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1、xx建筑大学毕业论文外文文献及译文本科毕业论文外文文献及译文文献、资料题目: Science and technology enterprises Marketing Strategy文献、资料来源:Twitter Marketing For Dummies文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2004.4院 (部): 商学院专 业: 市场营销班 级: 营销姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 外文文献:Science and technology enterprises Marketing Strategyscience and technology enterprise marketing s

2、trategythe life cycle of technology acceptance theory is mainly high-tech products for the consumer market the types of customers and the market characteristics of the research does not fully applicable to the industrial market in high-tech products , but for the market research industry, high-tech

3、science and technology enterprises product has a certain significance , therefore , accept the life cycle of the technical theory and combining the characteristics of the market research industry to develop marketing strategies and technology enterprises in the traditional 4P marketing mix based on

4、the theory of technical support and service marketing strategy , value chain integration marketing strategy, marketing strategy of social responsibility role .1 , product strategyTraditional product overall concept that any kind of product are composed of three elements: core products , tangible pro

5、ducts ( performance , brand , quality, appearance and style , etc. ) and additional product ( additional services and benefits ) . But as a high-tech product, it can be divided into the core product or core interests ( the products core interests or fundamental value ) , form the basis of the produc

6、t or products ( physical presence in the form of products or external manifestations ) , expected product ( customers buy products expect to receive when closely associated with a set of core product attributes and conditions ) , add-on products ( with the purchase behavior extending additional serv

7、ices and benefits generated ) and potential products ( to meet customer demand for value potential benefits ) five levels . Dr. Xiong Wei further studies suggest that high-tech products of the whole product concept is a dynamic process of development , high-tech products as a whole product model Fir

8、st, you must confirm the customers core interests ( core interests confirmation stage ) ; then to understand the customers core interests , development and production of high-tech products materialized ( materialized product stage ) : Then through marketing packagingroduct application knowledge diss

9、emination , and so means to allow customers and partners to understand the implication of the true value of products , at this stage , there must be an early innovators have started buying the product, which is key to the success of high-tech product strategy stage, we must allow the market to estab

10、lish expectations for the products ( expect established stage ) ; next, you must complete the installation, commissioning , maintenance and other support services mechanism , simplifying the business processes, enhancing knowledge transfer work ( complete solution phase ) ; Thus , high-tech products

11、 have been common features of the product has , the last is the development of additional capacityBased on the above analysis, development of science and technology enterprises of high-tech product strategy is as follows :( 1 ) First, to ensure the products core interests and values in the form of t

12、angible products through to achieve tangible product contains high-tech products as much as possible the technical content and added value. High-tech products as much as possible reflect the core product functionality. Science and technology enterprises should give full play to its technological adv

13、antages, targeting the market demand for the development of targeted high technology, market demand urgent , good market prospects , high added value and competitive new products to develop new products and upgrading products Lord.( 2 ) as an additional product technical support and service of high-

14、tech products in the market is the key to success . First, pre-sales technical support and services that can help customers improve understanding of new products , so that potential customers understand the product s core values as soon as possible to help them determined to buy . Secondly, the scie

15、ntific and technological products in the sales process is often accompanied by a large number of technical support and transfer of science and technology enterprises should increase product technical support and service efforts, as much as possible to its technological advantage is reflected in the

16、sales of add-on products , Technical support even become inseparable part of the product , allowing customers to purchase products at the same time , by receiving technical services to gain maximum benefit , in order to improve the competitiveness of products .( 3 ) tangible product to reflect the p

17、roducts superior performance, quality and brand , to reflect the first-class technology , aFlow value of the product . Through quality system certification, patent applications , certification authorities , creating famous brand in the form of tangible products to enhance the value .( 4 ) As a high-

18、tech product , the product should reflect the expected value of the product , product performance andCustomers using the function to achieve the desired properties and conditions , so that customers feel after purchase value for money.( 5 ) To continue to dig through technological innovation of high

19、-tech products, the potential value of the product , so that customers getPremium services , improve customer loyalty .( 6 ) As an alternative characteristics of high-tech products , once a functionally equivalent new products come out , the old productionGoods will be eliminated from the market, th

20、erefore, the future of high-tech products into maturity , the market should be improved through technological innovation and product improvement , and constantly develop new uses and new features , extend its life cycle.2 , pricing strategyOverall, the science and technology enterprises , the genera

21、l rely on the uniqueness of the product to occupy a certain market segments, should focus on strengthening the unique nature of the product rather than reduce costs. It is generally expensive policies should be taken , should not take low-cost policy .Share on pricing methods , generally cost-orient

22、ed , demand-oriented and competition -oriented three methods , science and technology enterprise products are generally used to meet the special needs of the market of high-tech new products, sometimes even contains some technologies and services specific product portfolio, customers buy products, b

23、ut also have these advanced technologies and processes, therefore , the customer first value is the value of its properties and use , the price is a secondary factor , that product performance is the customer s decision to purchase the most important factors, therefore, recommended perceived value p

24、ricing , according to the customers perceived value to pricing, in order to obtain higher returns. On the other hand , high-tech products are generally in the introduction and growth stage of new products, new product pricing strategies skimming pricing strategy , pricing strategy and satisfactory p

25、enetration pricing strategy , skimming pricing strategy is a high- price strategy is refers to the market early in the new products , price too high , so that in a short period of time to maximize profits : penetration pricing strategy is a low- price strategy, that in the new product into the marke

26、t , the price is set too low, so that customers easily accepted , and soon opened and occupied the market, through economies of scale and experience curve gradually reduce costs, and ultimately achieve a low price ; satisfaction pricing strategy is a range between skimming and penetration pricing st

27、rategy . Set by the low price, but the price is higher than the penetration , is an intermediate price . Because of this pricing strategy enables producers and customers more satisfied with the name. Sometimes called gentlemen price or moderate prices . As science and technology enterprises of new p

28、roducts , in the face of customers generally are innovators or early adopters , the price elasticity of demand is low, therefore , it is recommended to take skimming pricing strategy. From high-tech products in terms of features and functionality used , which is based on special features to meet spe

29、cific customer needs in different areas , for different customers, but also can take differential pricing strategy . Science and technology enterprises in the development of the price strategy, but also considering the products in which the specific stages of the life cycle and the market cycle , an

30、d competitors conditions and other factors , select the appropriate pricing strategy. For example : For has matured , the market is highly competitive products, you can take follow the market pricing.3, the distribution strategyAs high-tech products and technology enterprises , usually for a particu

31、lar purpose , non-standard chemical products in the market are mostly oriented industry market , often require salespeople or professional and technical personnel to customers about product performance characteristics, uses and use requirements , or even need installation, maintenance and after-sale

32、s service . Some high-tech products, carries a lot of advanced technology and processes , products and technologies are sold simultaneously , that is, the sale of some products is often accompanied by advanced technology and the transfer of technology , not so much selling a product, as it is sales

33、techniques and processes , the need for pre-sales technical promotion, sale and after-sale technical guidance technology exchange and training , that is, in marketing activities to be carried out a lot of technical marketing. Furthermore, customers often require some special requirements in depth on

34、-site technical personnel of enterprises , tailored to customers to meet their special needsProducts, customers, scene of some of timely and accurate technical information is passed back to the production department , and sometimes require on-site personnel involved in marketing the new product desi

35、gn, development and production process, even after repeated and improved in order to succeed. Thus, the complexity and high-tech products require specialized personnel and institutions engaged in the corresponding this complex , specialized sales. Thus, science and technology enterprises to use more

36、 direct way to promote their products , in a sense , direct sales personnel marketing activities buyers and sellers information exchange, emotional communication , knowledge exchange and commodity exchanges composite behavior . In marketing activities , and even to build sales, design , research and

37、 production of a combination of integration model, high-tech achievements and products to accelerate the commercialization process . Science and technology enterprises in international markets or a specific area of the market, you can choose with relevant expertise and influence in the industry of p

38、rofessional agents , establish long-term cooperation with strategic marketing alliances or a close cooperative relationship , as far as possible the use of hierarchical less professional sales agents . In todays society , the emergence of the Internet to give people the information exchange and comm

39、unication provides a great convenience , as a leading high-tech development of science and technology enterprises in the marketing efforts should attach importance to the use of internet marketing . NetworkMarketing, distribution advantage of low cost, interactive real-time communication , so that e

40、nterprises can more easily and facilitate the establishment of the customer information system, which is unmatched by other traditional channels , the enterprise can be carried around the clock 24 hours and keep in touch with customers , business product information can be the fastest way to deliver

41、 to the customer. Internet Marketing for the development of the international market, reduce costs, improve efficiency even more significant role.4 , promotion strategyCorporate promotional activities , including advertising , sales promotion, publicity and personal selling, sales promotion , etc. I

42、V . Promotion will focus on: First, to allow customers to quickly and comprehensive understanding of the product , including its advantages , and the new value of applicability ; secondly , promotion to give customers technical support and guidance in order to attract customers, help customers choos

43、e to buy ; Finally, the goal is not only for the promotional needs of people ( users ) , but also for those who recommend products and brands ( proponents ) , but also for those who are going to buy from someone ( potential demanders ) , for the industrial market sales , but also for its promotional

44、 objective decision-makers , buyers , and information controller. According to the technology acceptance life cycle theory , high-tech products into the market in the process, the key issue is to conquer the innovators and early adopters of these key customers, and then quickly across the gap phase

45、, expanding customer base. We must first determine a good target market and step into the market , selecting the right initial customers are high-tech products successfully entered the market and the rapidly expanding popularity of the key. These key customers, including walking in front of innovati

46、onal companies and individuals , secondary developers , an industry, an important opinion leaders and so on. These key customers, the company can give some valuable feedback information for companies to improve new products, better capture the market ; Second, they may be secondary to the high-tech

47、product development , will be derived from its use to other industries go to market to them to complete the redevelopment ; Finally , the key customers in the market have a great voice , through their verbal communication, information can quickly spread to a wider range .Based on the above analysis,

48、 development of science and technology enterprise promotion strategies are as follows :( 1 ) should pay attention to the role of propagandaInstitutes in science and technology for enterprises, often with the advent of new products and new results , but has always maintained good cooperation with the

49、 government relations , often a declaration or commitment to national and local levels, a major research departments , all of which , can become very good news materials , public relations activities through news agencies reported , please publicity , these positive news for companies to improve their visibility and establish a good corporate image has a good effect , if it is a new product reports, can also play a role in promotion and adverti

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