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1、演讲素材中古英语时期(11001500)中世纪英语时期通常指的是公元1066(诺曼征服)到1489(英国议会停止使用法语)年,处于欧洲中世纪历史的中晚期,在此时期英国使用三种语言:拉丁语、法语和英语。中世纪英语和古英语相比发生了空前的巨大变化。词尾变化大多消失,名词的性也消失了。词序,虚词和语调成了表示句子关系的主要手段。如果说古一英语与其它日尔曼语族的语言一样是典型的综合语,那么到了中古英语末期,英语已逐渐具有分析语的特性。The medieval English period usually refers to AD 1066 (Norman Conquest) to 1489 (the

2、British Parliament ceases to use French) years, in the middle and late of medieval European history, during which the United Kingdom used three languages: Latin, French and English. Medieval English and ancient English compared to the unprecedented great changes. Most of the changes in the suffix, t

3、he disappearance of the nouns. Word order, functional words and tone become the main means of expressing the relationship between sentences. If the ancient English is the same as the language of other Germanic languages, then to the end of Middle English, English has gradually been characterized by

4、analytic language.1066年的在英语语言发展史上是一个标志性的转折点。在这年,威廉带领军队从法国诺曼底省出发,穿过英吉利海峡,想在英国称王并在伦敦成立一个法国法庭。之后的近三百年里,法语一直是英国的官方语言,成为统治阶级用语,而平民百姓说的英语被认为市低等语言。到1300年左右,法语的使用开始减少。到14世纪末期,英语又重新成为官方语言。1066 years in the history of the development of English language is a landmark turning point. In this year, William led t

5、he army from the French province of Normandy, through the English Channel, want to king in the United Kingdom and set up a French court in London. After nearly three hundred years, the French has always been the official language of the United Kingdom, became the ruling class language, and the civil

6、ian people speak English is considered the city low language. By about 1300 years, the use of French began to decrease. By the end of the 14th century, English became the official language again在近四百年时间里,诺曼人给英语带来了近一万的外来词,深深影响了英国人的社会和生活。英语语言在这一时期借用了较多法语中的派生词缀,如-able, -ess。当然也有一些拉丁语直接进入英语,而且多用于书面语。词汇方面

7、的变化也是显著的。由于诺曼法语一度是英国统治阶级的语言,大批法语词涌入英语。随着众多的法语借词被吸收进英语,一些法语和拉丁语的词缀也被英语化了,成为英语构词的重要素材。In the last four hundred years, the Normans brought nearly ten thousand foreign words to English, deeply influenced the British society and life. In this period, the English language borrowed more derivative words in

8、 French, such as -able, -ess. Of course there are some Latin direct access to English, and more for writing. Vocabulary changes are also significant. As Norman French was once the language of the British ruling class, a large influx of French words into English. With many French borrowings absorbed

9、into English, some French and Latin affixes have also been English, and become an important material for English word formation.到中古英语末期,英语已经确立了作为英国国语的地位。乔叟的作品证明,英语已成为一种成熟的文学语言。英语语法的简单化过程已大体完成,拼写走向固定,基本词汇也已形成。总之,现代英语的基础也已经奠定。如果说阅读中古英语以前的英语仿佛是在读另外一种语言,那么十六世纪以后的英语与当代的英语的差别也就不那么明显了。对英语拼写标准化、传播英语书面语都起了很大

10、的推进作用。At the end of Middle English, English has established its status as a British language. Chaucers work proves that English has become a mature literary language. English grammar simplification process has been largely completed, spelling to fixed, the basic vocabulary has also been formed. In s

11、hort, the foundation of modern English has also been laid. If you read English in Middle English as if you were reading another language, then the difference between English and contemporary English after the sixteenth century was not so obvious. The English spelling standardization, the dissemination of English written language has played a great role in promoting.

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