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1、中国文化翻译练习中国文化翻译练习 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(中国文化翻译练习)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为中国文化翻译练习的全部内容。中国文化翻译练习Translate the following passage into English。中国文化是世界上最古老、最复杂的文化之一,其

2、所覆盖的地理疆域占据了东亚的大片土地,在这里村镇之间、城市之间、省区之间的风俗传统都各不相同。中国文化的重要组成成分包括文学、音乐、视觉艺术、武术、烹调等等。Chinese culture is one of the worlds oldest and most complex. The area in which the culture is dominant covers a large geographical region in eastern Asia with customs and traditions varying greatly between towns, cities

3、and provinces. Important components of Chinese culture include literature, music, visual arts, martial arts, cuisine, etc.如今中国已确认的民族有五十六个.不过,从人数上看,汉族占据着主体地位.自古以来,许多族裔都被同化进了邻近的族群,或者消失的无影无踪。同时,汉族内部的许多族群还保留着其独特的语言和地域文化传统。“中华民族”这个名称被用来统称整体中国民众。这个群体中传统身份的认定在很大程度上体现了家族之间的差别。Today there are 56 distinct rec

4、ognized ethnic groups in China。 In terms of numbers however, the preeminent ethnic group is the Han Chinese. Throughout history, many groups have been assimilated into neighboring ethnicities or disappeared without a trace。 At the same time, many within the Han identity have maintained distinct ling

5、uistic and regional cultural traditions。 The term Zhonghua Minzu has been used to describe the notion of Chinese nationalism in general. Much of the traditional identity within the community has to do with distinguishing the family name。从三皇五帝以来,中国总是处在某种王朝的统治之下。不同历史时期对各种社会角色有着不同的称谓.从概念上将,每个王朝或封建时期都很类

6、似:在社会等级中,政府官员、军事将领高高在上,其他民众则处在中国法律的常规治理之下。从周朝(公元前1046256)后期开始,传统的中国社会被组成等级体系,分成社会经济阶层,即四大行业。Since the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors period, some form of Chinese monarch has been the main ruler above all. Different periods of history have different names for the various positions within society.

7、 Conceptually each imperial or feudal period is similar, with the government and military officials ranking high in the hierarchy, and the rest of the population under regular Chinese law. From the late Zhou Dynasty (1046256 BCE) onwards, traditional Chinese society was organized into a hierarchic s

8、ystem of socio-economic classes known as the four occupations。然而,这种体系却没有把所有社会群体都包含在内,而自从宋朝(公元9601279年)中国文化商业化以来,社会群体之间的界限变得模糊不清。中国古代教育也有着悠久的历史。从隋朝(公元581618)以来,学子们应试科举,这是政府录用举子进入朝廷成为士大夫的考试。However, this system did not cover all social groups while the distinctions between all groups became blurred ev

9、er since the commercialization of Chinese culture in the Song Dynasty (9601279 CE)。 Ancient Chinese education also has a long history; ever since the Sui Dynasty (581618 CE) educated candidates prepared for the Imperial examinations which drafted exam graduates into government as scholarbureaucrats。

10、这造就了一种精英体制,虽然机会只留给那些能去参加科举的男子们.科举要求应试的举子们写文章,展示他们对儒家经典的掌握程度。通过最高级别考试的举子将入仕为官,称为进士,这是深受尊敬的社会经济地位。手工业通常由师傅教导.汉朝女历史学家班昭撰写了女诫一书,规定了女性必须遵守的四种美德。这些训诫得到了朱熹、程颐等学者的拓展.社会上习俗和礼仪中还包括中国式婚姻和道教的房中术。This led to the creation of a meritocracy, although success was available only to males who could afford test prepara

11、tion。 Imperial examinations required applicants to write essays and demonstrate mastery of the Confucian classics。 Those who passed the highest level of the exam became elite scholar-officials known as jinshi, a highly esteemed socioeconomic position. Trades and crafts were usually taught by a shifu

12、。 The female historian Ban Zhao wrote the Lessons for Women in the Han Dynasty and outlined the four virtues women must abide to, while scholars such as Zhu Xi and Cheng Yi would expand upon this。 Chinese marriage and Taoist sexual practices are some of the customs and rituals found in society。大多数的社

13、会价值观来自于儒家和道家。随着理学、佛教,还有其他流派的参与,到底是哪种思想流派影响最大一直争论不休。投胎转世和其他的重生理念体现了现世与来世的联系。在中国商业文化中,“关系”的概念表明人际关系超越在规则之上,这一点已得到充分证明。Most social values are derived from Confucianism and Taoism. The subject of which school was the most influential is always debated as many concepts such as Neo-Confucianism, Buddhism

14、and many others have come about。 Reincarnation and other rebirth concept is a reminder of the connection between reallife and the afterlife. In Chinese business culture, the concept of guanxi, indicating the primacy of relations over rules, has been well documented.儒教是贯穿中国大多数王朝历史的官方哲学,对儒家经典的掌握是进入朝廷官

15、僚体制的首要条件.还有一些更为专制的思想流派也产生了影响,比如法家。Confucianism was the official philosophy throughout most of Imperial Chinas history, and mastery of Confucian texts was the primary criterion for entry into the imperial bureaucracy。 A number of more authoritarian strains of thought have also been influential, such

16、as Legalism.哲学思想之间经常会出现矛盾,比如,宋朝的理学家们认为法家背离了儒家的本旨。如今中国依然重视考试和有关美德的文化。近年来,有些新儒家学者(不要与理学混淆)提出,民主的理想和人权概念与传统的儒家所代表的“亚洲伦理”是兼容的。There was often conflict between the philosophies, e.g. the Song Dynasty NeoConfucians believed Legalism departed from the original spirit of Confucianism。 Examinations and a cul

17、ture of merit remain greatly valued in China today。 In recent years, a number of New Confucians (not to be confused with NeoConfucianism) have advocated that democratic ideals and human rights are quite compatible with traditional Confucian ”Asian values”。随着十九世纪中期欧洲经济、军事力量的崛起,中华之外的社会政治组织体系在中国赢得了支持者。

18、这些有意革新的先行者中有些完全摒弃了中国的文化传统,有些寻求将中西文化中的精华相结合的良方。从本质上说,二十世纪中国的历史就是试验新的社会、政治和经济组织的历史,以求在王朝统治土崩瓦解之后国家能够整合重组.With the rise of European economic and military power beginning in the mid-19th century, non-Chinese systems of social and political organization gained adherents in China。 Some of these would-be r

19、eformers totally rejected Chinas cultural legacy, while others sought to combine the strengths of Chinese and European cultures. In essence, the history of 20thcentury China is one of experimentation with new systems of social, political, and economic organization that would allow for the reintegration of the nation in the wake of dynastic collapse.

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