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1、Module 1 ChangingWe lived in a small house.I visited my friends.What did you do?寒假寒假many years agonowchange1973年年2013年年 There are lots of buses and cars.We live in a big house.We have got lots of food.t e l e v i s i o nt e l e v i s i o nLife was very different in Chinamany years ago.很多年前的中国的生活和很多年

2、前的中国的生活和现在截然不同。在截然不同。Many years agoNow There werent any buses and cars.There werent any televisions.We lived in a small house.We didnt have enough food.Life was very different in China.Many years agoNowThere werent any buses.There werent any televisions.We have televisionsWe lived in a small house.W

3、e live in a big house.We didnt have enough food.We have got lots of food.There are lots of buses and cars.Now现在在 past过去去isareisntarentwaswerewasntwerentThere was a small house four years ago.He lived in it.Now there is a big house.He.There was a small apple tree Four years ago.Now there is a big app

4、le tree.A little boy was flying a kite four years ago.Now he is listening to music.There was a small dog four years ago.Now there are three dogs.There was a small house four years ago.He lived in it.Now there is a big house.He lives in it.Four years ago there was a small apple tree.Now there is a big apple tree.A little boy was flying a kite four years ago.Now he is listening to music.There was a small dog four years ago.Now there are three dogs.

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