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1、一 根据所给中文意思补全单词。1.ch_ _se (乳酪)2.br_ _ d (面包)3.s_ _p (肥皂)4.ch_c_l_te (巧克力)5.s_g_ _ (糖)6.c_ff_ _ (咖啡)7.t_ _ (茶)8.t_b_c_ (烟草)9.b_ _d (鸟)10.s_m_ (一些)11._ n_ (一些)三用a, any, some填空。1. There is _ cheese in the refrigerator.2. There is _ spoon on the plate.3. There is _cup of milk.4. Is there _chocolate in th

2、e box?5. There are _newspapers on the shelf.6. There isnt _water in the bottle.7. Are there _ books on the desk?8. There are _ students in the playground.9. There is _ girl in the front of the classroom.10. There is _sugar in the bag.四单项选择( ) 1. - Is there a passport in the bag? -Yes, _ _. A. itis B

3、. its C.there is D.theres ( ) 2. -Can I have _meat? - Sorry, you cant . There isnt _. A. some, some B.some, any C.any, any D.any, some( ) 3. We are going to buy two _ for the coming party. A.box of apple B.boxes of apples C.box of apples D.boxes of apple( ) 4. -Where is the tea? - There is _in the t

4、in. A. the B.a C.one D. some( ) 5. -Where is the kettle? - There is _ in the cupboard. A.a B.the C.one D.some( ) 6. How many _ can you see? A.cup of tea B. tea C.teas D.cups of tea( ) 7. The _are mine. A.rice B.milk C.water D.fish( ) 8. The people in the car _ _ doctors. A.are girls B.is woman C.are

5、 women D. are woman( ) 9. The boy is _his mother, but he cant _her. A.looking for,find B.looking for, look for C.finding, look for D. Finding, find( ) 10. The chair is broken. _ sit on it. A. Not B. Dont C. You are not D. Arent五 按要求改写句子1. There is some tea in Pennys bag. (变一般疑问句) _ there _ tea in Pe

6、nnys bag?2. There are two pieces of cheese on the table. (就划线部分提问) _ _ there on the table.3. There are three pencils in the pencil-box. (就划线部分提问) _ _ _ are there in the pencil-box.4. There are four bars of chocolate on the shelf. (就划线部分提问) _ _ _ are there on the shelf.5. I would like a loaf of bread

7、 and a bottle of water. (就划线部分提问) _ _ you _?六 改错( ) 1. There are some bread in the box. 改正_ A B C D( ) 2. Do you like cheeses? 改正 _ A B C D( ) 3. There arent much paper on his desk.改正 _ A B C D( ) 4. The car is in the front of you. 改正_ A B C D( ) 5. There isnt some milk in the glass. 改正 _ A B C D七 根据中文补全句子1. 窗户旁边有几把椅子。 _ _ _ _ near the window.2. 冰箱里有一些鱼。 _ _ _ _ in the refrigerator.3. 架子上有一块肥皂。 There is _ _ _ _ on the shelf.4. 厨房里有糖吗? _ _ _ _ in the kitchen?5. 这个书包不太重。 This bag is _ _ _.

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