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1、-教育精选-外研版六年级下册知识点M1单词look看上去 cashier收银员 cola可乐 dollar美元 cent美分 enjoy享用,享受 careful小心的短语how much多少钱 be careful当心 hot dog热狗enjoy your meal请用餐 here you are给你 have a seat坐下come in进来 want to想要 lots of大量的句子1. What do you want? 你想要什么?2. - Can I help you?你想要点什么?- I want a hot dog.我想要一个热狗3. - How much is it?多

2、少钱?-Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents. 13美元25美分。4.- Let me take them.让我拿它们。-Be careful! 当心!5.- what do you want to eat?你想要吃什么?- I want to eat some meat. 我想要吃一些肉。6. And I want a bot dog,please, with lots and lots of cheese.我还想要狗,带有很多很多的奶酪。7. -What do you want to drink?你想要喝什么?- I want a cola.

3、 我想要一杯可乐8. Come in and have a seat. 进来坐一下。M2单词later后来,以后 duck鸭子 pond水池,池塘 dry干的 like 像一样 cloudy 云 stay保持,维持短语look like看起来像 get up起床 to go剩余have a picnic去野餐 on the pond在池塘里have breakfast吃早餐 stay hungry挨饿a beautiful day美好的一天 play football 踢足球go to the park 去公园 after dinner晚餐后play chess下棋 go to bed上床睡觉

4、have a good night 睡个好觉句子1. Im going to get up and have breakfast. 我打算起床吃早餐。2. Let s have a picnic in the park today.我们今天去公园野餐吧!3. - When are we going to eat,Mum?我们打算什么时候吃饭,妈妈?-At half past twelve.十二点半。4. There are some dark clouds in the sky.天上有一些乌云。5. They are eating our sandwiches!它们正在吃我们的三明治!6. I

5、t looks like you re going to stay hungry. 看样子你要继续挨饿了。7. It will snow in Harbin. 哈尔滨将会下雪。8. It will be cloudy in Tianjin. 天津将是多云的。9. - Where am I?我在哪里?-You re in Harbin. 你在哈尔滨。10.-What are you going to do today?今天你打算做什么?-I m going to the park to play. 我打算去公园玩。M3单词shine(太阳)发光,照耀 cry哭everyone人人,每人;大家 j

6、ust就,且请cow奶牛 blow吹,刮 rabbit兔子短语on Saturday在周六 look at看 have a picnic野餐 send some photos 邮寄一些照片 in the park在公园里 in this photo在这张照片中 fly away飞走 in the tree在树上in the mountains在山上 drink water喝水hide-and-seek捉迷藏 out of往外the middle of the night午夜 have a lovely time玩得开心fly a kite放风筝句子1. The sun is shining.太

7、阳正照耀着。2. I had a very interesting day on Saturday.我度过了一个非常有趣的周六。3.Im sending you some photos.我正给你邮寄一些照片。4. I miss everyone in China.我想念在中国的每一个人。in the tree儿们正在树上唱歌。5. The birds are singing in the tree. 鸟儿们正在树上唱歌。6. In this photo, its starting to rain and the birds are flying away.在这张照片中,天开始下雨,鸟儿们飞走了

8、。7.-What are you doing, Simon?你正在做什么,西蒙?-Im cleaning my room.我正在打扫我的房间。8. Simon and I are playing hide-and-seek.我和西蒙正在玩捉迷藏。9. We are having a lovely time!我们玩得很开心!M4单词balloon气球 stairs(常复)楼梯 mess肮脏;凌乱短语have a birthday party举行生日派对 fly away飞走fall down the stairs从楼上摔下 on the phone打电话get on上车 get off下车sta

9、nd up起立 sit down坐下pick up捡起 buy.for. 为买句子1. The balloons are flying away!气球飞走了。2.-Wheres your mum? 你妈妈在哪里?-Shes at the supermarket. Shes buying things for your birthday.她在超市。她正在为你的生日买东西。3.- Am I going to have a birthday party?我将会有一个生日聚会吗?-Yes,you are!是的,你会有。4. -Who can help me? I can t carry everyth

10、ing.谁能够帮助我?我拿不动所有的东西。-Sorry,I cant. I m on the phone.对不起,我不能。我正在打电话。-I can help you.I can carry this box.我能帮助你。我能拿动这个盒子。5. Simon,come and help us!西蒙,过来帮我们!6. The apples are falling down the stairs.苹果从楼梯上掉下来了。7. He s trying to get on the bus.他正在尝试上公共汽车。8.I can t carry them all. 我拿不动全部的东西。9.Im putting

11、 my hands on my head and eating an apple.我正把我的手放在我的头上,并吃一个苹果。M5单词play演奏,弹奏(音乐) third第三(个) time次,回bark(狗)吠,叫 loudly大声地 nothing没有东西,没有事情短语have a party举办聚会 play the suona吹唢呐come in进来 the third time第三次cross the street过马路 eat dinner吃晚饭talk to her friend跟她的朋友说话 do her homework做作业have lunch吃午饭 ride the bik

12、e骑自行车read a book读书 do exercise做运动fly a kite放风筝 play chess下象棋wave to say goodbye挥手说再见 call out my name喊出我的名字wake up from my dream从梦中醒来句子1. It s raining. What are they doing?天正在下雨。他们正在做什么?2. He is playing the suona, but the phone rings.他正在吹唢呐,但是电话响了。3. Daming is playing the suona for the third time, b

13、ut the dog starts to barkvery loudly.大明第三次吹唢呐,但是狗开始非常大声地叫。4.Hes crossing the street,but a car comes.他正在过马路,但是一辆小汽车来了。5. But Sam knows nothing.但是萨姆什么也不知道。6.Hes riding his bike,but it starts to rain.他正在骑自行车,但是天开始下雨了。7. Shes doing exercise,but it gets too hot.她正在做运动,但是天变得太热了。8. I am flying in the sky.

14、My mum is waving to say goodbye.我正在空中飞。我妈妈正在挥手说再见。9. It is getting very dark and I am going to the park.天变得很暗,我打算去公园。10. You are flying a kite and I am flying a kite too.你正在放风筝,我也正在放风筝。M6单词home回家 got(get的过去式) space太空interested感兴趣的 spaceship宇宙飞船 finish结束,完成paper纸做的纸质的 decide决定 seed种子first最初(的),第一次(的)

15、 model模型 national国家的,民族的 brought( bring的过去式)拿来,带来taikonaut (中国的)太空人,宇航员短语bring back带回 be interested in对.感兴趣go away走开 make a model制作模型ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事 birthday present生日礼物learn a lot学到很多 decide to do sth.决定做某事give sth. to sb.给某人某物 thank sb. for为感谢某人the national flag of China中国国旗 go around转动

16、句子1. It was Damings birthday yesterday.昨天是大明的生日。2. He got many presents from his family and friends.他收到了很多来自他家人和朋友们的礼物。3. Simons mum bought him a present too.西蒙的妈妈也给他买了一份礼物4. It was a book about space travel.它是一本关于太空旅行的书。5.Simon was interested in the book too.西蒙对这本书也很感兴趣。6. Daming showed Simon his b

17、irthday present.7. Daming asked him to read the book with him.大明让他和自己一起看这本书。8.In the book, they saw many pictures of spaceships from China, Russia and the us.在这本书中,他们看到了许多来自中国、俄罗斯和美国的宇宙飞船的图片。9. Then they decided to make a paper spaceship together.然后他们决定一起制作一个纸质的宇宙飞船10. In 2003, it took a Chinese taikonaut into space for the first time. 2003年,它第一次把一名中国宇航员送入了太空。11. -Did you buy me a pencil?你给我买了一支铅笔吗?-No.没有可编辑

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