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1、中考英语宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句练习1.I dont know _or not.A. whether he is at home B. if he is at home C. that he is at home D. whether is he at home2.The man and the horse _ fell into the river were drowned(淹死). A. which B. who C. that D. of which3.I really dont know _.A. what to do B. how to do C. what to do it D

2、. to do what 4.We couldnt find out _, so we handed it in to the teacher.A. whose pen was it B. whose pen it was C. it was whose pen D. whose pen is it5.I dont know _ he still lives here.A. where B. what C. when D. whether6.The teacher asked the new student _ class he was in.A. which B. where C. if D

3、. that7.I dont know _ Mr. Green will come to see us. Hell help us with our English.A. why B. when C. how D. where8.- Be careful! Dont break the bottles. Do you hear _ I said? David?- Yes, MumA. what B. that C. why D. if9 .Could you ring me up as soon as he _?A. arrived B. would arrive C. arrives D.

4、will arrive10. The doctor _ is leaving for London next month. A. the nurse is talking to him B. whom the nurse is talking to C. the nurse is talking to D. who the nurse is talking11.Jim has been in the factory for two months _ he left school. A. when B. since C. as soon as D. whether12. - Do you kno

5、w _ Mr Blacks address is?- He may live at NO.18 or No. 19 of Bridge Street. Im not sure of _.A. where, which B. where, what C. what, which D. what, where13.There is not much difference between the two. I really dont know _.A. what should I choose B. which I should choose C. which should I choose D.

6、what I should choose14.Her young sister _ is eighteen years old is a college student.A. which B. who C. whom D. when15. - Do you know Betty very well?- Yes, she and I _ friends since we met In Guangzhou last summer.A. have made B. have become C. have been D. have turned16 . Do you know the boy _ Eng

7、lish is the best in Junior 1?A. whose B. whos C. that his D. which17. Who can tell us _ over there?A. what do they talk B. what are they talking aboutC. what they talk D. what they are talking about18. - The boy _ Miss Green bought the present looks very happy.- Hes never been given a present.A. who

8、 B. to whom C. for whom D. which19. Have you heard of the new airport _ will be opened this year?A. who B. when C. which D. whom20 .- Where does he come from?- Pardon?- I asked where _.A. did he come from B. he came from C. he comes from D. does he come from21. Did you find out _?A. she was looking

9、for whose child B. whose child was she looking forC. whose child she is looking for D. whose child she was looking for22. A nurse is a person _ job is to take care of the patient in the hospital.A. who B. whose C. that D. which23.Are you interested in _?A. how did he do it B. he did it how C. how he

10、 did it D. he how did it24. She is _ a good girl that everyone likes her. A. so B. how C. such D. much25.- Who is the man _ was walking to our English teacher?- Oh! Its Mr. Baker, our new maths teacher.A. he B. that C. whom D. which26. They _about a new film when their teacher _ in.A. have talked, c

11、ame B. didnt talk, was coming C. will talk, comes D. were talking, came27. He went to bed after he _his homework. A. finish B. finishes C. had finished D. was finishing28. I dont know _. Can you tell me?A. how the two players are old B. how old are the two playersC. the two players are how old D. ho

12、w old the two players are29. - What did the scientist say?- He said he wondered if _ into space by spaceship one day.A. he had to fly B. he could fly C. can he fly D. could he fly30. He will start working as soon as _ here.A. arriving B. he arrives C. he will arrive D. he has arrives31. My parents l

13、ives in the largest city _ lies in the west of the country.A. which B. who C. whose D. that32. Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me _?A. Where the bank nearest B. where is the nearest bankC. where the nearest bank is D. the nearest bank is where33. Thats all _ I know. I cant tell you any more.A. which

14、B. that C. who D. whose34. Its 7:30. I cant believe you_ cooking dinner yet, Sally.A. havent started B. didnt C. dont start D. hadnt started35.We _Xiao Li since she was a little child.A. know B. had known C. have known D. knew36. _me up when you _ any help. A. Ring, need B. rang , need C. To ring, n

15、eed D. Ringing, need37. The teacher told us yesterday that December 25 _ Christmas Day.A. is B. was C. has been D. will be38. He was _ fat that he could not get through the door. A. so B. how C. such D. much39. Peter will go to visit his uncle before he _ Australia.A. has left B. will leave C. is le

16、aving D. leaves40. Do you know _? They moved here soon after their son was born.A. when would the Greens move here B. when the Greens moved hereC. the Greens would move here D. when the Greens would move here41.- Have you finished your project yet?- Not yet. The teacher said it _ tomorrow.A. could b

17、e handed in B. can be handed in C. can hand in D. could hand in42. The teacher said that the earth _round the sun.A. goes B. go C. went D. will go43. - What do you like doing after class? - I like not only reading _ painting. A. and B. but also C. or D. for44. I wont let you in _ you show me your ca

18、rd. A. except B. unless C. but D. if45. We d like to tell you that you _the exam.A. have passed B. had passed C. pass D. will pass46. “Could you tell me_?” “ Yes. They _ to the library.”A. where are the twins, have been B. where were the twins, have beenC. where the twins are, have gone D, where the

19、 twins were, have gone47.-Mother came in while we _ TV at midnight.-Was she angry with you?A. were watching B. are watching C. watched D. watch48. While she _ NBA Games in the sitting room, the bell _.A. watched, was ringing B. is watching, rang C. was watching, rang D. was watching, was ringing49.

20、Our father said that he _ a new computer next week.A. will buy B. have bought C. would buy D. buys50. Youll do better in English _ you work harder. A. or B. than C. if D. before51. If the bus _ in ten minutes time, we _ late for our meeting.A. didnt come, were B. doesnt come, will be C. came, wont D

21、. hadnt come, will be52. I hear that he _ to Beijing yesterday.A. goes B. will go C. went D. have gone53. If you _ carefully, you _ the report well.A. will listen; will be understand B. will listen; understandC. listen; will understand D. listen; understand54. By the time they _ the lost girl, she _

22、 away for half a month.A. had found, was B. found, had been C. has found, is D. had found, had been55. Mike is learning _ a computer.A. how can he use B. how to use C. how he use D. how to using56. -Rick! Your jacket is wet through. Didnt you listen to the weather report this morning?-No, I didnt. I

23、 was in a hurry. Besides, it _ when I left.A. hadnt rained B. would rain C. rained D. wasnt raining57.I hurried _ I would not be late for the meeting. A. since B. as if C. unless D. so that58. - Hi, Tom! Can you tell me when _ for London?- Yes, tomorrow afternoon.A. leaving B. leaves C. to leave D.

24、are leaving59.- Its time to do your homework, Jack- Yes, Mum. Ill turn off the TV as soon as the programme_.A. ends B. end C. will be ended D. will end 60.- Did you tell your brother where Susan _?- Yes, but I didnt tell him she _ until next week.A. has gone, wont come home B. went, dont come homeC.

25、 had been, wouldnt come home D. had gone , wouldnt come home61. The old people _ lonely at all since we began to visit them once a week. A. dont feel B. hasnt felt C. havent felt D. didnt feel 62. She said she _ for the test. You can test her even now. A. has prepared B. had prepared C. will prepare

26、 D. would prepare63.- How did the accident happen?- You know, it _ difficult to see the road clearly because it _.A. was; was raining B. is; has rained C. is; is raining D. will be; will rain64. The poor man ate a big breakfast _ he said he wasnt hungry.A. since B. because C. though D. for 65. Thoug

27、h it rained heavily, _ were still playing on the playground. A. they B. so they C. but they D. and they66. Do you remember _ last time?A. what is your teacher saying B. what your teacher saidC. what your teacher says D. what did your teacher say 67. Catherine _ the letter before her mother came into

28、 her bedroom.A. has written B. was written C. had written D. is writing 68. Ask Tony _ go with us tomorrow.A. if he will B. if he C. will he D. whether will he69.He didnt know _he should go or not.A. if B. weather C. that D. whether70. Mary didnt go to see a film _ her father came back home. A. until B. but C. if D. when71.Mary will go _ after she _ her homework.A. shops; finish B. shopping; finishes C. to shop; finishing D. shopping; finish72.The class_ when Tom _ into the classroom.A. began; was walking B. had begun; walked C. begins; walks D. was beginning; walked4

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