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1、Module 1 RevisionPart 1 Listening(听力部分)30%. Listen and choose(听一听,选出听到的单词或词组,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):5%( ) 1. A. peIn B. n Iz C. wDz( ) 2. A. p B. paI C. sp:( ) 3. A. chick B. chicken C. kitchen ( ) 4. A. a lot of noises B. too much noise C. too noisy( ) 5. A. brown cocoons B. brown Cokes C. watch cartoons.

2、Listen and choose(听一听,选出听到的句子,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):4%. ( ) 1. A. Mary wanted to do her homework in the afternoon.B. Mary wanted to do some housework in the afternoon.C. Mary wants to do some housework this afternoon. ( ) 2. A. John heard the birds singing in the morning. B. John hears the birds singing ev

3、ery morning. C. John can hear the birds singing in the morning. ( ) 3. A. This strong dog is Bens. B. This is Bens strong dog.C. These strong dogs are Bens. ( ) 4. A. The cocoons open. Five moths come out. B. The mouse comes out. A cat is catching it. C. The mouse opens its mouth and eats the rice.

4、.Listen and choose(听问句,选答句;听答句,选问句,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):4% ( ) 1. A. Its an egg. B. It was a cocoon. C. It was a white egg. ( ) 2. A. Theyre hers. B. The green ones are hers. C. The red one.( ) 3. A. What sounds can you hear in the morning? B. Whats that sound? C. Can you hear the sound?( ) 4. A. Whose sc

5、hool bag is that in the desk? B. Wheres the school bag? C. Which school bag is his?. Listen and number(听一听,用1-4给下列句子编号):4%( ) He sat on the bench and heard the birds singing. It was so nice.( ) He wanted to go home. On the way home, he saw a lovely puppy.( ) Mr Xu went for a walk in the park this mo

6、rning. It was quiet at first.( ) Suddenly, there was a noisy drill. It was too loud. Mr Xu didnt like it. Listen and choose(听小对话和问题,选出正确的答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):4%( ) 1. A. My father and mothers. B. My parents.C. Bens.( ) 2. A. Yes, she did. B. A puppy. C. She wanted a parrot. ( ) 3. A. He did his homewor

7、k. B. He sat on the chair. C. He watched TV. ( ) 4. A. The ant. B. The butterfly. C. The ladybird. . Listen and write(听一听,写出听到的单词完成句子):4%Peters family was in a _ yesterday evening. They _ at the table and ordered some nice food. There _ some pop singers. They played and sang the _ music. Peters fami

8、ly had a good time there. . Listen and judge(听一听,判断正误,用T或F表示):5%( ) 1. In spring, the days begin to grow shorter. ( ) 2. When the weather gets warmer, birds fly back from the south. ( ) 3. Birds wake up and animals make nests in spring. ( ) 4. Trees and other plants grow in spring. ( ) 5. Spring is

9、a busy season. Part 2 Reading and writing(阅读部分)70%. Copy the sentences(正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号):7% whose picture books are these danny theyre alices i think_. Look and write(根据句中的划线例词,写出同类词,每线一词):6%1. In my school bag, there are some paints, a _ and some _. 2. In the street, I can hear the noises of car

10、s, _ and _. 3. Chicks, _ and _ are baby animals. . Read and choose(选出与所给音标发音相同的单词,将其编号写在前面的括号内):4%( ) 1. i A. there B. hair C. here( ) 2. A. work B. doctor C. nurse( ) 3. ei A. try B. crayon C. another( ) 4. i A. noise B. sports C. what. Read and write(读一读,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空):6%1. - Where _ (be) you ju

11、st now(刚才)? - I _ (be) in the teachers office. 2. Alice _ (like) _ (skip). Shes good at _ (skip). Do you want _ (skip) with _ (she)?3. The wind blows _ (gentle). Lets _ (have) a picnic. This bag is _ (my). We can _ (put) all the food and drinks in it. 4. Yesterday Steven _ (hear) his teacher and ran

12、 away. . Read and choose(读一读,选一选,将字母代号写在前面的括号内,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):10%( ) 1. - pencil is yours, Tom? -The big one.A. Whose B. Where C. Which( ) 2. Kittys bicycle is good. I like . A. his B. him C. hers( ) 3. These apples are red. Those _ are green. A. once B. ones C. ones ( ) 4. Do you like the music?A.

13、Its too loud. B. Not at all. C. Stop!( ) 5. _ I had great fun last weekend. A. I am reading a book. B. I wanted to read books. C. I read books in the library all day. ( ) 6. It was a silkworm cocoon. It is a _ now. A. butterfly B. moth C. mouse( ) 7. - Whose dresses are those? - _ theirs. A. Therere

14、 B. Theyre C. Its ( ) 8. A frog has _ tail. His baby has _ tail. A. not, a B. a, no C. no, a( ) 9. The television is too _. I _ hear the doorbell. A. quiet, cant B. loud, cant C. loud, can( ) 10. _ Please tidy up your room. A. How clean! B. What a mess! C. A magic room!. Rewrite the sentences(根据要求改变

15、下列句子):10%1. These are his long rulers.(换一种说法)_2. Ben likes the loud radio.(划线部分提问)_3. There was a pop group in the park.(否定句)_4. puts, five, Kitty, leaves, on, silkworms, some(连词成句)_5. What did you want to play when you were five years old? (根据实际情况回答)_.Read and write(读一读,填上适当的单词,每线一词):6%1. It has tw

16、o hands. It cant write. It cant draw. But it can tell you the time. Its a _.2. Dont make a noise. The baby is _.3. I used the _ to draw when I was four years old. But now I draw with _ and _. 4. I was so little when I was born in the world. My parents watch me _. Now Im a big child. Im going to midd

17、le school soon. . Read and choose(读一读,选择合适的应答句,将字母代号写在横线上):5%A. Whats the date today? B. You are so kind.C. Now you are a big boy, you have many hobbies. D. Whose cake is on the table? E. Is this your cake, Mum? F. When you were a baby, you liked sleeping.A: (1) _B: Its yours, Ben. A: Mine? (2) _B:

18、Today is the seventh of October.A: Oh, I forgot it. Its my birthday today. Its my eleventh birthday. Thank you, Mum. (3) _B: Ben, come and look at your photos. (4) _When you were five years old, you liked reading books. (5) _A: Mum, because of you, I was born in the world. I love you, Mum. Read comp

19、rehension(阅读理解):10%A. Read and choose(阅读短文,选择正确的答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):5%The beautiful sound in the world Whats the beautiful sound in the world? a man asked his friends one Monday evening.The sound of a bird singing, the first friend said.No, its the sound of a piano, the second said.I think its the sou

20、nd of a baby, the third friend said.The three friends didnt agree(同意)each other, and they argued(争吵).Stop! Stop! the man shouted. Come to dinner on Tuesday. You will know what the beautiful sound in the world!The three friends came to his house on Tuesday. They wanted to have a big dinner, but the t

21、able was empty. They waited and waited, but there was still no food.It was very late at night. The mans friends were very very hungry, so they stood up and wanted to leave. Just then, they heard the clink, clink of dishes. The mans wife came in and put the food on the table.Soon they finished the fi

22、ne meal. Tell me now, my friends, the man said,What is the beautiful sound in the world?The sound of dishes! they said together.( ) 1. The man asked his friends a question about _. A. the sound B. a bird C. the musical instrument( ) 2. His friends _. A. played together B. didnt agree each other C. w

23、ent home together( ) 3. The man _.A. played the recorder B. invited them for dinner. C. was very angry.( ) 4. His friends came to the mans house but _.A. they didnt see the food at first(首先). B. they didnt see the man.C. they didnt eat the dinner.( ) 5. The friends agreed the beautiful sound in the

24、world is _. A. the clink, clink of dishes B. the sound of a birdC. the sound of the musical instrumentsB. Read and answer the questions(阅读短文,回答下列问题):5% Parrot fishDo you know what parrots are? They are birds. They are usually bright, colourful and nice, and of course some can talk. Now, look at thes

25、e fish. They are also bright, colourful and nice. People call them parrot fish, of course they are different from parrots, they can not talk. Parrot fish live in warm sea water near coral(珊瑚). They help to clean the coral. They eat very small plants on the coral. This helps the coral grow. There are

26、 about 60 kinds of parrot fish in the world. They can change colours when they grow. Males(雄性)and females(雌性)have different colours. 1. Can parrot fish talk? _2. Where do parrot fish live? _3. What can parrot fish help corals do? _4. How many kinds of parrot fish are there in the world? _5. Are male

27、s and females the same or different? _. Write(请根据提供的图片介绍蝴蝶的变化过程,并给短文起个题目,至少35个单词,3种及以上句型):6% _ _ _ _ _ _Module 1 RevisionPart 1 Listening(听力部分). Listen and choose(听一听,选出听到的单词或词组,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):1. The paints were on the desk. Where are they now?2. Which pie did you like, the apple one or the pineappl

28、e one?3. Mum cooks dinner in the kitchen every day. 4. Its at night. Its still too noisy outside.5. Did you watch cartoons last Sunday? (1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C) . Listen and choose(听一听,选出听到的句子,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):1. Mary wanted to do some housework in the afternoon.2. John heard the birds singing in th

29、e morning.3. These strong dogs are Bens.4. The mouse comes out. A cat is catching it.(1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B) .Listen and choose(听问句,选答句;听答句,选问句,将字母代号写在前面的括号内): 1. Its a caterpillar. What was it?2. Which crayons are Marys, the red ones or the green ones?3. Yes, its the sound of birds. 4. The school bag

30、 in the desk. (1. C 2. B 3. C 4. C). Listen and number(听一听,用1-4给下列句子编号):Mr Xu went for a walk in the park this morning. It was quiet at first. He sat on the bench and heard the birds singing. It was so nice. Suddenly, there was a noisy drill. It was too loud. Mr Xu didnt like it. He wanted to go hom

31、e. On the way home, he saw a lovely puppy. (2413). Listen and choose(听小对话和问题,选出正确的答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):1. A: Is this bedroom yours, Ben?B: No, my parents share this bedroom. Mine faces north. Q: Whose bedroom faces north?2. A: IDid you want to have a pet when you were little, May?B: Yes, I wanted to ha

32、ve a puppy. But I didnt.A: What a pity! B: I had a parrot from my grandfather for my birthday this year. Q: What did May want to have as a pet, a puppy or a parrot? 3. A: Where were you last night, Jim?B: I was at home. I sat on the sofa and watched TV. It was comfortable. A: Did you do your homewor

33、k?B: No, there was no homework. How happy I was!Q: What did Jim do last night?4. A: Welcome to my insect corner. There are some ants, butterflies and so on.B: Amazing! There are some ladybirds tooA: Yes, it has seven spots. Look, it doesnt move. Is it sleeping?B: Maybe. Q: Which insect has seven spo

34、ts?(1. C 2. B 3. C 4. C). Listen and write(听一听,写出听到的单词完成句子):Peters family was in a restaurant yesterday evening. They sat at the table and ordered some nice food. There were some pop singers. They played and sang the loud music. Peters family had a good time there. (1. restaurant 2. sat 3. were 4. l

35、oud). Listen and judge(听一听,判断正误,用T或F表示):It is spring. The days begin to grow longer and the weather gets warmer. Birds fly back from the south. They make the nests in the trees. They sing songs in the forests. Some animals wake up from their long winter sleep and start to look for food. Trees grow n

36、ew leaves. Now plants and animals grow. Farmers are busy working in the fields. Spring is the best season of the year. It is also a busy season of the year. (1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T) Part 2 Reading and writing(阅读部分). Whose picture books are these, Danny? Theyre Alices, I think. . Omitted. 1. C 2. B

37、 3. B 4. A . 1. were, was 2. likes, skipping, skipping, to skip, her 3. gently, have, mine, put 4. heard. 1. C 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. B. 1. These long rulers are his. 2. Which radio does Ben like?3. There wasnt a pop group in the park. 4. Kitty puts five silkworms on some leaves

38、. 5. Omitted. 1. clock 2. sleeping 3. crayons, paints, brushes 4. grow. 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. F 5. C. A. 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. AB. 1. No, they cant. / No.2. They live in warm sea water near coral. 3. They eat very small plants on the coral. / They help corals grow. / They help to clean the coral. 4. There are sixty kinds. / 605. They are different. . Omitted

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