1、2003-2010年英语专业八级(TEM8)口试真题及答案ants05ORAL TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(April 2003)-GRADE EIGHT-Task One:Interpreting from English into ChineseDirections:Please do not do inter pr eting when you listen to the speech this time.The Speech by a World Bank Group Official at the 2002 Western China International
2、Economy and Trade FairGover nor Zhang,Distingu ished Gu ests,Ladies and Gentlemen,I am delighted to be her e this mor ning to open the Wester n China Inter national Economy and Tr ade Fair.I wou ld like to thank the Peoples Gover nment of Sichu an for inviting u s to attend this impor tant event whe
3、r e gover nment leader s fr om Beijing and twelve other pr ovinces meet to discu ss str ategies for developing Chinas Wester n Region.This event r eflects the str ong commitment of the Gover nment and the people of China to develop its Wester n Regions.I am ver y impr essed with the enthu siasm and
4、deter mination demonstr ated not only by the pu blic sector bu t also by the incr easing level of pr ivate sector inter est in su ppor ting the Wester n development goals set for th by the gover nment.The pu r pose of my cu r r ent visit to China is to assess r ecent economic developments in China a
5、nd to discu ss with senior leader s of the Gover nment the Wor ld Bank Gr ou ps assistance str ategy for China after its accession to the WTO.I star ted my visit two days ago in the wester n pr ovince of Yu nnan and have now come to Sichu an.I have seen good examples of how the Wor ld Bank Gr ou p c
6、an offer assistance to the Gover nment and the pr ivate sector to develop China?s West.Ther e ar e 11 pr ovinces,au tonomou s r egions and one mu nicipality in west China,with a total ar ea of abou t 6.8 million squ ar e kilometer s and a popu lation of 364 million.The gover nmenfs desir e to accele
7、r ate the development of the wester n pr ovinces is vital to the su ccess of achieving a su stained gr owth for China in the long r u n.Ther e ar e also challenges,however,that shou ld not be over looked.These inclu de continu e effor ts to cr eate and impr ove the bu siness envir onment.Bu t I am c
8、onfident that these challenges will be met.In closing,I wou ld like to thank the Gover nment of Sichu an for its su ppor t to the Wor ld Bank and IFC oper ations in Sichu an.We look for war d to wor king with all of you to contr ibu te to the development of China5s West and to impr ove peoples lives
9、 in this impor tant par t of the cou ntr y.Thank you!Directions:Now listen again.Please begin inter pr eting when you hear a beep.1.The pu r pose of my cu r r ent visit to China is to evalu ate r ecent economic developments in China,and discu ss with Chinese leader s the Wor ld Bank Gr ou ps assista
10、nce str ategy for China after its entr y into the WTO.2.I star ted my visit two days ago in the wester n pr ovince of Yu nnan and have now come to Sichu an.I have seen good examples of how the Wor ld Bank Gr ou p can offer assistance to the Gover nment and the pr ivate sector s to develop China 5s W
11、est.3.Ther e ar e 11 pr ovinces,au tonomou s r egions and one mu nicipality in west China,with a total ar ea of abou t 6.8 million squ ar e kilometer s and a popu lation of 364 million.4.The Gover nments desir e to acceler ate the development of the wester n pr ovinces is vital to the su ccess of ac
12、hieving a su stained gr owth for China in the long r u n.5.Ther e ar e also challenges,however,that shou ld not be over looked.These inclu de continu ed effor ts to cr eate and impr ove the bu siness envir onment.Bu t I am confident that these challenges will be met.Task Two:Interpreting from Chines
13、e into EnglishDirections:Please do not do inter pr eting when you listen to the speech this time.阳光国际展览中心副总经理在举办2002年中国(阳光)国际乐器展览新闻发布会上的讲话各位来宾、新闻界的朋友:下午好!首先,请允许我代表阳光国际展览中心有限公司向出席今天新闻发 布会的各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!国际乐器业界的盛大聚会一MUSIC CHINA中国(阳光)国际乐器展览会将 于2002年10月16日-19 口在阳光国际展览中心隆重开幕。我们举办这个展览会的目的是,加强在这一领域的国际交流
14、与合作,借鉴和 12003-2010年英语专业八级(TEM 8)口试真题及答案 ants05学习国外的先进技术和经验,为国内外广大生产厂家、经销商提供一个了解市 场、交流技术、展示产品、建立合作关系的窗口和桥梁,同时也为广大热爱音乐 的朋友们和乐器消费者提供一个咨询、选购所需产品和服务的契机。截至目前,本届展览会已有270多家中外企业报名参展,展出总面积15000平方米,是目 前国内同类乐器展览会中规模最大的。Directions:Now listen again.Please begin inter pr eting when you hear a beep.1.我们举办这个展览会的目的是,
15、加强在这一领域的国际交流与合作。2.我们希望借鉴和学习国外的先进技术和经验,为国内外广大生产厂家、经 销商提供一个交流技术、展示产品的窗口和桥梁。3.同时也为广大热爱音乐的朋友们提供一个咨询、选购所需产品和服务的契 机。4.本届展览会已有270多家中外企业报名参展,展出总面积15000平方米,是目前国内同类乐器展览会中规模最大的。Task Three:Making a comment on a given topicDirections:Please r ead the following passage car efu lly and then expr ess you r views on
16、 the given event.You will have fou r minu tes for pr epar ation.The time limit for you r comment is thr ee minu tes.Spaceship Columbia:A Final JourneyOn Febr u ar y 1,2003,the spaceship Colu mbia was r etu r ning fr om space The cr ew of seven never made it back to Ear th.Upon r eentr y to the Ear t
17、hs atmospher e,the shu ttle was tom apar t The seven cr ew member s did not die in vain,they died explor ing the heavens,not for per sonal benefit,bu t to benefit mankind Becau se of them,we ar e one step closer to discover ing the myster ies of ou r Univer se.2003年4月英语专业八级口语考试真题答案任务一:英译中2002年世界银行官员
18、在中国西部国际经贸会上的讲话 张省长,尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们:,今天早晨我非常荣幸参加西部国际经贸会的开幕式。感谢四川省人民政 府邀请我参加这一盛会。在这里来自北京和其他12个省的政府领导将共同 探讨中国西部地区的开发策略.这一盛会展示了中国政府和人民开发西部的强大决心在支持政府制定 的西部大开发计划时,国有企业和民营企业所表现出的热情和决心都给我留 下了深刻的印象。“1.这次来是为了评估贵国最近的经济发展状况,,并与贵国领导人一起讨 论中国加入世贸组织之后世界银行可以提供给中国的援助战略。2,两天前我 就在云南省开始了我的评估,现在又到了四川.我已经看到世界银行向政府 和民营企I卜捍供援
19、助开发西部的好的范例。3,中国西部包括11个省、自治 区和一个直辖市,占地68。万平方公里,拥有人 3亿6400万。4.中国政 府决心加快西部省份的开发对中国成功实现可持续发展计划至关聿要。5.然 而,这其中也存在着不可忽略的挑战。它们包括继续努力创造和改善商业环 境但是我相信中国可以应对这些挑战。最后,我要感谢四川省人民政府对世界银行和国际金融组织在四川工作 的支持.我希望我们一起为西部发展和改善西部人民居住条件努力工作,做 出贡献。谢谢I 任务二:中译英The Speech by the Deputy General Manager of Sunshine International Ex
20、hibition Center at 2002 on the Press Conference of China International Musical Instrument ExhibitionDistingu ished gu ests and fr iends fr om the media,Exhibition Fir st,on behalf of Su nshine Inter national Exhibition Center Co.,Ltd,please allow me to expr ess ou r war m welcome and sincer e gtitu
21、de to all the gu ests pr esent at the news confer ence today-Mu sic China Inter national Mu sical Instr u ments Exhibition,a gr eat occasion for2ants052003-2010年英语专业八级(TEM8)口试真题及答案 the inter national indu str y cir cle of mu sical instr u ments,Idwill be held fr om 16-19 October 2005 at Su nshine Ch
22、ina Inter national Exhibition Centr e.1.The pu r pose of this exhibition is to enhance the inter national exchange and cooper ation in this field.2.We hopa to leam fiom the advanced technology and exper ience fir r m abr oad.At the same tone it will ser ve as a window and br idge for the pr odu cer
23、s and dealer s home and abr oad to exchangi technology,display pr odu cts.3,It can also pr ovide mu sic enthu siasts an oppor tu nity to consu lt and bu y the pr odu cts and ser vice pr ogr ams they need.4.So fai;mor e than 270 domestic and for eign companies have singed u p at the exhibition with a
24、 total exhibition ar ea of 15,。00 squ ar e meter s.It is the lar gest exhibition of that kind in China.任务三:对话题发表看法(略)32003-2010年英语专业八级(TEM 8)口试真题及答案 ants05ORAL TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(December 2003)-GRADE EIGHT-Task One:Interpreting from English into ChineseDirections:Please do not do inter pr eting
25、 when you listen to the speech this time.Address at the Fifth Anniversary Celebration of the Founding of Nature MagazineLadies and gentlemen,Its with gr eat pleasu r e that I welcome you her e today to the fifth anniver sar y celebr ation of the fou nding of the magazine Natu r e.Never cou ld we hav
26、e imagined five year s ago that we wou ld have come so far in so shor t a time.Bu t her e we ar e at the end of year five,and what a fantastic year it has been.Let me r eview ou r achievements in these five year s Weve pu blished some ver y impr essive ar ticles,each month somehow su r passing the q
27、u ality and depth of the pr eviou s months edition Ou r cr eative and talented staff won five wnting awar ds and seven photogr aphic awar ds.This year some 119,000 people su bscr ibed to ou r magazine.I feel that the acceptance of ou r magazine by people is the most r ewar ding aspect of this pr oje
28、ctAbou t six year s ago we had an idea for a natu r e or iented magazine,bu t we all had dou bts abou t the gener al acceptance of the idea,whether ther e wou ld be enou gh inter est fr om people to su stain u s.We assembled the finest people we cou ld find and decided,fr om the star t,to pr odu ce
29、the highest qu ality pr odu ct we possibly cou ld.Today,ifs a wonder fu l feeling to know that we have su cceeded,and ever yone her e shar es the cr edit for making this magazine what it has become While it is a for midable task for u s all,Im su r e that next year at this time well have mor e awar
30、ds,and mor e su bscr iber s,and feel an even 学eater sense of accomplishment and fu lfillment.Directions:Now listen again.Please begin inter pr eting when you hear a beep.1.Weve pu blished some ver y impr essive ar ticles,each month somehow su r passing the qu ality and depth of the pr eviou s months
31、 edition.2.Ou r cr eative and talented staff won five wr iting awar ds and seven photogr aphicawar ds.This year some 119,000 people su bscr ibed to ou r magazine.3.Abou t six year s ago we had an idea for a natu r e-or iented magazine,bu t we all had dou bts abou t the gener al acceptance of the ide
32、a,whether ther e wou ld be enou gh inter est fr om people to su stain u s.4.Today,ifs a wonder fu l feeling to know that we have su cceeded,and ever yone her e shar es the cr edit for making this magazine what it has become.5.While it is a for midable task for u s all,Im su r e that next year at thi
33、s time well have mor e awar ds,and mor e su bscr iber s,and feel an even gr eater sense of accomplishment and fu lfillment.Task Two:Interpreting from Chinese into EnglishDirections:Please do not do inter pr eting when you listen to the speech this time.龙城市市长在“老城保护与更新国际研讨会”闭幕式上的讲话 各位专家、各位来宾:“老城保护与更新国
34、际研讨会”经过与会代表两天来的共同努力已经顺淞浣 成预定的议程.会议期间,来自不同国家前地区的专家、学者畅所欲言、各抒 己见,积极演好老城保护与颊献计献策。在此,我代表市委、市政府对各 位专家的辛勒劳动表示衷心的感谢。/随着中国现代化进程的加快,规划越来越成为提升城市品位的决定因素。龙城是座古老而美丽的城市,已有2500年的建城史,是匡陵院公布的首批历 史文化名城。这座城市最大的特色在于它有丰厚的文化内涵,基中精髓在老城。这是前人留给我们的遗产,是T宝贵的资源,她属于龙城、属于中国、属于 世界。然而,与国际上的知名城市相比,龙城丰富的历史文化内涵还没有各到 充分的挖掘和弘扬.召开这次会议,就是
35、表明我们要借鉴魁的规划理念,将 龙城的古都美、现代美更好地展示在世人面前。“会议虽然短暂,但情意长存.希望各位专家朋友一如既往地耕我们的工 作,为龙城的老城保护和更新多提宝贵意见。谢谢大家.Directions:Now listen again.Please begin inter pr eting when you hear a beep.1.会议期间,来自不同国家和地区的专家、学者畅所欲言、各抒己见,积极 为搞好老城保护和更新献计献策。2.在此,我代表市委、市政府对各位专家的辛勤劳动表示衷心的感谢。42003-2010年英语专业八级(TEM 8)口试真题及答案 ants053.龙城是座古老
36、而美丽的城市,已有2500年的建城史,是国务院公布的首 批历史文化名城。4.这座城市最大的特色在于它有丰厚的文化内涵,其中精髓在老城。5.这是前人留给我们的遗产,是一笔宝贵的资源,她属于龙城、属于中国、属于世界。Task Three:Making a comment on a given topicDirections:Please r ead the following passage car efu lly and then expr ess you r views on the given event.You will have fou r minu tes for pr epar at
37、ion.The time limit for you r comment is thr ee minu tes.Chinas Employment Market Challenged by More GraduatesWith the expansion of enr ollment in Chinas higher edu cation institu tions that began in 1999,the employment mar ket is now flooded with u niver sity gr adu ates.Despite these hu ge incr eas
38、es in the nu mber of stu dents,statistics show that the per centage of Chinas popu lation that has r eceived higher edu cation is only ar ou nd 5 per cent of the nations total,lagging fer behind the developed cou ntr ies.Undou btedly,as mor e and mor e people r eceive higher edu cation,todays u nive
39、r sity and college stu dents will face incr easingly intense competition in the mar ket.-2003年12月英语专业八级口语考试真题答案 任务一:英译中在自然杂志创刊5周年庆典上的讲话女士们,先生们:,今天我很荣幸欢迎各位来参加自然杂志创刊5周年庆典.五年前谁 也没曾想到我们能在这么短的时间内取得这么大的成就。而现在第五年也即 将过去,这可真是一个神奇的的一年啊.就让我来回顾一下五年来我们所取 得的成绩吧.“1.我们的杂志出版了一些给人深刻印冢的文章,每一期在文章的质量和 论述的深度上都比前一期有所提高。2我
40、们富有创造力和充满智慧的员工获 得了五个写作奖和七个摄影奖.今年有近十一万九千人订阅了我们的杂志.我认为读者对我们杂志的认同是我们这项事业获得的最大奖励.3.大约六年前我们计划着要办一个以自然为主题的杂志,但却不知道公 众能否接受这样一个创意,也不知道读者是否有足够的兴趣来支持我们。当 时)助门聘用了业内最优秀的人士,并且从一开始就决定要出版最优秀的刊物.4.今天,当我们意识到已经成功实现目标的时候,心情是如此的喜悦,在座的每一位为杂志付出过的人都有资格来分享这份成功 5艰巨的任务仍 然摆在我们面前,但我坚信明年此时我们会获得更多的奖项,拥有更多的读 者,同时也会有更大的成就感和满足感.,任务
41、二:中译英The Speech by the Mayor of Longcheng City on the Closing Ceremony of the International Seminar on Preserving and Renewal of the Old City Distingu ished gu ests and exper ts,-The Inter national Seminar on Pr otection and Renewal of the Old City has su ccessfu lly accomplished/fu lfilled the sche
42、du led agenda thr ou gh the joint effor ts of all the delegates pr esent.1.Du r ing the seminar exper ts and scholar s fr om differ ent cou ntr ies and r egions air ed their views fir eely and made var iou s su ggesticins for the pr otection and r enewal of the old city 2 So her e on behalf of the m
43、u nicipal cu nu mittee and gover nment I wou ld like to expr ess ou r sincer est altitu de to all the exper ts for you r ar du ou s wor k 2003-2010年英语专业八级(TEM 8)口试真题及答案 ants05As the Chinese moder nization pr ogr esses,u r ban planning has incr easingly become the dominant(factor)to u p驶de the city l
44、evel.3,Longcheng City is an ancient and beau tifu l city with 2,500 year s histor y;which become one of the fir st list of histor ical and cu ltu r al cities annou nced by the State Cou ncil.4,The gr eatest char actenstic of this city is its nch cu ltu r al connotations,with its essence in the ancie
45、nt city 5 It is the legacy given by ou r ancestor s,and also a valu able r esou r ce bEonging to Lon区cheni City,to China as well as all over the wor ld.Bu t compar ed with other wor ld famou s cities,the r ich cu ltu r al connotation of Longcheng city has not yet been fu lly explor ed and ear ned fo
46、twar d.So the pu r pose of this confer ence is to better display the beau ty of Longcheng both as an ancient capital and a modem city to the whole wor ld by bor r owing the advanced planning notions.The meeting is shor t bu t ou r fr iendship is ever lasting.I hope all the exper ts can continu ou sl
47、y su ppor t ou r wor k as always and offer mor e valu able su ggestions for the pr otection and r enewal of the Old City in Longcheng.Thank you all-任务三:对话题发表看法In the past,people who gr adu ated fr om college felt pr ou d of their academic achievement and confident that their degr ee wou ld help them
48、 to find a good job.However,in the past fou r year s the job mar ket has changed dr amatically.This year s college gr adu ates ar e feeing one of the wor st job mar kets in year s.Fou r year s ago,the fu tu r e looked br ight for the class of 2003.Ther e wer e many high-tech(dot com)job oppor tu nit
49、ies,gr adu ates r eceived many job offer s,and they wer e able to get jobs with high salar ies and benefits su ch as insu r ance and paid vacations.However,Times have changed.Its a new mar ket/accor ding to Cher yl Allmen-Vinnidge of the San Jose State Car eer Center.Allmen-Vinnidge says stu dents w
50、ho do find jobs star ted pr epar ing two year s ago.They wor ked du r ing su mmer vacations,they have had sever al inter nships,and they major ed in fields that ar e still paying well,su ch as accou nting or nu r sing.In conclu sion,these days a college degr ee does not au tomatically lead to a good