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1、(完整版)spend-take-cost-pay的区别及-例题 专项练习-花费spend sb。+spend+ some time/money+(in) doing sth 某人花了时间/钱做某事 sb. +spend +some time / money + on sth 某人在上面花了时间/钱take it/ sth + takes + sb. +some time+ to do sth。 某人做某事花了时间 it/ sth + takes +some time+ to do sth。 做某事花了时间cost sth。 + cost + sb。 + money 某物花了某人钱 sth。 +

2、 cost + money 某物值钱pay sb 。+ pay +money + for sth。 / sb. 某人花了钱买某物( 一 )单项选择:( ) 1. -How do you come to school? -By bike。 Taking a bus may _ much money。 And walking _ too much time.A. take; pays B. cost; takes C。 pay; costs D。 pay; takes( ) 2。 She usually _ much time shopping in the supermarkets。 A spe

3、nds B costs C takes D pays ( ) 3。 American students spend _ time _ homework than Chinese students. A. fewer, doing B. less, to do C。 less, doing D。 least, doing( ) 4. This kind of computer _ too much。 I cant afford one。 A.takes B. spends C. pays D. costs( ) 5. It will _ us several years to learn a f

4、oreign language well。 (09无锡) A. cost B. take C。 spend D。 use( ) 6。 Ihaveto_ them20poundsforthisroomeachmonth. A。 pay B. paid C。 cost D。 took( ) 7.They spend too much time_ the reportA。 writing B. to write C。 on writing D. write( ) 8.-What beautiful shoes youre wearing! They must be expensive.-No,the

5、y only_l0 yuanAspent Btook Cpaid Dcost( ) 9。-Will you please _for my dinner, Peter? Sure!A. spend B. pay C。 cost D.take( ) 10. It will _ me too much time to read this book.A。 take B. cost C。 spend D。 pay( ) 11. Thissciencebook_meagreatamountofmoney。 A。tookB。costC。usedD。spent( ) 12。 MayIborrow12yuanf

6、romyou?Ill_itbacknextweek。 A. take B。 cost C. pay D .spend( ) 13。I_twohoursonthismathsproblem yesterday. A。 take B。 cost C. pay D 。spent( ) 14. Repairingthiscar _himthewholeafternoon.A. took B. cost C。 pay D .spent( ) 15。-Howmuchdoesyournewbike_? I_300yuan_it。 A。 payspendonB。cost,buyforCspend;paidon

7、D。cost;paidfor二、完成句子1. 她花了三个月的时间做这个试验. It_ _ _ _todothisexperiment.2. 他用了多长时间看完了这本书? Howlongdid_ _ _tofinishreadingthebook?3. 我们花了两个小时才找到他的家。_twohours_hishome.4. 她在服装上花了很多钱。 She_lotsofmoney_dresses.5. 我昨天花费两个小时完成作业。 I_ _ _myhomeworkyesterday。 6. 从广州开车到清远需要多长时间? Howlongdoes_ _ todrivefromGuangzhoutoQingyuan?7. 我每天晚饭后花半个小时看中央电视台新闻。It_halfanhour_theCCTVNewsaftersuppereveryday.8. 昨天我花了两个钟头的时间完成这项工作。 _ _metwohours_ _theworkyesterday. 9. 我花了2000多元买这手机,这个月的午餐就得吃面包。 Themobilephone_morethan2000yuan。Ihavetohavebread_ _this month。10. Jack每天花一个半小时进行课外活动。 Jack_ two hours _ _ _ everyday。

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