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2、小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ANow that its spring, you can take your reading from cozy couches and day beds to balconies, gardens, and anywhere the glorious natural light is going to touch. Here are some books that are just as illuminating as that spring sunshine.Gingerbread by Helen

3、Oyeyemi$17.70(34% off)Gingerbread men, gingerbread houseswhen you think about it, this sweet treat is more popular in fable and fiction than you might expect. The magic of fairy tales plays a part in this novel about the myth- building that takes place in families, from the author of What Is Not You

4、rs Is Not Yours.The New Me by Halle Butler$11.00(31% off)Wake up, look in the mirror, swear it will all be different today. Sound familiar? Heres that feeling in novel form:Meet Millie, a 30-year-old flailing around in dissatisfaction. A job offer seems promising? Reinventionbut, sadly, easy transfo

5、rmations are for caterpillars, not lonely, anxiety-ridden women.The White Card by Claudia Rankine$11.00(31% off)Mac Arthur Fellow Claudia Rankine follows up her award-winning 2014 poetry book Citizen with a play. Charlotte Cummings, a black artist, has a conversation with the family of a white art d

6、ealer, and a collector. As they discuss works of art, the differences between how each values art become apparent, especially when the subject of it is black suffering.Invisible Women by Caroline Perez$17.70(34% off)You know, chest and arm pain, faint and sweating abnormally. But guess what? Those a

7、re typically experienced by mena woman having a heart attack is more likely to feel tired and an unexpected stomach pain. Feeling unbalanced from the built-in prejudices all around us is common, and a corrective like Perezs book is welcome.21. Which to choose if you are interested in magic?A. Ginger

8、bread. B. The New Me.C. The White Card. D. Invisible Women.22. What writing style is The White Card?A. Novel. B. Poetry.C. Essay. D. Play.23. What is a symptoms of a female heart disease patient according to Perez s book?A. Having a pain in her chest.B. Having a sudden stomachache.C. Having heavy sw

9、eat suddenly.D. Falling unconscious abruptly.BInfluenced by many negative reports, some people usually regard teenagers as lacking a sense of responsibility, concern for others, and awareness of life. To break the stereotype(刻板印象), Im going to talk about the story of Jordan Rice.I suspect youve got

10、no idea about who Jordan Rice is. Actually, Jordan Rice was a 13-year-old boy who lived with his mom, dad, and little brother Blake in Toowoomba, Australia. He went to buy school uniform this Monday with his mom and brother. It was around 2 pm, when they were in the car on the way back from the shop

11、s. Not an unusual day.Unexpectedly, a huge flood poured into the area. The water rose high enough to shut off the engine. Unfortunately, they were trapped in floodwaters. Mom got into a panic, and Jordan was frightened because he couldnt swim. No one came to help them out until an old man grabbed a

12、rope, tied it to his body, and jumped into the water. Hopes were growing for the survival of Jordanthe old man was swimming toward him. Instead of seizing the chance, Jordan pushed Blake forward, saying, Save my brother first.There was no time for arguing. The old man tied the rope around Blake and

13、carried him ashore. Then he swam back to save the other two. But the strain of the flood and the weight of two people were too much for the rope. It broke and so did Jordan and his mothers hope. They were carried away by the brown water. Though they managed to hold on to a tree for a little while, t

14、hey finally loosened their grip and accepted their fate. Being the only survivor of the trip, Blake was reunited with his father to become a family of two.Jordan Rice was a 13-year-old boy from Toowoomba, Australia. During the destructive floods of Queensland, Jordan Rice sacrificed his life for his

15、 little brother. He is a hero and deserves to be remembered.24. What does the author think of some peoples opinion about teenagers?A. Its a reasonable belief. B. Its a fair evaluation.C. Its an out-of-date view. D. Its a prejudiced idea.25. Why did the old man save Blake first?A. He couldnt reach ot

16、hers.B. His rope was not long enough.C. There was no time for making other choices.D. He believed that Jordan Rice could swim out.26. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?A. Your Voice. B. Star Stories. C. News Express. D. Magic World.27. What is the best title for the text?A. Save m

17、y brother B. Meet the challengeC. Be brave, boy D. Accept your fate, teenagerCWhales are big, but why arent they even bigger? A new study says the key factor is how many calories they can take in. Researchers came to this conclusion after using small boats to chase down 300 whales of various species

18、 around the world. They reached out with long poles to attach sensors(传感器)to the creatures , allowing them to record what whales were doing as they dived for food.The study included 90 blue whales, the biggest animals ever to live. Size estimates vary, but they can grow to about 100 feet long and we

19、igh more than 100 tons, according to the American Cetacean Society. The research also included sperm whales, the biggest whales with teeth; they can grow to about 60 feet in length.Toothed whales hunt their prey(猎物)one at a time, seeking them out in the dark depths with a sonar-like detection. But a

20、s their body size increases, their hunting style becomes progressively less efficientthey take in fewer calories from their meals than the number they burn in each dive. Thats a result of the limited availability of prey.Blue whales grow bigger because they feed in a much different and more efficien

21、t way, the researchers reported. They open their mouths wide to take in an enormous volume of watereven bigger than their body sizeas they swim along. They then close their mouths and strain the water out through a sieve-like filter(过滤器), trapping huge numbers of tiny shrimp-like creatures called kr

22、ill. That allows them to take advantage of a very large prey resource thats very rich in a small amount of time, said Jeremy Goldbogen of Stanford University, another member of the research team. They get a huge bang for the buck.So why arent they even bigger than they are? Perhaps blue whales are l

23、imited by the seasonal nature of the most nutritious krill patches, which grow huge and dense in the summer, Goldbogen said. And calculations indicate that to sustain a blue whale thats 115 feet long, youd need a density of prey that is just not seen anywhere in the world.28. How did researchers con

24、duct the study?A. By detecting whales with poles. B. By tracking whales with devices.C. By filming whales preying on boats. D. By recording whales sound from sensors.29. What do we know about toothed whales?A. They can grow to about 100 feet long.B. They seek prey in the shallow waters.C. They hunt

25、less efficiently as they grow older.D. They dive consuming more calories as they grow bigger.30. What makes blue whales different from toothed whales in size?A. Blue whales have big mouths.B. Blue whales hunt in the deep sea.C. Blue whales eat more varieties of foods.D. Blue whales hunt for food mor

26、e efficiently.31. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 4 refer to?A. Preying takes more time than before.B. Preying becomes easier than expected.C. Whales get a greater harvest from preying.D. Whales consume more calories than they obtain.DPeople of all cultures have special stories they p

27、ass down. Aboriginal(土著的)Australians have a long history of telling stories. They call it Dreaming. Many Dreaming stories are thousands of years old.Europeans came to Australia in 1788. At that time, Aboriginal people had been there for 60,000 years. There were 270 tribes(部落), and each one spoke a d

28、ifferent language. Only tribal members were allowed to take part in Dreaming. If they drew symbols during Dreaming, tribal members had to erase them. Most people drew these symbols in the dirt. That way, they could erase them after Dreaming.When Europeans moved into Australia, they wanted the Aborig

29、inal people to become more like them. In 1959, they built a town called Papunya. They asked Aboriginal tribes to move there. In Papunya, the Europeans hoped the Aboriginal people would become part of European culture. However, Aboriginal people wanted to hold on to their own cultures. That was diffi

30、cult in Papunya. The tribes were also living with each other for the first time. Slowly, parts of each tribes culture began to die out. Today, only 18 of the 270 languages remain strong.Still, Aboriginal people held on to their Dreaming stories. In 1971, a group of students in Papunya shared their s

31、tories with each other during an art class. Their teacher noticed what they were doing. He wanted them to use the symbols in their artwork.However, they wanted to protect their tradition. To do so, they hid their Dreaming symbols in the dots of each painting. That way, only other people from their t

32、ribe could truly understand the message of the painting. Soon, the practice of Aboriginal dot painting(点画)became widespread. Aboriginal dot paintings cant be fully understood by outsiders. However, many still enjoy the paintings as art. Dot painting became popular in the late 20th century. Today, Ab

33、original artists continue to conceal their Dreaming symbols.32. What do we know about Dreaming stories?A. They were kept secret from other tribes.B. They interested the Europeans very much.C. They were created to fight the Europeans.D. They were about the Aboriginals history.33. What influence did t

34、he Europeans have on Aboriginal Australians?A. Some of their tribes disappeared forever.B. Some of their tribes culture disappeared.C. All the tribes began to speak the same language.D. The tribes couldnt live a peaceful life together.34. Who created the first Aboriginal dot painting?A. A teacher. B

35、. The Europeans.C. Aboriginal artists. D. A group of students in Papunya.35. What does the underlined word conceal in the last paragraph mean?A. use B. change C. hide D. paint第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Lifelong learning is good for youIt is impossible for everyone

36、to have access to additional formal education. Fortunately, many educational resources have made it easier for people to develop a habit of lifelong learning. 36 The following points are reasons why you should stick to lifelong learning. 37 In 2015 some researchers found people with a bachelors degr

37、ee can earn much more than those just with a high school degree. In 2014 a report said that 50% of jobs would become unnecessary by 2025 due to technological development. New technology changes the nature of work and we need continuous learning and personal growth to adapt ourselves to the changes.

38、Open-mindedness and curiosity are beneficial to your career. People who enjoy learning are more active at work than those who dont. Now think of the most admirable colleagues you know. Do they tend to be knowledgeable about almost any topic of interest? Do they make insightful speeches on the topics

39、 they know best? 38 Those you admire most are those who seem most devoted to learning and personal growth.Our ability to learn is a keystone of human motivation. Have you ever sat in a quiet place and finished a great novel? Do you remember the feeling of accomplishment when you solve a challenging

40、task? Have you managed to conduct difficult experiments or create something new? Education may not always have influence on wealth, health or career. 39 .There are many reasons why we should continue learning. Lifelong learning isnt just an economic necessity but a physical, emotional, and social on

41、e. 40 Once you catch them, you will get one of the most rewarding things in your life.A. We live in an age full of opportunities for learning.B. Educational input determines your competitiveness.C. Educational level influences your work performance.D. Do they seem open-minded and intellectually ener

42、getic?E. Catch the chance of lifelong learning, and youll be successful.F. For example, books, online courses, Moocs and so on are available.G. But it would obviously contribute to the special qualities and uniqueness of each one.二、语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项

43、中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A severely colorblind(色盲) student became very emotional after his headmaster gave him special glasses that helped him to see colors for the first time in his life.My little brother Jonathan is 41 colorblind. While in class they were 42 about colorblindness, his headmaster brought so

44、me 43 that let him see color for the first time. And he was very 44 , Ben, Jonathans brother, wrote on Twitter.The emotional moment 45 the teacher to give Jonathan a hug. He was also 46 by his mom, who was on hand to record and 47 the first-time experience.After 48 a video on social media of Jonatha

45、n seeing color for the first time, we have been touched 49 by how many kind and 50 people have wanted to help him get a pair of his 51 color blind glasses, she wrote on the fundraiser page. We set up a 52 to raise some money. We will use these funds to 53 his own pair and donate any additional funds

46、 to a foundation that purchases color blind glasses for those who cant 54 them. So far the campaign has raised more than $13,000. The 55 was $350.The reaction Jonathan had when he saw the colors made me 56 the things we all take for granted but how 57 they are. Thank you for sharing your wonderful 5

47、8 , Kim Desio commented on GoFundMe.I cried when watching this video, but these were 59 tears watching him experience color for the first time. I pray he gets these glasses and can have that for the rest of his, 60 ! Stephanie Dzierzecki wrote.41. A. slightly B. necessarily C. briefly D. seriously42. A. discovering B. experimenting C. learning D. improving43. A. books B. glasses

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