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1、Unit 3 词汇练习信函 亲爱的 祝贺,问候 关心 告诉 学习,学会 烹饪 以前 到达 月 懂,理解 每件事情 陌生的 起初 跟随,领会 课堂上 讲话,说话 紧张的,不安的 友好的,友谊的 幸运地 对表示关心 在帮助下 同班同学 通常 有时 技能训练中心 实践,练习 活动 在周末 语言 去观光 美丽的,很好的 过的愉快,玩的高兴 城市 思念,错过 电话 数目,号码 电子邮件 地址 手机短信 发送 祝愿 词汇知识:从方框中所给选项中选择正确的单词和短语,补全句子。11. A year , she could not speak English .12. He this school two m

2、onths ago .13. the teachers , everything is going well now .14. , I couldnt understand the teachers in class .15. Wang Lin often goes to the playground in the morning to speaking English .16. I am studying in Beijing now . I often around the beautiful city with my friends on Saturdays .17. You shoul

3、dnt send in class .18. Can you show Tom the way to ? He wants to visit it .19. Do you on Friday afternoon ?20. Our parents always our life and study at school .A. With the help ofB. go sightseeingC. have classesD. At firstE. got toF. practiceG. the skill training centerH. text messageI. show concern

4、 aboutJ. agoA. LetterB. TellC. AgoD. UnderstandE. FollowF. FriendlyG. UsuallyH. Have a good timeI. NumberJ. Send21. The girl writes a to her parents every month .22. Many years , there was an old man in the village .23. I hope that you will at the party .24. Whats your telephone ? Its 16903645178 .25. If you want to visit him , him a text message .26. My new classmates are to me .27. If you your parents advice , you will do it better .28. I get up at 6 oclock every day ?29. Who can the story to all the students ?30. No one why he is late for the meeting ?

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