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1、高一英语材料1、词汇 (M1 unit4)A、单词拼写(根据句意及所给首字母或汉语提示写出下列单词)1. The thief is _ (颤抖) with fear when he is being questioned by the policeman.2. The soldiers are trying to help rescue the _ (幸存者) after the earthquake.3.Two thirds of the people died or _(受伤) in the earthquake.4. Life would be very difficult withou

2、t _(电) .5.The whole city lay in _ (废墟) after the earthquake.6. The soldiers built s_ for those homeless people.7. Every year naturals d_ can cause heavy loss to the world.8. Most of the buildings were completely d _in the earthquake.9. Its a great h_ for the scientist to give a speech to the student

3、s.10. As we all know, Italy is a _ (欧洲)country.B、单词释义 (从四个选项中选出与提干中斜体词意思相同的单词)1. People were sleeping soundly when the earthquake suddenly happened.A. appeared B. took the place C. came out D.broke out2. Most people thought little of these strange phenomena (现象), they just went to bed as usual.A. di

4、dnt like B. didnt pay much attention to C. never noticed D. were interested in3. The terrible earthquake ruined the whole city, which caused a heavy loss to the local people. A. injured B. hurt C. destroyed D. buried4. He was very surprised to find all his money gone. A. leaving B. missing D. losing

5、 D. flying5. Such a great number of people died because the quake happened while they were sleeping. A. So many B. Such many C. Such lots of D. So much6. Many shelters were put up for the homeless people. A. set up B. taken up C. sat up D. built up7. The strange noise woke up all the people who were

6、 asleep.A. sleeping people B. people were sleeping C. slept people D. asleep people8. Workers built shelters for survivors, whose homes had been destroyed.A. their homes B. the homes of them C. the homes of theirs D. the homes of whom9. I asked a man standing next to me what happened, but he made no

7、 answer. A. who stood beside me B. who is standing beside me C. stood beside me D. who stood towards me10. The cyclists hope to raise money to help thousands of blind children in Tibet.A. pay B. collect C. save D. riseC、配对题( ) 1.a very long water way for boats a. nervous ( ) 2.get ready b. canal( )

8、3.people who remain alive c. injure( ) 4. put sth. under the earth d. rise( ) 5.go up e. pipe( ) 6.help to get someone out of danger f. prepare( ) 7.worried or frightened g. well( ) 8.hurt h. rescue( ) 9.a deep place to store water to drink i. survivor( ) 10.a thin metal piece that carries water j.

9、buryD、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1. The room is very _ (smell). Someone must be smoking here.2. As is known to all, earthquakes are _(nature) disasters which can cause great damage to human beings.3. _(late) that afternoon, another earthquake shook the city.4. With the help of the soldiers, the damaged city beg

10、an to _ (breath) again.5. It was a _(frighten) night because of the terrible earthquake.6._(congratulate) on your success. We are all proud of you.7. I saw many _(frighten) cows rush up the street.8. You can write to get more information if you are _(interest ) in this activity.9. The meeting to be

11、held tomorrow is of great _(important).10. The government has to build more building to house all the _ (home) people.E、用适当的介词或副词填空1. The next morning people put up shelters _ the open air _ all kinds of things which they can find.2. We invite you to bring your family and friends _ that special day.

12、3. The city Tang Shan is well known _ the “Brave City of China”. We are all proud _ it.4. Thank you so much _ helping me _ my spoken English.5. The whole city laid _ruins after the bombing. The number of the injured and dead reached _ 40000.6._ the north of the city, most of the 10000 miners were re

13、scued _ the coal mines.7. It seemed that the whole world was _an end.8. Two thirds of the people died or were injured _the earthquake. Many children were left _parents.9. People went to bed _ usual. They thought little _ these events.10. Nothing can stop the soldiers _ rescuing the people trapped _

14、the ruins.F. 用所给动词和短语的正确形式填空wake up in ruins destroy rescue give out prepare put up honour be proud of organize 1. A terrible earthquake hit the city and in a few seconds the whole city lay _ _.2. A group of doctors and nurses _ to the flooded area to help those in trouble.3. The newly-built house w

15、as completely _ by the big fire.4. The policeman tried his best to _the boy who fell into the river.5. The whole class _ the boy student who won the first prize in the English Contest.6. The children were busy _ a tent and it would be completed before dark.7. So far all the students have been well _

16、 for the coming examination.8. The monument (纪念碑) was set up to _ those who died in the terrible disaster.9. The monitor helped the teacher _ the graded test papers.10. The terrible shaking of the building _ all the people who were sleeping.2、单项选择1Shall I help you with that suitcase?_.A. Its all rig

17、ht, thanks B. Yes, go ahead pleaseC. I dont want to trouble you too much D. No. please dont do it 2. Youve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner Mrs. Wang. _A. Oh, Im afraid I didnt cook very well B. Im glad you enjoyed it C. Come again when you are free D. Its not necessary for you to say so 3.Do you

18、 mind if I keep pets in this building?_. A. Id rather you didnt, actually B. Of course not, its not allowed hereC. Great! I love pets D. No, you cant4.I dont have any change with me .Will you pay the fare for me ? _.A. Thats all right. B.I dont believe you.C. How dare you say that? D. Sorry, but tha

19、ts no excuse.5. -Good morning, Grand Hotel.-Hello, Id like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19th.-_ A. What can I do for you? B. Just a minute, please. C. Whats the matter? C. At your service.6. You havent said a word about my new coat, Brenda. Do you like it? Im sorry I _anything about

20、 it sooner. I certainly think its pretty on you. A. wasn t saying B. dont say C. wont say D. didn t say7. Go for a picnic this weekend, OK?_.I love getting close to nature.A. I couldnt agree more B. Im afraid not C. I believe not D. I dont think so 8. I just heard that the tickets for tonights show

21、have been sold out. Oh, no!_.A. I was looking forward to that B. It doesnt matter C. I knew it already D. Its not at all interesting 9. Im taking my driving test tomorrow. _! A. CheersB. Good luckC. Come onD. Congratulations10. Will you be able to finish the job this week?_, but Im not skilled enoug

22、h, you know.A. I cant say so B. I expect so C. Im sure so D. I dont know so11. George Orwell, _ was Eric Arthur, wrote many political novels and essays.A. the real name B. what his real name C. his real name D. whose real name12. We were put in a position _ we had to either attack the law in a way _

23、 waspeaceful or answer violence with violence. A. in which; thatB. when; whichC. where; in whichD. where; 不填13. _ man must fear when traveling in space is radiation (辐射) from the sun.A. whichB. HowC. WhatD. That14. -Whats that unpleasant noise?-Oh, the road before the main gate _.A. is repairingB. i

24、s being repairedC. is repairedD. has been repaired15. _ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend.A. With B. Besides C. As for D. Because of16. Though he failed many times in election, he never lost _ heart and at last he was elected _ president of the USA.A. the; a B. a; the

25、C. his; the D. /;/17. I have done much of the work. Could you please finish_ in two days?A. the rest B. the other C. another D. the others18. _ I can see, there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger.A. As long as B. As far as C. Just as D. Even if19-What would you do if it_ tomorrow?

26、-We have to carry it on, since weve got everything ready.A rain B rains C will rain D is raining20All of us insisted _ out the plan at once.A. to carryB. to carryingC. on carryingD. carrying21. The bike _ has gone wrong. A.I bought it last week B. which I bought it last weekC.I bought last week D. w

27、hat I bought last week22. I will tell you _ he told me last week.A. all which B. everything all C. that all D. all that23. A child _ parents died is called an orphan. A. who B. whos C. whose D. what24. Please pass me the dictionary _ cover is blue.A. which B. of which C. what D. whose25. Is this fac

28、tory _some foreigners visited last year?A. where B. which C. the one D. at which26. Lets send our congratulations to him _winning the Nobel Prize.A. for B. to C. on D. with27. How many students are there in your school?Therere 2000 students here_.A. first of all B. after all C.in all D.at all28. Nob

29、ody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to_.A. be put up B. burst C. be turned on D. go out 29. They _ him not to do that, but he wouldnt listen.A. advisedB. madeC. persuadedD. suggested30. Several pages were found _ when the book _ me.A. missing; returned B. lost; was

30、returned C. gone; was returned to D. disappeare; was returned to31. Was it in the restaurant _ we had dinner last Saturday _ you left your wallet?A. where; whereB. where; thatC. that; whereD. that; that32. Some people often write about their travels in _ is called a travel journal.A. whereB. whichC.

31、 whatD. there33.Only after I had given him three phone calls _ the invitation to my birthday party.A. had he receivedB. did he acceptC. he did acceptD. he agreed to三、Language study (语言学习) 1、词汇A、单词拼写1.shaking 2. survivors 3. injured 4 . electricity 5. ruins 6. shelters 7. disasters 8. destroyed 9. ho

32、nour 10. EuropeanB、单词释义1. 选D。happen意为“发生”,与break out 同义,都为不及物动词。2. 选B。think little of意为“考虑得少”“很少去思考或注意”,所选项B符合此意思。3. 选C。ruin用作动词,意为“毁坏”,与destroy同义。4. 选B。gone用作形容词,意为“失去的”“不存在的”,与missing意思相同。5. 选A。a great number of用来修饰可数名词,意为“许多”,与so many意思相同。6. 选A。根据句子意思,此处的put up应该是“建造”“建起”的意思,所以与set up同义。 7. 选A。sl

33、eeping为现在分词作定语,与的面的people有主谓关系。8. 选D。9. 选A。next to与beside意思相同,意为“在旁边”。10. 选B。raise在此表示“募集”的意思,相当于collect。C、词义匹配 1. b 2. f 3. I 4. j 5. d 6. h 7. a 8. c 9. g 10. eD、词性转换1. smelly 2.natural 3.Later 4.breathe 5.frightening 6.Congratulations7. frightened 8.interested 9.importance 10.homelessE、用适当的介词或副词填

34、空1. 填in; with。 2. 填on。 3. 填as; of。 4. 填 for; with。 5. 填in;over。6. 填To; from。7. 填at。 8. 填during; without。 9. 填as; of。10. 填from; under。F、用动词和短语的正确形式填空1. 填in ruins。lay in ruins的意思是“夷为平地”。2. 填were organized。被动语态,表示“被组织”。3. 填destroyed。be completely destroyed 的意思是:被彻底摧毁。4. 填rescue。rescue表示“抢救”。5. 填are pro

35、ud of。be proud of 表示“对因以自豪”。6. 填putting up。put up a tent 的意思是:搭帐篷。7. 填 prepared。be well prepared for表示“为做好了充分的准备”。8. 填honour。 honour在这里用作动词,表示“纪念;敬仰”。9. 填give out。 give out the graded test papers 的意思是:分发批改过的试卷。10. 填woke up。wake somebody up 表示“把某人叫醒”。B、情景交际 1. 选A。上句是提出帮助,当接受别人的帮助时,要用Thanks来表示谢意。2. 选B

36、。当别人赞美你所做的一切时,按英语的习惯就用表示高兴的语言来回答别人的赞美。3. 选A。以do you mind 引起的问句,如果表示不介意,常用of course not等来回答,此处表示很介意,所以用Id rather you didnt, actually来表示一种婉转的反对。4. 选D。没有零钱并不让别人为你付款的理由或借口。5. 选B。这是一则打电话预订房间的对话,因忙或查阅什么,常用Just a minute, please来回答对方,意为“等一下”。 6. 选D。从上文可知,是在问Brenda有没有对衣服作评论,因这事应该发生在过去,所以用didnt say符合情景。7. 选A。

37、I couldnt agree more在此表示“我非常同意”的意思。8. 选A。look forward to意为“期待”“期盼”。9. 选B。Good luck常用来对某人表示祝福。10. 选B。上句是在问能否在本周内做完工作,那么根据下文中后半句可知,因技术不够熟练,但期盼着能在本周内完成工作。 11. 选D。本题考查定语从句中关系代词whose的用法。根据句子结构及句意可知此空应填“关系词+real name”引导非限制性定语从句。12. 选A。13. 选C。what是连接代词,意思是:the thing that, 引导一个主语从句。14. 选B。is being repaired是

38、现在进行时的被动语态。15. 选 A。该题是考查“with+宾语+宾语补足语”用法。此句中two exams为宾语,不定式to worry about为宾语补足语。16. 选 D。17. 选 A。本题旨在考查学生对代词的辨析和运用能力。the rest (剩余的,其它的),既可以指代可数名词的复数又可以指代不可数名词;而the others只能指代可数名词的复数。18. 选B。此题主要考查状语从句中连词的用法。此句中关键词only表示:就I的认识程度而言,避开危险的可能只有唯一的办法。as long as表只要、even if表即使、甚至、just as用于引出事实共享原因。均与题意不符合。1

39、9. 选B。在条件和时间状语从句中,通常用一般现在时表示一个将来的动作。20. 选C。21. 选C。I bought last week是定语从句,修饰先行词bike, 定语从句中省略了充当宾语的关系代词that/which。22. 选D。all作为先行词被定语从句修饰时,只能用that。23. 选C。whose 引导一个定语从句,它在定语从句中相当于一个形容词用作定语。24. 选D。whose 引导一个定语从句,它在定语从句中用作定语。25. 选C。the one 在句中是先行词,some foreigners visited last week 是定语从句,修饰the one。26. 选C

40、。send ones congratulations to sb.on表示“因为向某人祝贺”。27. 选C。in all 的意思是“总共”,first of all的意思是“首先”。 after all表示“毕竟”。28. 选D。go out在这里是一个不及物动词短语,表示“灯灭”。29. 选A。30. 选C。整句的意思是:当这本书还给我的时候,有几页发现不见了。missing用作形容词在句中是主语补足语。31.B 32.C 33B 高一英语补短材料3 答案1、A、单词拼写1.shaking 2. survivors 3. injured 4 . electricity 5. ruins 6.

41、 shelters 7. disasters 8. destroyed 9. honour 10. EuropeanB、单词释义1. D。2. B。3. C。4. B。5. A。6. A。 7. A。8. D。9. A。10. B。C、词义匹配 1. b 2. f 3. I 4. j 5. d 6. h 7. a 8. c 9. g 10. eD、词性转换1. smelly 2.natural 3.Later 4.breathe 5.frightening 6.Congratulations7. frightened 8.interested 9.importance 10.homelessE、用适当的介词或副词填空1. in; with 2. on 3. as; of 4. for; with 5. in;over6. To; from。 7. at。 8. during; without。 9. as; of。 10. from; under/inF、用动词和短语的正确形式填空1. in ruins。 2. were o

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