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1、高二英语选修七Unit 2单元基础知识过关测试Class No. Name Mark 一、单词拼写(需用本单元词汇)10%1. My uncle d that I go to see him next month.2. He (声称)that he will get married next month. 3. I am really (惊恐) to hear that youre planning to leave the company. 4.The schools teaching s are excellent 5. She (陪伴)her friend to the concert

2、last night. 6. Its well known that Mozart had a t for music7. He soon won the (好感)of his boss.8. He is 14 years old in a j middle school.9. How I spend my money is my a . 10. You shouldnt (嫉妒) him his success. 二. 重点词组30%1考验;检验 2打电话给 3转身 4不打扰;不理睬 5一定做 6.毕竟 7与私通 8.保护免于 9.不仅仅 10.或者说 11.把.放一边 12.一共,总计 1

3、3. 对 表示同情 14 帮某人一个忙 15. 爱上 三. 用以上所给的短语填空:10% 1. Her husband cant have her that man.2.What I want is the truth, a series of truth. 3. We have 13 subjects to learn .4.He is come tomorrow as he promised me just now.5.Jack is angry at present and wed better him .6.I intended to you yesterday, but my cel

4、l phone was out of order.7. I warned them not to do it,but my objection was .8.We are not ready to go into production yet, because the machines have not been fully 9.Kate was a teacher. She also did what she could to take care of her pupils. 10.He and saw nobody behind him. 四. 根据课文内容语法填空,注意单词拼写和词语用法

5、:10%(答案写在最后面的横线上)A robot used for housework was tested 1 in a family. He looked like a tall and handsome man w 2 smooth black hair,speaking in a deep voice. Larry was going to be away from home so he hired such a robot to 3 (陪伴)his wife Claire. Claire didnt like the idea at the beginning, but she 4

6、to it at last. At the first sight of Tony, Claire felt embarrassed. 5 (渐渐地) , Tony began to win Claires trust. He helped Claire realize her dreams 6 making her home elegant, giving her a new haircut, changing the makeup she wore and giving her advice on her dresses. Therefore at the party all she gu

7、ests 7 were invited were filled with admiration 8 they saw her house was completely changed.After the test, the company was s 9 with Tonys report because he had successfully made a woman regain her confidenceand fall 10 love with him.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 五短文改错10%Im glad to learn that part-time assis

8、tants were wanted in your studio and Id like to have a try. Im a student who is graduated from high school soon. Before attending the college, Ill have a long holiday and Im determined to make the best of them. Since childhood, I have developed a strong interest in storytelling and watching films. M

9、y teacher thinks high of my performance in the language class, when I have also acquired a good knowledge of American movie industry. Except that, I am monitor of my class and thus have gained many experience in management.I will undertake full responsibility and spare no effort to do my share of wo

10、rk. I am fully convinced that through communication with the staffs, I can get some valuable work experience as well as develop my social skills.Im looking forward to receiving your reply soon. Thank you for your consider.Yours,Li Hua六书面表达(满分30分)【完成句子】1我一直有个梦想,那就是2042年拥有一个名叫超人的机器人。I always own a rob

11、ot in 2042 _ Superman.2它是一个智能产品,能帮我做许多事,包括帮我做家务,尤其是我最不愿的擦地板。It will be a product of AI(artifical intelligence)and it can do many things for me,_ all of my house work,especially (我最讨厌做的洗地板).3它能代替父母接送我去上学。It could send and (替我父母接我放学).4随着科技的突破,我坚信我的梦想总有一天会实现。_,I strongly believe that . 连句成篇 My name is

12、Lin Tao.I always (有个梦想)own a robot in 2042 named Superman.It will be a product of AI(artifical intelligence)and it can do so many things for me, (包括帮我做) all of my housework,especially (洗地板)I hate to do most. It could (煮饭)anytime for my family.It could send and fetch me school my parents. It can (给我穿

13、衣) in the morning. (而且),it could also be my teachers, and Math!(教我英语和数学)What an assume robot it will be! the breakthrough of ,I strongly believe .(有一天我的梦想一定会实现)_ _高二英语选修七Unit 2单元基础知识过关测试部分答案Keys:一单词拼写1. desired 2. declared 3. alarmed 4. staff 5. accompanied 6. talent 7. favour 8 junior 9.affair 10.

14、envy 5) test out/ ring up /turn around/ leavealone / set aside / be bound to三. 短语填空1have an affair with 2or rather 3in all 4be bound to5leavealone6. ringup 7. set aside 8.tested out.9. more than10. turn around 四课文语法填词 1. out2. with3. accompany4. agreed5. Gradually6. by7. who8. when 9. satisfied10. i

15、n五。短文改错1.【答案】1. wereare; 2. graduatedgraduating; 3. 去掉 “attend” 后 “the”; 4. themit;5. highhighly; 6. whenwhere; 7. ExceptBesides; 8. manymuch; 9. staffsstaff; 10. considerconsideration六书面表达.【答案】完成句子:1.named(that is called/named)2.including helping me with;which I hate to do most3.fetch me from schoo

16、l instead of my parents4.With the breakthrough of technology;come true连句成篇:My name is Lin Tao.I always have a dream to own a robot in 2042 named Superman.It will be a product of AI(artifical intelligence)and it can do so many things for me,including helping me with all of my housework,especially cle

17、aning the floor which I hate to do most.It could cook the meals anytime for my family.It could send me to school and fetch me from school instead of my parents.It can dress me in the morning.In addition/Besides,it could also be my teachers,teaching me English and Math!What an assume robot it will be!With the breakthrough of technology,I strongly believe that my dream will come true one day.3

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