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1、Rainy days make me sad.直击课标要求1语言目标Talk about how things affect you2重点词汇tense owner scientific pink lighting knowledge serve design uncomfortable smoke mysterious shiny silly skin cream toothpaste aim specially useful product confuse mislead careful lead plane wedding co-worker orange vase host hoste

2、ss arrange feminine consider proper acceptable tradition embarrass qualityaim at for instance lets say ahead of time3关键句型Rainy days make me sad.Id rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I am eating.Waiting for her made me angry.Loud music always makes m

3、e want to leave.It was so sad it made us cry.How do you feel about pollution? 4语法宾语补足语课前学习提示一、词汇1 owner un n.所有者,业主。它是由动词own+er构成的。同时own还可作形容词用在所有格后以加强语气。【例】 (1)Who is the owner of this building? 谁是这幢大楼的业主?(2)His grandfather was the owner of this farm.他祖父过去是这个农场的所有者。(3)She was bold enough to own her

4、 mistake.她鼓起勇气承认了错误。(4)Many farmers now own motorbikes.现在许多农民拥有摩托车。(5)The boy owned to having done wrong.这男孩承认自己做错了事。(6)I saw the scene with my own eyes.我亲眼看到了那一幕情景。(7)She worked on her own.她独立工作。2knowledge n lid n.知识,学问,认识,了解,知道。它的动词形式是know。【例】 (1)There can be no knowledge apart from practice.离开实践的

5、认识是不可能的。(2)I have no knowledge of his whereabouts.我不知道他的下落。(3)It has come to my knowledge that you are a doctor now.我听说你现在已经是医生了。(4)She doesnt know how to drive.她不知道怎样开车。3serve s :v vt.& vi. 为服务,招待,供应,(发)球,送交,符号,对有用等。【例】 (1)How is it that the waiter seems reluctant to serve me? 服务员似乎不愿接待我,这是怎么回事呢?(2

6、)They serve good Chinese food in this restaurant.这家饭馆供应美味的中国菜。(3)Its your turn to serve the ball.轮到你发球了。(4)The court served him with a summons.法院向他送了传票。(5)This excuse will not serve him.这种借口并不能帮他的忙。(6)He served in the army between 1978 and 1988他于1978年至1988年期间在部队服役。(7)A board placed on his lap served

7、 for a desk.在膝盖上摆的一块木板成了他的写字台。4uncomfortable nk mf t bl adj.不舒服的,不合意的。它是由comfortable加前缀un构成的,而comfortable是由comfort加后缀able构成的。【例】 (1)She felt uncomfortable with strangers.她同陌生人在一起觉得不自在。(2)We felt very comfortable at the hotel.我们在旅馆住得很舒服。(3)He has a comfortable income.他收入可观。(4)His words gave her much

8、comfort.他的话给了她很大的安慰。(5)Be of good comfort.振作起来!5smoke sm uk vi.& vt. 吸烟,冒烟。它可作名词用,而smoker则是“吸烟者”。【例】 (1)When I came back I found the generator smoking.我回来时发现发电机在冒烟。(2)My dad doesnt smoke.我爸爸不吸烟。(3)The young man smoked himself ill.那年轻人吸烟吸出病来了。(4)Such coal produces little smoke.这种煤燃烧时生烟不多。(5)He had a

9、smoke before setting to work.他开始工作前抽了一支烟。(6)My uncle is a heavy smoker.我叔叔烟瘾很大。6 aim eim vt.& vi.瞄准,针对,目的在于。它可作名词用。【例】 (1)He aimed his gun at the hare.他把枪瞄准野兔。(2)My remarks were not aimed at you.我的话不是针对你说的。(3)We must aim high.我们必须力争上游。(4)The young man aims at becoming a writer.这年轻人有志成为作家。(5)He achie

10、ved his aim.他达到了目标。7 useful jusf l adj.有用的,有益的。它是由use加后缀ful构成的。use可作动词用,也可作名词用。【例】 (1)That is a useful book.那是一本有用的书。(2)John is a useful person to have around on such occasions.在这种场合有约翰在身边是很有帮助的。(3)Will you kind enough to let me use your electronic typewriter? 让我使用一下你的电子打字机好吗?(4)This telephone numbe

11、r is no longer in use.这个电话号码已不再使用了。8mislead misli:d vt.把引入歧途。它是由lead加前缀mis构成的,它的过去式和过去分词是misled, misled。【例】 (1)He was entirely misled by her words.他完全误解了她的话。(2)The travellers were misled by the guide.旅游者们被向导领错了路。(3)We had a guide to lead the way.我们有一个向导带路。(4)the general led his troops to battle.将军率领

12、部队去作战。9careful k fl adj.小心的,仔细的。它是由care加后缀ful构成的,它的反义词是careless,而care则可作动词或名词用。【例】 (1)Be careful not to make any noise.注意不要有响声。(2)He is a careless person.他是个粗心大意的人。(3)He said I should have given more care to my work.他说我本该更认真地工作。(4)He cares a lot about his appearance.他很讲究外表。二、交际用语。1某物对情绪的影响Rainy days

13、 make me sad.Loud music makes me want to dance.Waiting for her made me angry.That made me annoyed with myself.2表示意愿Id rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating.I would love to jump out of a plane! 三、语法1宾语补足语宾语补足语和宾语一起称为复合宾语,可作宾语补足语的有:名词,代词,形容词,副词

14、,分词,不定式,介词短语,名词从句。【例】 (1)We call him Jim.我们叫他吉姆。(2)Whom do you think of me? 你以为我是谁?(3)Please keep the room clean.请保持室内清洁。(4)He found her out.他发现她出去了。(5)She found the book interesting.她认为这本书很有意思。(6)Youd better have your shoes mended.你还是请人把鞋补一补吧。(7)Make yourselves at home.不要受拘束。(8)We made him what he

15、is.是我们使他成为现在这样。2宾语补足语的注意事项1)作补语的形容词应放在宾语后,若放在前则变成了定语。【例】 (1)We found the man honest.我们发现此人很诚实。(宾补)(2)We found the honest man.我们发现了这个诚实的人。(定语)2)在动词elect, choose, make之后用作补语的名词,若是表示“身份,职位”则不带冠词。【例】 They elected Li Lei monitor last week.上周他们选李雷当班长。3)有些动词后通常跟“to be名词或形容词短语”作补语,但to be常省去。这些动词有:think, con

16、sider, believe, imagine, suppose, see, find, feel, etc.。【例】 He thinks himself (to be) a clever man.他认为自己很聪明。4)复合宾语可变为宾语从句。【例】 We think her a nice woman.We think that she is a nice woman.我们认为她是个很好的人。5)动词let, make, have及感官动词后用不带to的不定式作补语,若变为被动语态,应将to加上。【例】 I saw tears come into her eyes.Tears were see

17、n to come into her eyes.我看到她眼里含着泪。6)感官动词后跟不带to的不定式或现在分词作补语,其区别在于不定式强调事实经过或动作已完成,而现在分词则强调当时情景或动作正在进行。请比较。【例】 (1)I like to hear her sing.我喜欢听她唱歌。I heard her singing last night.昨晚我听到她在唱歌。(2)I saw him cross the road and go into the hospital.我看见他走过了马路,进了医院。I saw him crossing the road when I looked out of

18、 the window.当我向窗外看时,看见他在过马路。点拨重点难点1宾语补足语以及宾语补足语应注意的问题,尤其是不定式作宾补时,to的省略。2描述人们心理及情绪的词语和句型。3that引导的主语从句,so that引导的目的状语从句以及think等词后跟的宾语从句等。4本单元所学的常用词和短语,如:owner, scientific, knowledge, serve, smoke, useful, careful及aim at, ahead of time等的用法。5色彩对人心情的作用及影响,我们如何使用色彩来改善周边及家中的居住环境,使人们达到心情愉快,精神振奋。6广告对人们的工作、生活

19、以及居住等方面产生的影响。拓展发散思维发散思维分析1 Rainy days make me sad.雨天使人沮丧。sad是形容词在此作宾语补足语,宾补本单元语法部分已作说明,不再重述。仅举几例。【例】 (1)Lets get everything ready in time.咱们把一切按时准备好。(2)I hope to see you well soon.我希望你的病早点好。(3)The machine can cut bread thin.这种机器可以把面包切得很薄。2 Id rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to

20、 listen to quiet music while Im eating.我宁愿去蓝湖饭馆,因我喜欢边吃边听轻音乐。would rather“宁愿”,通常和than连用;while在此的意思是“与同时”。【例】 (1)I would rather you came right away.我倒希望你能马上来。(2)She would rather have the small one than the large one.她宁愿要小的,不要大的。(3)The defenders of the besieged city could rather die than surrender.这个被困

21、城市的守军宁死也不投降。(4)We must be pupils while serving as teachers.我们该一面当先生,一面当学生。(5)Strike while the iron is hot.(谚语)趁热打铁。3 They spend more time eating their meals.他们花更多的时间吃饭。spend指某人花费时间或金钱做某事,常用spendon和spend(in) doing结构。此外还有三个表示花费的词,cost指某件物品值多少钱或价值怎样;pay指某人为某物而付钱,常与for连用;take指某项活动或事花费多少时间,常用的句型是it takes

22、 sb. some time to do sth.。【例】 (1)We spent three years searching for a solution to this problem.我们用了三年时间寻找解决这个问题的办法。(2)He spent a lot of care on that work.他在工作上花了很多心血。(3)The motorcycle cost him half of what he had saved.他买摩托车用掉了节省下来的一半钱。(4)It cost them seven years to complete the dictionary.他们花了七年时间才

23、编好那部字典。(5)He paid me fifty dollars for what I had done for him.他付给五十美元,作为我给他干活的报酬。(6)I paid the train fares for them.我为他们付了火车票钱。(7)It took them a whole year to build this road.他们修这条路用了整整一年时间。(8)My time was fully taken up with reading those papers.我的时间全用在阅读那批文件上了。4 Its true that some ads can be very

24、useful.一些广告很有益是个事实。that在此引导的是主语从句。在口语中that常被省略;wh-系列引导词也可引导主语从句。【例】 (1)It is clear (that) he is wrong.很明显,他错了。(2)It doesnt seem likely (that) she will be here.她似乎不大可能来。(3)Its good youre so kind to him.你对他很好,这很不错。(4)Whether he will come doesnt matter.It doesnt matter whether he will come.他是否来,这无关紧要。(

25、5)What you need is more practice.你需要的是更多的练习。(6)When we shall have our sports meet is still a question.我们什么时候开运动会仍然是个问题。5but dont really tell you anything about the quality of the product.但没有真正告诉你有关产品质量的任何问题。tell sb. about sth.“告诉某人有关某事”,tell sb. sth.“告诉某人某事”。【例】 (1)The granny told us about a thief b

26、reaking into her house.老奶奶告诉我们她家失窃的事。(2)The old man told us about his sufferings in the old days.老人告诉我们他过去受的苦。(3)He told the happy news to everybody.他把好消息告诉了大家。(4)Tell me where you live.告诉我你住在哪儿。6You have to be careful.你得小心。be careful“小心,当心”,后常跟of短语。与它同义的有look out。【例】 (1)Arent you a bit too careful

27、of your health? 你对个人的健康难道不是有点过于小心了吗?(2)Be careful crossing the road.过马路要小心。(3)You must look out for the snags.你们必须当心意外困难。(4)Look out! Theres danger ahead.当心!前面有危险。7In class, the teacher asked me for my homework.在课上,老师问我要家诞作业。ask sb. for sth.“向某人要某物”,而ask for则表示“请求,通过询问寻找”。【例】 (1)How much did they as

28、k for this book? 这本书他们要多少钱?(2)The stranger asked the old man for his address.那陌生人问老人要家庭住址。(3)He came to ask for help.他来求助。(4)Did anyone ask for me? 有人找过我吗?8The problem is you dont like wearing orange.问题是你不喜欢穿橘黄色衣服。that(已省略)引导的是表语从句;like后可跟不定式也可跟动名词作宾语,如表示一般倾向,多用动名词作宾语,但如指特定或具体某次行动,则更多使用不定式。【例】 (1)Th

29、e trouble is (that) we are short of money.困难是我们缺少钱。(2)The problem seemed how we could make him understand it.问题似乎是我们如何能使他理解这点。(3)I like reading books of this kind.我喜欢看这类书。(4)Id like to read that book.我想看那本书。(5)She likes reading newspapers at night.她喜欢晚上看报。(6)I should like to be present at the meetin

30、g.我希望出席这次会议。9The gift-giver is too lazy to go out and find the right gift.送礼的人太懒了,不愿出去找一份合适的礼物。tooto“太结果不”,too后跟形容词或副词原形,to引导不定式。【例】 (1)She is too young to marry.她还没到结婚年龄。(2)The box is too heavy for me to carry.这个箱子太重,我搬不动。(3)He is too careful not to have noticed it.他那么细心,不会不注意到这一点的。发散思维应用典型例题1She i

31、s too busy to help us finish the work.Lets do it .A herselfB myselfC ourselvesD itself解析 答案:C 本题主要考查反身代词的用法。我们在选反身代词时,一定要与它的人称代词保持一致,主要性别和单复数的一致。Lets是let us的缩写,与us对应的反身代词应是ourselves。典型例题2Jacks words are different from . We really cant agree with .A ours, himB ours, hesC us, himD us, his解析 答案:A 本题主要考

32、查代词的用法。根据英语中对等原则,可知第一空应是our words,作介词from的宾语,与Jacks words对等,也可用名词性物主代词来指代our words。而第二空缺的是agree with的宾语,应该用人称代词的宾格。【题型发散】发散1 单项选择填空( )1 a gift is not easy.A GivingB GivenC GivesD Gave( )2 She said , either.A somethingB anythingC everythingD nothing( )3 The picture looks better than the real thing.A

33、moreB a lotC a fewD a lots( )4 I like writing to my pen friends, but it a lot of time.A spendsB usesC takesD pays( )5 By the end of last term, we one thousand English words.A have learnedB has learnedC had learnedD learned解析 答案:1A 本题需要的是主语,依据提供的答案,只有动名词giving能作主语。2D 根据句尾either可判断出该句应是否定句,因either表示“也

34、”时,用于否定句,这样只能选nothing。3B 本题考查的是比较级的修饰语,比较级的修饰语较多,本题只有a lot可修饰比较级。4C spend, use, pay三个词都是指人花费时间或金钱,其主语是人,而take指做某件事所花的时间,主语是事物。5C by the end of last time是个介词短语,用作时间状语,意为“到上学期期末为止”,表示“过去的过去”,谓语动词要用过去完成时态。发散2 根据汉语完成下列各句,每空一词1一定要遵守你父母的建议。Be your parents suggestions.2接受礼物总是件不容易的事。 gifts easy.3我总是和我的最要好的朋

35、友一道去购物。I go shopping my friend.4我想今天真是糟透了。I today was going to be .5在你购买那顶帽子之前要等等,咱们与另一家商店里的价格作个比较。 before you hat. Lets in another store.解析 答案:1 sure to follow 2 Receivingisnt always 3 alwayswithbest 4 thoughtreally bad 5 Waitbuy the, compare prices本题主要考查对本单元的熟练程度。发散3 按要求写出下列各词1 careful(副词) 2 enjoy

36、(形容词) 3 polite(副词) 4 travel(旅行者) 5 wool(形容词) 6 enter(名词) 7 luck(副词) 8 use(形容词) 解析 答案:1 carefully 2 enjoyable 3 politely 4 traveller 5 wool(l)en 6 entrance 7 luckily 8 useful本题主要是加后缀,使其成为另一词性的词,要求掌握单词后缀的加法。【词义发散】找出与划线部分意思相同或相近的词语,将序号填入题前括号内( )1 There are around five thousand workers in our factory.A

37、more thanB aboutC near toD over( )2 The old man is over seventy.A more thanB near toC aboutD nearly( )3 The Browns will go to England.A will stay inB are arriving inC are leaving forD are getting to( )4 Excuse me. Can you show me the way to the park? A giveB speakC talkD tell( )5 We should say “plea

38、se” when we want something.A ask forB look forC like forD get for解析 答案:1 B around和about都可作“大约”解,about较常用。 2A over表示“超过”,more than表示“比多”,两者有时可换用。 3C leave for表示“前往”,再则表示位置移动的动词可用进行时态表示将来。 4D show在此是“指引”的意思,指路可以是show sb. the way to,也可说成tell sb. the way to。 5A ask for表示“请求、向要”,在此可替换want。【正误发散】下列各句A、B、C

39、、D处均有一错,指出并改正。( )1 When was this school builded? ABCD( )2 He said that he has been to Shanghai twice.ABCD( )3 There are five Japaneses in this factory.ABCD( )4 We want to find out what would happen in a hundred years.ABCD( )5 Which subject do you like best, maths or Chinese? ABC D解析 答案:1D build是不规则动

40、词,它的过去分词是built。2B 当主句是过去时态时,宾语从句也应使用过去的某种时态(客观真理除外),因此应将has been改为had been。3C Japanese作日本人解释时,单复数相同。4B 主句是现在时态,宾语从句根据自己的时间状语确定时态,此处该用一般将来时态,所以应将would改为will。5C 选择疑问句提供两个答案时,如使用形容词或副词级别,应用比较级,此句应将best改为better。【情景发散】完成下列对话A: Hello! I havent seen you 1 a long time.B: Hello! How are you? A: Fine, thanks.

41、 Oh, your shirt looks beautiful. Whats it made 2 ? B: Its made 3 silk.A: Wheres it 4 ? B: Its 5 in Suzhou.A: Would you like to have a cup 6 tea? B: Yes, please. Mm, the tea is 7 nice. Wheres it grown? A: Its grown 8 Anhui.解析 答案:1 for for a long time是个固定短语。 2 of be made of 由制成。 3of 4 made in, made in

42、表示产于某地。 5 made 6 of a cup of是固定搭配。 7 very 8 in 上述是谈论物品制造、产地等,主要是注意be made in与be made of两短语的含义。【综合发散】完形填空 将序号填入题前括号内A shop owner closed his shop and went home. He was very 1 , but just as he went to bed, the telephone 2 . A man asked, “What time do you open your shop? ”The shop owner was 3 about this

43、 phone call. He put down the receiver without answering and went 4 to bed. A few minutes 5 , the telephone rang 6 and the man asked the 7 question. The shop owner became very 8 and he shouted, “You neednt ask me when I open the shop, for I wont let you 9 .”“Oh, no, I dont want to get in,” the man sa

44、id. “I want to go 10 .”( )1 A happyB gladC tiredD sorry( )2 A calledB rangC criedD shouted( )3 A unhappyB interestedC surprisedD worried( )4 A upstairsB outC backD home( )5 A agoB laterC beforeD after( )6 A muchB onceC moreD again( )7 A anotherB oneC sameD different( )8 A angryB happyC sadD pleased( )9 A outB inC intoD back( )10 A backB inC intoD out解析 答案:1C 根据第一句可知“店主”关门回家,一定是忙碌了一天,现在“累了”。2B 电话铃响,只能用ring的适当形式。3A 从下句放下

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