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1、山东省泰安市2021届高三英语下学期4月二轮模拟考试试题山东省泰安市2021届高三英语下学期4月二轮模拟考试试题年级:姓名:16山东省泰安市2021届高三英语下学期4月二轮模拟考试试题2021.04注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并收回。第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、

2、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ANashville offers many after-school tutoring centers to help kids develop their skills and creativitySpotlite Dance Studio4075 Luke Ct,Murfreesboro,TN 37128,USATel:(615)4594200Set up in 2006,Spotlite Dance Studio is offering full day,half day and evening dance camps to kids aged 2-18W

3、e have fun,new themes each weekWe will work on dancing techniques and play fun games,activities,and moreSTEM Bllilders504 Autumn Springs Ct,Franklin,TN 37067,USATel:(615)3669196Along with education,to be successful in life,reasonable thinking,problem solving and teamwork are necessary skills in toda

4、ys competitive societySTEM Builders provides a unique combination of science,technology,engineering,math and funBoth founders of the center beginning in 2016 have more than 15 years of IT experienceSmile Doctors152 Heritage Park,Murfreesboro,TN 37128,USATel:(615)8480011Created in 2015,Smile Doctors

5、provides excellence in orthodontic(牙齿矫正的)care resulting in beautiful,confident smiles and unforgettable experiencesEvery interaction strengthens the idea that each person has value as a human beingWe hope our positiveinteractions will motivate kids to improve themselvesTap Root Farm905 Hickory Hills

6、 Dr,Franklin,TN 37067,USATel:(615)5943210We have been“caretakers”of the farmland for over 50 yearsCome and join us in the joy of keeping our family farming!Activities of our 2019 Tap Root Farm Summer Farm Camp (June 2429)include horseback riding and gardening(planting and harvesting vegetables,herbs

7、 and flowers)1Where should you go to grow vegetables?A905 Hickory Hills Dr,Franklin,TN 37067B4075 Luke Ct,Murfreesboro,TN 37128C152 Heritage Park,Murfreesboro,TN 37128D504 Autumn Springs Ct,Franklin,TN 370672What skill can not STEM Builders provide?ATeamwork BProblem solvingCIT experienceDReasonable

8、 thinking3Which center has the longest history?ASmile Doctors BTap Root FarmCSTEM BuildersDSpotlite Dance StudioBIn 2018,I wanted to do something to bring change for people in my communityI carried out research to understand the problems affecting them and found that climate change was the greatest

9、threatWhen I realised many people in the rural areas faced fatal impacts such as landslides,floods and droughts,I decided to stand upSeeing climate change threaten the availability of food and water in my country was a wake-up callWe are focused and very clear with our demandsWe are not afraid of ho

10、lding governments and corporations accountable for the climate crisis because the science is clearWe will not give up because our future is at stakeWe need to demand for climate action as our lives depend on it too,because we doFarmers in Ontario stood up against a proposed mega quarry(采石场)in their

11、landThey held festivals to draw attention,they spoke up against corporate mining which threatened their groundwater and soil,they mobilised many people to stop it and in 2012,Highland Company withdrew their plansI hope to see the end of the fossil fuel industry,and we need renewable energyWe need su

12、stainability in every sector through green building and clean transportationI hope to see recovery of our ecosystems through planting more trees,having urban forests and protecting wildlifeOur existence depends on that of our ecosystemsI hope to see more recovery projects built in the most affected

13、communitiesThere are many climate movements all over the world and most have social media accountsFind a local group that you can work with to demand climate actionWhen people are united,they cannot be defeatedEarth is our home to protectEveryone is needed4Why did the author take immediate action?AH

14、e wanted to change people in his communityBHe reminded people of valuing food and waterCHe was aware of the danger of the climate changeDHe was interested in the problems in the rural areas5What does the underlined word“mobilised”in Paragraph 2 mean?AForced BForbade CWarnedDOrganized6What can we inf

15、er from the third paragraph?ARenewable energy has replaced the fossil fuelBMore recovery projects have been built in many communitiesCThe fossil fuel industry does harm to our ecosystemsDThe fossil fuel industry doesnt account for our existence7What is the purpose of this text?ATo appeal to people t

16、o unite to protect environmentBTo clarify the authors contribution for the communityCTo recommend us a new kind of renewable energyDTo show the importance of banning the fossil fuel industryCThere are around 100 tribes that live in global isolation,mostly in South America and IndiaThe Sentinelese(25

17、0 people)have lived on one of the Andaman Islands in Eastem India for 60,000 yearsThey protect their island by fighting against people from outsideTheir language is different from any other known languageAnother Andaman tribe is the Jarawa(300 people)In the past,they were independent and fought agai

18、nst anybody trying to make contact with themBut in 1998,the Indian govemment built a road across their land,and since then,theyve had more contact with the outside worldSome Amazon tribes avoid contact because of unhappy memoriesThe MashcoPiro left their vegetable gardens after rubber companies kill

19、ed most of their tribe at the beginning of the 20th centuryThose who survived became nomadic(游牧的)and started hunting animals in the forestThe Awa live in the Amazon forests of BrazilOut of 350 members,100 have no contact with the outside worldThey left their villages and adopted a nomadic lifestyle

20、around 1850 to escape attacks by EuropeansIn the following years,farmers in nearby communities started cutting the trees to expand their farmlandThe Awa lost most of their hunting landThe few Amazon tribes that still exist are fighting to keep their traditional way of lifeSurvival,an organization th

21、at fights for the rights of tribal people,says that uncontacted tribes are the most vulnerable(弱势的)humans on the planet and thats why their environment should be unavailable to the rest of usAfter years of pressure,the organization got Brazils government to clear invaders from the Awa landAll non-Aw

22、a people are leaving so the tribe can get their forest backBut some think its impossible for tribes to stay isolated forever in a connected worldContact will be made one daySo the question is:Whose choice should it be,ours or theirs?8What could be 1earnt about the Sentinelese from the text?AThey spe

23、ak the same language as the JarawaBThey resist contact from the outside worldCThere are about 350 members in their tribeDThey received help from the Indian government9Why did the Awa adopt a nomadic lifestyle?ATo avoid being attacked by EuropeansBTo avoid being robbed by rubber companiesCTo protect

24、their hunting landDTo maintain their traditional way of life10What is Survivals view of the tribal people?AThey should fight for their rights by themselvesBWe should show them respect and not disturb themCIts impossible to stay isolated from the outside worldDWe should help them get used to the conn

25、ected world11How does the author describe the isolated tribes?ADoubtfully BCritically CIndifferentlyDObjectivelyDThe future of space exploration may depend on an art form from the past:origami(折纸艺术),the ancient art of paper foldingResearchers from Washington State University(WSU),US,have used origam

26、i to possibly solve the problem of storing and moving fuel to rocket engines,a key challenge in space travel,according to NewswiseTheyve developed a foldable plastic fuel“bladder(囊状物)”resistant to super cold temperatures,which could be used to store and pump fuel in spacecrafts of the futureTheir fi

27、ndings have recently been published in the journal Cryogenics“Folks have been trying to make bags for rocket fuel for a long time,”said Jake Leachman,one of the lead researchers“We currently dont do large,long-duration trips because we cant store fuel long enough in space”Meanwhile,NASA is also look

28、ing to paper folding to help observe distant planetsThe agency is currently developing Starshade,a foldable,sunflower-shaped piece of hardware that would help block starlight and enable telescopes to view distant objects more clearly in space“A huge part of my job is looking at something on paper an

29、d asking,Can we fly this?”Manan Arya,a technologist in California,said“Once I realized this is how you fold spacecraft structures,I became interested in origamiI realized I was good at it and enjoyed itNow,I fold constantly”Using origami for space purposes isnt newhoweverSolar arrays(太阳能阵列),experime

30、ntal wings for space shuttle programs and an inflatable(可充气的)satellite were also inspired by origami in both past and present space projects“With most origami,the magic comes from the folding,”Robert Salazar,who helped design the Starshade and now works on the Transformers projectsaid in a statement

31、“There are so many patterns to still be explored”12Which can be the suitable title for the text?AFolding into spaceBThe art of paper foldingCSpace explorationDThe origamiinspired projects13How could the“bladder”help in future missions?ATo protect spacecrafts from extreme weatherBTo be used to store

32、and supply fuel in spacecraftsCTo help rocket engines cut energy consumptionDTo be used to improve energy efficiency14What can we know about NASAs Starshade?AIt can be used to get telescopes closer to starsBIt can enlarge the view of telescopes in spaceCIt can absorb a stars light before it enters t

33、elescopesDIt can help telescopes get clearer pictures of objects in space15What is this text?AA travel journalBA digestCA science reportDAn advertisement第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。When I was seven,my parents explained to me that my sister would be different16

34、But now I realize I see the world in a much different way,all thanks to herThroughout our 1ives,my sister has often got stared at because she has Down syndrome(唐氏综合症),which makes her appear abnormalThere were times when I had to struggle withher17 I simply thought“Everyone else is just staring and t

35、hat is wrongThey should offer us help instead of staring at us like its a circus act(马戏表演)”I had this in mind when I was traveling alone recently and saw a mother and a son with special needs at the airport gate18 They were heading towards the gate of their second departure of the dayThe mother was

36、obviously stressed out and trying to keep her son calm while some items were falling out of her un-zipped(拉开拉链的)backpackThe son was pulling strangersclothes,and she appeared to be embarrassed about itThen the boy began to scream,looking very scared and confusedSome people gave the son and mother str

37、ange looks,the same kind of looks my sister and I would sometimes get19 I tried to help calm the boy down by assuring him he was going to see his grandmother as his mom kept telling himWhen the boy finally calmed down,I returned to my seatAt the time,an older gentleman turned around and said to me“I

38、 thought about doing what you did,but I just thought about itYou did it”To be honestI didnt even really regard what I did as something different or good20AThey had got off another planeBPeople would stare at us even moreCI dont know what I should do to helpDBut I went up and asked if I could lend a

39、handEI just consider it as the only choice in that situationFI was so angry that I shouted loudly at the strangersGI had no idea what impact she would have on my daily life第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Over the past 10 years,Chen Jinying,90,has pai

40、d off 2077 million yuan to her lendersChen used to be a doctor and she discovered there was a 21 market for down coats for elderly people,so after she retired in the early 1990sshe 22 her own companyHer business went well for the first few years and Chen was also 23 in public welfare,24 570,000 yuan

41、 for elderly peopleBut in 2011,the company 25 poor salesShe was forced to 26 her factoriesIn 2012,Chen rented a factory to produce the coats, 27 sales would turn betterBut the stock piled up and she even had no money to pay her workers,so she stopped 28 in 2016Some people suggested she 29 bankruptcy

42、(破产)to avoid paying the debt,but she 30 to do so“I will try my best to pay off the debt, 31 I wont feel at ease”Chen saidChens story gained media 32 People were moved and came to her 33 When asked if she worried about having so much debt,she replied with a smile“I have to keep myself healthy so I ha

43、ve the 34 to pay back the loansPeople cared for me,and I want to 35 that care”21Apromising Bterrible Cchallenging Dattractive22Atook up Bput up Cset up Dpicked up23Ainterested Bactive Cexpert Dfortunate24Apaying Bmaking Csaving Ddonating25Aencountered Bwatched Ccontrolled Dstimulated26Adestroy Bbuil

44、d Cdesign Dsell27Apredicting Bhoping Cadvertising Dimagining28Aproduction Bpreparation Cprogress Dorder29Aargue for B1ook for Capply for Dfight for30Aagreed Brefused Curged Dhesitated31Awhile Bthus Cotherwise Dinstead32Aattention Bresistance Cattraction Dexposure33Aapartment Bmind Cstore Daid34A1uck

45、 Bability Cidea Dcourage35Apass on Bgive away Cignore Ddiscover第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。We live in a rural area of the San Francisco Bay AreaMost of what we see is beauty and natureOne of the exceptions to the beauty is the litter that some people throw out of their wi

46、ndows as they 36 (drive)on the rural roadsOne of the few drawbacks to living in the wild is that public services,such as litter collection,are less available 37 they are closer to the cityA helping ritual(习惯)that I practice 38 (regular)with my two children is picking up litter in our surrounding areaWeve become so accustomed to 39 (do)this that my daughters will often say to me 40 sweet voices,“Theres some litter,Daddy,stop the car!”And if we have time,we will often pull over and pick it upIt may seem strange,but we actuall

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