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1、高二英语试题(考试时间:120 分钟总分:150 分)一、听力:(30分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What does the man mean?A.He is in no way to blame.B.He will accept all responsibility.C.He will be more careful next time.2.Why is

2、the speakers mother upset?A.Their father doesn t like traveling.B.Their father doesn t tell her the truth.C.Their father is unable to keep his promise.3.What is the woman s attitude toward the man s forgetfulness?A.She is kind to him.B.She is angry with him.C.She is worried about him.4.What does the

3、 woman want to do?A.Go to the performance herself.B.Be given a ride to the theatre.C.Drive John to the performance.5.What is the present price of the suitcase?A.25 dollars.B.35 dollars.C.50 dollars.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前

4、,你将有时间时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段材料,回答第6 和第 7 题。6.Why does the man enjoy volleyball best?A.It is a team game.B.It is a popular game.C.It is a one-sided game.7.How many teams has the man played for?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.听下面一段材料,回答第8 至第 10 题。8.Where does this conversation tak

5、e place?A.In a library.B.In a classroom.C.In a bookstore.9.Why can t the man get his textbook?A.The books arrived a week late.B.Fewer books were shipped than ordered.C.More students signed up for the class than expected.10.How did the man feel at the beginning of the conersation?A.Angry.B.Excited.C.

6、Anxious.听下面一段材料,回答第11 至第 13 题。11.What is the relationship between the woman and the man?A.Wife and husband.B.Doctor and patient.C.Instructor and player.12.What does the man want to do?A.Start a little weight training.B.Play basketball with his friends.C.Become a member of baseball team.13.What is th

7、e woman worried about?A.The man s work.B.The man s health.C.The man s marriage.听下面一段材料,回答第14 至第 16 题。14.What service does the woman help to sell?A.A bargain on dance lessons.B.A membership to a sports club.C.A great deal on airfare to Hawaii.15.Why does the man refuse the offer?A.He never buys thing

8、s over the phone.B.He doesn t have extra money to spend.C.He doesn t need the service being provided.16.What do we know about the man?A.He will accept the offer next time.B.His name won t be removed from the list.C.He might be called again in the coming weeks.听下面一段材料,回答第17 至第 20 题。17.What does the s

9、peaker mainly talk about?A.How to plan a garden.B.How to plant different flowers.C.How to choose the best plants in gardens.18.What is the speaker most likely to be?A.A book seller.B.A book writer.C.A garden designer.19.Whom is the speaker talking to?A.Plant growers of a nursery.B.Members of a garde

10、ning club.C.Student artists of an art school.20.What is the first step in planning a garden?A.Choose all the plants needed.B.Make a drawing of the garden.C.Buy a book called Garden Planning.二、单项选择:(15 分)21.It is believed that hard work is the _ of one s success.A.purpose B.goal C.guarantee D.achieve

11、ment 22.The universities have got bigger in size,_ many more people the chance of higher education.A.so allowing B.thus allowing C.so to allow D.thus to allow 23.It was at twelve o clock _ we finally arrived at the village _ we spent our happy childhood.A.that;that B.when;that C.when;what D.that;whe

12、re 24.-I ll be away on a business trip.Would you mind looking after my cat?-Not at all._.A.I ve no time B.I d rather not C.I d like it D.I would be happy to 25.What did they _ out of the library.A.permit to take B.forbid to be taken C.allow to take D.insist being taken 26.He to paint the whole house

13、 but finished only the front.A.set about B.set off C.set out D.set in 27.Johson _ for 5 years for political reasons when he was young.A.was put in prison B.was in the prison C.got out of prison D.was in prison 28._ the answer,Tom,who asked the questions,still stood with his hand _.A.Giving;raised B.

14、Given;raised C.Given;risen D.Giving;rising 29._ time and labour,you should join hands _ him in the business.A.To save;with B.Saved;with C.Saving;with D.Having saved;by 30.He insisted on going abroad to have further study _ his parents objection.A.by means of B.in favour of C.regardless of D.on purpo

15、se of 31._ you be interested,I ll tell you the whole story.A.Would B.Might C.Should D.Could 32.The famouse actor keeps fit by _ for half an hour every morning.A.acting out B.bringing out C.giving out D.working out 33.Some young people _ a good salary in a job at home instead of working hard day and

16、night abroad,but they chose to go abroad.A.must make B.could have made C.should have made D.would make 34.-Thanks for your help,but can you do me one more favour,please?-_,sir.What s it then?A.Just a minute B.It s very nice of you C.That s all right D.At your service 35.Though they are of _ age,they

17、 are quite _ opposite in character.A.an;an B.an;the C.the;an D.the;/三、完形:(30分)请阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 或 D)中,选出最佳选项。A friend of mine met with an accident driving in darkness.His legs were so hurt that he couldn t move.What was 36 was that he found himself unable to ask for helphis mobil

18、e phone went out of 37 as a result of exhausted(用尽的)battery.Nothing could be done but 38 in the cold wilderness.It was 8 hours later that day broke and then the 39 of the rescue team.It is almost 40 that he could stand the horror in the darkness for so long.Even more surprising was his 41:“First of

19、all I checked my 42 conditions and found myself not in danger.As there was no 43 to call for help,I leaned back in my seat trying my best to keep the wound from 44.In this way I dozed(打盹)off.”His story put an end to my regret for the 45 of an exploration that happened last year.A group of young men

20、46 to explore a mountain cave and got lost.47 to find a way out in the dark cave they were frightened and ran anxiously without a sense of 48.Finally,they fell dead in fear and exhaustion.According to the 49 team that found them,the place where they got lost was only about 10 meters away from the 50

21、 of the cave.If they stayed on the spot when they lost their way and tried to 51 themselves,they would probably have sensed a faint light glowing not far away.Don t you think that you can compare it with 52 itself?When you meet with difficulties in life,you are lost in darkness.Focus that it s uncle

22、ar to you yet and you needn t put up struggle 53.It seems to be a negative(消极的)attitude,54 a person who can do so must have foresight as well as a great 55 in the first place.331w 36.A.hopeless B.worse C.more D.best 37.A.service B.way C.control D.work 38.A.cry B.lie C.wait D.sleep 39.A.delay B.succe

23、ss C.team D.arrival 40.A.untrue B.unimaginable C.possible D.useless 41.A.plan B.decision C.explanation D.excuse 42.A.phsical B.mental C.working D.medical 43.A.method B.way C.tools D.strength 44.A.rotting B.spreading C.bleeding D.running 45.A.loss B.failure C.disappointment D.sadness 46.A.had B.manag

24、ed C.tried D.planned 47.A.Willing B.Unable C.Determined D.Deciding 48.A.hearing B.sight C.feeling D.direction 49.A.rescue B.village C.local D.brave 50.A.end B.top C.opening D.side 51.A.save B.help C.stop D.calm 52.A.adventure B.work C.life D.mankind 53.A.really B.immediately C.carefully D.hopefully

25、54.A.and B.so C.but D.while 55.A.courage B.imagination C.thought D.opinion 四、阅读:(40分)A Many of us like cooking but never have much time for it.Helen Fry s new book Quick Cooking has been specially written for busy people.It has over 1,000 recipes,from the famous Spanish gazpacho to Swedish smorgasbo

26、rd.The book is well written and the photographs and drawings are clear.(They are like those in the excellent little Quick Dressmaking and Quick Gardening.)The book has a strong plastic cover.It is easy to find your way around it too.And busy people,notice this!Mrs.Fry tells you how much time you nee

27、d in order to get each dish ready.Quick Cooking has 4 parts,one for each season.This helps you to use fresh fruit and vegetables when they are cheaper and,of course,better.There are a lot of exciting ideas from foreign countries,and most of the recipes are easy to follow.You take something simple li

28、ke a chicken or some cheese,and make and unusual dish out of it.For example,there are no fewer than 40 recipes for eggs!Mrs Fry does not plan complete meals for the“quick book”.The beginners will have to find out a lot of things for himselfor herself.But this ought not to be difficult with such a go

29、od book.I wanted to try many of the recipes as soon as I read them.For people with little spare time Helen Fry s Quick Cooking is excellent value.240w 56.Helen Fry s book is ca lled Quick Cooking because _.A.you can cook all the dishes in it quickly B.there is over 1,000 recipes in it C.it is writte

30、n for people who don t have much time D.it tells you how to cook all kinds of food quickly 57.Busy people should notice that _.A.all the recipes in the book are easy to follow B.there are clear photographs and drawings in the book C.the book has a strong cover D.they are told how long each dish take

31、s to cook 58.This passage is most probably _.A.a book review B.a notice C.a letter to an editor D.an introduction on cooking 59.We can infer from the passage that _.A.Helen Fry is good at writing books quickly B.complete meals are planned only for beginners C.there ar te quite a few“quick books”for

32、busy people D.beginners are advised to start making meals out of the cheapest materials B Signs in Chinese will be set up in public areas such as airports,to benefit Chinese travelers,the Italian Government announced in late February.Now many European countries are expected to follow this example.De

33、spite the different languages,travel across Europe has never been so simple.Just five years ago,if you wanted to visit Germany in the north and Spain in the south in one trip,you had to wait for weeks to apply for different visas from the two countries.You also needed a calculator because both count

34、ries had different money.Today,with a Schengen Visa issued by any member country,you can travel across 15 European countries without stopping.Since 2002,within most of the EU,there is now just one type of money called the Euro.The Euro was designed to be the only money in the EU,and already makes it

35、 easier to shop around.If you drive,your driving license and car insurance policy are valid(有效的)in the other European countries.And you can use your mobile phone everywhere.All the countries in the continent are melting into a united Europe under the EU.For Europeans and visitors,the result is that

36、is more convenient to travel back and forth between the different countries.215w 60.What is the purpose of the passage?A.To encourage us to travel across Europe.B.To suggest that the whole world is melting into one like the EU.C.To praise the tourism policy of the EU.D.To introduce tourism condition

37、s in the EU.61.By saying the underlined sentence“Now many European countries are expected to follow this example”,the writer means that _.A.more signs will be set up in Chinese in European countries B.more and more Europeans have a desire to know more about China C.more and more Chinese people will

38、go to travel across Europe D.Chinese is now an important language in Europe 62.Compared to five years ago,traveling in Europe has become easier because _.A.you needn t drive a car B.you can use a calculator to exchange money C.applying for different visas is much simpler D.one visa is good enough fo

39、r traveling in a number of countries 63.It can be inferred from the passage that _.A.an increasing number of Chinese tend to travel to Europe B.Chinese has become an important language in Europe C.the Euro is the only money used in the EU now D.it is always necessary to unite many countries into one

40、 C It is naturally impossible for a well educated,intellectual(懂道理的),or brave man to make money-the chief of his thoughts;it is naturally impossible for him to make his dinnerthe necessary object of him.All healthyminded people like their dinner,but their dinner is not the main object of their lives

41、.So all healthyminded people like making moneybut the main object of their lives is not money;it is something more important than money.A good soldier for instance,mainly wished to do his fighting well.He is glad for his payvery properly so,and justly complains when you keep him ten months without i

42、t;still his main aim of his life is to win battles,not to be paid for winning them.As for doctors,they like fees,no doubt ought to like them;yet if they are brave and well educated,the entire object(目标)of their lives is not fees.They,on the whole,wishes to cure me sick,andthey are good doctors,and t

43、he choices is fairly put to them would rather cure their patients and lose their fees than kill him and get it.And so with all other brave and rightly trained men their work is first,their fees second,very important always,but still second.226w 64.The text is mainly about _.A.money is not everything

44、 but no money is nothing B.work is first but money is also important C.work is the chief opinion of the good people s lives D.People like less work but more money 65.According to the text,it is _ that a good solider will run away when a drowning man needs help but there is no money.A.impossible B.po

45、ssible C.clever D.foolish 66.The underlined word“it”in the last paragraph means _.A.their patient B.their work C.the object of lives D.their money 67.If you are middle school teacher described in the text,what will you do if you are not paid for six months?A.To quarrel with the headmaster B.To go on

46、 teaching in this school C.To give up the teaching in this school and find a teaching job in another school D.To go on teaching after getting paid D History is a society s memory and forms part of people s identity(身份).But Taiwan s government has proposed a change to their history.In the move their

47、textbooks will separate the island s history from the rest of China.By disconnecting the island s history from the mainland,the government hopes to create a stronger Taiwan identity.Under new guidelines(方针)to be carried out in 2006,Taiwan has ordered high schools to change textbooks to create one bo

48、ok of Taiwan s history.At the moment their books cover the complete Chinese history.But following the new move Chinese history will be taught as part of international history.No longer to be included as part of Taiwan s history is the founding of the Republic of China(ROC)in 1911 by Sun Yat-sen.This

49、 event will be in the new international history book.“It is a political attempt by Taiwan s leader Chen Shuibian to make their education support Taiwan s independence,”said Li Weiyi,spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council.This move has also received great opposition in Taiwan s

50、schools.“The new outline is too political and facts have been changed,”said Yu Lin,the headmaster of Taipei Middle School.“It will confuse students understanding of history.”“Who on earth should I think is the founding father of the ROC?”asked a student in Taipei.“Many famous people in history like

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