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1、小升初突击训练系列试卷一一、选出下列单词中不同于其他三个的一项(5分)( ) 1. A her B worker C doctor D singer( ) 2. A morning B afternoon C year D evening( ) 3. A jelly B fruit pie C candy D school( ) 4. A breakfast B supper C lunch D hat( ) 5. Asnow B spring C summer D autumn二、中英文互译。(15分)1.回家 _ 2. 吃午饭 _3.母亲节 _ 4. 做饭 _5. 教师节 _ 6. 擦门

2、_7. pick apples _8. watch TV _9. collect toy cars _10. clean the window _三、选择填空。(9分)( ) 1. - Whens your birthday? - Its _ January 1 st. - What would you like _ a birthday present? - I would like a yo-yo.A. on; for B. in; as C. on; with( ) 2. - Where _ you now? - I _ at school.A.are; am B. am; are C.

3、 are; is( ) 3. - What does it mean? - It means you couldnt _.A. watching TV B. to watch TV C. watch TV( ) 4. Would you like to go the zoo _ me? A. with B. to C. on D. and ( ) 5. Look at the cat. _name is Kitty. A. Its B. Its C. It D. Is( ) 6. Now class, its _class. A. time to B. time for C. time D.

4、time to go( ) 7. It is an _ day; we are all very _.A. excited; exciting B. exciting; exciting C. exciting; excited( ) 8. 5.My friend and I _ draw pictures behind my house. A. are B. like C. like to D. likes to( ) 9. - Whose book is it? Its not _ book. Its _.A. my; hers B. mine; hers C. My; hers( ) 1

5、0. My grandpa is old, _ he looks young.A. and B. but C. or四、句型匹配。(16分) ( ) 1. What are you interested in? A. My hobby is collecting maps.( ) 2. Would you like to come to my birthday party? B. Im interested in singing.( ) 3. What does she do on the farm? C. Spring is the green season.( ) 4.Do you hav

6、e a wonderful time? D. She farms the land.() 5. Whats your hobby? E. They pick apples.( ) 6. Whats spring like? F. They farm the land.( ) 7. What do people do in spring? G. Yes, we do.( ) 8. What do people do in autumn? H. Sure .Id love to.五、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. Jims parents are doctors; my parents a

7、re _ (farm).2. My birthdays on the _ (five) of February.3. I often_ (go) to the park with my friends on Saturdays.4. I like _ (collect) stamps very much.5. Jim always _ (have) a lot of questions.6. Do you often go _ (swim) ?7. His hobby is _(dance)8. - Is this your book? - No, its _ (he)book.9. Plea

8、se help _ (they) do some housework.10. They _ (go) to school at 8:00.六、找出下列各句中的错误,将序号填在括号内并在横线上改正。(6分)( ) 1. We sang English songs and do some Chinese dances last night. _ A B C( ) 2. Is it yours? No, it isnt mine book. Its his. _ A B C( ) 3. Id like to buy a cake with a lots of strawberries. _ A B

9、C( ) 4. Look, your pen is on the ground. Pick up it. _ A B C( ) 5. I like drinking tea. I drinked some tea last night. _ A B C( ) 6. A pair of glass are on her desk. _ A B C七、根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。(10分)1. - 刚才你们做了什么?- 我们把图片贴在学校大门附近的墙上。 - What did you do a _ _. - We _ the pictures on the wall near the school

10、 _.2.我爸爸的生日是在9月9日。 My fathers birthday is on the _ of _.3.杨玲的叔叔居住在南京附近的一个小城镇。Yang Lings uncle _ in a small _ near Nanjing.4.这些不是我的礼物,那些是我的。These are not my _. Those are _.八、阅读理解。(5分)A: Yang Ling, what did you do last Sunday?B: I visited Lin Taos grandparents.A: Where do they live?B: They live in a s

11、mall town near Nanjing. They have a really nice house. I went there with Su Hai, Su Yang, Gao Shan, LiuTao and Ben. They were very glad to see us. Liu Taos grandpa showed us a lot of stamps from different countries. His grandma cooked us a nice lunch. We liked the food very much.A: What did you do t

12、here?B: In the morning, we cleaned their house. In the afternoon, we worked in their garden. Su Hai and Su Yang watered the trees and flowers. Liu Tao and Gao Shan picked apples. Ben and I planted some trees. We worked for about two hours(小时).A: Were you tired?B: No! I like working in the garden. We

13、 had a really good time.A: Great! Id like to visit them, too.判断正误,用“”“”表示。( ) 1. Gao Shan and Yang Ling visited Lin Taos grandparents last Sunday.( ) 2. On the farm, Yang Ling planted trees.( ) 3. Liu Taos grandma cooked a nice lunch.( ) 4. Yang Ling and Su Hai planted flowers.( ) 5. They worked on

14、the farm for about two hours.答案一、A B B D C二、1. July the 3 rd 2. play the piano 3. have a good time 4. the Spring Festival5. ask and answer 6. speak loudly 7. 吹蜡烛 8. 看赛龙舟 9. 拜访亲朋好友 10. 聊天三、A A C B A B C A A B四、F H B G A C D E五、1. farmers 2. fifth 3. went 4. collecting 5. has 6. swimming 7. closed8. his 9. them 10. singing and dancing六、1. B, did 2. B, my 3. B, lots of 4. C, Pick it up 5. B, drank 6. A, glasses七、1. moment ago, put, gate 2. ninth, September 3. lives, town 4. presents, mine八、本文由52求学网论坛微光整理

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