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1、(完整word版)研究生英语(下)机试考试资料unit 3Choose the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence.1. After the first visit, I came home laden 装载满载的with flats and pots and cardboard boxes. filled loaded charged left2. The boy appeared fretful 焦躁的and disappointed that he couldnt join th

2、e others on their excursions郊游. annoyed restless焦躁不安的 relentless无情残酷的 anxious焦虑担忧的3. The project disintegrated 瓦解崩溃owing to lack of financial backing. broke up结束破裂分手 turned up出现 used up用完 torn up撕毁4. This latest setback挫折退步 will have done nothing to quell 平息消除减轻the growing doubts about the future of

3、 the club. cast express reduce avoid 5. The tools that the ancient Egyptians used to build their temples were extremely rudimentary 基础的低级的. simple imperative必要的 obscure模糊的 periodic周期的6. In most cases, it is difficult to detect侦测 that someone is eavesdropping偷听窃取. peeping偷窥 overhearing串音偷听 cheating欺骗

4、 whispering低语流言7. Most patients derive获得起源 enjoyment from leafing 生叶迅速翻阅through old picture albums相册. turning coming skimming浏览 seeing 8. Kids these days are very materialistic物质化的. They only seem to be interested in expensive toys and computer games. concerned with money interested in materials ent

5、husiastic about substance keen on information 9. We dumped 倾倒our bags at the nearby Grand Hotel and hurried towards the market. threw away丢弃 put down记下平定 took back拿回撤销 packed up整理打包10. The only sounds were the distant, melancholy 忧郁的cries of the sheep. dissatisfied painful unhappy sharpunit 51. Many

6、 children will cling坚持紧贴 to a soft blanket or toy as a substitute代替 for their mother at night. hold tightly to wrap up伪装 keep to themselves throw away2. The eye is one of the most delicate 微妙的纤弱的organs of the body. important sophisticated复杂精致的 fragile易碎的 sensitive敏感的3. Travelers came from distant 遥远

7、的lands to visit the shrine圣地. foreign fertile肥沃富饶的 dry remote4. The train departs 离开出发Waterloo at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday. reaches leaves pulls into进站 heads for前往出发5. There is often no clear distinction 区别between an allergy 过敏 and food intolerance. treatment connection difference similarity6. Its almost

8、 inevitable必然的 that the client 客户will from a very close bond with the therapist临床医师. bondage束缚 tie sense of security friendship7. There are two main problem which afflict折磨 people with hearing impairments 损伤. conflict cure torture折磨拷问 infect感染8. Many persons in the vicinity附近 were awakened by the bl

9、ast爆炸冲击波, and some were thrown from their beds. nightmare mountain gathering neighborhood9. The decision to leave her children now haunts萦绕作祟 her. troubles chases追逐 surprises awaits10. By this time the Captain had grown used to living in a blue haze薄雾阴霾. ocean fog烟雾尘雾 mist薄雾 void空的空虚11. We looked ou

10、t over a desolate 荒凉的landscape of bare trees and stony fields. rural bleak荒凉阴冷的 rocky hilly12. History books do not tell us much about the domestic国内的家庭的驯养的 lives of our ancestors. human intelligent inner family13. The baby monkey clasped 紧抱its mothers fur tightly. pampered骄奢 touched触摸 tore撕开 clutch

11、ed抓住14. When you are dealing with so many patients, mistakes are bound to happen. likely rare anxious expected15. They force the reader to slow down, to dwell on细想 what is happening. describe think about argue about decide onunit 61. Slavery 奴隶制度was abolished废除 in the United States in the 19th centu

12、ry. appreciated replaced ended interrupted2. Ill never be unfaithful不忠实的 again. I give you my solemn 庄严的郑重的word. serious true revengeful充满仇恨的 responsive响应的3. Do they observe观察评论 Christmas Day in that country? follow notice celebrate庆祝祝贺 commemorate庆祝纪念4. Nothing will stop them in their quest 追求探索for

13、 truth. search request请求 exploration探究 protection5. Management has given a pledge 保证许诺that there will be no job losses this year. warning prediction预言 retrospective回顾 promise6. These monuments纪念碑 are a vital至关重要的 part of the cultural heritage 遗产of South America. tradition传统惯例 event inheritance遗产 mot

14、ivation动机 7. Signing 签署this from commits使承担义务犯罪 you to buying the goods. condense凝结 obligates强制有义务 reverts返回料 monopolizes垄断8. The Social Democrats are now in alliance联盟 with the Greens. arrangement interaction相互作用 resignation辞职放弃 union9. The hot sunny days were tempered缓和 by a light breeze. softened

15、软化缓和 irritated激怒 intensified增强 lessened减少10. The room was converted修改 from a kitchen to a lavatory厕所. induced引诱 derived衍生 changed submerged水下的陷入11. He was found guilty of subversion 破坏and imprisoned被囚禁. treachery背叛 sabotage妨害破坏 scheme计划策划 commitment承诺保证12. We are determined to eradicate 根除racism 种族歧

16、视from our sport. get rid of摆脱除去 put away抛弃储存放好 take over接管 keep off让开unit 71. The demonstration示范游行 sparked点燃 a train of events that led to Cordovas resignation辞职. set list series stock2. The farmers use an intricate 复杂的system of drainage canals排水渠. advanced complicated难懂的复杂的 sophisticated复杂的有经验的 pe

17、rplexed困惑的3. The proposition 议题,建议that democracies民主 do not fight each other is based on a tiny historical sample. idea suggestion guess premise4. The central 12-foot column is surmounted 克服战胜攀登by a bronze angel with outspread wings. overcome克服 exceeded超出 upheld支持 topped高出超越5. Her family in Minnesot

18、a was disgraced 丢脸的and they were urged怂恿 to move away. irritated恼怒的 humiliated羞辱的 frustrated失意的 offended冒犯的6. The word sale has been debased 贬低by shops who hold sales at all times of the year. degraded退化削减 decreased减少 devalued贬值 deluded受骗7. It is lamentable 令人惋惜的that Cassidy will not get to coach hi

19、s team next season. disgusting令人厌恶的 discouraging令人沮丧的 disappointing distressing悲伤地8. The company had the right to terminate 终止解雇his employment at any time. end fulfill履行 complete finalize完成定案9. The College Cafeteria, immediately adjacent邻近的 to the Student Center, is operated daily on weekdays, offer

20、ing a selection of meals. close next prior relative10. We always endeavor努力 to provide our customers with the highest standards of service. tend strive努力奋斗 resolve pursue从事纠缠追赶unit 81. The howl怒吼 of a coyote丛林狼 echoed 回音across the valley. spread sounded repeatedly rang reflected2. He has contempt 蔑视

21、for those beyond his immediate family circle. attempt disobedience违抗 hatred憎恨 scorn轻蔑3. Im still no closer to deciphering 破译the code. decoding破译 finding out checking understanding4. My own conviction 定罪确信信念on this score dates from the day I saw a wolf die. persuasion说服 belief experience opinion5. Th

22、e police couldnt control the turbulent 骚乱demonstrations示范展示, so troops came to give them a hand. disorderly骚乱的杂乱的 crowded prevalent盛行的 impatient焦躁的6. Stock marker prices tumbled 滚动倒跌after rumors 谣传of a rise in interest rates. stumbled踌躇 mumbled含糊 rambled漫步 fell7. In those days we had never heard of

23、passing up拒绝向.呈递 a chance to kill a wolf. diminishing减少 exceeding超越 eliminating消除 missing8. I now suspect怀疑 that, just as a deer herd兽群 lives in mortal致死的 fear of its wolves, so does a mountain live in mortal fear of its deer. deadly moral道德的 constant恒定的 everlasting永恒的 9. Stress压力强调 is widely percei

24、ved认为感知 as contributing to coronary heart disease冠心病. viewed believed spotted发现玷污 received10. An understanding of accounting techniques is a major requisite 必备的for the work of the analysts分析家. component组成成分 feature特色 necessity benefitunit 91. The study underscores 底线the importance of early diagnosis

25、诊断. emphasizes强调 explores探索 depicts描画 reveals揭示2. Why do they get so upset心烦 over such a trivial 琐屑的matter? tiny unimportant boring ridiculous荒谬的3. The talks just made progress on some peripheral 次要的issues. critical preliminary初步的 central insignificant无关紧要的4. There was no credible 可靠的evidence agains

26、t him. reliable negative distinct明显的 available5. The design of the building had inherent 内在的固有的weaknesses. internal内在的内部的 innate先天的固有的 fatal致命的 invisible无形的6. We are being told that the accident poses 造成引起a great threat to the environment. reminds causes arouses suggests 7. We hope to duplicate 复制重复

27、the success of last years campaign. celebrate reappear再现 reproduce再生复制繁殖 achieve8. The Board has refused to grant 允许承认your request. consent to同意赞成 fund投资资助资金 confirm确认证实 consider9. The project is funded by the National Science Foundation of China. issued granted sponsored initiated10. The committee conducted管理引导指挥 a survey that encompassed 包含围绕a large range of participants参与者. recruited招聘 attracted吸引 required involvedText部分unit 1unit 2unit 3unit 4unit 5unit 6unit 7unit 8unit 9unit 10unit 11unit 12Follow up 略

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