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1、Unit2 Mascots单元测试卷听力部分一、听录音,为下列图片排序。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听录音,选出正确图片的项。( ) 1. A. B. ( ) 2. A. B. ( ) 3. A. B. ( ) 4. A. B. ( ) 5. A. B. 三、听录音,选出所听句子的选项。 ( ) 1. A. My room is full of mascots.B. My room is full of books.C. My room is full of toys.( ) 2. A. I have twenty friendship bands.B. I have ring

2、s and necklaces.C. I have soft toys and many shells.( ) 3. A. There are 3 pink elephants on the desk.B. There are 3 pink dogs on the desk.C. There are 3 pink cats on the desk.( ) 4. A. Have you got a mascot, lily?B. Have you got a bell, lily?C. Have you got a shell, lily?( ) 5. A. I like it very muc

3、h.B. What is it?C. Its beautiful.笔试部分一、看图片,写单词。1. _ 2. _3. _ 4. _5. _二、读句子,选出正确的词补充句子。1. In picture A there are _ (elephant/ elephants) on the desk. In picture B there is an _ (elephant/ elephants) on the desk.2. Juliet _ has (got/ have got) a ring. I _ (has got/ have got) a soft toy. She _ (has got

4、/ have got) two toys.3. _ (Have/ Has) you got a mascot, Tim? Yes, I _ (have/ has).4. I _ (like/ likes) it very much. She _ (like/ likes) it very much.5. Mascots _ (is/ are) popular everywhere. It _ (is/ are) beautiful.三、为下列句子选出正确的答语。 ( ) 1. Have you got a toy?A. Yes, I have. B. Yes, I do.( ) 2. What

5、 is it?A. It is a toy. B. Yes, it is.( ) 3. Are you OK?A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am.( ) 4. Where are the potatoes?A. They are in the bag. B. Here it is.( ) 5. Let me have a look.A. Thank you. B. All right.四、连词成句。1. room, full, mascots, of, my, is (.)_2. cool, really, always, I, am (.)_3. has, a, soft

6、, toy, got, Tim (.)_4. a, mascot, you, have, got (.)_5. it, much, I, like, very (.)_五、读一读,画出正确的图片。1. Tim has got a shell and a bell.2. There is a dog on the desk.3. There is a toy panda on the chair.4. There is a necklace on the desk.5. There is a toy dog on the bed.六、读短文,选择正确答案。I am Jack. I dont li

7、ve far from school. So I can go to school on foot. But sometimes, I go there by bike, because it has so much fun. My mother works in our school. We often walk to school together. We listen to the radio on the way to school. We can get the early news. We often talk about it. On weekends, I often play

8、 with my friend, David. We usually play table tennis, and sometimes, we play basketball. This weekend, Im going to visit my grandparents, because this Sunday is my grandmas birthday.(1) Jack usually goes to school _.A. on foot B. by bike C. by bus(2) Jacks mother lives _.A. in the school B. near the

9、 school C. far from the school(3) Jack goes to school with _.A. his father B. his friend, David C. his mother(4) Jack and David can _.A. play table tennis B. play basketball C. Both A and B(5) Whose birthday this weekend? Jacks _.A. grandfathers B. grandmothers C. grandparents参考答案听力部分听力材料一、shell; so

10、ft toy; wardrobe; necklace; ring二、1. elephant 2. ring 3. cat 4. chair 5. potato三、1. My room is full of books.2. I have rings and necklaces.3. There are 3 pink elephants on the desk.4. Have you got a mascot, lily?5. Its beautiful.听力答案一、51243二、1-5 ABBBA三、1-5 BBAAC笔试部分一、1. shell 2. bell 3. ring 4. pand

11、a 5. soft toy二、(1) elephants; elephant (2) has got; have got; has got (3) Have; have (4) like; likes (5) are; is三、1-5 AABAB四、1. My room is full of mascots. 2. I am always really cool.3. Tom has got a soft toy. 4. Have you got a mascot?5. I like it very much.五、1. 贝壳和铃2. 桌子上有条狗。3. 椅子上有一个玩具熊猫。4. 桌子上有一条项链。5. 床上有一个玩具狗。六、(1)-(5) ABCCB 7 / 7

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