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1、Unit 1 In classStand up.Good morning,class.Good morning,Mr Green.Sit down,please.Liu Tao,please open the door.Yes,Mr Green.Im sorry,Mr Green.Come in,Mike.Wang Bing,please close the window.Yes,Mr Green.Look at the blackboard,Sam.Whats this?Rubber!Its a rubber.No.Its a robot,Sam.Whats this,Sam?Robot!I

2、ts a robot.No!Its a rubber!Dont listen to the parrot,Sam!Unit 2 In the libraryHello,Yang Ling!Shh!Dont shout,Liu Tao.Dont run,Liu Tao.Would you like a sweet,Yang Ling?No,thank you.Dont eat here.Dont shout.Dont run.Dont eat.Shh!Dont talk.Dont sleep,Liu Tao.Im sorry.Hello,Bobby!Dont shout!Dont eat my

3、cake!Dont drink my milk!Whats this?Its my English book.Dont run!Is this your book?Unit 3 Is this your pencil?This isnt my pencil.Is this your pencil?No,it isnt.Is that your pencil?No,it isnt.Oh,thats my pencil.Is that a pencil?Yes,it is.Its a pencil.Is this my lunch box?Yes,it is.Wheres your lunch b

4、ox?Its over there.Ha!Ha!What is it?Cakes!This is for you,Bobby.No!Thank you.Unit 4 Wheres the bird?Look!A bird!How beautiful!Wheres the bird?Its under your desk.Now its behind the door!Its not here.Where is it?Su Hai!Its on your chair!Its in my desk.Its in the tree now.One,two,three.Wheres Bobby?Ah,

5、hes behind the door.Oh,its not Bobby.Where is he?Wow!A cake!Ha!Ha!Here you are,Bobby.Unit 5 How old are you?Look!How lovely!How old are you?Im nine.This is for you.Thank you.How old are you?Im eight.Im two.Here you are.Thank you.Hi!Thank you.Happy Birthday,Sam!What a nice cake!How old are you,Sam?Im

6、 two.Make a wish,Sam.I want a robot.I want a toy car.I want.Sam!Its time for the cake!Unit 6 What time is it?Wake up,Taotao.What time is it,Mum?Its seven oclock.Its time for breakfast.Good morning,Miss Li.Good morning,Liu Tao.Hurry up!Its time for class.Its six oclock.Its time for dinner.What time i

7、s it,Mum?Its nine oclock.Its time for bed.OK,Mum.What time is it?Its eight oclock!Bobby,thats my bag!Wheres my book?Wheres my pencil?Whats this?What are these?Bobby,heres your bag!Unit 7 On the farmGrandpa,this is Mike.Nice to meet you,Mike.Welcome to my farm.Nice to meet you.What are these?Theyre p

8、igs.What are those?Theyre cows.Are these apples?Yes,theyre apples.Are those apples too?No.Theyre pears.Sam,look at my pictures.Bobby,whats this?Is it a duck?No.Its a chicken.What are these?Theyre pencils!Whos this?Is this you?No!Thats my sister, Tina.Unit 8 Were twins!Mike,who is he?Hes my uncle.Who is she?Shes my aunt.Whos that girl,Su Hai?Shes Su Hai.Im Su Yang.Su Hai,who is she?Shes Su Yang.Shes my sister.Were twins!Whos this?This is my grandpa John.Is this your father?Yes,hes my father John.This is my cousin John.Look,Bobby.This is.John!No.This is me!My name is Sam.

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