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1、5必修三 Unit 3 课文详解 杨磊译注必修三 Unit 3 The Million Pound Band Note百万英镑Act I, Scene 3Narrator: It is the summer of 1903.这是1903年的夏天。 Two old and wealthy brothers, Roderick and Oliver, have made a bet.两个年迈而富有的兄弟:罗德里克和奥利弗,进行打赌。【注释:make a bet打赌 eg. Im good at making a bet on football 310.我擅长打足彩310。】 Oliver beli

2、eves that with a million pound bank note a man could survive a month in London.奥利弗认为一个拥有一百万英镑支票的人能在伦敦生存一个月。【注释:survive vi.幸存, 活下来 eg. These plants cannot survive in very cold conditions.这些植物在严寒中不能存活。】 His brother Roderick doubts it.他的哥哥对此怀疑。 At this moment, they see a penniless yound man wandering o

3、n the pavement outside their house.就在这时,他们看见一位身无分文的年轻人正在他家外的人行道上徘徊。【注释:on the pavement 徘徊街头,没有住处,被遗弃; wandering adj. 漫游的;闲逛的;(精神)恍惚的;错乱的 eg. 1) wandering thoughts 错乱的思想 2) I felt my attention wandering during the lecture.我感到听讲座时老走神。】 It is Henry Adams, an American businessman, who is lost in London

4、and does not know what he should do.它是亨利亚当姆斯,一位美国商人,他在伦敦迷路了,不知道该怎么做。【注释:be lost in全神贯注于;沉湎于;不胜之至 eg. Lost in thought/ contemplation , he ran into a pole by the roadside.】Roderick: Young man, would you step inside a moment, please?年轻人,进来坐一会?Henry: Who? Me, sir?谁?是我吗,先生?【注释:step inside进入 eg. Step insi

5、de. Lets get something to eat.进来吧!咱们弄点东西吃。】Roderick: Yes, you.是的,就是你!Oliver: Through the front door on you left.通过你左边的前门进来。Henry: (A servant opens a door) Thanks.(仆人开了一扇门)谢谢!Servant: Good morning, sir. Would you please come in? Permit me to lead the way, sir.早上好!先生。请进!请允许我带路,先生!Oliver: (Henry enters

6、) Thank you, James. That will be all.(亨利走了进来)谢谢,詹姆斯,好的。Roderick: How do you do, Mr er?你好!嗯先生。Henry: Adams. Henry Adams.亚当姆斯,亨利亚当姆斯Roderick: Come and sit down, Mr Adams.来坐下,亚当姆斯先生。Henry: Thank you.谢谢。Roderick: Youre American?你是美国人?Henry: Thats right, from San Francisco.是的,从旧金山来。Roderick: How well do

7、you know London?你对伦敦很熟悉吗?Henry: Not at all, its my first trip here.一点了不熟悉,这是我第一次来这。Roderick: I wonder, Mr Adams, if youd mind us asking a few questions.亚当姆斯先生,我想知道你是否介意我问你几个问题?Henry: Not at all. Go right ahead.一点都不介意,你请问!Roderick: May we ask what youre doing in this country and what your plans are?我

8、可否问一下你在这个国家做什么?你的计划是什么?Henry: Well, I cant say that I have any plans. Im hoping to find work. As a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by accident.唉,我说我没有什么计划。我希望找个工作。事实上,我是偶然踏上英国的。【注释:as a matter of fact 事实上, 其实 eg. As a matter of fact, I didnt have anything.事实上, 我什么也没有。】Roderick: How is that possi

9、ble?那怎么可能呢?Henry: Well, you see, back home I had my own boat. About a month ago, I was sailing out of the bay (his eyes stare at what is left of the brothers dinner on table)唉,你瞧,回到家,我有自己的船。大约在一个月前,我正扬帆出海(他的眼睛盯着兄弟餐桌上的剩饭菜)【注释:sail out开船 sail vt. n. eg. 1) Do you know how to sail the boat?你知道怎样驾驶这艘船吗?

10、 2) The ship was in full sail.该船正满帆而行。】Roderick: Well, go on.好的,请继续!Henry: Oh, yes. Well, towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.噢,是的。到了黄昏时分,我发现自己被一阵大风刮进了大海。【注释: find +复合结构型式:find + 宾语+现在分词 eg. She found a wallet lying on the ground. find +宾语+过去分词 eg. He found the place

11、 much changed. find +宾语+形容词 eg. We came home and found the door open. find +宾语+副词 eg. He hurried there, but found them all out. find +宾语+介词结构 eg. We have gone over the contract and found everything in order. find +宾语+名词 eg. You will find it a difficult book. find +宾语+to be eg. He measured the clothe

12、 and found it to be the exact size. 考题:1) A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _ in the kitchen.A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked2) He is a new man in this field and often find himself _. A. to get into trouble B. in troubles C. have trouble D. in trouble 】It was all my fault.都是我的

13、错。I didnt know whether I could survive until morning.直到早晨,我都不知道自己是否能生存下来。 The next morning Id just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.第二天早上,我正要放弃,突然一艘轮船发现了我。【注释:表示“一就; 刚就”句型:sb. had just done sth. when 刚就 eg. I had just gone to bed when the telephone rang.sb. be doing sth. w

14、hen 正在做突然这时 eg. I was reading when I heard my name called.sb. be about to do sth. when 正要做突然这时 eg. I was about to go out when he came in.sb. be on the point of doing sth. when 正要做突然这时eg. I was on the point of leaving when it rained.Hardly had sb. done sth. when 刚就 eg. Hardly had I finished my homewo

15、rk when Father came back 考题:1) (09闽) She had just finished her homework _ her mother asked her to practise playing the piano yesterday. A when B. while C. after D. since2) He was about to tell me the secret _ someone patted him on the shoulder.A. as B. until C. while D. when 】 Roderick: And it was t

16、he ship that brought you to England.正是那艘船把你带到英国的。Henry: Yes. The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance.是的,事实是我是靠做义工来挣得我的船票的,这正好能解释我现在的外表穿戴。【注释:account for 说明解释原因 eg. 1)His illness accounts for his absence.他因为生病, 所以才缺席。 2) Two things account f

17、or its occurrence.发生这件事的原因有两个。】 I went to the American embassy to seek help, but (the brothers smile at each other.)我曾到美国大使寻求帮助,可是(那兄弟二人相互笑了笑)Roderick: Well, you mustnt worry about that. Its an advantage.好的,你不必为此担心,那倒是个有利条件。Henry: Im afraid I dont quite follow you, sir.先生,我恐怕听不懂你所说的。Oliver: Tell us,

18、 Mr Adams, what sort of work did you do in America?告诉我,亚当姆斯先生,你在美国是做什么工作的?Henry: I worked for a mining company. Could you offer some kind of work here?我为一家采矿公司工作,在这你能为我提供某种工作吗?Roderick: Patience, Mr Adams. If you dont mind, may I ask you how much money you have?耐心点,亚当姆斯先生。如果你不介意,我可否问一下你现在有多少钱?Henry:

19、 Well, to be honest, I have none.唉,说实话,我现在是一无所有。Oliver: (happily) What luck! Brother, what luck! (claps his hands together)(高兴地)多么运气呀!哥哥,多么运气呀!(拍起掌来)Henry: Well, it seem lucky to you but not to me!唉,似乎幸运的是你,而不是我。 On the contrary, in fact.相反,事实上, If this is your idea of some kind of joke, I dont thin

20、k its very funny.如果这是你认为的某种笑话,我认为这并非有趣。 (Henry stands up to leave) Now if youll excuse me, I think Ill be on my way.(亨利站起来要离去)现在如果你能原谅我,我想我该上路了。Roderick: Please dont go, Mr Adams. You mustnt think we dont care about you . Oliver, give him the letter.请不要走,亚当姆斯先生,你不要认为我们不关心你,奥利弗,把信给他。Oliver: Yes, the

21、letter. (gets it from a desk and gives it to Henry like a gift) the letter.好的,信,(从一张课桌拿到它并像个礼物似地交给了亨利)信。Henry: (taking it carefully) For me?(小心地接过信)给我吗?Roderick: For you. (Henry starts to open it) Oh, no, you mustnt open it. Not yet. 给你的,(亨利准备打开它)噢,不,你现在不能打开它!还未到时间,不能打开。You cant open it. Not yet. Yo

22、u cant open it until two oclock.你不能打开它,还未到时间,直到2点钟你才能打开它。Henry: Oh, this is silly.噢,这真好笑!Roderick: Not silly. Theres money in it. (calls to the servant) James?不是好笑!里面有钱。(喊仆人)詹姆斯?Henry: Oh, no. I dont want your charity I just want an honest job.噢,补,我不想要你的救济金,我只想找一份诚实的工作。Roderick: We know youre hard-w

23、orking. Thats why weve given you the letter. James, show Mr Adams out.我们知道你很勤劳,这正是我们为什么要把信给你。詹姆斯,带亚当姆斯先生出去。Oliver: Good luck, Mr Adams.祝你好运,亚当姆斯先生!Henry: Well, why dont you explain what this is all about?唉,为什么不解释一下这是关于什么的呢?Roderick: Youll soon know. (looks at the clock) In exactly an hour and a half

24、.你很快会知道的。(看了看表)确切地说一个半小时后(你就会知道的)。Servant: This way , sir.这边走,先生。Foderick: Mr Adams, not until 2 oclock. Promise?亚当姆斯先生,保证要直到2点。Henry: Promise. Goodbye.保证,再见。Act I, Scene 4(Outside a restaurant Henry looks at the envelope without opening it and decides to go in. He sits down at a table next to the f

25、ront window.)(在一家餐馆外面,亨利看了看信封,未打开,便决定走进去。他在靠近前窗的一张餐桌边坐下。)Owner: (seeing Henrys poor appearance) That ones reserved. This way, please. (to the waiter) Take this gentlemans order, Horace.(看到亨利可怜的外表)那张已被预定了。这边请!(转向服务员)贺瑞斯,拿这位先生的菜单。Henry: (after sitting down and putting the letter on the table坐下后,把信放在桌子

26、上) Id like some ham and eggs and a nice big steak.我要一些火腿蛋和一个很大的牛排。 Make it extra thick. Id also like a cup of coffee and a pineapple dessert.一定要特别厚,我还要一杯咖啡和菠萝甜点。Waiter: Right, sir. Im afraid itll cost a large amount of money.好的,先生。恐怕要花一大笔钱。Henry: I understand. And Ill have a large glass of beer.我知道,

27、外加一大杯啤酒。Waiter: Ok.好的 (The waiter leaves and soon returns with all the food.侍者离开,很快端着所要的食物便回来。)Hostess: My goodness! Why, look at him. He eats like a wolf.天呀!哎呀,瞧瞧他,像饿狼一样吃!Owner: Well see if hes as clever as a wolf, eh?嗯,我们要看看他是否有狼一样聪明?Henry: (having just finished every bit of food刚吃掉每一道菜) Ah, waite

28、r.唉,服务员, (waiter returns服务员回来) Same thing again, please. 同样的再来!Oh, and another beer.噢,再外加啤酒。Waiter: Again? Everything?再来?每一样?Henry: Yes, thats right. 是的,对每一样!(sees the look on the waiters face看到服务员脸上的表情) Anything wrong?有什么不对吗?Waiter: No, not at all.不,一点都没有! (to the owner转向店主人) Hes asked for more of

29、the same.他还要同样的。Owner: Well, it is well-known that Americans like to eat a lot.唉,都知道美国人喜欢多吃。 Well, well have to take a chance.我们要抓住机会。 Go ahead and let him have it.去让他还吃去。Waiter: (reading the bill after the meal吃完后,看看菜单) All right.对。 Thats two orders of ham and eggs, two extra thick steaks, two larg

30、e glasses of beer, two cups of coffee and two desserts.两份火腿蛋、两片厚牛排、两大杯啤酒、两杯咖啡以及两份甜点。Henry: (looking at the clock on the wall看了看墙上的钟) Would you mind waiting just a few minutes?你们介意等几分钟吗!Waiter: (in a rude manner态度粗鲁) Whats there to wait for?有什么可等的?Henry: (to owner转向店主人) That was a wonderful meal.这是一顿

31、绝妙的饭菜。 Its amazing how much pleasure you get out of the simple things in life, especially if you cant have them for a while.令人惊奇的是从生活中那些简单的事情中你能获得那么多的快乐,尤其是你一时不能拥有的时候。Owner: Yes, very interesting.是的,很有趣。 Now perhaps, sir, if you pay your bill I can help the other customers.先生,你现在该付账单了,我要忙乎其他的顾客。Henr

32、y: (looking at the clock on the wall again又看了看墙上的钟) Well, I see its two oclock. 好了,我想已是两点了。(he opens the envelope and holds a million pound bank note in his hands. Henry is surprised but the owner and waiter are shocked他打开了信封,手里捧着一张百万英镑支票,亨利感到吃惊,可店主和服务员都惊呆了!) Im very sorry.很遗憾。 But I I dont have any

33、thing smaller.不过我我没有别的小钞票了。Owner: (still shocked and nervous还在震惊和紧张) Well er just one moment. 哎呀,等一下。Maggie, look! 麦基,瞧!(the hostess screams, the other customers look at her and she puts a hand to her mouth女店主尖叫道,其他的顾客都看她,她的一只手捂住嘴) Do you think its genuine?你认为这是真的吗?Hostess: Oh, dear, I dont know. I

34、simply dont know.噢,天呀!我不知道,我真的不知道!Owner: Well, I did hear that the Bank of England had issued two notes in this amount Anyway, I dont think it can be a fake.唉,我以前听说英国银行已经发型了两张这面额的钞票无论怎样,我认为这不是假的。 People would pay too much attention to a bank note of this amount.人们非常关注这张巨额银行支票。 No thief would want th

35、at to happen.贼不想要这事发生。Hostess: But hes in rags!可是,他穿的 衣衫褴褛!Owner: Perhaps hes a very strange, rich man. (as if he has discovered something for the first time) Why, yes! That must be it!也许,他是个很奇怪很富有的人。(像是他第一好次发现什么似的)唉,是的!一定是这样的!Hostess: (hits her husbands arm) And you put him in the back of the resta

36、urant! Go and see him at once.(打了一下她老公的肩膀)把他带到餐馆的后面,立刻去看看他!Owner: (to Henry转向亨利) Im so sorry, sir, so sorry, but I cannot change this bank note.对不起,先生,对不起!我兑不开这张钞票。Henry: But its all I have on me.可我身上就这些。Owner: Oh, please, dont worry, sir. Doesnt matter at all.噢,别担心,先生,一点都没关系! Were so very glad that

37、 you even entered our little eating place.我们很高兴你能来我们这小地方吃饭。 Indeed, sir, I hope youll come here whenever you like.真的,先生。我希望想什么时候来就什么时候来。Henry: Well, thats very kind of you.唉呀,你真是太好啦!Owner: Kind, sir? No, its kind of you. 太好了,先生?不,太好的是你!You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like. 无论你什

38、么时候,无论你想吃什么,一定要来!Just having you sit here is a great honore!只要你能坐在这就是一种巨大的荣耀! As for the bill, sir please forget it.至于账单,算了吧/没关系的,先生!【注释:as for=as to至于;关于; as to至于;关于;接着;根据 eg. 1) I have no doubts as to your ability.关于你的能力我毫不怀疑。 2) We sorted the eggs as to size and colour.我们按着大小和颜色挑选鸡蛋。】Henry: Forge

39、t it?没关系? Well thank you very much. Thats very nice of you.谢谢你!这真是太好了!【注释: forget it没关系 eg. “I am sorry I broke your teapot.”“Forget it.”“对不起, 我打破了你的茶壶。”“没关系。”】Owner: Oh, its for us to thank you, sir and I do, sir, from the bottom of my heart. (the owner, hostess and waiter all bow as Henry leaves.)噢,先生,我们都谢你,还有我,发自内心的谢谢你!(当亨利离开时,店主人、女东家和服务员都向他鞠躬)

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