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1、 第五单元复习题1. Earthquakes(地震)always happen _, so it is difficult to know when they come. A.usually B.suddenly C.luckily 2. Jack called his mother at 7:30 yesterday, but she didnt pick up at that time. A.answer B.speak C.talk D.ring 3. Please check(检查)your paper to _there are no mistakes. (错误) A.think o

2、f B.try out C.find out D.make sure 4. My mother _dinner when I got home yesterday. A.has cooked B.was cooking C.will cook D.cooks 5. I was doing my homework at nine yesterday evening. What about you? I _TV at home. A.am watching B.was watching C.will watch D.watched6. What did the teacher say just n

3、ow? Sorry, I didnt hear it. I _out of the window. A.look B.looked C.am looking D.was looking 7. Jenny _in the kitchen when you called her at 5 oclock this afternoon. A.is cooking B.was cooking C.cooks D.cooked 8. What were you doing at this time yesterday? I _on the grass and drawing a picture. A.si

4、t B.sat C.am sitting D.was sitting 9. I was late for school this morning, because my alarm clock didnt _. A.get off B.take off C.put off D.go off 10. I heard a(n) _noise just now. It made me scared. A.beautiful B.strange C.interesting D.exciting 11. The student was so tired that he _at his desk. A.f

5、ell asleep B.woke up C.got up 12. Do you think yesterdays math problem was difficult? Yes, I could _work it out. A.hardly B.easily C.finally D.quickly 13. How is your English study? Not bad. But I _learning English grammar(语法). A.am interested in B.am good at C.have a little trouble D.have no troubl

6、e 14. _, I didnt like English. But now its my favorite subject. A. At first B. So far C. As a result D. At last 15. Look! Whats on the ground(地面)? Oh, its my sweater. Please _for me. A.pick it up B.pick up it C.pick them up D.pick up them 16. I was writing a letter _she was making a telephone call.

7、A.while B.when C.before 17. Can you catch what I said? Sorry, I can _understand it because you speak very quickly. A.probably B.hardly C.usually 18. She _to an English song while her parents _TV. A.was listening; is listening B.listened; were listening C.was listening; were watching D.was listening;

8、 watched 19. I called you at 6 oclock afternoon, but no one answered. Sorry, I _football with my friends at that time. A.play B.played C.will play D.was playing 20. I missed his call because at that time I _a shower. A.had B.has C.am having D.was having 21. I saw Sam and David in the playground yest

9、erday afternoon. They _games with their classmates then. A.play B.will play C.are playing D.were playing 22. Its raining _outside. Lets stay at home. OK. We can watch a movie. A.hardly B.slowly C.quickly D.heavily 23. What _you _at this time yesterday? Housework. A.did; do B.are; doing C.were; doing

10、 D.do; do 24. Gina was washing her clothes _it began to rain. A.when B.while C.as soon as D.how 25. When I got to the factory, the workers _about the film. A.are talking B.talked C.were talking D.will talk 26. _I failed(失败)four times, my father encouraged(鼓励)me to have a fifth try. A. Although B. Th

11、en C. But D. Because 27. I was reading a book _my sister was watching TV. A.after B.while C.during D.when 28. Sally took a photo of her friends while they _computer games. A.play B.are playing C.played D.were playing 29. Linda was reading a book. I came in at that time. (合并为一句) Linda was reading a b

12、ook _I came in. 30. I was waiting for the bus. I was also reading a book. (合并为一句) I was waiting for the bus _I was also reading a book. 31. Dave was making a model plane in the classroom at that time. (提问) _ _ Dave_a model plane at that time? 32. Lucy, what were you doing at nine last night? I _the

13、piano. I usually practice the piano at that time. A.play B.played C.was playing D.am playing 33. Today , more and more people begin to _the importance of saving water. A.realize B.waste C.control D.cause 34. Steve _TV in the living room when his mother came in. A.was watching B.watches C.is watching

14、 D.watched 35. I was cleaning the room when my mother came back. (同义句) _I _ _the room, my mother came back. 36. He was sleeping at this time last Monday. (否定句) He _ _at this time last Monday. 37. She was waiting for the bus when I saw him. (一般疑问句) _she _for the bus when you saw him? 38. They were ha

15、ving an English class at ten yesterday. (提问)_ _they _at ten yesterday? 39. He is having dinner with his friends in a restaurant. (用at this time yesterday改写句子)He _ _dinner with his friends in a restaurant at this time yesterday. 40. My father was too tired. He lay down _. A.in silent B.in silence C.k

16、eep silent D.keep silence 41. When I got home, my father was watching TV yesterday. (同义句)_my father _ _ TV, I got home. 42. While Tom was reading, I came in. (同义句) Tom was reading _I _in. 43. Why did the car hit the boy? Because the driver _on the phone at that time. A.talk B.is talking C.was talkin

17、g D.talked 44. What _Bob _just now? Sorry, I didnt hear it. I _up the phone. A.was; saying; was picking B.did; say; was picking C.does; say; am picking D.did; say; pick 45. What were you doing at the time of rainstorm? (同义句) What were you doing _the rainstorm _? 46. He swept the floor yesterday. (用a

18、t 8:00 yesterday改写句子) He _ _the floor at 8:00 yesterday. 47. Tom had a traffic(交通)accident yesterday. (同义句) A traffic accident _ _ Tom yesterday. 48. Bob took photos yesterday. (用when I saw him改写句子) Bob _ _photos when I saw him yesterday. 49. The students were talking when the teacher came into the

19、classroom. (同义句) _the students were talking, the teacher _into the classroom. 50. In the beginning, he disliked the school. (同义句) _ _, he disliked the school. 51. You should believe in yourself. Nobody else can _you. A.win B.beat C.beats D.wins 52. They play all kinds of instruments(乐器)and sing _. A.also B.either C.as well 53. We _them and _the basketball match yesterday afternoon. A.beat; won B.beat; beat C.won; beat D.won; won

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