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1、牛津上海版七年级下英语Unit3基础知识点练习七年级下英语U3基础知识点练习1. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子) 1. Toms mother _ (teacher) music in a primary school.2. The teacher tells us to cross the road _ (safe).3. The weather was very _ (fantasy), lets go for an outing.4. A cabl

2、e car is used for _ (carry) people to the top of the hill.II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) ( ) 1. My uncle is _architect. He draws plans of buildings. A.a B. the C.an D. /( ) 2. Computers are super calculators and people often call _ electronic brains.A.they B. their C.theirs D. them( ) 3. Bett

3、y has quite _ friends here. She often goes shopping with them. A.a few B. few C.a little D. little( ) 4. A(n) _ works in company and designs machines. A.architect B. engineer C.coach D. headmaster( ) 5. After his father passed away, Harry was in charge _ the family business. A.of B. for C.with D. at

4、( ) 6. The roast beef tastes so _. May I have one more piece, mum?A.well B. bad C. terrible D. delicious ( ) 7. Its _ a good idea. A.very B. fairly C. quite D. quiet( ) 8. The country has _ soldiers in its army.A.million of B. millions of C.several million of D. several millions( ) 9. He didnt reali

5、ze his mistake _ he was told about it.A.if B. while C. since D. until ( ) 10. Believe it or not, its said that people born in the year of the rat _ become excellent writers. A.should B. can C.must D. need( ) 11. My father _ in a travel agency since he _ school. A.worked; left B. has worked; has left

6、 C.works; leavesD. has worked; left( ) 12. My brother _ a car for three years. Hes a good driver. A.has bought B. bought C.has had D. drove ( ) 13. We use water _ flowers. A.for water B. to watering C.watering D. for watering( ) 14. David has made quite a few friends since he came to Shanghai._ A.so

7、me B. many C.several D. a few( ) 15. I like the party so much, but I have to go home. Its too late._.A.What a pity! B. Have another try. C. Congratulations! D. Its a pleasure.III. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单词只能填一次)A.

8、 phones B. keeps C. different D. besideE. inside F. suggested G. at the end of According to Xinhua News Agency, 3,000 yellow school buses started their service in Chongqing 1 2011. These school buses are like the ones in the US as we usually see on TV and in movies.The school buses are bright yellow

9、 in color. They are stronger than the armys cars. They are from the US. The yellow school bus has a big nose. This 2 the students safe when other cars crash into the school bus. The bus also has some safety devices (设备), such as warning lights and a stop signal arm.In China, school buses became popu

10、lar in the past few years. On the bus, except the bus driver, there is always a teacher whose duty is to watch the students. Children usually rest on the bus. Some of them also recite texts. School buses in China are not free. The fee is 3 from school to school.More about yellow school buses in the

11、USYellow became the color of school buses in 1939. American educator(教育家), Frank W. Cyr 4 it. The color helped other cars to see the buses. In the early morning, the black letters on the yellow bus are easy to see.Kids can listen to music, talk on their 5 or just sleep. But they cant place things in

12、 the aisle (过道). They should keep their heads and arms 6 the bus. It is not a good idea to talk to the bus driver - the driver needs to pay attention to the road.IV. Rewrite the following sentences as required(改写句子,每空格限填一词) 1. Wendy has dinner with her parents every day. (改为否定句)Wendy _ _ with her pa

13、rents every day.2. My father has been a fireman for a few years. (改为一般疑问句)_ your father _ a fireman for a few years?3. Mr. Smith has never been to other countries. (改为反意疑问句)Mr. Smith has never been to other countries , _ _?4. I have learned English since 2000. (对划线部分提问)_ _ have you learned English?5

14、. My father is a policeman and tries to make our city a safe place. (保持句意基本不变)My father is a policeman and tries to _ our city _. 参考答案I. 1. teaches 2. safely 3. fantastic 4. carryingII. 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. C 11. D 12.C 13. D 14.B 15. AIII. 1. G 2. B 3. C 4. F 5. A 6. EIV. 1. doesnt have 2. Has, been 3. has, he 4. How long 5. keep , safe4 / 4

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