: Score: (听力部分)一、选出你所听到的单词1. ( ) A. jingle B. jungle C. drink 2. ( ) A. cool B. wood C. wool 3. ( ) A. cave B. cake C. cafe 4. ( ) A .metal B. medal C. middle 5. ( ) A. gold B. goat C. golf 6. ( ) A. club B. crowd C. climb 7. ( ) A. police B. please C. policeman 8. ( ) A.gl

2、ass B. class C. grass 9. ( ) A. basketball B. football C. water polo 10. ( ) A. soup B. soon C. shout 二、听句子填空 AA.glass B.made of C.carefully D.bookcase E.special A:Look _ at these things.B:Whats _about them?A:They are _materialB:I see!How about that one?A:Which one?B:The one next to the _A:Its made

3、of glass.B:Right!Look!My glass is made of_too. BA.Ausralia B.enjoyed C.went D.learnt E.camp A group of young people _to _last summer.They had a summer _there.They _every minute of every day.They looked so happy,.Of course thetve _a lot from the summer camp三、听写1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._10._(

4、笔试部分)四、 选出不同类的单词11. ( ) A. wardrobe B. cupboard C. toy 12. ( ) A. Monday B. Friday C. weekend 13. ( ) A. glass B. metal C. plane 14. ( ) A. foggy B. sunny C. snow 15. ( ) A. science B. museum C. theatre 16. ( ) A. volleyball B. swimming C. hard 17. ( ) A. slowly B. quietly C. beautiful 18. ( ) A. fo

5、rest B. light C. heavy 19. ( ) A. taste B. smell C. toilet 20. ( ) A. engineer B. astronaut C. job 五、 单项选择1. ( )What do you want to be when you grow up?-_A. I want some books B.I want to be a teacher C.I am a doctor 2. ( )How do you go to school?-_A.Ive lost my book B.By bus C.He has a robot 3. ( )W

6、hat is the book made of?A. Its a book B.Purple C.Its made of paper 4. ( )Why are you so sad?-_A. I lost my robot B.Im sorry C.I have got good scores 5. ( )How_applesdoyoueateveryday?A.much B.many C.often. 6. ( ) Thebookis_bigtotakeAvery Btoo Cpretty 7. ( ) Istay_homeAin Bto Cat 8. ( ) Haveyoueverkep

7、tadog?AYes,Ihave.B.No,Ihave. CYes,Ihavent. 9. ( ) Whatsyourfavoritefood?A.Itssmall.B.hamburgers C.Ilikeit. 10. ( ) Maryhasafever.Iwilltakehertothe_.A. cinema B. school C. hospital 六、翻译制作 waterfall 羊毛 Ausralia 拳击 golf 俱乐部 metal 火 Christmas 七、根据句子的意思写出单词1.You visit this person when you are ill _ 2.Thi

8、s person can make you laugh _3.You use these to see things better _4.You use this to find your way in a new place _5.You use this to take photos _八、情景交际( )1、当别人生日你送给他礼物,递给他时,你应说: A.Here is my present for you. B.Here you are. C.I like eating cakes.( )2、圣诞节时,向别人打招呼,你应说: A.Happy New Year! B.Merry Chris

9、tmas ! C.Happy Teachers Day!( )3、当妈妈说去野游时,你表示非常赞同,你会说: A.Good idea! B.No,I have no time. C.I dont like.( )4、如果妈妈想帮帮你整理房间,可你想自己做,你会说: A.I can do it myself. B.I dont need your help. C.Thanks for your help.( )5、别人问你会干什么,你可以这样回答: A.I go to school every day. B.I can cook delicious meal. C.I am doing my h

10、omework.九、阅读理解 AHere is a big shop.Its ower is Alice.Its not far from the school.Everyday many people come to the shop to buy things.Her home is far from the shop.She usually gets up at Five,has breakfast and then goes to work by car.She puts some food in her lunch box.She has lunch in the shop.She

11、opens the shop at 7:00 am,and close it at 9:00 pm.She tidies things up before she goes home.根据短文内容,正确(T)错误(F)()1、Aliceworksinasmallshopnearaschool.()2、Herhomeisneartheshop. ()3、Alicegoestotheshopbycar.()4、Theshopclosedatseveninthemorning.()5、Aliceoftentidiesthingsupbeforeshegoeshome. BHello, my name

12、 is Jerry. I live in England. Ive got a very cute dog. His name is lucky. He is white and black. He is two years old now. He couldnt help me catch a ball then. But he can catch the ball now. He can also help me open the door. Isnt he cute?I love my dog!选一选(1-5题)1) Where does Jerry live? A.He lives i

13、n England.B.He lives in London.2) Has Jerry got a dog? A.Yes,he hasB.No,he hasnt3) What colour is the dog? A.WhiteB.white and black4) Could the dog catch a ball then? A.Yes,he couldB.No,he couldnt5) Can the dog open the door? A. Yes, he can.B. No, he cant.十、作文 My favourite sportsTHANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-

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