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1、 Unit 2 Ive got a stamp from China.MODULE 6chopstickchopsticksDaming _got some_.知 识 点 :名 词 复 数 一 般 在 词 尾 加 Schopstickshas否定:否定:Daming _ got _ chopsticks.hasntanyknifeknivesI _got three_.haveknives知识点:名词复数以f或fe 结尾,要把f/fe变为ves.fork forksHe _got some_(一般问句)hasforks_ he got _ forks?Hasanystamp stampsIve

2、 got a stamp from China.(复数句)Ive got _ _ from China.some stampsNew Words 新单词Chopsticks 筷子knife 小刀fork 叉 stamp 邮票Japanese 日本的;日本人新词造句chopsticks:knife:fork:stamp:Japanese:I use chopsticks.She has got a knife.Have you got a knife and fork?Collecting stamps is my hobby.I have got a Japanese kite.Have yo

3、u got a knife fork chopsticks?I have got a knife and .Have you got a or a Japanese kite?I have got a Chinese kite and a .andorfork,and chopsticksChineseJapanese kiteListen again and fill in the blanks.Have you got a book about China or a book?Ive got a book about China,but I havent got a book about

4、.Have you got a stamp from China from Canada?Ive got a stamp from China got a stamp from Canada.about Americathe USor a stampbut I haventDo like this.A:Have you got?B:Yes,I have.A:Have you got.?B:No,I havent知识点:询问对方有某物吗?句型:Have you got?havent=have notHave you got knives or postcards?I have got postc

5、ards.知识点:选择疑难问句,先将原句变为一般问句或特殊问句,后用or连接供选择内容。回答选择疑问句,不能用Yes/No,只能选期中一个回答。I have got knives.(用chopsticks改选择问句)Do like this.A:Have you got or?B:I .Look at the pictures and do like this.I have got.We have got.Daming has got .She has got.He has got.I have got an apple and I can eat it.I have got chopsticks but I cant use it well.He has got a book and he can read it.She has got a kite but she cant fly it .Look at the pictures and do like this.A:I have got and I can.I have got.but I cant.She has got and she can.He has got but he cant.

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