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1、七年级英语第一学期期中考试试卷(冀教版)第一部分:听力试题(共20分,每小题1分)请从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出你所听到的单词,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(每题念一遍)1.A.and B.name C.Kate D.man 2.A.go B.good C.know D.dog 3.A.his B.tree C.pen D.meet 4.A.box B.brother C.not D.hello 5.A.say B.bag C.what D.cat请从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出与你所听到的词组或句子相同的选项,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(每题念一遍)6.A.three boats B.t

2、hree birds C.these boats D.those birds 7.A.my boxes B.five buses C.my classes D.his boxes 8.A.Are they your books? B. Are these your books?C. Are they your boxes? D. Are these new books?9.A.Well come to our home. B.Welcome to our home. C.We are at home. D.We are in their home.10.A.Wheres his cup? B.

3、Wheres his cat? C.Here is his cup. D.Here is his cat.请从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出能恰当回答你所听到的句子的选项,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(每题念两遍)11.A.Yes,those are. B.No,it isnt. C.Yes,they are. D.I think it is12.A.Its very good. B.Thats OK. C.Thats right. D.Thats wrong.13.A.They are four. B.Its an apple. C.They are boxes. D.Its a bag.14

4、 A.Yes,thats right. B.No,thats wrong. C.Thank you. D.You are welcome.15.A. How are you? B.How do you do ? C. Nice to meet you. D.Sit down,please.请从A,B,C,D,E这五幅图中,选出与你所听到内容相符的选项,并将其序号填入相应的位置上。(每题念两遍)16 _ 17 _ 18 _ 19 _ 20_第二部分:笔试部分一、单项选择。(共20分)A1. - _.Whats this in English? - Its a pencil sharpener.

5、A. Excuse me B. Sorry C. Hello D. OK2. -Do you _ TV every day? No, _ on the weekend.(周末) A. look, but B. watch, only C. see, and D. play, only3.- Lets play volleyball. That sounds _. I dont like volleyball. A. great B. fun C. relaxing D. boring4. -_ OK, but I dont have a baseball. A. Do you like bas

6、eball? B. Lets play baseball. C. Do you have a baseball? D.Lets watch TV.5. _ are in the room. We can see some_ on the dresser. A. Jenney and I , keys B. I and Jenney, key C. Jenney and I, key D. I and Jenney, keys 6.I like fish and carrots _ dinner. A on B. in C. with D for7. -Is this your _? - I d

7、ont know. _ is it? - It is green. A. a bike, what color B. a bike, whats color C. bike, what color D. bike, whats color8.-Do you have _ soccer ball? -Yes, Lets play _ soccer after school. A. a, the B. the , / C. the , a D. a , /9. This is _ brother. _ fourteen years old. A. her, Shes B. his , Shes C

8、. her, Hes D. your, His10. -_your telephone number? -_.A.How much is B.How many are C.What is D.How many is 11.-Your pencil case is nice. -_. A.OK B. No, it isnt C. Thank you. D. Thats all right12. Whats this in English? -_.A.This is an orange B.Thats an orange CIts orange D. Its an orange13. - _you

9、 Jim Green? - No, My name _ Sam Green. A. Are , is B. is , is C. Do, is D. Does , is14. This is my mother, Mr Green . Mum, Jim. A. this is B. that is C. he is D. it is 15. -Where are my rulers? - _ A. No, they arent on the bed. B. Yes, they are on the bed.C. Its under the bed D. I dont know. Are the

10、y on the bed?16. -Where is my coat, Alan? - _ coat is over there. A. My B. Her C. Your D. His17-Hello, Eric! _is that woman under the tree? -My English teacher. A. How B. What C. Where D. Who 18. -Lets play soccer together. - _. Lets go . A. No, its boring B. That sounds nice C. That sounds boring.

11、D. Yes, its great19. -Nice to meet you! -_. AIm fine. BOK. CThank you. D. Me, too.20. His sister _ have a volleyball. She _ a basketball.A. dont, have B. dont, has C. doesnt, have D. doesnt, has二、完形填空。(共30分,每小题1.5分)(A)This is a picture 21 mine. This is my father. 22_ is 45 years 23 . This is _24_ mo

12、ther. She is not old. She is 25 teacher of English. This is my good friend. His 26_ is Jim.He is 27 . He is fourteen. He is in 28 One, Grade Three. He is 29 good student. We are in _30 class.( ) 21. A. of B. in C. at D.with( ) 22. A. She B. It C. He D.His( ) 23. A. young B. new C. old D.little( ) 24

13、. A. her B. my C. his D.mine( ) 25. A. the B. a C. an D./( ) 26. A. names B. family name C. name D.number( )27 A. an English B. English boy C. English D. England( ) 28. A. class B. Class C. school D.School( ) 29. A. a B. an C. the D./( ) 30. A. the B. same(相同的) C. the same D.different(不同的) (B)Our sc

14、hool is very beautiful(美丽的),_31 it is not very big.There are _32 trees around it. Im in Class One.The walls of our classroom are white.Theres a blackboard and six pictures on them. _33 is very clean.There are 40 students in our class.Wu Ming is our monitor(班长).We_34 friends. _35 class, we 36_ the te

15、acher carefully(认真地).We often _37 _38 class.We study hard.I like English very much .My parents _39_ teachers.Sometimes they help me study English.“Learning English”(学英语) is our good friend.We all like it.We learn a lot _40 it.We like our class.We like“ Learning English” ,too. ( )31A. and B.so C. but

16、 D.because( )32. A. a lot B.lot of C.a lots of D.a lot of( )33. A.It B.They C.He D.She( )34. A. are B. am C.be D.is( )35A. After B. At C. In D.Before( )36A .listen to B.listen C.listens D.listens to( )37.A. plays soccer B. plays the soccer C.play the soccer D.play soccer( )38.A. in B. after C.before

17、 D.at( )39.A. am B.is C .are D.be( )40.A. to B. for C.from Dof 三、阅读理解。(共40分 每小题2分)(A)根据短文内容选择正确答案。Hello! My names Mary Brown. Im a girl. I like(喜欢)red. I have(有) a red backpack. Whats this? Its my red pencil case. Is that my ruler? Yes, it is. It is a red ruler. Whats that? It is a watch. Is it my w

18、atch? No, it isnt. Its Bobs watch. Its blue.根据短文内容选择最佳答案。( )41. Whats the girls family name? A. Green B. Brown C. Miller ( )42. The girls favorite(最喜欢的) color is_. A. red B. blue C. brown ( )43. What color is the watch? Its _. A. red B. blue C. brown ( )44. Is that Bobs ruler? A. Yes, it is. B. No,

19、it is. C. No, it isnt.( )45. That is _ watch. A. my B. Marys C. Bobs (B)阅读下面的几则寻物及招领启示,选择正确的选项LOST AND FOUNDFound:Is this your English book? Please call Jim at 530-7534.Lost:My notebook . Black and white. Call Tom at 456-9800.Found:Is that your black pen? Please call Mary. Her phone number is 486-59

20、56.Lost:My dictionary. My name is Jerry. Please call 487-2635.Found:A cat. Yellow and white. At the school gate. Call Lisa at 422-9856.Found:A ring. Please call Lily at 498-2456. ( ) 46.What color is Toms notebook?A. Yellow and white.B. Yellow and blue.C. Black and white.() 47. _ found a black pen a

21、nd her number is _.A. Jerry ; 487-2635.B. Mary ; 486-5956.C. Lily; 498-2456.() 48. Please call_ .She found(找到) a yellow and white cat.A. LisaB. MaryC. Jim() 49._ lost his dictionary and _ found an English book.A. Jerry; JimB. Jim; JerryC. Lily ; Lisa() 50. I lost my ring. -Call_ at _.She found a set

22、 of keys.A. Jim; 530-7534B. Lily; 498-2456C. Tom; 456-9800 (C)Mr. Smith is an American man. He teaches us English. He is a very good teacher and we all like him. He likes us, too.Mr. Smith has two children-Tom and Mary. Tom is seven and his sister, Mary, is four. Tom goes to school ,but Mary doesnt.

23、 Mr. Smith likes wearing(穿) a T-shirt and jeans(牛仔裤). Soccer is his favorite sport. After school we often have a baseball match. Sometimes Mr. Smith watches and joins us. He plays baseball just for fun. 51. We like Mr. Smith because(因为) _. A. he is an American man B. he teaches English C. he is a go

24、od English teacher52. How many sons does Mr. Smith have? A. Only one. B. Two. C. Three. 53. Mary doesnt go to school because _. A. she is Toms sister B. she is only four. C. she doesnt like school.54. _ is Mr. Smiths favorite sport. A. Baseball B. Soccer C. Volleyball 55. The story (故事) is about_. A

25、. Mr. Smith B. Mr Smiths children C. Mr Smiths sports(D)Eric: Good morning, Mrs. Chen. Is Chen Wen in?Mrs. Chen: Yes, hes at home. Please come in.(请进)Eric: Thank you.Chen Wen: Hi, Eric. Nice to see you.Eric: Nice to see you, too.Chen Wen: Please come and see my bedroom. This way, please.( In Chen We

26、ns bedroom )Eric: Oh, you have a very nice bedroom. Theres a computer and some plants on the desk.Chen Wen: Please look at the wall, Eric. What can you see?Eric: Oh, I see. Some pictures, a clock and a map of China are on it.Chen Wen: Please come and see the map. Where are we? Do you know?Eric: Let

27、me see. Oh, its Changchun. We are here. Am I right?Chen Wen: Yes. Where is Nanjing?Eric: Nanjing? Sorry, I dont know.Chen Wen: Look! Its here, in Jiangsu. Eric, I have a Er, look! Whats under the bed?Eric: Theres a hat under it.Chen Wen: Ha! Ha! Youre wrong(错误的). Its a cat!根据对话内容, 判断下列句子正误, 正确的写T, 错

28、误的写F。( )56. Chen Wens clock is on the desk.( )57. Eric and Chen Wen are in Changchun.( )58. Theres a picture of Erics family on the wall.( )59. In Chen Wens bedroom, there is a baseball.( )60. The cat is under the bed. 四、从方框中选择句子补全对话, 有两项是多余的(5分) A.What? B.The keys? Theyre on the table. C.No, they a

29、rent. D.And my books? E.Its under the sofa. F.Excuse me, is this your ruler?G. Where is my book? A: Hey, Lily! B: 61 . A: Is my computer game on the table? B: No, it isnt. Its on the bookcase. A: Oh, OK. 62 . Are they on the bookcase, too? B: 63 . Theyre on the chair. A: Oh. So, where is my pencil c

30、ase? B: 64 . A: And wheres my backpack? B: Its under the table. And your baseball is under the chair. A: Oh, OK. And where are Moms keys? B: 65 .五、句型转换。(10 分,一空一词,注意大小写。)66.He has a tennis racket .(改否定句)He _ _ a tennis racket.67. That is her watch.(改为复数形式) _ are her _68. I have a soccer ball. (一般疑问句

31、) _ _ have a soccer ball?69. Is the soccer ball under the bed?(作否定回答) _, it _70. That is a backpack. (对划线部分提问)_ _ in English?六、单词拼写。根据首字母填空和中文填空,请注意使用单词的适当形式。(共5分,一空一分)71They are my g_(祖父母). They are very kind.72.- How do you s_(拼写) pen? -P-E-N, pen.73. I have two d_ (字典)at home. I can look up new w

32、ords in them.74. Please a_(回答) these questions in English . They arent difficult.75. Mum, I need some things for class. Can you b_(带来) them to school for me?七、书面表达(20分)假设你的名字叫王林,是安庆四中(Anqing No. 4 Middle School)的初一(2)班的一名新学生(student),为了让大家很快的熟悉你的情况,你作如下的自我介绍:我的名字叫王林,我十二岁。我是初一(2)班的一名学生。我有个运动物品的收集,我有两

33、个网球拍,三个排球和一个足球,但是我不运动,我只是在电视上观看运动。作文要求:不少于50个单词。包含所提供的所有信息。文章请你以第一人称去叙述。七年级英语期中试卷参考答案第一部分:听力部分15 BCDAB 610 BBCBA 1115 CBCCC 1620 ECBAD笔试部分:一、单选15 ABDBA 610 DCDCC 1115 CDAAD 1620CDBDD二、完形填空2125 ACCBB 2630 CCBAC 3135 CDAAC 3640 ADBCC三,阅读理解4145BABCC 4650 CBAAB 5155 CABBA 5660FTFFT 四、补全对话 6165 ADCEB五、句型转换66.doesnt have 67. Those watches 68.Do you 69.No, isnt 70 Whats that六、单词拼写7175grandparents,spell, dictionaries,answer,bring七,书面表达(略) 7 / 7

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